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Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Chit-Chat => Topic started by: Medic_wheat on June 09, 2014, 12:49:42 PM

Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 09, 2014, 12:49:42 PM
Post what every movie you recently watched or in the proses of watching and state your thoughts. 

I'll kick things off...I just started watching "The Grand Budapest Hotel". I expect great things as from the trailer it reminded me of the whimsy of "life aquatic with steve zissou"
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 09, 2014, 01:04:16 PM
my name is nobody
marathon man
the women in red
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 09, 2014, 01:09:05 PM
my name is nobody
marathon man
the women in red

Never heard of my name is nobody...  What were you thoughts?  Recommend a rental, or to buy it
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: PunkicCyborg on June 09, 2014, 01:22:03 PM

Never heard of my name is nobody...  What were you thoughts?  Recommend a rental, or to buy it
VHS rental.
Make sure you rewind it too before you return it
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 09, 2014, 01:24:59 PM
"my name is noboby" is a typical and funny italo (spaghetti) western with legend terrence hill, also starring henry fonda and few other guys.
I know that these kind of movies were or still are much more popular in european fields than in the USoA.

btw. some scenes were directed by sergio leone and music is by legend ennio morricone.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 09, 2014, 01:30:45 PM

Never heard of my name is nobody...  What were you thoughts?  Recommend a rental, or to buy it
VHS rental.
Make sure you rewind it too before you return it

I am still working on rewinding my DVDs I rent from red box
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: munchiaz on June 09, 2014, 01:51:20 PM
Maleficent. Good retelling of sleepy beauty
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on June 09, 2014, 05:50:37 PM
Just watched "The Wolverine." Put it off for a while because it looked bad. It was, but not as bad as it initially looked. Yay. Next, probably X-Men: First Class...because I was told to watch that before going to see Days of Future Past.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on June 09, 2014, 06:32:16 PM
Just watched "The Wolverine." Put it off for a while because it looked bad. It was, but not as bad as it initially looked. Yay. Next, probably X-Men: First Class...because I was told to watch that before going to see Days of Future Past.

I loved X-Men:First Class, so hopefully you won't be disappointed.

I just finished watching the latest Hobbit movie. It made me sad.  I'll watch the last one when it comes out on DVD, but I can't believe how badly they've botched it so far.  The Hobbit trilogy is turning into the second Star Wars trilogy in my eyes. I had high hopes because I *loved* the book and hoped to experience it with my son at some point, but with all the be-headings and other gore (that wasn't in the original book) it's a lost cause. And that white-water river scene.  Wtf. So not-good.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: _joshuaTurbo on June 10, 2014, 02:52:21 AM
Maleficent. Good retelling of sleepy beauty

I thought the opposite unfortunately.... :(

Love on Delivery (1994- Stephen Chow)  (Click up to about 2:00 seconds into the clip is crazy funny)

I've been on a Stephen Chow kick lately, and this one might actually be the funniest.  :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 10, 2014, 07:19:26 AM
Just watched "The Wolverine." Put it off for a while because it looked bad. It was, but not as bad as it initially looked. Yay. Next, probably X-Men: First Class...because I was told to watch that before going to see Days of Future Past.

I loved X-Men:First Class, so hopefully you won't be disappointed.

I just finished watching the latest Hobbit movie. It made me sad.  I'll watch the last one when it comes out on DVD, but I can't believe how badly they've botched it so far.  The Hobbit trilogy is turning into the second Star Wars trilogy in my eyes. I had high hopes because I *loved* the book and hoped to experience it with my son at some point, but with all the be-headings and other gore (that wasn't in the original book) it's a lost cause. And that white-water river scene.  Wtf. So not-good.

I'll be honest I have not read the Hobbit since highschool, and I would say only the broad strokes are what I remember.  Heck I think much of it is mixed with the 80's animated movie that until the recent live action Peter Jackson movies was the pinical of Hobbit movies Lord or otherwise.

and as a whole despite the inclusion of characters from Lords of the Rings to make this a more movie going universaly loved series I liked it.....

The BEST part was the revile of the dragon and pretty much any line he spoke. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 10, 2014, 01:37:44 PM
"Nobody's the Greatest" aka in the USoA "A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot" ^^
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on June 11, 2014, 10:37:00 AM
I recently watched Love Affair.  Xele made me do it.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 11, 2014, 11:12:56 AM
"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on June 11, 2014, 12:38:01 PM
Best movie I've ever saw! The Wages of Fear.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Elder on June 11, 2014, 12:55:23 PM
I checked out Ricky 1 yesterday, wow about sums up that movie.  I've seen some crappy movies in my time, but I honestly thing this could be on the top three worst movies I've ever seen.  If I hear "don't be negative" one more time...ahh! :-&
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Ratix on June 11, 2014, 01:15:27 PM
conan the barbarian. its the original version not the remake
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: tggodfrey on June 17, 2014, 09:05:36 AM
X-Men days of futures past.  Absolutely loved it.  Very well done and great storyline.

Hunger Games Catching Fire.  I enjoyed this one too.  Really didnt think I would get into this searies but I have.  Ending I was not happy with, I hate cliffhangers.

Neighbors......This one is def one of my favorites this summer.  This movie is full of things anyoen can relate to growing up or getting even with someone.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on June 17, 2014, 10:04:50 AM
Hunger Games Catching Fire.  I enjoyed this one too.  Really didnt think I would get into this searies but I have.

Alot of people write this series off as some Twilight-ish Battle Royale rip off, but once you take the time its easy to see that it's much more.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 17, 2014, 10:32:46 AM

"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.

Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?


I watched this just for Bruno Gans (I think that is his name). I liked him in another film or two and wanted to see him in something else. Jeez, I can't believe my memory is so poor. Need more coffee.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 17, 2014, 01:56:16 PM
Best movie I've ever saw! The Wages of Fear.


cool didnt know about the original. only knew the '77 remake with roy scheider, which is also one of my fav movies back from my childhood. and a very good movie as well :)


have to watch the original now^^
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 17, 2014, 01:57:06 PM
conan the barbarian. its the original version not the remake

houly shiet?! i just re-watched that too few days ago :shock:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 17, 2014, 01:58:18 PM

"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.

Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?


I watched this just for Bruno Gans (I think that is his name). I liked him in another film or two and wanted to see him in something else. Jeez, I can't believe my memory is so poor. Need more coffee.

his name is Bruno GanZ and he's a swissler ^^
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on June 17, 2014, 04:39:48 PM
Alot of people write this series off as some Twilight-ish Battle Royale rip off, but once you take the time its easy to see that it's much more.

Agreed.  Hunger Games has grown on me.

I finally got around to watching "Man of Steel" Sunday night and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.  The end got pretty over the top, but most of the movie was pretty decent, imo.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 17, 2014, 04:49:44 PM
Alot of people write this series off as some Twilight-ish Battle Royale rip off, but once you take the time its easy to see that it's much more.

Agreed.  Hunger Games has grown on me.

I finally got around to watching "Man of Steel" Sunday night and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.  The end got pretty over the top, but most of the movie was pretty decent, imo.

Dido on both accounts IMO

The hunger game while pathetically transparent is fun to watch and could serve as that transitional movie to determine if your kd has deductive reasoning down.  Mind you I find the troops to be telegraphed from the moon they are so painfully obvious...

Similarly the new superman movie was decent.  Mind you it is no Kneel before Zod son of Jarel! But it was a very well look at General Zod and a slightly more tyrannical and modern look at him......granted I am tainted by the superior Super animated series. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 18, 2014, 01:16:41 AM

"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.

Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?


I watched this just for Bruno Gans (I think that is his name). I liked him in another film or two and wanted to see him in something else. Jeez, I can't believe my memory is so poor. Need more coffee.

his name is Bruno GanZ and he's a swissler ^^

Yeah, I wish he was in more stuff. I suppose he's icky to have been in any movie at all, considering that he's a Swissler.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

Which reminds me: Tats, have you ever seen/heard the classic jingle for Switzler licorice?

"...I'd trade my sister for a new transistor, but I'd never swap my Switzler..." 

Clearly, a very old commercial (transistor radio, woo hoo!)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: VenomMacbeth on June 18, 2014, 03:04:19 AM
Just watched Super all the way through last night.  Much better than Kickass, albeit a bit more difficult to watch at times.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 18, 2014, 09:40:16 AM
Switzer vs Switzzler. Both made licorice, I think, but only one had the awesome jingle.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Desh on June 18, 2014, 11:27:58 AM
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie.  In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.

All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare.  CGI is my enemy.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on June 18, 2014, 01:08:40 PM

Just watched Super all the way through last night.  Much better than Kickass, albeit a bit more difficult to watch at times.


Is Super the one with Rain Wilson and Ellen Page? Or am I thinking of a different movie?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 18, 2014, 01:49:22 PM

Finally rented the new RoboCop movie.  In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.

All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare.  CGI is my enemy.

I know folks will think we are just being cranky, but I hate gratuitous CGI in live action films. I love when CGI can't be identified because it is so subtle.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 18, 2014, 03:14:45 PM

Finally rented the new RoboCop movie.  In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.

All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare.  CGI is my enemy.

