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Tech and Homebrew => Turbo/PCE Game/Tool Development => Topic started by: touko on May 17, 2012, 10:07:21 PM

Title: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 17, 2012, 10:07:21 PM
Hi all, it's time to show the beta of my current wotef/ik+ style game .

I have completed menu and first level at 98% .
In the menu you can set difficulty, language, see basic credits, and choose between 1 ou 2Player mode .
For now, you can not choose your caracter in 2P mode .

You can donwload the beta here : https://rapidshare.com/files/2883628301/level1.zip

moves are (sorry it's in french) :

entrée = RUN
s = select

F = I
D = II

flêches = directions


punch = I
foot = II

I+II = reversal
II+haut =skipped kick (not sure in english)
II+diag+avant+haut =high kick
I+diag+avant+haut = high punch

II+diag+avant+bas = low kick

<- + I + II = kick back
diag+up+forward/backward = flip forward/back

when opponant attack, opposite direction = high block/middle block
when opponant attack, crouch opposite direction = low block

up = jump
down = couch

select =very funny paused game  8)

And a little demo (nothing impressive) for testing 3 big sprites (2 of 80*192 pixels, and 1 96*192 pixels) on screen, a 14 parallaxes background, 289 colors at once, and a very cool cda music .


Or you can watch a video here (by far less smooth) :
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Necromancer on May 18, 2012, 03:35:19 AM
Downloading now for weekend diddling around.  Thanks!
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on May 18, 2012, 03:37:50 AM
Downloading now for weekend diddling around.  Thanks!

f*ck yeah, DIDDLE.

I think there may be room to demo this at CCAG for you, Touko. 

so, ill be burnin a copy to show people.

Do you have some sort of site/place for people to arrive at to see what all you're doing?
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: KingDrool on May 18, 2012, 03:47:37 AM
Public beta = awesome. Do you have a YouTube video of this running?

EDIT: Nevermind. Found it:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 18, 2012, 03:49:07 AM

I think there may be room to demo this at CCAG for you, Touko.  

so, ill be burnin a copy to show people.

Thanks man  :dance: , but beware, i don't know if my cue sheet file is correct (it work on emulator), but seems to be not correct for real hardware (CDA music don't works) .

Do you have some sort of site/place for people to arrive at to see what all you're doing?

Not really, and it's in french  8)

Public beta = awesome. Do you have a YouTube video of this running?

EDIT: Nevermind. Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr4nL3wNurE&feature=g-upl

Yes but it saddly recorded, and i hate youtube for game, it ruin all animations .

But you can also see a video of sprites demo :
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on May 18, 2012, 03:53:59 AM
Thanks man , but beware, i don't know if my cue sheet file is correct (it work on emulator), but seems to be not correct for real hardware (CDA music don't works) .

I can fix it, no problem there.  When I do, ill give you the tweaked one that works to play the tunes. :D

Unless OldMan beats me to it.

You should get some kinda englishy site for people to pop on to and see your stuff. 
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 18, 2012, 03:55:52 AM
Lol, ok, i'don't understand how toc files really works on pce ..
In a single overlay with one CDA, my burning CD's works well .

I think i'm going to need lessons for that in future . :?

You should get some kinda englishy site for people to pop on to and see your stuff.  

Yes, this is why, i'll post here as soon as possible .
And all your job at aetherbyte, and those at frozen, boost me in my own PCE projects .  :wink:
And i'm glad to see new coders in PCE scene, like spenoza ..

it's a pity that ccovell, and tomaitheous are not more active  :cry:...
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: vestcoat on May 18, 2012, 08:53:55 AM
Yes but it saddly recorded, and i hate youtube for game, it ruin all animations .
It also compresses audio into garbage. Vimeo is the way to go.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 18, 2012, 09:01:54 AM
thanks, i 'll try this for the next time  :wink:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: T2KFreeker on May 18, 2012, 09:10:30 AM
Now this is cool! I really like this. I can't wait for the version coming with the fixed audio! Awesome. I'm so happy to see new games coming. Between you and Arkhan, I should be plenty busy! :mrgreen:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: jasonbar on May 18, 2012, 10:53:03 AM
Very cool!

