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Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Console Sales & Trades => Topic started by: Mathius on October 28, 2012, 02:27:45 PM
I am looking for a Phantasy Star II Hint Book. It can be in "gamers'" condition. Thanks!
I haven't played my PSII yet so I still need it but you are welcome to borrow mine if you just need it for a play through ;)
I haven't played my PSII yet so I still need it but you are welcome to borrow mine if you just need it for a play through ;)
Dude, I really appreciate the offer! I want to try to score a copy for use with the game, plus the make my copy complete however. Thanks again, my friend. :D
Hahah. This game is really hard to play without that book. My book was missing the first few pages, and thus I was never able to get through the first dungeon until the invention of gamefaqs. Once I got far enough to use the book, I progressed smoothly through the game.
It's mostly just that your character moves so damn slow, and the encounters are so frequent, that you don't even want to take one misstep in the dungeons. You need a map in front of you constantly to plot your course.
That is my problem. The game is so massive and difficult, yet I have always been fascinated by Phantasy Star II.
It's an awesome game and I reckon it was a pretty influential RPG in its time. Glad I eventually played through this gem. I especially like the music, and some of the quirks in the battle system are fun and satisfying. (Equip two shields with no weapon and attack enemies by "using" magic tiara. Bwahahaha!)
I remember playing this one a few years after it came out... it was difficult, but I was able to beat it without the guide book. A few years later, I was able to obtain a guide, and I started over and got all the treasures I missed the first time around.
All in all, its a great game. Makes me want to fire up the old model 2 Genesis and see if my saves are still there
It's an awesome game and I reckon it was a pretty influential RPG in its time.
It's amazing to think that it preceded Final Fantasy in the U.S.
I bought this game new and it was expensive for a Genesis game back then (pretty sure it was $72.99 + tax at Waldensoftware, never really saw it at normal toy stores), and it had the hint book attached with shrink wrap (not inside the clamshell). I pawned my Genesis and games in college, something I'm still regretting, and some lucky butthead has my old hint book with paths through all the dungeons traced out in pencil. Some of the dungeons have areas where you must fall through the floor(s) and were hard to navigate. I can't imagine playing through it without the hint book's maps. One of my all time favorite games, it's what I compare just about every RPG to. Good luck. Hope you find mine! /sniff
I bought this game new and it was expensive for a Genesis game back then (pretty sure it was $72.99 + tax at Waldensoftware, never really saw it at normal toy stores), and it had the hint book attached with shrink wrap (not inside the clamshell). I pawned my Genesis and games in college, something I'm still regretting, and some lucky butthead has my old hint book with paths through all the dungeons traced out in pencil. Some of the dungeons have areas where you must fall through the floor(s) and were hard to navigate. I can't imagine playing through it without the hint book's maps. One of my all time favorite games, it's what I compare just about every RPG to. Good luck. Hope you find mine! /sniff
If I ever find it I'll be sure to tell it it's missed. :)
Such awesome memories with this game. To me, it's the #1 on my list of most memorable RPG games growing up. Awesome characters, massive dungeons, cool weapons/magic/techniques, interesting storyline with plenty of gutpunching moments & twists, and definitely one of the most brutally difficult old-school RPG. One to surely remember beating...
I'm sure I *could've* beaten without the guide, but boy, it would've taken a LOT longer!
PM sent.
Such awesome memories with this game. To me, it's the #1 on my list of most memorable RPG games growing up. Awesome characters, massive dungeons, cool weapons/magic/techniques, interesting storyline with plenty of gutpunching moments & twists, and definitely one of the most brutally difficult old-school RPG. One to surely remember beating...
I'm sure I *could've* beaten without the guide, but boy, it would've taken a LOT longer!
Agreed! Phantasy Star I & II stick out in my mind more than any other RPG of the late 80s and early 90s. I didn't play a Final Fantasy until VII was released, and Chrono Trigger remained a mystery until I picked up the DS version. Since then I acquired the SNES and PS1 versions.
Oh. Don't forget PSIV! It has an unfair advantage by being way newer than PSII, but I'm going to have to say PSIV is the best RPG on the system. Damn that was an enjoyable game... especially after playing it right after finishing PSIII... the speed the character walks in PSIV was enough to get me excited after PSIII. (Not that PSIII was that bad either.)
PS3 was the black sheep of the series. 4 is the most impressive, but it was a late release. I played through 1-3, but by the time 4 came out at a reasonable price (I waited for the $30 liquidation), I was die-hard Turbo fan and Playstaion was out in Japan by then. I never completed it myself but I did lend my cart to a friend that did :)
(ug, I forgot to look if I have that hint book yet!)
It's an awesome game and I reckon it was a pretty influential RPG in its time.
It's amazing to think that it preceded Final Fantasy in the U.S.
Well technically the first one did. II came out in 89 or 90 I believe. - I got PS1 close to release on the SMS when it came out in the late 80's. I remember it was $79.99 at toys 'r us at the time. I was so young it actually took me a few years to start to understand what the hell was going on in the game, haha. It's primitive but it still manages to hold up well today.
It was light years ahead of Final Fantasy 1, it was really no contest.
It really doesn't matter what order they were released in the U.S. Since they were both developed in Japan, only the release order in Japan has any bearing on the chain of influence.
Well technically the first one did. II came out in 89 or 90 I believe.
If ye olde internet is correct, PSII preceded FF1 in the U.S. as well (by several months).
It really doesn't matter what order they were released in the U.S. Since they were both developed in Japan, only the release order in Japan has any bearing on the chain of influence.
I'm not saying PS2 influenced FF1. I'm just imagining that while I was sitting around shitting my pants over FF and Ultima Avatar, I could have been playing PS2. That is all.
Good point.
Any luck with that, Majors? :)
Sorry, I checked my pile'o spares and it seems that I gave away my extra hint book to a racketboy member on the "free stuff" thread a while ago.
Someone scanned it... http://www.pso-world.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=720
Oh. Don't forget PSIV! It has an unfair advantage by being way newer than PSII, but I'm going to have to say PSIV is the best RPG on the system. Damn that was an enjoyable game... especially after playing it right after finishing PSIII... the speed the character walks in PSIV was enough to get me excited after PSIII. (Not that PSIII was that bad either.)
PS4 certainly is a more polished game, and it's definitely aged better than any of the other PS series. Absolutely a great game. That said, I think I beat the whole thing over a weekend without much challenge. Doing that with PS2 (*especially without the hintbook*) would take some doing. Perhaps because PS4 was much shorter, it didn't leave as a big as impression on me as PS2.
PS3 was good, but it just didn't have the "PS feel" and the mood while playing the game just feels out of place compared to others in the series.
PS1, what can I say, that game was at way, way ahead of its time. In 88-89 -- seeing those dungeons, big enemies, colorful background, animated fight scenes, vehicle riding, that sci-fi overworld, etc, it blew my mind back then.
There's a guy on neo-geo.com who just put all of his Genesis games up for sale, and he appears to have what you're looking for.
There's a guy on neo-geo.com who just put all of his Genesis games up for sale, and he appears to have what you're looking for.
Sweet! Thanks!
Thanks for looking Majors. :)