I know folks will think we are just being cranky, but I hate gratuitous CGI in live action films. I love when CGI can't be identified because it is so subtle.

Yars ago, CGI was used for things that couldn't be done with practical effects, or would have been really cost prohibitive to do with practical effects. Over the years, it has become a way to do everything. Such as CGI blood splatter.

What always loses me with CGI, is that it looks too, "Fake". I prefer the fakeness of miniatures and such, to CGI, which ahs a cartoonish look.

In some movies the cartoonish look works, others, not so much.

It does say something, that some of the work in Jurassic Parks looks better than some of the CGI I've seen in the 20+ years after that movie was released.

It's just like how over the past 10 years, most movies are mostly using the colors blue and orange, because they are complimentary colors. There are many sites out there with information on this practice, here is one of them - http://theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/03/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html

Movies are getting lazier with the use of CGI, coloring, etc.

However, I have heard from some people that they like the blue/orange color palette, and also they like CGI. Mostly younger people, who feel any movie from the 90's is really old, and have not known a world without CGI in films :)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on June 18, 2014, 03:41:42 PM
Yeah that movie was....interesting to say the least. I assume you're all referring to that very weird rape scene..
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on June 18, 2014, 03:55:45 PM

Yeah that movie was....interesting to say the least. I assume you're all referring to that very weird rape scene..

I don't even recall any rape scenes. Lol... if there aren't any tentacles then it usually doesn't leave an impression. I was referring more to the deep dark place that poor Dwight Shrute found himself in.  Some aspects of his situation and the dialog hit a bit close to home at times.

I definitely remember some kind of weird sexual scene involving the both of them. But yeah that movie was definitely dark. I don't remember it being too bad though
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on June 18, 2014, 04:01:53 PM

Yeah that movie was....interesting to say the least. I assume you're all referring to that very weird rape scene..

I don't even recall any rape scenes. Lol... if there aren't any tentacles then it usually doesn't leave an impression. I was referring more to the deep dark place that poor Dwight Shrute found himself in.  Some aspects of his situation and the dialog hit a bit close to home at times.

I definitely remember some kind of weird sexual scene involving the both of them. But yeah that movie was definitely dark. I don't remember it being too bad though

OOOH... I remember now! Hahah... that was pretty rockin' if you ask me.

(To the masses: don't judge me by that rape thing until you watch the movie... it isn't quite what it sounds like. :lol:)

Lol yeah it's nothing terrible really. I'd sort of have to agree with you to an extent on the whole "rockin" part ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Desh on June 19, 2014, 12:00:17 AM

Finally rented the new RoboCop movie.  In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.

All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare.  CGI is my enemy.

I know folks will think we are just being cranky, but I hate gratuitous CGI in live action films. I love when CGI can't be identified because it is so subtle.

Yars ago, CGI was used for things that couldn't be done with practical effects, or would have been really cost prohibitive to do with practical effects. Over the years, it has become a way to do everything. Such as CGI blood splatter.

What always loses me with CGI, is that it looks too, "Fake". I prefer the fakeness of miniatures and such, to CGI, which ahs a cartoonish look.

In some movies the cartoonish look works, others, not so much.

It does say something, that some of the work in Jurassic Parks looks better than some of the CGI I've seen in the 20+ years after that movie was released.

It's just like how over the past 10 years, most movies are mostly using the colors blue and orange, because they are complimentary colors. There are many sites out there with information on this practice, here is one of them - http://theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/03/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html

Movies are getting lazier with the use of CGI, coloring, etc.

However, I have heard from some people that they like the blue/orange color palette, and also they like CGI. Mostly younger people, who feel any movie from the 90's is really old, and have not known a world without CGI in films :)


I couldn't agree with you more!  I even use the Jurassic Park example whenever I argue get in a discussion with someone about CGI.  Thanks for the info too.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on June 19, 2014, 04:35:46 AM
All this CGI talk got me thinking about The LEGO Movie.  I have to say there were moments in that movie where I thought to myself "Man, this looks like stop animation." which is awesome!  I haven't done any research on weather they used solely CGI, but if they did it came out awesome.  CGI is cartoony like you guys have said, but for The LEGO Movie there were times were I couldn't tell if it was computer graphics or the real thing.  They did an awesome job!  If I had seen that movie back in the 80's I would have flipped out.  I was (and still am) a LEGO nut.  Thank God I had a son so I can buy him LEGO.  Heck, LEGO even has a girly line now that is pretty awesome.  Have you seen this thing;


It's not as cool and sophisticated as some of the other sets out there, but anything that drives up interest for girls and LEGO is okay in my books.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on June 19, 2014, 04:50:06 AM
12 Years a Slave...seriously she dot an Oscar for 10+ lines and MAYBE 15 minutes of screen time??

Frozen....SOOO vastly overrated
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Desh on June 19, 2014, 09:37:59 AM
All this CGI talk got me thinking about The LEGO Movie.  I have to say there were moments in that movie where I thought to myself "Man, this looks like stop animation." which is awesome!  I haven't done any research on weather they used solely CGI, but if they did it came out awesome.  CGI is cartoony like you guys have said, but for The LEGO Movie there were times were I couldn't tell if it was computer graphics or the real thing.  They did an awesome job!  If I had seen that movie back in the 80's I would have flipped out.  I was (and still am) a LEGO nut.  Thank God I had a son so I can buy him LEGO.  Heck, LEGO even has a girly line now that is pretty awesome.  Have you seen this thing;


It's not as cool and sophisticated as some of the other sets out there, but anything that drives up interest for girls and LEGO is okay in my books.

Don't get me wrong I'm fine with CGI in a movie like this or any other animated movie where CGI is the only thing used.  I hate CGI were there doesn't need to be CGI i.e. many racing shots in Fast and Furious 2.  It was like really, you already have the cars built and people to drive them but you're going to have a simple part like two cars racing in a straight line done in CGI, why?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on June 19, 2014, 11:14:13 AM

All this CGI talk got me thinking about The LEGO Movie.  I have to say there were moments in that movie where I thought to myself "Man, this looks like stop animation." which is awesome!  I haven't done any research on weather they used solely CGI, but if they did it came out awesome.  CGI is cartoony like you guys have said, but for The LEGO Movie there were times were I couldn't tell if it was computer graphics or the real thing.  They did an awesome job!  If I had seen that movie back in the 80's I would have flipped out.  I was (and still am) a LEGO nut. 

It's not as cool and sophisticated as some of the other sets out there, but anything that drives up interest for girls and LEGO is okay in my books.

I had to look that up after seeing it as I thought it was stop motion at times too. But I believe that last I searched I found that it was all CGI. But I agree that they did an excellent job. By using everything Lego-related (I.e. Water, fire, etc)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on June 19, 2014, 01:14:26 PM
Frozen....SOOO vastly overrated


then watch this;

Don't get me wrong I'm fine with CGI in a movie like this or any other animated movie where CGI is the only thing used.  I hate CGI were there doesn't need to be CGI i.e. many racing shots in Fast and Furious 2.  It was like really, you already have the cars built and people to drive them but you're going to have a simple part like two cars racing in a straight line done in CGI, why?
Funny… I watched this on Netflix last night.  It already looks dated.  For the record it's called 2 Fast, 2 Furious.  Ha!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Desh on June 19, 2014, 01:33:25 PM
Haha... well 2Fast2Furious is terrible but I saw it in the theatres when it cameout because any movie with car chases has some viewing value.  The movie turned from crap to the shittiest shit that ever shitted when some of the car scenes didn't even involve real cars.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on June 19, 2014, 01:56:11 PM
Haha... well 2Fast2Furious is terrible but I saw it in the theatres when it cameout because any movie with car chases has some viewing value.  The movie turned from crap to the shittiest shit that ever shitted when some of the car scenes didn't even involve real cars.
The Dukes Of Hazzard jump at the end is priceless.  Both of the heroes are pretty much knocked out from crashing into the boat, yet Walker somehow miraculously managed to grab his gun and fire before the bad guy, who is already holding and aiming his gun at Walker, can even pull the trigger.  Ha!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on June 19, 2014, 03:15:28 PM
Thanks for the spoiler, fiddy.... now I don't have to bother watching it tonight like I'd planned since I rented it.... :twisted:
I just saved you $5 bucks.  You owe me.  I'll PM you my address.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 19, 2014, 04:18:15 PM
I got really allergic to that teal'n'orange crap over the past few years. almost a deal breaker for me.
same goes for todays CGI stuff.
what looked revolutionary and perfect used in stuff like terminator II, these days it's only soulless synthetic crap for like 95% of most of its usage.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 19, 2014, 06:46:04 PM
There is some mention of car chases here. I can't think of any movie I've seen with CGI car chases, then again I have never seen and of the Fast and Furious movies mentioned here, they're just not my thing. I doubt a CGI car chase would hold my attention the same way the chase scenes in French Connection (The subway chase is awesome), Ronin, The Seven Ups, Bullit, or any other similar chase with real cars would hold my attention.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on June 20, 2014, 01:38:34 PM
I'm about to go watch Pacific Rim.  I've heard good things about it.  Hopefully I'll post back with good news. :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on June 20, 2014, 02:09:15 PM
I'm about to go watch Pacific Rim.  I've heard good things about it.  Hopefully I'll post back with good news. :)

Pretty decent action flick! I like at the end when everyone dies!

