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NEC TG-16/TE/TurboDuo => TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion => Topic started by: sosoyo180 on June 06, 2014, 12:05:26 PM
Title: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: sosoyo180 on June 06, 2014, 12:05:26 PM
I was surprised I couldn't find a topic like this...
Anyways, here goes mine: (No order)
Gate Of Thunder Monster Lair JB Harold Murder Club Air Zonk Bonk's Revenge
It's gonna be interesting seeing which soundtrack pops up the most :D
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:16:18 PM
IMPOSSIBLE to answer this.
But, my immediate knee-jerk answer at 7:15 pm today:
(No particular order, a$$holes)
Legendary Axe II Dungeon Explorer (HuCARD and/or CD) Valis II Ys I & II (that's cheating!) Bloody Wolf
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:17:37 PM
7:17 and I already want to take out Ys because everyone knows that it is too godlike to even be with the others.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:18:38 PM
7:19 and I know I am missing something...
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:19:23 PM
At least on track in Bloody Wolf annoys me...so does it really deserve to be in the Top 5?
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:20:38 PM
7:20 and I rethinking every game on my list now.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on June 06, 2014, 12:22:07 PM
Dragon Spirit has mediocre tracks, then some of the best EVA. And why didn't I include Legendary Axe I?
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: sosoyo180 on June 06, 2014, 12:42:28 PM
^lovely pondering skilzz
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Desh on June 06, 2014, 02:23:31 PM
I have limited TG experience but out of the few I have played (including CD's):
Last Alert Neutopia II Alien Crush Bonk's Adventure Neutopia
If PCE were included it would be Drac X hands down. That may be some of my favorite video game music of all time.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: seieienbu on June 06, 2014, 04:06:28 PM
My favorite Hu Card soundtracks: Blazing Lazers, Legendary Axe, Dungeon Explorer, Devil's Crush, Alien Crush
My favorite CD soundtracks: Gate of Thunder Lords of Thunder Ys 3, Last Alert Prince of Persia
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Tatsujin on June 06, 2014, 04:08:57 PM
only TG-16 or also PCE?
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: NightWolve on June 06, 2014, 04:13:13 PM
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys Ys Book I & II Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys Gate of Thunder [Can't think of a 5th one...]
Definitely think GoT has the greatest soundtrack for any shooter I ever encountered. Loved the guitar-playing in it! I had also included it in the cassettes I made BITD for listening to in the car along with Ys tracks plus some FF.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: sosoyo180 on June 06, 2014, 04:26:09 PM
Hucard Batman Dungeon Explorer Ninja Spirit R-Type Bonks Adventure
CD Ys 1&2 Ys III Dracula x Rondo of Blood Lords of Thunder Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia? Damn, I never gave it a second chance. I'll have to listen to it again. I am pretty certain you intended to type "Monster Maker" but, anyway...
UPDATE: Upon further reflection, I retract my initial post.
My New Top 10 List 1. Shadow of the Beast 1. Timeball (only 2-3 tracks, sadly, but they are divine)
Underappreciated: Might & Magic III
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: TR0N on June 07, 2014, 12:56:21 AM
Hucard Batman Dungeon Explorer Ninja Spirit R-Type Bonks Adventure
CD Ys 1&2 Ys III Dracula x Rondo of Blood Lords of Thunder Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia? Damn, I never gave it a second chance. I'll have to listen to it again. I am pretty certain you intended to type "Monster Maker" but, anyway...
UPDATE: Upon further reflection, I retract my initial post.
My New Top 10 List 1. Shadow of the Beast 1. Timeball (only 2-3 tracks, sadly, but they are divine)
Underappreciated: Might & Magic III
Prince of Persia has a good ost i just find it unique that's all.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Ratix on June 07, 2014, 03:01:04 AM
its a bit difficult to chose but i have to go with the cards instead of the CDs.
gotta love some of that legendary axe music especially stage 5 because its so good Neutopia Impossamole for that sweet intro music Deep blue has some nice music but its hard to love a game when not even the booklet can't give good hints on survival YO BRO I am shocked nobody even mentioned this one. its damn fine beachboys tunes. they are catchy as hell
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: seieienbu on June 07, 2014, 03:12:34 AM
Prince of Persia? Damn, I never gave it a second chance. I'll have to listen to it again. I am pretty certain you intended to type "Monster Maker" but, anyway...