My French is...adequate, but I've also got lots of experience in writing & publishing & editing English.

If you want translation help for an English version, I'm happy to try to help!

Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 18, 2012, 11:15:30 PM
Very cool!

My French is...adequate, but I've also got lots of experience in writing & publishing & editing English.

If you want translation help for an English version, I'm happy to try to help!

OOh thanks, in fact it's possible, i have some english text translated by me, but i'am not sure if it's correct .
Some french expressions have no equivalent in English (words sense are not the same).
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: TheClash603 on May 19, 2012, 04:55:13 AM
I love Karate Champ, one of my most played arcade games growing up.  Since this has a Karate Champ vibe to it, I approve!

Only suggestion I make is that the shadow under the ref seems to look a little funny.  Probably would be more solid to just pull the shadow.  I was wondering why the guy had too many appendages until I figured it out.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: jasonbar on May 19, 2012, 05:01:23 AM
Very cool!

My French is...adequate, but I've also got lots of experience in writing & publishing & editing English.

If you want translation help for an English version, I'm happy to try to help!

OOh thanks, in fact it's possible, i have some english text translated by me, but i'am not sure if it's correct .
Some french expressions have no equivalent in English (words sense are not the same).

PM me whenever you want a hand!

Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Mishran on May 19, 2012, 05:50:08 AM
Game looks really good, Touko. Love the Chuck Norris(No-rice :P) look alike. Perhaps I missed it mentioned before, but is this going to get some pressed release love when finished? Keep up the awesome work. Looking forward to the finished product.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 19, 2012, 07:40:14 AM

PM me whenever you want a hand!


ok, i'll do next week .

Only suggestion I make is that the shadow under the ref seems to look a little funny.  Probably would be more solid to just pull the shadow.  I was wondering why the guy had too many appendages until I figured it out.

Ah, the shadows are strange ??
there are no special pattern for that, i re-use the current caracter pattern like shadow ..

Game looks really good, Touko. Love the Chuck Norris(No-rice :P) look alike. Perhaps I missed it mentioned before, but is this going to get some pressed release love when finished? Keep up the awesome work. Looking forward to the finished product.
I don't know because a professional pressed require a min of 500 copies, and 1000 $/€ ..
And i don't want to play frisbee until my life's end  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on May 22, 2012, 07:39:01 PM
I wonder if there's maybe someone in our community that could be some sort of partner in your endeavor, so that they would be a North American distributor of your game, & you could be the European distributor.  That way, you only have 250 potential frisbee's to worry about, instead of 500. :-k
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: storino03 on May 22, 2012, 07:54:24 PM
i don't understand what the title of the game refers to? is it a play on words or some culture?
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 22, 2012, 10:06:21 PM
I wonder if there's maybe someone in our community that could be some sort of partner in your endeavor, so that they would be a North American distributor of your game, & you could be the European distributor.  That way, you only have 250 potential frisbee's to worry about, instead of 500. :-k

Yes,but 500 copies is the min, i think for all pressing houses ..
For less, you just can make a standard burned CDs .

i don't understand what the title of the game refers to? is it a play on words or some culture?

eh, chuck NORRIS -> chuck NO-RICE  :wink:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: KingDrool on May 23, 2012, 02:55:17 AM
Kickstarter. I'd throw in $50-$100 to get the game pressed.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 23, 2012, 03:36:57 AM
Kickstarter. I'd throw in $50-$100 to get the game pressed.

Yes, but without a glassmaster ..
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Keranu on May 23, 2012, 10:25:58 AM
You can do a minimum of 300 replicated discs at nationwidedisc.com, the company Aetherbyte used to press Insanity and the one Frozen Utopia is currently dealing with to release Mysterious Song. That's the lowest minimum order I've seen.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Necromancer on May 23, 2012, 11:04:30 AM
You can do a minimum of 300 replicated discs at nationwidedisc.com, the company Aetherbyte used to press Insanity and the one Frozen Utopia is currently dealing with to release Mysterious Song. That's the lowest minimum order I've seen.