GAH!!!  Spoiler Alert!  Meanie. :P
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: vestcoat on June 20, 2014, 04:56:13 PM
I was looking forward to PR too, but it was pretty boring. Good explosions. Stupid, cliche characters.

Watched 28 Weeks Later last night. Better than I expected for a sequel from a B+ movie. The music is a real highpoint. Been listening to composer John Murphy nonstop now:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on June 20, 2014, 08:10:31 PM
I always thought we should have a Movie Picks type thread similar to the random YouTube postings, so glad to see this thread got started.
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie.  In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.

All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare.  CGI is my enemy.

Yeah, it sucked ballz. I literally could've just stopped it halfway in, put on the original Robocop and had a much better time rather than finishing off watching this garbage... Yet another remake that didn't need to be made and insulted the original rather than improve upon it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 21, 2014, 02:46:01 AM
Going to se the new Tom cruse movie edge of tomorrow today with the wife.

Why do I feel like this movies best parts where already shown on the trailers and I am going to walk away thinking this should have been a rental......

Ok ok think positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts. 

But at the same time has Tim crus even done a better then decent/average sci if movie? 

Maybe I should just watch Malifacent instead. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 21, 2014, 06:08:05 AM

Watched 28 Weeks Later last night. Better than I expected for a sequel from a B+ movie. The music is a real highpoint. Been listening to composer John Murphy nonstop now:


I liked both films. There's a particular film from the 80's that I thought the sequel borrowed from...I'll have to find the title. You might like it (more, even, since it's not particularly popular...but it should be, considering the rebirth of Zombie stuff).

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 21, 2014, 08:37:11 AM
Okay just finished watching Malifacent.

My wife loved it and wth the teaser that seems to sugest a kive action Cinderella movie next year she is estatic.

I for one was disappointed and board.

The ending was entirely to easy to guess. Infact every major plot point was telegraphed from the start it felt.

The theif who would be king never seemed to learn anything and was a thoroughly unlikable character with no redeem uhhng wqualities.

Which made Malifacent well she had nobe if the grandiose she had in the original animated movie.

I wouldnt even give this a rental.

Maybe I wasnt the target audience but I had hoped this would have been something both parents and children could have enjoyed instead it felt like something a 12 year old would love and thats it
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on June 21, 2014, 06:16:36 PM
But at the same time has Tim crus even done a better then decent/average sci if movie? 

Yeah, I think so. I loved Oblivion, it was the 2nd movie the "Tron: Legacy" director did. I watched it many times to boot. The other SciFi movies he did are Minority Report and Vanilla Sky (which is actually SciFi as is later revealed). Now, I dunno how well VS did in the theaters, but I'm sure MR did well, it had Steven Spielberg attached to it after all (director). While I don't like MR as much as Oblivion, it's still a pretty solid SciFi action/adventure movie well worth watching and poses the interesting, age old question about how much liberty should we sacrifice in the name of security/crime-fighting.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 21, 2014, 06:51:21 PM
just watched "street smart "
"the house on carroll street"

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on June 21, 2014, 07:04:50 PM
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix.  I saw it awhile back and liked it.  I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended.  I couldn't put it down.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 21, 2014, 07:52:22 PM
Most recently, Romancing the Stone, on Blu-ray. It looked nice, it's been a long time since I've seen the movie.

Now, I'm getting ready to watch, "Top of the Heap". It just recently had it's first official DVD release.

After that, "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker". Also first time on DVD.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Mzo on June 21, 2014, 08:07:19 PM
Just watched Days of Future Past.

Nothing made me angry.  That's a pretty big compliment for a comic book movie.
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 22, 2014, 01:14:49 AM
Most recently, Romancing the Stone, on Blu-ray. It looked nice, it's been a long time since I've seen the movie.

Now, I'm getting ready to watch, "Top of the Heap". It just recently had it's first official DVD release.

After that, "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker". Also first time on DVD.


Romancing the Stone. I haven't seen that since it was in the theaters. Ha!

Jewel of the Nile is in your future. It is not worth your time, but it's the same formula....
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 22, 2014, 09:32:08 AM
Most recently, Romancing the Stone, on Blu-ray. It looked nice, it's been a long time since I've seen the movie.

Now, I'm getting ready to watch, "Top of the Heap". It just recently had it's first official DVD release.

After that, "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker". Also first time on DVD.


Romancing the Stone. I haven't seen that since it was in the theaters. Ha!

Jewel of the Nile is in your future. It is not worth your time, but it's the same formula....

Eventually, I'll get around to Jewel of the Nile, it's been a long time for that one, also.. But not anytime in the near future. The Blu-ray for RTS was cheap, so I picked it up. The, "Little Mule" was fun.

Anyway, another to add here;

- 48 hrs.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Double Ugly on June 22, 2014, 11:50:23 AM
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix.  I saw it awhile back and liked it.  I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended.  I couldn't put it down.

Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Desh on June 22, 2014, 12:32:48 PM
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix.  I saw it awhile back and liked it.  I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended.  I couldn't put it down.

Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.

Other than the fact that zombies can run and climb.   This movie was cool but not amazing.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 22, 2014, 04:40:58 PM

Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix.  I saw it awhile back and liked it.  I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended.  I couldn't put it down.

Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.

Other than the fact that zombies can run and climb.   This movie was cool but not amazing.

No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on June 22, 2014, 04:55:09 PM
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix.  I saw it awhile back and liked it.  I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended.  I couldn't put it down.

Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.

Other than the fact that zombies can run and climb.   This movie was cool but not amazing.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on June 22, 2014, 04:58:47 PM
eh just realized this movie was referenced in this page's 1st post. But anyway athletic zombies are nothing new I assure you.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on June 22, 2014, 07:58:51 PM
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 22, 2014, 11:22:23 PM
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.


The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 22, 2014, 11:25:05 PM
People here talking about zombie movies, and nothing new being brought to the table, etc.

I saw Days of Darkness on DVD years ago. it thought that was Good and different for a recent zombie film. It's nothing big budget, has a small amount of humor, but I liked it for being something different.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SplatterTrigger on June 23, 2014, 03:46:31 AM
I was able to squeeze in another viewing of Akira over the weekend.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 23, 2014, 05:18:16 AM

No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.


The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.


Hell yes! I gotta watch that again.

Next you'll be able to help me with an Australian/New Zealand film about the end of the world ("Night of the Comet"/"Day of the Triffids"-esque) where a few folks are just trying to survive and a large paramilitary group consolidated a lot of power/control (a problem for our protagonists) and secures a stronghold in a mansion with huge, lush green lawns. Floodlights are triggered whenever anything steps foot on the vast lawn.

"The Day After"?

Something like that....
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 23, 2014, 05:21:29 AM

No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.


The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.


Hell yes! I gotta watch that again.

Next you'll be able to help me with an Australian/New Zealand film about the end of the world ("Night of the Comet"/"Day of the Triffids"-esque) where a few folks are just trying to survive and a large paramilitary group consolidated a lot of power/control (a problem for our protagonists) and secures a stronghold in a mansion with huge, lush green lawns. Floodlights are triggered whenever anything steps foot on the vast lawn.

"The Day After"?

Something like that....

If you mention the film's possible decade, I could help.

Day After, probably not.

Threads, that's a UK film, but that doesn't have a scene like that, that I know of.

Australia, there is that movie, On the Beach...

I think the movie you're looking for may be Every Blade of Grass. It's a UK film.

Also, along those lines, Miracle Mile is pretty good.

edited to add; 28 Days later has a similar setting near the end.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jeffhlewis on June 23, 2014, 05:29:26 AM
Finally saw the Lego Movie. Not as epic as I was hoping for but still pretty damn good for kid's fare.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 23, 2014, 05:42:33 AM
Finally saw the Lego Movie. Not as epic as I was hoping for but still pretty damn good for kid's fare.

But everything is awsome

What is there not to love about this film?

Ill be honest I did enjoy this movie

Until my friends kid watched it on repeat for three days straight.

My crashing on the couch/living room didnt help

I feel asleep and woke up to this movie during the weekend I hungout at his house

If only he had cable. Or had I remembered to bring my hard drive of movies I could have browken up the kid movie fest
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 23, 2014, 12:36:32 PM

No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.

Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.

I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.


The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.


Hell yes! I gotta watch that again.

Next you'll be able to help me with an Australian/New Zealand film about the end of the world ("Night of the Comet"/"Day of the Triffids"-esque) where a few folks are just trying to survive and a large paramilitary group consolidated a lot of power/control (a problem for our protagonists) and secures a stronghold in a mansion with huge, lush green lawns. Floodlights are triggered whenever anything steps foot on the vast lawn.

"The Day After"?

Something like that....

If you mention the film's possible decade, I could help.

Day After, probably not.

Threads, that's a UK film, but that doesn't have a scene like that, that I know of.

Australia, there is that movie, On the Beach...

I think the movie you're looking for may be Every Blade of Grass. It's a UK film.

Also, along those lines, Miracle Mile is pretty good.

edited to add; 28 Days later has a similar setting near the end.