I had PoP for DOS long before I got it for Turbo Grafx. iirc I got the Turbo version around 1999 or 2000 at a local used game store. I loved the game as a kid and thought that the Turbo CD version had a wonderfully atmospheric Arabian sounding sound track that was leagues ahead of the midi I'd been accustomed to.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: pc_kwajalein on June 07, 2014, 09:12:59 AM
Good thread. :)
For hu-cards, let's go with (in no order):
1) Bonk's Revenge 2) Magical Chase 3) Parodius Da 4) Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu 5) Bonk's Adventure
For CD's, let's go with (in no order):
1) Steam Heart's 2) Lords of Thunder 3) Bonk 3 CD 4) Ane-San 5) Bomberman CD
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: seieienbu on June 07, 2014, 11:13:15 PM
I've never played Steam Heart's or Ane-San before. Upon your recommendation I'm giving Steam Heart's soundtrack a listen now; it's peppy and upbeat, not bad but definitely not my favorite shooter soundtrack.
Never played this Ane-San either, but only able to listen to one soundtrack at a time...
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Lost Monkey on June 07, 2014, 11:56:29 PM
Dragon's Curse Air Zonk Bonk's Revenge Cyber Core Bomberman 93
Ys I&II Gate of Thunder Ys III Dynastic Hero Lords of Thunder
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Dicer on June 08, 2014, 05:03:31 AM
In no real order
Chip: Devils Crush Dungeon Explorer Air Zonk Magical chase Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu
Plenty more but these are standouts, Turbo chips had some amazing tunes.
CD: Y's book I &II Dungeon Explorer II Lords of Thunder Might and Magic III Gate of Thunder
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Black Tiger on June 08, 2014, 10:30:39 AM
Here are top five PCE exclusives:
Final Soldier Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den Legend of Xanadu II Gulliver Boy SFII'
Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den Neo Nectaris Ys IV Tengai Makyou II Sapphire
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: turbokon on June 08, 2014, 11:08:49 AM
I'm gonna go with only hucards for now.
1. Solder blade 2. Super Star Soldier 3. Alydnes 4. Legendary Axe 5. Ninja spirit
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: fragmare on June 08, 2014, 01:10:55 PM
Nobody else has any Top 5 love for the PCE Double Dragon II soundtrack??
I see DDII as a hit and miss some of it's music tracks are good while others are just terrible......
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: reson8er on June 09, 2014, 03:57:30 AM
As said before top 5 is almost impossible, but I'll list what stay in my head after I play:
1. Y's Book I & II > Some of the most awesome music ever.
2. Devil's Crush > Hot damn what a track, if the game itself was crap, this track would make me put it on just to hear it play.
3. Gate of Thunder > Music feels so perfect for this game, it is just fantastic.
4. Lords of Thunder > Like heavy metal magazine come to life this game and its music are stunning.
5. R-Type > Fantastic version of the arcade music, really love it.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: graffias79 on September 29, 2014, 01:46:45 PM
My favorites in no particular order:
Ys (I'll cheat and count I, II , III and IV as just Ys. They all blow me away) Gate of Thunder Dungeon Explorer Air Zonk Bonk's Adventure
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: nosorrow on September 29, 2014, 05:24:55 PM
No particular order overall (can't bother choosing only five, sorry!):
Ys III/I & II/IV in that order - each OST's amazing
Dracula X
Rayxanber II/III
Devil Crash
Soldier series (i.e. 3 different games)
Gate of Thunder
To a lesser extent: Lords of Thunder (reminds me too much of Joey Tafolla or Joey MacAlpine music, i.e. great shredders of the 80s), Spriggan 1 and 2, Sylphia and first stage music of Terra Cresta II (love that track!).