But it's only $15 more for 500 discs.  That hardly seems worth it.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on May 23, 2012, 12:03:40 PM
Kickstarter. I'd throw in $50-$100 to get the game pressed.

Yes, but without a glassmaster ..

500 is the sweet spot.  You don't need much, and you don't even need a kickstarter.   Just take some preorders :D
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: storino03 on May 23, 2012, 12:11:32 PM
I wonder if there's maybe someone in our community that could be some sort of partner in your endeavor, so that they would be a North American distributor of your game, & you could be the European distributor.  That way, you only have 250 potential frisbee's to worry about, instead of 500. :-k

Oh, I see. Would have gotten it if it was like Chuck No-Risk or something :P But I get it now! :)

Yes,but 500 copies is the min, i think for all pressing houses ..
For less, you just can make a standard burned CDs .

i don't understand what the title of the game refers to? is it a play on words or some culture?

eh, chuck NORRIS -> chuck NO-RICE  :wink:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: TheOldMan on May 23, 2012, 02:00:47 PM
500 is the sweet spot.  You don't need much, and you don't even need a kickstarter.   Just take some preorders...

Yep. IIRC, 30 preorders at $20 each pays for all the cds and some of the mailing costs.
Sign and number the first 50, and everyone should be happy.

Of course, you might be left with 400+ discs to sell later.... :)
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Keranu on May 23, 2012, 02:35:47 PM
You can do a minimum of 300 replicated discs at nationwidedisc.com, the company Aetherbyte used to press Insanity and the one Frozen Utopia is currently dealing with to release Mysterious Song. That's the lowest minimum order I've seen.

But it's only $15 more for 500 discs.  That hardly seems worth it.
We considered doing 300 for MSR since we figured there would be so many unsold copies left, but since pre-sales were doing so well we up'ed the order just to be safe.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on May 24, 2012, 12:07:45 AM
500 is the sweet spot.  You don't need much, and you don't even need a kickstarter.   Just take some preorders...

Yep. IIRC, 30 preorders at $20 each pays for all the cds and some of the mailing costs.
Sign and number the first 50, and everyone should be happy.

Of course, you might be left with 400+ discs to sell later.... :)

That's why I was thinking, maybe someone could have 250 of the 500, & be a distributor for North America....assuming anyone has the time or room to do this ofcoarse.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on May 24, 2012, 02:05:31 AM
500 is the sweet spot.  You don't need much, and you don't even need a kickstarter.   Just take some preorders...

Yep. IIRC, 30 preorders at $20 each pays for all the cds and some of the mailing costs.
Sign and number the first 50, and everyone should be happy.

Of course, you might be left with 400+ discs to sell later.... :)

30 * 30 covered Insanity.!
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Necromancer on May 24, 2012, 04:26:00 AM
Sign and number the first 50, and everyone should be happy.


That's why I was thinking, maybe someone could have 250 of the 500, & be a distributor for North America....assuming anyone has the time or room to do this ofcoarse.

I have both if needed/wanted.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on May 24, 2012, 04:28:07 AM
Signing and numbering these homebrew turbob games is a bad f*ckin' idea.

I'll never do it again.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: soop on May 31, 2012, 03:35:56 AM
Fun fact; This game is obviously based on IK/IK+, which I LOVED for the Amiga.  But DYK, Archer Maclean drew his original sprites by pausing a VCR of Enter The Dragon, and tracing the characters straight onto some clingfilm (saran wrap in the US?) spread over his TV screen.

All the sound effects were also sampled straight from Enter The Dragon, which I watched last night and is amazing.