It's an 80's film (mid-80's)

I've seen Threads (I liked it) back in high school.

Miracle Mile is awesome. Cult classic, as far as I am concerned. I eventually lived in LA area (I'm from NJ originally), so I loved seeing all the movie locations/references for films in general, but especially stuff like Miracle Mile.

I HAVE THE TANGERINE DREAM SOUNDTRACK. But that's because I have been electronic music junkie since I was a kid. Tangerine Dream are not offering anything too groundbreaking, but I still dig it.

The clamshell VHS tape and packaging I remember from video store makes me want to say it was distributed by Warner in the US.

I gotta figure this out!

UPDATE: The Quiet Earth (!!!!) now, I may have been blending in some things from other films, but I can't wait to rewatch it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 23, 2014, 11:02:13 PM
This Quiet Earth is a good one, though I last watched the movie about 10 years ago. I should give it another viewing, sometime.

In TQE, I don't recall the flood lights and such that you mentioned, but No Blade of Grass and 28 Days later have some similarities to what you described.

Oh, Idaho Transfer, which is stuck in Public Domain Hell (No good legitimate release) is another good one, similar to what you mentioned.

Back to This Quiet Earth. What I recall about the movie, is there is a lot of exploring early on, then the love triangle, then the ending.

Esteban, I'm glad you figured out the title. If you mentioned 80s, I may have figured it out. But now that you've mentioned the title, I think in the next week or so I'll watch it again, it's been long enough.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 23, 2014, 11:41:25 PM
Fulci, I'm absolutely going to rewatch all these films. It's been so long.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 24, 2014, 12:35:55 AM
The Hit. very cool Terence Stamp movie :D
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 24, 2014, 01:08:09 AM
The Hit. very cool Terence Stamp movie :D

I saw that soon after Criterion released it. I recall it being decent, I can't recall too many details offhand, other than the river, and the van, ending in the field/hills.

The Last Run pops into my mind when I think about The Hit. I almost got the two confused. It has George C Scott in it. Tatsujin, if you've never seen that one, give it a go, it's pretty good.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 24, 2014, 02:15:42 AM

Just saw Wolf Children.

It was pretty good even if it was geared more towards the female demographic.....
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on June 24, 2014, 05:23:58 PM
It was pretty good even if it was geared more towards the female demographic.....

 It's cool, we're all girls here.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 24, 2014, 06:15:45 PM
It was pretty good even if it was geared more towards the female demographic.....

 It's cool, we're all girls here.

Want me to make a women out of you?

Oh yeah I went there.          And now I am very confused by my own statements. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on June 25, 2014, 04:34:28 PM
Want me to make a women out of you? Oh yeah, I went there. And now I am very confused by my own statements.

Fixed. And.. you couldn't even if you tried your hardest.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on June 25, 2014, 07:08:20 PM
Link - kinda strange but good movie with elisabeth shue and terence stamp.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on June 26, 2014, 12:41:59 AM
Link - kinda strange but good movie with elisabeth shue and terence stamp.

Link is a movie, where I thought it was decent when I saw it on VHS, then years later on DVD when I saw it again I thought a bit less of it. It's been about 10 years since I last saw it, so sometime I should watch it again. It was a bit creepy at times. Scenes that stick out with me are the cliff and the ending.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Sparky on July 08, 2014, 02:48:00 PM
Watched with my kids " How To Train Your Dragon 2" just go watch it, better then the first and Dreamworks does it right, a movie for kids and adults. Just a great flick.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 08, 2014, 03:22:07 PM
Sunset Boulevard -  It is amazing a movie made 60+ years can feel as fresh as it does and have so much edge.  I am on a pre-1960s movie kick.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on July 08, 2014, 04:19:13 PM
watch the rope :)

it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 08, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
watch the rope :)

it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.

I love Hitchcock and never saw this one.  I will have to check it out!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Jordan on July 09, 2014, 01:53:42 PM
Supercop and Ever After. Jacki Chan is always fun though this one was by no means his best. Ever After is a romance most of ya'll would probably not be interested in watching though there are some funny parts.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on July 09, 2014, 02:29:04 PM
watch the rope :)

it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.

I love Hitchcock and never saw this one.  I will have to check it out!

It's decent, It may not make it in my top 10 favorite Hitchcock films, but it's interesting how the movie look like it was all done in 1 take.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on July 09, 2014, 02:32:46 PM
- Unhinged (1982)

- The Demon (1978) -  I haven't seen this in almost 10 years, the USA had a DVD release in 2004. Good stuff, a man's former girlfriend dumps his 3 kids on him due to not receiving enough support money from him. it still packs a bit of a punch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on July 09, 2014, 02:46:58 PM
Brought my 3 and 5 year old to their first movie at the theatre.  We all saw How To Train A Dragon 2.  MUCH better than the first one!  Great kids movie.  Both kids enjoyed it and so did my wife and I.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 09, 2014, 04:49:26 PM

Watched with my kids " How To Train Your Dragon 2" just go watch it, better then the first and Dreamworks does it right, a movie for kids and adults. Just a great flick.

I loved the first film so I find it hard to believe the second film could actually be better.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

Sunset Boulevard -  It is amazing a movie made 60+ years can feel as fresh as it does and have so much edge.  I am on a pre-1960s movie kick.

Great film. Something tells me you would love watching all the film noir and film noir-esque stuff.

I can also recommend non-noir stuff that you might like (The Thin Man films are fun if you can get old-timey. Myrna Loy is beautiful and is able to speak her mind and has lots of great moments. Refreshing, sharp, rapid dialogue makes it "modern"—a similar formula is used in His Girl Friday which is amazingly fresh/modern with the dialogue and performances. Amazing).

His Girl Friday is the one to choose if you only watch one. Absolute classic.

watch the rope :)

it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.

I love Hitchcock and never saw this one.  I will have to check it out!

So many great Hitchcock films. I had a hilarious set of Hitchcock films on VHS—hilarious because the films were introduced by a washed-up, intoxicated, overly dramatic __________ who was reading the Teleprompt as best he could.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 10, 2014, 12:16:23 PM
Esteban, you ever go to Film Forum?

The recently had a good Hitchcock file event.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 10, 2014, 01:47:55 PM

Esteban, you ever go to Film Forum?

The recently had a good Hitchcock file event.

I was a member years ago! I went all the time. This was in the 90's before I had kids and I,  my wife and my friends went into NYC all the time.

The seats weren't comfortable or roomy (not back then, anyway), but it was fun as hell.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 10, 2014, 06:17:17 PM

Esteban, you ever go to Film Forum?

The recently had a good Hitchcock file event.

I was a member years ago! I went all the time. This was in the 90's before I had kids and I,  my wife and my friends went into NYC all the time.

The seats weren't comfortable or roomy (not back then, anyway), but it was fun as hell.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

Best movie theater popcorn in town too.  That is one thing I miss about NYC and I always try to stop when I have a week there for work.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 10, 2014, 09:00:45 PM
Recently watched "Spawn" on Blu Ray. o.m.g.

Saw this opening day when I was younger, remembered loving it. I still do in a way, but its really bad.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wallzter on July 12, 2014, 02:01:02 PM
Just got back from seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thought it was alright but liked Rise better.  Even tho it starred James Franco. Also saw Transformers last week....... Sucked!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on July 12, 2014, 02:37:04 PM
Just got back from seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thought it was alright but liked Rise better.  Even tho it starred James Franco. Also saw Transformers last week....... Sucked!

I plan to see it tomorrow with friends and the wife.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 12, 2014, 02:37:45 PM
Just got back from seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thought it was alright but liked Rise better.  Even tho it starred James Franco. Also saw Transformers last week....... Sucked!

James Franco. lol
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wallzter on July 12, 2014, 02:58:52 PM
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 12, 2014, 03:14:48 PM
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.

James Franco in Spider-Man 3 and Pineapple Express is what dreams are made of. Hmm yess.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wallzter on July 12, 2014, 03:26:43 PM
Pineapple Express was funny! But they should of stopped at Spider-Man 2. Part 3 was too long too Dumb (plot) and the reason they decided to just go a completely different direction and just do a remake. Franco works when he's a character you don't have to take serious but that's about it (most of the time). Glad he died at the end. More like a nightmare then dream.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 12, 2014, 07:21:10 PM
blah blah blah Spider-Man 3 is great!

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on July 13, 2014, 05:20:36 AM
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.

James Franco in Spider-Man 3 and Pineapple Express is what dreams are made of. Hmm yess.

I agree. But what about going back to Freaks and Geeks even? He r00led.

I also like Spider-Man 3 for what it's worth, not sure if you're serious or not though lol
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 13, 2014, 06:46:48 AM
Pineapple Express was funny! But they should of stopped at Spider-Man 2. Part 3 was too long too Dumb (plot) and the reason they decided to just go a completely different direction and just do a remake. Franco works when he's a character you don't have to take serious but that's about it (most of the time). Glad he died at the end. More like a nightmare then dream.

I enjoyed the humor in Spider Man 3, and I think the movie is quite underrated.  When I saw it in the theater and the new suit started crawling up Spidey, some black dude yell, "YEEE-AH SPIDAMAN, YOU A BROTHA NOW."  So everyone seemed to be getting into it.