These rank among my favourite OST's ever. Btw, I have absolutely no nostalgia whatsoever for these titles, having grown up in a household with NES + SNES. That says a lot about the quality of the soundtracks found on the system.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: cr8zykuban0 on September 29, 2014, 05:36:24 PM
mine? hmmmmm 1. lords of thunder 2. soldier blade 3. blazing lazers 4. military madness 5.ninja spirit
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Otaking on September 30, 2014, 01:32:21 AM
1. Winds of Thunder 2. Lords of Thunder 3. W.O.T 4. L.O.T 5. Breeze of Thunder
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: KingDrool on September 30, 2014, 03:26:39 AM
I've always been more of a fan of the Chiptunes than the CD audio.
Dungeon Explorer Bloody Wolf Bonk's Adventure Alien Crush Lords of Thunder
And I'm gonna throw in Keith Courage as an alternate. Granted, it's essentially two tunes with a couple of transitions between, I was still blown away the first time I heard the audio quality.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: clackattack on September 30, 2014, 04:02:31 AM
Gotta say that Ys takes the cake for me as well, theyre all too good to pick a particular one! ...followed by: 2-Lords of thunder, 3-Ninja Ryukenden, 4-Rondo of Blood, 5- Splatterhouse
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: mitsuman on September 30, 2014, 08:06:21 AM
How has no one said Lord's Of the Rising Sun? I love the music on that game!
Here's mine, in no order: 1) Lord's Of The Rising Sun 2) Neutopia 3) Dungeon Explorer 4) Legendary Axe 5) Vasteel
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: sosoyo180 on September 30, 2014, 08:50:09 AM
Nobody else has any Top 5 love for the PCE Double Dragon II soundtrack??
I see DDII as a hit and miss some of it's music tracks are good while others are just terrible......
I love Double Dragon II and it's soundtrack for the PC Engine, unfortunately it didn't get a release outside of Japan.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: johnnykonami on September 30, 2014, 09:11:56 AM
I have memories of putting the Gate of Thunder CD in my CD Walkman back in the day, along with whatever other CD games I got depending on what was newest. I agree with Vasteel, also. (I miss it so much! I hope I can get another copy one day).
Has Last Alert been mentioned? It's not just all voice talent y'know!
I also really like the music on both Macross games, particularly Love Song.
Oh, and Exile. Exile has some amazing tracks in it.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: ctophil on September 30, 2014, 09:17:27 AM
No particular order overall (can't bother choosing only five, sorry!):
Ys III/I & II/IV in that order - each OST's amazing
Dracula X
Rayxanber II/III
Devil Crash
Soldier series (i.e. 3 different games)
Gate of Thunder
To a lesser extent: Lords of Thunder (reminds me too much of Joey Tafolla or Joey MacAlpine music, i.e. great shredders of the 80s), Spriggan 1 and 2, Sylphia and first stage music of Terra Cresta II (love that track!).
These rank among my favourite OST's ever. Btw, I have absolutely no nostalgia whatsoever for these titles, having grown up in a household with NES + SNES. That says a lot about the quality of the soundtracks found on the system.
Cool, I thought nobody in this thread was ever going to list Dracula X. You would think that more people would list it as one of their top TG-16/CD soundtracks.
Anyways, I haven't played too many games yet, since I'm a new collector and all. But here is my obvious list.
Turbografx-16 Hucard:
1. Dungeon Explorer 2. Bonk's Adventure 3. Neutopia I 4. Neutopia II 5. Legendary Axe
1. Castlevania: Dracula X 2. Ys Book I & II 3. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys 4. Exile 5. Dungeon Explorer II
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: esteban on September 30, 2014, 09:58:10 AM
I have memories of putting the Gate of Thunder CD in my CD Walkman back in the day, along with whatever other CD games I got depending on what was newest. I agree with Vasteel, also. (I miss it so much!
Has Last Alert been mentioned? It's not just all voice talent y'know!
Oh, and Exile. Exile has some amazing tracks in it.
