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Tech and Homebrew => Turbo/PCE Game/Tool Development => Topic started by: sunteam_paul on October 30, 2013, 07:56:34 AM
As it's the PC Engine's birthday today, it's the perfect time to reveal the first screenie of our upcoming free game, Reflectron, featuring the charismatic B.E.R.N.A.R.D.
Free is good.
Especially when there are chiptunes involved.
The chip tune is great. Look forward to it.
Beautiful screen ..
Is that B.E.R.N.A.R.D. on the bottom left, presumably ready to fire a shoot from the top of his head?
Is that B.E.R.N.A.R.D. on the bottom left, presumably ready to fire a shoot from the top of his head?
That is him indeed, doing his best to destroy the MEGA PROTONS.
What kind of game will it be?
What kind of game will it be?
You reflect the shots off the ceiling and try to shoot the MEGA PROTONS before they destroy life as we know it.
So Arkanoid-ish style?
we need an animated gif or something!
So Arkanoid-ish style?
we need an animated gif or something!
Definitely not Arkhanoid (lol) style.
I mean, look at the picture, you goober. :)
Your shots reflect off the ceiling and go flying to the right and come flying back down to destroy the dreaded MEGA PROTONS.
All caps isn't even enough to explain how MEGA THEY ARE.
STATUS: I am eternally grateful to everyone involved in MR. PRONOUN, an awesome home-brew grammar simulation for PCE.
I know that it's only one screen shot and I can't tell how it plays, but it still looks very fun. :)
Free game is generous, but paid and pressed is divine.
the coloring is beautiful :)
ArkaPongishBouncy all sorts of interesting 4 cereal
Free game is generous, but paid and pressed is divine.
True dat!!
Oh, & this game is clearly a shameless Call of Doody clone! :D
Free game is generous, but paid and pressed is divine.
who presses CDs when you can have HUCARDS!!1!!12293939494995943008675309.
I am looking forward to releasing the game for everyone. It's definitely a quick, fun game.
I hope to see highscore contests running wild.
Free game is generous, but paid and pressed is divine.
who presses CDs when you can have HUCARDS!!1!!12293939494995943008675309.
I am looking forward to releasing the game for everyone. It's definitely a quick, fun game.
I hope to see highscore contests running wild.
Let's see it my brother!
The first time anyone should see it moving and making noises is when they fire it up and try to defeat the almighty MEGA PROTONS
The first time anyone should see it moving and making noises is when they fire it up and try to defeat the almighty MEGA PROTONS
Let the fools try. They will NEVER defeat the mighty MEGA PROTONS!
Let the fools try. They will NEVER defeat my mighty MEGA PROTONS!
There. Fixed that for ya, you evil villain, you!
Man, I stay away for awhile to take care of life and see what I miss? This looks awesome as Hell. You guys rock!
If it were a physical release, it might look like this:
When it becomes a physical release, it will look like this:
Corrected that for ya. :mrgreen:
When it becomes a physical release, it will look like this:
Thanks for that Mish, it was a subtle, but NECESSARY change :D
Corrected that for ya. :mrgreen:
I dunno. Not sure I can get behind cover art with a pink background...
I dunno. Not sure I can get behind cover art with a pink background...
I dunno. Not sure I can get behind cover art with a pink background...
Send spenoza's copy of the game to me.
Thank you. (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.html)
I dunno. Not sure I can get behind cover art with a pink background...
Pink (http://www.pcengine.co.uk/Images-Covers/COVER-Valis_III.jpg) is my favorite (http://www.pcengine.co.uk/Images-Covers/COVER-Mr_Heli.jpg) color (http://2u.pacn.ws/640/PA.36252.001.jpg), but perhaps you'd prefer a more manly blue and gray (http://www.pcengine.co.uk/Images-Covers/COVER-Ai-Cho_Aniki.jpg) background. :P
So what's the story between these covers?
Play the games and it makes sense, lol.
I dunno. Not sure I can get behind cover art with a pink background...
Play the games and it makes sense, lol.
Is this in reference to Cho?
What I meant to find out: was the game shipped with two different covers?
Play the games and it makes sense, lol.
Is this in reference to Cho?
What I meant to find out: was the game shipped with two different covers?
Oh, those are two different games: Cho Aniki (top) and Ai Cho Aniki (sequel).
Play the games and it makes sense, lol.
Is this in reference to Cho?
What I meant to find out: was the game shipped with two different covers?
Oh, those are two different games: Cho Aniki (top) and Ai Cho Aniki (sequel).
Thank you.
This means a couple of things. More games to add to the WTB list and need to learn that moon speak! ;)
Oh, I thought you were aware that it was 2 different games. That's why I said play them, and you'll see, lol.
Anyway, Reflectron is done now, basically. I fixed the last problem it had.
Hopefully you can all afford the low low price of free.
B.E.R.N.A.R.D. is going to be the new mascot of the PC Engine, I just know it.
We will have to make a game called B.E.R.N.A.R.D.'s Adventure.
Super Air B.E.R.N.A.R.D.
Guys, guys, that's just too much pink. The PC Engine isn't a girlie console. It's a manly console (unless it was made prior to the Victorian era, in which case, carry on with the manly pinkness). Just look at the manly angles. The graphics and text should all be jet black against a jet black background. If I can read any of the words or make out any of the pictures it isn't manly enough. In fact, I should probably play the game blind-folded because if I can see what's on the screen, that isn't manly enough. Only girly-men play with their TVs turned on watching what's happening on screen.
B.E.R.N.A.R.D. is going to be the new mascot of the PC Engine, I just know it.
You are correct as long as you mean:
Bonk Eternal Ruler Not A Recent Dude
P.S. - Where's my hu-card version?
You mean to tell me we have the means to manufacture repro copies of U.S. Magical Chase and no one has done it? ](*,) :)
Can't wait for this one!