Not to mention, the new movies are junk.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 13, 2014, 07:52:10 AM
Pineapple Express was funny! But they should of stopped at Spider-Man 2. Part 3 was too long too Dumb (plot) and the reason they decided to just go a completely different direction and just do a remake. Franco works when he's a character you don't have to take serious but that's about it (most of the time). Glad he died at the end. More like a nightmare then dream.

I enjoyed the humor in Spider Man 3, and I think the movie is quite underrated.  When I saw it in the theater and the new suit started crawling up Spidey, some black dude yell, "YEEE-AH SPIDAMAN, YOU A BROTHA NOW."  So everyone seemed to be getting into it.

Not to mention, the new movies are junk.

Heh. I agree, I liked Sam Raimi's direction better of the first 3 Spider-Mans. The 1st reboot was junk, gone was the charisma, the fun, etc. I have not seen the new reboot #2, but I don't like this actor over Tobey Maguire, I know that, and was so unimpressed by the 1st, I can't imagine it got all that better. I'll still see it on video when it comes up, though.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wallzter on July 13, 2014, 08:32:37 AM
I think both Spider-Man 3 and the 2nd part of the remake suffer from the same thing.  They both try to cram In too many villains into 1 movie in sorta an attempt to cover up the many flaws that they have.  I've seen many so called blockbusters lately (Godzilla, Spider-man, X-men, Transformers, Dawn, Edge of tomorrow) the only 1 would watch again or recommend anyone watch in theatres is Edge of Tomorrow.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 13, 2014, 08:35:15 AM
the only 1 would watch again or recommend anyone watch in theatres is Edge of Tomorrow.

Ah, good, I loved Tom Cruise's "Oblivion" (watched many times) and was looking forward to this latest SciFi movie of his as well.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wallzter on July 13, 2014, 08:43:06 AM
I too liked Oblivion im a sucker for sci-fi.  Edge of tomorrow was very entertaining it's kinda a mix of Ground Hog Day and Butterfly effect.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 13, 2014, 11:40:25 AM
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.

James Franco in Spider-Man 3 and Pineapple Express is what dreams are made of. Hmm yess.

I agree. But what about going back to Freaks and Geeks even? He r00led.

I also like Spider-Man 3 for what it's worth, not sure if you're serious or not though lol

Honestly I've never watched an entire episode of Freaks and Geeks and I didn't even realize that he was in it, oops. I bet he was good though.

I actually do like the Raimi Spidey flicks. 3 is kinda eh, but its still very enjoyable. One thing that really pissed me off is the voice they gave Venom, was too Topher, needed more alien/monster. My friend kept making fun of it after we saw it in theatre. Saying random Eric Foreman lines creepily like Venom-ish. Pretty funny. Only one I can remember off the top of my head is something about "Donna Pinch-A-Butt-y," though.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on July 13, 2014, 11:58:47 AM
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 13, 2014, 12:14:34 PM

Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7tEzxg_AU4#)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Tatsujin on July 13, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
Waxwork 1988

on the warner trip :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jeffhlewis on July 13, 2014, 03:30:05 PM
I just watched Silence of the Lambs again for the first time as an adult (I remember seeing it when I was like 8 or so, and having my mom run out of the kitchen to cover my eyes during the Buffalo Bill scenes, haha).

It's amazing how well it holds up 20+ years after release - cinematography, performances, soundtrack. Such a good movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 13, 2014, 03:34:14 PM

Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7tEzxg_AU4#)

What the hell did I just watch here ?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 13, 2014, 05:18:53 PM
Waxwork 1988

on the warner tip :)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on July 22, 2014, 05:14:34 PM
They're Playing with Fire - I've seen the movie before, and my feelings about it aren't much different. it's just an OK movie, plot stutters a bit, but Sybill Danning makes the movie worth watching.

Pigs and Battleships - I'm familiar with some of this director's other movies, but I'd never seen this one before. It was good, some humor here and there, I liked it.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on July 22, 2014, 05:26:07 PM
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 22, 2014, 08:20:25 PM
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.

I remember seeing a commercial for that movie all the time on TV like a thousand years ago, never saw it, though.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 23, 2014, 12:08:34 AM
Chaplin's Modern Times.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on July 23, 2014, 01:58:36 AM

Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7tEzxg_AU4#)

What the hell did I just watch here ?

The greatest movie ever made... in 1989, in canada and with a crappy super 8 camera.
It is said that they had $40000 in budget but what the f*ck did they wasted it on? (hookers and blow likely). Also I remember reading that half the "cast" got pissed off about something and left middle shooting, that's why the duo of "main characters" keeps drinking beer and doing incomprehensible things at the house's kitchen for like half an hour of the movie, not to mention about the chainsaw guy "dissappearing into the 4th dimension" and reappearing only way later, and other oddities.
This is truly a unique movie and everyone who's a fan of Z grade movies should watch it at least once!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bklyn4ever on July 23, 2014, 03:47:30 AM
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.

Excellent, one of my favs!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bklyn4ever on July 23, 2014, 03:48:51 AM
Gonna see planet of the apes later on today. Will let everyone know what I thought of it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 23, 2014, 04:10:07 AM

Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.

I remember seeing a commercial for that movie all the time on TV like a thousand years ago, never saw it, though.

I saw this in the theatre. I can't remember much. But Ashley Judd is reason enough to see it again.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 23, 2014, 11:46:38 AM
Gonna see planet of the apes later on today. Will let everyone know what I thought of it.

A friend of mine really liked it, thought it was great and recommended it. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 91%. Most actors are no-names, except for Gary Oldman I see, and looks like another guy is from The Hobbit. So eh, I'll wait for it to hit DVD, no rush.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: lukester on July 23, 2014, 12:22:23 PM
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

I never saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes (or any of the originals for that matter), but this one had me floored.

Such an intense and emotional film, despite being about grunting apes. A+ imo.

The humans didn't have enough character development, but whatever.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: lukester on July 23, 2014, 12:23:53 PM
I just watched Silence of the Lambs again for the first time as an adult (I remember seeing it when I was like 8 or so, and having my mom run out of the kitchen to cover my eyes during the Buffalo Bill scenes, haha).

It's amazing how well it holds up 20+ years after release - cinematography, performances, soundtrack. Such a good movie.

Haha, my mom saw this before I was born.

She had no idea it was a horror movie though, and vividly remembers every part. :(
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on July 23, 2014, 03:49:14 PM

Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.

I remember seeing a commercial for that movie all the time on TV like a thousand years ago, never saw it, though.

I saw this in the theatre. I can't remember much. But Ashley Judd is reason enough to see it again.

And again and again, again...? Ashley and the Judds? Hmm *wink-wink*

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bklyn4ever on July 24, 2014, 09:54:48 AM
I just saw planet of the apes. I thought it was pretty good. They continued the story from the previous movie well. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: reson8er on July 24, 2014, 10:05:35 AM
Just watched Anchor Man 2. Pretty disappointing.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Miracle_Warrior on July 25, 2014, 10:47:21 AM
After years of hearing about Pan's Labyrinth, I finally watched it the other day and now I am going to be that guy who tells everyone "YOU HAVE TO WATCH PAN'S LABYRINTH".  Really, it's a fantastic film if you can tolerate reading subtitles; it gave me a lot to think about.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on July 25, 2014, 10:58:15 AM
I thought it was pretty meh actually.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 25, 2014, 04:05:48 PM
After years of hearing about Pan's Labyrinth, I finally watched it the other day and now I am going to be that guy who tells everyone "YOU HAVE TO WATCH PAN'S LABYRINTH".  Really, it's a fantastic film if you can tolerate reading subtitles; it gave me a lot to think about.

I liked it a lot too.  I watched it a second time and I think I liked it even more.  It ended about as perfect as any movie in the last 15 years.

I just watched The Purge, because my friend is making me see part 2 tomorrow.  It was a good premise, but the execution was so-so...  the first two-thirds of the movie dragged quite a bit.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 28, 2014, 03:18:48 AM
I recently watched the Lego Movie and found it pretty entertaining, though I could've done without the smarmy and trite "lesson" of the live action bit.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: geise on July 28, 2014, 10:24:30 AM
*batteries not included
I haven't seen this film since watching it on HBO not that long after it  came out in theaters.  So it's been forever, but I i still love the film.  Charming and great for being a family film.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 28, 2014, 01:12:17 PM
Just saw Tammy, I believe that this movie will destroy Mellisa McCarthy's career.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 28, 2014, 03:08:04 PM
I recently watched the Lego Movie and found it pretty entertaining, though I could've done without the smarmy and trite "lesson" of the live action bit.

Yeah, rented that too. Wasn't too crazy about it; some parts amusing, others a little douchey, so I found it OK - one viewing and that's enough for me.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on July 28, 2014, 03:44:26 PM
I recently watched the Lego Movie and found it pretty entertaining, though I could've done without the smarmy and trite "lesson" of the live action bit.

Yeah, rented that too. Wasn't too crazy about it; some parts amusing, others a little douchey, so I found it OK - one viewing and that's it is enough for me.


This movie.......