*edit* which all makes this quite ironic, seeing that Chuck Norris wasn't in Enter the Dragon, but WAS in Return of the Dragon.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on May 31, 2012, 05:16:20 AM
LOL, I did not know that ..

the idea of chuck norris was come because player caracter looks like chuck,and at start, this is realy fortuitous .  :wink:
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: termis on June 02, 2012, 01:59:49 AM
That's pretty cool.  I loved Karate Champ as a kid, and I'd chip in for this.

Yeah, a pressed version would be cool.  Just get it ready for pressing, and people will pay for the pressing cost.

As for pricing, if I were a homebrewer, I'd do a voluntary "pay what you will model" -- say anything over $5+shipping.  That way, you won't have 500 copies sitting in your living room, your game gets a bit more circulation, and you probably won't even end up losing out monetarily because you'll probably sell quite a bit more in the end.  That's gotta be a win-win situation for everyone.

And if people cough up a little more (say $20+), then throw a little something extra (i.e. signature).  That way, there's never room for people to pull a RoyVegas or anything since a signed copy is never limited in volume.

Hell, from the talks here, it seems like you can even let other people do the distribution work if you don't want to bother with that.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on June 02, 2012, 07:41:35 AM
yes you 're right ..
But nothing is decided for now, i'll must finish some levels to take a final decision .

I would love to make a pressed game, but a pressed one will be more expensive than a single duplicated ..
A duplicated game can be sold 15/25$, a pressed 30/35$ ..

A totaly free game is also possible ..
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on June 02, 2012, 08:28:39 AM
That's pretty cool.  I loved Karate Champ as a kid, and I'd chip in for this.

Yeah, a pressed version would be cool.  Just get it ready for pressing, and people will pay for the pressing cost.

As for pricing, if I were a homebrewer, I'd do a voluntary "pay what you will model" -- say anything over $5+shipping.  That way, you won't have 500 copies sitting in your living room, your game gets a bit more circulation, and you probably won't even end up losing out monetarily because you'll probably sell quite a bit more in the end.  That's gotta be a win-win situation for everyone.

And if people cough up a little more (say $20+), then throw a little something extra (i.e. signature).  That way, there's never room for people to pull a RoyVegas or anything since a signed copy is never limited in volume.

Hell, from the talks here, it seems like you can even let other people do the distribution work if you don't want to bother with that.

Signing shit is a recipe for disaster.  Dont do it.

You can get the game pressed for <1000$ probably.  So, youd need like 50 people to pony up cash before hand.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on June 02, 2012, 08:41:16 AM
eh ark, i'am in europe, not in US ..

Our prices are in euros, not in dollars ..
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: Arkhan on June 02, 2012, 10:57:25 AM
oh. well, you could press it here! 

I dont know anything about french pressing house prices :(
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on June 02, 2012, 11:48:07 PM
oh. well, you could press it here!  

I dont know anything about french pressing house prices :(

Are the same than US, but in euros  :evil: ..
Approximately 1000€ (1200$) for 500 copies. :cry:

This is why, if i press my game i must calculate in euros, i must sold it for 30/35€ only for covering the proffessional pressing,unless the pre-orders are more than 40 copies,the price can be lower .
The more pre-orders are, more the price will be lower.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on June 03, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
oh. well, you could press it here! 

I dont know anything about french pressing house prices :(

Are the same than US, but in euros  :evil: ..
Approximately 1000€ (1200$) for 500 copies. :cry:

This is why, if i press my game i must calculate in euros, i must sold it for 30/35€ only for covering the proffessional pressing,unless the pre-orders are more than 40 copies,the price can be lower .
The more pre-orders are, more the price will be lower.

That sounds like a plan!  I'd pay $30+ for it personally.
Title: Re: public beta of my new game chuck NO-RICe karate
Post by: touko on June 03, 2012, 10:09:05 PM
That sounds like a plan!  I'd pay $30+ for it personally.

Thanks ..   :wink:
But personaly , i think this is too expensive ..
i think 20/25$ will be the best price .

I don't want make money with it, but professional pressing have a cost, for people who wishes..  :?