I like Red Alert/Last Alert tunes (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
Nobody else has any Top 5 love for the PCE Double Dragon II soundtrack??
I see DDII as a hit and miss some of it's music tracks are good while others are just terrible......
I love Double Dragon II and it's soundtrack for the PC Engine, unfortunately it didn't get a release outside of Japan.
Always good to here some fellow DDII love out there. The PCE port was the sole reason for my initial interest in TG and PCE.
My friend picked up DDII on SCD years ago, and it had some pretty cool music remixes for sure. Still, I think I prefer the NES version both in terms of music and gameplay. Even over the arcade version!
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: Prosolis on September 30, 2014, 05:29:21 PM
I don't have a top 5 yet.. still getting to know the PC Engine. Notable soundtracks encountered thus far:
Bonk's Revenge Dracula X Sapphire
Once I finish modding my system, I will definitely check it out the titles everyone has listed.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: jordan_hillman on September 30, 2014, 05:37:39 PM
Nobody else has any Top 5 love for the PCE Double Dragon II soundtrack??
I see DDII as a hit and miss some of it's music tracks are good while others are just terrible......
I love Double Dragon II and it's soundtrack for the PC Engine, unfortunately it didn't get a release outside of Japan.
Always good to here some fellow DDII love out there. The PCE port was the sole reason for my initial interest in TG and PCE.
My friend picked up DDII on SCD years ago, and it had some pretty cool music remixes for sure. Still, I think I prefer the NES version both in terms of music and gameplay. Even over the arcade version!
Man, oh man is that awesome to hear! I'm also a weirdo that prefers the console versions over the arcades, even though the first two arcades are classics (screw that yellow shirt wearing douche, Sonny, in the third arcade).
But on that note... the reason I prefer DDII on the PCE over all other versions is because it's the only great game in the series with close to arcade quality graphics (even though it's technically a port of the NES title) from the original era of the series's popularity in the arcade.
I always wanted a perfect home port of one of the first two arcade games, even though I prefer the home ports, and the PCE version is the closest we've got...
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: vexcollects on October 01, 2014, 01:30:43 AM
Lords of thunder Dungeon explorer Blazing lasers Bonk's adventure Neutopia
HM : Gomola Speed (guilty pleasure)
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: RyuHayabusa on October 01, 2014, 08:38:48 AM
Ys I&II Ys III Ys IV Dracula X - Rondo of Blood Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: pixeljunkie on October 01, 2014, 08:45:49 AM
Lords of Thunder Gate of Thunder Devils Crush Bloody Wolf Soldier Blade
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: johnnykonami on October 01, 2014, 02:15:40 PM
Nobody else has any Top 5 love for the PCE Double Dragon II soundtrack??
I see DDII as a hit and miss some of it's music tracks are good while others are just terrible......
I love Double Dragon II and it's soundtrack for the PC Engine, unfortunately it didn't get a release outside of Japan.
Always good to here some fellow DDII love out there. The PCE port was the sole reason for my initial interest in TG and PCE.
My friend picked up DDII on SCD years ago, and it had some pretty cool music remixes for sure. Still, I think I prefer the NES version both in terms of music and gameplay. Even over the arcade version!
Man, oh man is that awesome to hear! I'm also a weirdo that prefers the console versions over the arcades, even though the first two arcades are classics (screw that yellow shirt wearing douche, Sonny, in the third arcade).
But on that note... the reason I prefer DDII on the PCE over all other versions is because it's the only great game in the series with close to arcade quality graphics (even though it's technically a port of the NES title) from the original era of the series's popularity in the arcade.
I always wanted a perfect home port of one of the first two arcade games, even though I prefer the home ports, and the PCE version is the closest we've got...
Oh, I only meant that for DDII. I hold both the Arcade and NES version of DD in pretty high esteem. DD is one of the first games I remember seeing people line up to play when I was a kid. DDII and really every other sequel in the arcade just don't have the same magic - But I love the NES version.
Title: Re: Top 5 Favourite TG16 Soundtracks
Post by: sosoyo180 on October 02, 2014, 04:04:05 PM