My friends kids litterly watched it on repeate from Friday until Saturday (off a very good bootleg) when I was visiting a month or so back....

The first time I saw it I found it charming and funny....

48 hours later (and my sleeping on the couch in front of the tv) I grew to hate it with every fiber within me.

I also realized that friends of the family have no powered other people's kids when we beg them with a $20 each to shut the tv off and go to bed so that I may sleep!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 28, 2014, 04:56:39 PM
Yeah, it was more of a kiddie movie (had something for adults, but obviously lego, so), I don't doubt kids will love it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 29, 2014, 03:25:24 AM
It needed more GoB.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on July 29, 2014, 05:36:33 AM
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 29, 2014, 01:43:11 PM
Hahahaha! OK, so I admit I kinda liked that song, it was catchy. ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Dicer on July 29, 2014, 02:11:26 PM
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.

Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 29, 2014, 08:33:43 PM
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

Yeah, I gave it a shot too, also via Ghettobox/Redbox, and was surprised. I had my doubts it being yet another boxing movie with Stallone, but it's pretty good overall.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 31, 2014, 01:59:18 PM
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.

Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

The Thing is an all-time classic.  Love all of the FX, the soundtrack, and one of my favorite closing scenes ever.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on July 31, 2014, 02:27:10 PM
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.

Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

The Thing is an all-time classic.  Love all of the FX, the soundtrack, and one of my favorite closing scenes ever.

I know I am in the minority here but I liked the prequel movie. As a companion movie to watch in a mini marathon with the original it holds up nicely
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on July 31, 2014, 07:56:47 PM
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.

Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

Funny you mention the thing.Awhile ago i was watching big trouble in little china on netflik.Sure i have it on the dvd,but it's one my favorite movies still staring kurt russel.BTW the sob must pay !!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 31, 2014, 11:57:02 PM

I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.

Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.

The Thing is an all-time classic.  Love all of the FX, the soundtrack, and one of my favorite closing scenes ever.

The Thing (80's) is all-time favorite.

I rewatched it when it was released on blue ray a few years ago...DAMN, JUST AS AWESOME as watching it as a wee lad (I was too young, but loved it, but it scared the heck out of me).
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: toymachine78 on August 02, 2014, 07:48:47 AM
Watching Big Trouble in Little China. Talk about a blast from the past. I forgot how much I love this movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Dicer on August 03, 2014, 07:47:42 PM
Watched Escape Plan tonight, another good Stallone flick, him and Arnie work well together.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: munchiaz on August 04, 2014, 06:28:44 AM
Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend. I thought it was pretty good. Ran a little long, but it had good action, and likable characters. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on August 04, 2014, 01:08:30 PM
Watched Escape Plan tonight, another good Stallone flick, him and Arnie work well together.

I loved this movie.  I am glad it did well overseas, because I would love to see more movies like this.  Hipster pussy Americans don't know what is good anymore.  Expendables 3 coming out soon (yay) and then Rambo 5 is supposed to be shot next (YYYYAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!).

Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend. I thought it was pretty good. Ran a little long, but it had good action, and likable characters. 

I enjoyed this movie quite a bit.  James Gun makes pretty good movies and I like that a guy with Troma roots (Tromeo and Juliet) is now making AAA Hollywood titles.  Best part of this movie was when Lloyd Kaufman was in the prison at the start, that brief cameo made the whole film worth my time!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnymad on August 04, 2014, 01:14:33 PM
Saw Lucy this afternoon. I enjoyed the story and the ending made you think a little bit. I've always wondered if humans have untapped powers. I'd be cool with just flying and invisibility.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFlutterPie on August 05, 2014, 11:26:22 AM
I watched Dead Man on Campus last night on T.V.  Certainly an interesting take on the "Slacker parties too hard at College" movie. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on August 05, 2014, 04:03:58 PM
I watched Dead Man on Campus last night on T.V.  Certainly an interesting take on the "Slacker parties too hard at College" movie.

I like the scene with the depressed goth guy singing show tunes.

Also, Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 20, 2014, 01:42:16 AM

The first 30 minutes or so were OK, nothing really grabbed me, but I wanted to see what the movie was building up towards. The blonde girl was a bit silly, the, "UNPLUG" group leader. After almost the first hour, I had to start skipping through portions of the movie, fast forwarding. The movie was not my taste, but I tried. From what I saw of the ending, I didn't miss much.

While watching part of it, it made me think back to how 12 Monkeys is pretty good, and Transcendence isn't.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 20, 2014, 01:51:08 AM
I have Transcendence on order, been wanting to see it, but yeah, I heard that it bombed pretty bad. Another Johnny Depp failure in a string of them lately.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 20, 2014, 10:30:07 AM
I have Transcendence on order, been wanting to see it, but yeah, I heard that it bombed pretty bad. Another Johnny Depp failure in a string of them lately.

I found it to be cheesy, and not in a good way, especially when the movie is about half way through. It left me rolling my eyes a bit, and thinking that my time could be better spent on other things. The movie could have been better, it was an OK idea. Give it a look, it may be your taste.

I need to give that killer telephone movie a watch sometime soon, "Bells". I may get to that in a week or so. I think I may enjoy Bells more than Transcendence.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 20, 2014, 12:53:14 PM
I just watched a Documentary called " Dear Zachary".  By far the saddest thing I've ever seen.  It deals with mental illness and an extremely selfish sociopath.  I can be watched on YouTube in its entirety.  I urge all of you to watch it but I warn you that it is jarring.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 21, 2014, 01:02:45 PM
Death Spa.

This is the movie Transcendence could have been. I haven't seen this movie since VHS, and that VHS was murky enough, probably due to many rentals, sometimes I couldn't quite make out the effects.

The plot is a bit loose, basically the dead wife of a health club owner is haunting his health club and causing deaths. This is made easier, since a lot of the health club stuff is hooked up to computers. So, she just possesses the computer.

The Blu-ray was great, I can now make more sense out of what I am seeing, so, so, so much clearer than that VHS.

Death Spa, while not great, the Blu-ray caused me to enjoy it moreso than when I watched the VHS long ago.

Better than Transcendence.

Later, I'll get to watching Bells (AKA; Murder by Phone.)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on August 21, 2014, 02:32:05 PM
I am rewatching big trouble in little china for what has to be the millionth time

This is such a classic.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 21, 2014, 03:43:24 PM
Yeah, too bad John Carpenter didn't have repeat success with the "Big Trouble in Little China" formula along with his "They Live" movie, the source of our PCE OBEY shtick. Never understood why that demigod henchman (called Thunder) just blows himself up at the end of the movie till reading the plot just now on Wiki - seems the reason given is a form of seppuku/suicide for failing to protect his master, but still, he had a chance to do damage to those responsible on their way out... It was awkward the way it was done, bunch of fighting, then he just starts inflating himself, and KABOOM!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Nando on August 21, 2014, 04:01:19 PM
Nightwolve, that's his desperation move! Yeaaaaaaaaaah

I watched TF4, wasn't as bad as #2 the plot was cool enough. The editing SUCKED, however it was still better than #2.

I liked the fuller look design and the action sequences had my inner 9 year old jumping for joy. Some pretty good performances by a few actors, I didn't care for the the "Titan" family. At least LeBoeuf was as frenetic as the overall concept. I didn't mind him at all.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on August 21, 2014, 04:43:11 PM
Yeah, too bad John Carpenter didn't have repeat success with the "Big Trouble in Little China" formula along with his "They Live" movie, the source of our PCE OBEY shtick. Never understood why that demigod henchman (called Thunder) just blows himself up at the end of the movie till reading the plot just now on Wiki - seems the reason given is a form of seppuku/suicide for failing to protect his master, but still, he had a chance do damage to those responsible on their way out... It was awkward the way it was done, bunch of fighting, then he just starts inflating himself, and KABOOM!

If it wasn't for this movie Mortal Kombat may never have had Raidan. 

Also I always thing of Tremers and that old Asian guy saying "let's call them graboids"
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 23, 2014, 09:12:17 AM
The World according to Garp - With Robin Williams gone, and seeing coverage of some of his older films, I decided to revisit this one. I seem to remember bits and pieces of it from TV, but I think it was over my head at that time, so I probably didn't watch it all the way through.

Good stuff, lots of stuff happened I didn't quite expect, whereas other stuff I saw coming, such as the "fender bender" that caused someone to bite down, HARD!

Today, I have a double feature of, "In search of Big Foot" and "Cry Wilderness" to get to.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 24, 2014, 12:02:14 AM
In Search of Bigfoot - a 75 minute pseudo-documentary from the mid 70s. Nothing special, I don't mind pseudo documentaries, especially at 75 minutes.

Cry Wilderness - Had I originally seen this when younger, such as 8, 9, 10 years old, somewhere around there, I'd have some nostalgia for this. Maybe. I tried watching this, knowing it was a bit of a family movie. After about 30 minutes, my brain felt like it was melting. So I fast-forwarded through the rest, and condensed it into 40 minutes or so.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 24, 2014, 05:16:43 AM
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness. 

Thank you, Fulci.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnymad on August 24, 2014, 05:19:48 AM
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness. 

Thank you, Fulci.

Big Foot is real. He has his own monster truck and is in beef jerky commercials.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 24, 2014, 05:30:26 AM

I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness. 

Thank you, Fulci.

Big Foot is real. He has his own monster truck and is in beef jerky commercials.

RANDOM TRIVIA: Pizza Hut used to have a silly,giant rectangular pizza marketed as "The Bigfoot" ...the only reason I know is because my friends and I couldn't figure out if it was the most economical way to get massive quantities of food.

Pizza Hut is not real food....this when I was poor boy in high school.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 24, 2014, 05:50:32 AM
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness. 

Thank you, Fulci.

Esteban, "The World According to Garp" is a very good movie. You'll probably like it, being a family man now, and all! Don't discount that film, just because I like, "Crap" such as, "Death Spa", and fast forward through horrible crap such as, "Cry Wilderness" and "Transcendence".
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 24, 2014, 11:03:45 AM
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness. 

Thank you, Fulci.

Esteban, "The World According to Garp" is a very good movie. You'll probably like it, being a family man now, and all! Don't discount that film, just because I like, "Crap" such as, "Death Spa", and fast forward through horrible crap such as, "Cry Wilderness" and "Transcendence".

I'm gonna watch The World According to Garp.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

But I refuse to watch BICENTENNIAL MAN.

Actually, maybe I'd watch that. Not sure.

PLUS, I LOVE TRASHY FILMS and arty films. Well, some arty films. And some trashy films.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on August 25, 2014, 05:43:39 AM
Over the weekend, I watched the Evil Dead remake.  I enjoyed it (once I got over the lack of Bruce), particularly the foul mouthed Jane and the tid bits from the original sprinkled throughout.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: _joshuaTurbo on August 25, 2014, 05:59:27 AM
Over the weekend I watched "Worlds Greatest Dad"  It was marked as a 'dark comedy' and Netflix told me I'd like it because I enjoyed 'Death to Smoochie'.  Well, turns out I really didn't like it...

I was even sadder that this was one of Robin Williams' last film projects.  It's directed by Bobcat Goldwaith and does have a couple comical parts in it, but it really pushes the awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings in between character things that I'm not too fond of....

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: munchiaz on August 25, 2014, 06:25:24 AM
I saw the new Sin City this weekend. It was decent, not nearly as good as the first one. I would say maybe wait until its released on BD
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on August 25, 2014, 06:49:10 AM
I watched 8-Man After.

I saw a TV edited versions maybe 19-20 years ago. I had basically forgotten the entire movie, so it was nice seeing it again after all these years and still being entertained.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 25, 2014, 11:21:21 AM

I watched 8-Man After.

I saw a TV edited versions maybe 19-20 years ago. I had basically forgotten the entire movie, so it was nice seeing it again after all these years and still being entertained.

Eightman 8-man, the anime thingie? The one the NEOGEO game us based on?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on August 25, 2014, 08:42:57 PM

Eightman 8-man, the anime thingie? The one the NEOGEO game us based on?

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 26, 2014, 12:07:52 AM

Eightman 8-man, the anime thingie? The one the NEOGEO game us based on?


I have been curious about it (the old b/w series)...I didn't realize there was more.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on August 26, 2014, 12:32:35 AM

I have been curious about it (the old b/w series)...I didn't realize there was more.

This was presumably made in the 90s. I'd not seen the old series before.

There was a local channel in Chicagoland that ran TV edited versions of Streamline Pictures anime movies in the early to mid 90s. 8-Man After is one they aired as I recall bits and pieces of having seen it. It's probably been 20ish years since I've seen it and I came across it on YouTube.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Ayce on August 26, 2014, 02:09:00 AM
Judge Dredd...
I have been holding off on watching this one for so long because of how much I hated the last one. I really wish I didn't wait... it was great.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on August 26, 2014, 01:40:53 PM
Over the weekend, I watched the Evil Dead remake.  I enjoyed it (once I got over the lack of Bruce), particularly the foul mouthed Jane and the tid bits from the original sprinkled throughout.  :mrgreen:

Of all the horror remakes that have been done, this has to be the best.  I had a few issues with it, but I think they went with the right tone and the idea to not make a male the lead really helped.  Now I am looking forward to the Evil Dead TV series, starring Bruce!

Judge Dredd...
I have been holding off on watching this one for so long because of how much I hated the last one. I really wish I didn't wait... it was great.

Dredd was awesome.  In 3D at the theater it was even more awesome.  I am bummed that there likely won't be a sequel, because it did poorly in theaters, I would love a follow-up with Karl Urban and the same director.

I saw the new Sin City this weekend. It was decent, not nearly as good as the first one. I would say maybe wait until its released on BD

I saw Sin City 2 last night and I really enjoyed it.  I will confess I love Frank Miller and the source material, but I thought it was great.  In a world where I see the same comic book movie every other week, seeing something stylish and fresh (since it has been 10 years since the first) is great.

I love a movie where men are men and the throwback feel to the film noir type of guys is great.  None of these hipsters or metrosexual types, I like gritty.  Also, Eva Green was great and given as good of a part of any man in the movie, plus her tits are A++
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 26, 2014, 04:34:00 PM
Evil Dead remake.. I preferred Cabin in the Woods.  Evil Dead remake had some moments, but, I couldn't get too into it. If I had a choice to view Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead remake, I know what I'd choose.

Dredd, good stuff, I had fun in the theatre.

The other movie, no comment on, only seen part of the first one.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on August 26, 2014, 04:51:43 PM
Dredd is 100 times better than the Sly version.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 26, 2014, 04:53:23 PM
Dredd is 100 times better than the Sly version.

years ago, there was talk of a Dredd movie, I thought Demolition Man was, "that" Dredd movie, just renamed. later, the other one appeared. The 2012 Dredd, yes, better than the 1995 stuff. However, Demolition Man and Dredd, they reach the same bar, just about, for me.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: BigusSchmuck on August 26, 2014, 05:23:58 PM
Loopers, that movie was pretty good even if they combined the best parts of Terminator and Akira together.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on August 26, 2014, 08:01:30 PM
Dredd, good stuff, I had fun in the theatre.

Was this "fun" related to seeing the movie or was there a whole other thing going on? :3
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 26, 2014, 08:06:00 PM
Fun, in that I hadn't seen a 3D movie in.... A LONG TIME (forever?)!

It's OK, I have the BLU here, with a display that supports the stupid glasses, but, I'm not ready for it again, yet.

Demolition Man is better, I still think.

Sandra, Wesley, Sylvester, Denis Leary, Taco bell. .... Can't go too wrong, with that.

*edited to add - and, the three sea-shells. I never figured out how that worked, sanitarily.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on August 27, 2014, 01:18:17 AM
How appropriate I am about to use the 3 sea shells.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 27, 2014, 01:27:27 AM
How appropriate I am about to use the 3 sea shells.

All these years, I've never bothered to read any, "Fan Fictions", about  the 3 sea shells. I am sure it is out there, but much like Sly, I'd prefer it to remain a mystery, sine it is never revealed at the end, anyway when he asks. The mystery has been fine with me for the past 20 years or so, so why change. Wadded up paper is fine.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 27, 2014, 02:06:32 AM
Bells/Murder By Phone - I am still unsure the guy's motive, but, I had an OK time.

Next, I will split it between meals - Project Nightmare.

Project Nightmare, I saw years ago, and was unsure what was going on. I have stories about this, not going to type here, about other folks who saw it. Same deal, it compels you to watch the entire 75 minutes running time.

I may have time, and the stamina to do 75min straight through, but if not, I am not chickening out. I will watch all 75 minutes of it, again.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 27, 2014, 02:29:19 AM

The 50th romantic comedy featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.  It has been a long time since a new Sandler movie made me laugh.  Not the greatest movie in the world, but it exceeded all expectations.

Eventually, I may give that a go.

However, since.. 2002 or so? Adam Sandler movies have equaled a level of hell to sit through. I miss the days, when he starred in movies, where a tour guide complained about, "That damn sasquatch" eating all those school lunches, and him telling people it's cool to pee their pants.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on August 27, 2014, 02:34:21 AM
I haven't seen a good Sandler film since Big Daddy.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on August 27, 2014, 02:39:47 AM

The 50th romantic comedy featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.  It has been a long time since a new Sandler movie made me laugh.  Not the greatest movie in the world, but it exceeded all expectations.

Eventually, I may give that a go.

However, since.. 2002 or so? Adam Sandler movies have equaled a level of hell to sit through. I miss the days, when he starred in movies, where a tour guide complained about, "That damn sasquatch" eating all those school lunches, and him telling people it's cool to pee their pants.

Greatest injustice of the decade:

The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried.  IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison.  In many ways, it was even better. (:

Oh, it was stupid, yes, but, "Momma said"...

and, Rob Schneider said, "YOU CAN DO IT!"

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on August 27, 2014, 10:03:43 PM
Sandra, Wesley, Sylvester, Denis Leary, Taco bell. .... Can't go too wrong, with that.

Sandra Buttocks = best

Greatest injustice of the decade:

The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried.  IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison.  In many ways, it was even better. (:

No love for Happy Gilmore?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on August 28, 2014, 03:27:51 AM
So last night I watched World War Z on Amazon Prime ........

is it weird that even though I watched it with a subcription I still want a ticket refund?

Also this was simply bad.........like .........

that one epiosed of The Walking Dead where the gansters were taking care of the elderly bad.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Galder on August 28, 2014, 10:20:36 AM
Wheels of Terror in tv, nice '87 war movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Nando on August 28, 2014, 11:50:30 PM
Evil Dead remake.. I preferred Cabin in the Woods.  Evil Dead remake had some moments, but, I couldn't get too into it. If I had a choice to view Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead remake, I know what I'd choose.

cabin was surprisingly good. A must watch for any glam of the genre.

Now what's this about an Evil Dead tv show?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on August 29, 2014, 03:51:50 AM
Evil Dead remake.. I preferred Cabin in the Woods.  Evil Dead remake had some moments, but, I couldn't get too into it. If I had a choice to view Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead remake, I know what I'd choose.

The correct answer is BOTH.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on August 29, 2014, 07:52:47 PM
Sandra, Wesley, Sylvester, Denis Leary, Taco bell. .... Can't go too wrong, with that.

Sandra Buttocks = best

Greatest injustice of the decade:

The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried.  IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison.  In many ways, it was even better. (:

No love for Happy Gilmore?

agree with you about Sandra!

Happy Gilmore was great, but not quite as good as Billy Madison and The Water boy.   Plus, you can readily stream Happy Gilmore from many video services, so there is no injustice to speak of.

Yay! Sandra is the best!

I liked Wawa Boy, just not as much as Billy and Happy, Wawa felt like the last great Sandler flick, though. I want to say that I think I remember hearing rumblings of Mister Billy making a Fatty McGee movie back in the day. Wonder if that was ever really a thing. Suppose I could go look it up...

nah. hehehe
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on August 31, 2014, 10:57:18 PM
This past sunday i saw guardians of the galaxy finally.I enjoy the movie and in a way,it reminded of the star wars original trilogy.The humor in it was tongue in cheek but still very funny.Beside the fact,even if you don't know much about the comic it covers enough in detail.The sound track itself i was fine with since it had plenty of 70's songs in it.By now i won't be surprised if i see lot's of "i am groot" meme floating around youtube  :-"
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 01, 2014, 04:35:28 AM
Mrs. Doubtfire — this was slightly better than I remembered it (I saw it when it was released). Chalk that up to age...I was a high school senior and wanted something edgier.

Ghostbusters II — this was a BILLION times better than I remember it (I saw it in theatre).  The entire audience seemed disappointed by sequel when I initially saw it, I remember just feeling ripped off (I had to carefully choose what movies to see due to limited $$$)—so did 90% of the fiends I went to see it with. I was bored, frustrated, couldn't believe Ghostbusters II SUCKED HARDCORE.  But, watching it a few days ago with my daughter, I actually really liked it. The sting of yesteryear had dissipated and I just had a great time enjoying the silly stuff.

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Miracle_Warrior on September 01, 2014, 05:25:36 AM
Snowpiercer - Interesting concept, but terrible execution.  Just had a weird vibe to it, couldn't get in to it at all.  Avoid it. 

The Prince - Another terrible movie that was poorly casted.  I just couldn't believe that this everyman is/was supposed to be the biggest badass assassin ever. 

Frontera - I thought this was excellent.  Great acting, I recommend you watch it. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Miracle_Warrior on September 01, 2014, 05:27:37 AM

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.

The Princess Bride!  That is, if you've yet to watch it with your 5th grader. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 01, 2014, 07:47:25 AM
Ghostbusters 2 is a great flick and I never understood the hate.  Maybe because I am a little older and the original predates me a little bit and part 2  was actually part of my youth?

I watched I Spit On Your Grave 2  this weekend and it was really good.  For a straight to DVD movie, it was well made and followed the classic formula well.  If you have the stomach for these types of movies, give it a watch.  It was on Hulu Plus so that made it an easier, aka free, decision.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: toymachine78 on September 01, 2014, 07:55:38 AM
Been watching a bunch of Mystery Science Theater this weekend. I highly recommended The Night of the Blood Beast episode. Many lulz to be had.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 01, 2014, 09:49:59 AM

Been watching a bunch of Mystery Science Theater this weekend. I highly recommended The Night of the Blood Beast episode. Many lulz to be had.

Manis, Hands of Fate
The Alien who looks like a potato movie

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 01, 2014, 09:54:38 AM

Ghostbusters 2 is a great flick and I never understood the hate.  Maybe because I am a little older and the original predates me a little bit and part 2  was actually part of my youth?

I watched I Spit On Your Grave 2  this weekend and it was really good.  For a straight to DVD movie, it was well made and followed the classic formula well.  If you have the stomach for these types of movies, give it a watch.  It was on Hulu Plus so that made it an easier, aka free, decision.

I think you're correct, folks who didn't experience the full awesomeness of the original were more forgiving, perhaps, of the sequel.

My summer vacation ends tonight (duh!), so I may watch I Spit On Your Grave, a zombie flick, random horror film, etc. as a treat.

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.

The Princess Bride!  That is, if you've yet to watch it with your 5th grader.

Movie tonight with wife and daughter, no joke. It might be the one. I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 01, 2014, 10:05:32 AM

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.

I Spit on Your Grave 2 is not such a movie.  :)
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 01, 2014, 10:12:10 AM

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.

I Spit on Your Grave 2 is not such a movie.  :)

Hahahahahahahahaha! Neither is Blood and Black Lace, or The House By the Cemetery, or ....  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: PunkicCyborg on September 01, 2014, 12:55:41 PM
Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not really into new movies but I really enjoyed this!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on September 01, 2014, 06:25:34 PM

VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.

I Spit on Your Grave 2 is not such a movie.  :)

Hahahahahahahahaha! Neither is Blood and Black Lace, or The House By the Cemetery, or ....  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

Once you get into 7th grade or so, you can always get out some of the tamer Hitchcock movies. Not horror, but require more thought than most horror and suspense. All depends on if the younger person can tolerate, "Old" movies and movies without lots of action. I know of someone, back in 2001 or so, complained about I in he late 90's her mother coaxed her into watching an, "Old movie". That old movie being, "Rosemary's Baby" when it aired on TV. She said she laughed throughout it. She was in her early 20's at the time.

OH, something that just clicked in my mind, a great horror movie, for younger folks, and also older, though I'm not sure if it's a nostalgia thing for me. The last time I watched it was Halloween 2012; "The Willies". It's a horror anthology, like Creepshow, but PG-13. Has some good lessons; Don't be a bully, don't torment animals, etc.

I still have not yet revisited Mrs. Doubtfire since a theatre viewing, and later VHS rental or similar. I'm not sure if I'd like it better, but I may, as some stuff may have been over my head at the time, or I not appreciated so much at the time. Similar to how I appreciated Overboard, Parenthood, and some other stuff from the 80's as I got older.

Anyway, I have not watched anything more, but I did set aside some money for the Blu-ray of UHF, which is released in Novemeber. I haven't seen the movie in 7 years or so.

I did watch some of the Simpsons marathon this weekend, and while not a movie, it might as well have been.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFulci on September 01, 2014, 06:34:02 PM

............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure still holds up pretty well. Then again, may have to explain to a younger person what a phone booth is for, and why they were once everyplace. It also has George Carlin here and there throughout.

I saw it for the first time in 10+ years, in 2012 or so. It was airing on some TV station, and I left it on in the background while cooking or something, and I got sucked back into it. I caught it about 1/3 of the way in. The bit with Napoleon bowling got me laughing, and the subtitles. I had forgotten about that.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on September 01, 2014, 08:58:22 PM
Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not really into new movies but I really enjoyed this!
Ditto but now i have the song hooked on a feeling stuck in my head again  #-o
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 02, 2014, 11:31:59 AM

............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure still holds up pretty well. Then again, may have to explain to a younger person what a phone booth is for, and why they were once everyplace. It also has George Carlin here and there throughout.

I saw it for the first time in 10+ years, in 2012 or so. It was airing on some TV station, and I left it on in the background while cooking or something, and I got sucked back into it. I caught it about 1/3 of the way in. The bit with Napoleon bowling got me laughing, and the subtitles. I had forgotten about that.

She loves Dr. Who already, so I figured why not try Bill & Ted? She might like it. I can't remember anything, anyway.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 02, 2014, 06:29:55 PM
Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie.  Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.

Anyone else watch Woody Allen films?  He's probably my favorite director.  All of my top movies are his...  or horrible horror trash.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on September 03, 2014, 05:26:12 AM
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on September 03, 2014, 09:00:39 AM
Again, I must reiterate, you all must watch "Dear Zachary".  It is a documentary and it is on Youtube for free if you must see it obviously easy to download.  An EXTREMELY powerful message and a must watch, messed me up for days.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Miracle_Warrior on September 03, 2014, 11:44:12 AM
Again, I must reiterate, you all must watch "Dear Zachary".  It is a documentary and it is on Youtube for free if you must see it obviously easy to download.  An EXTREMELY powerful message and a must watch, messed me up for days.

Just watched this on your recommendation.  Wow, very powerful indeed.  So much raw emotion in that documentary.  As someone with children myself, I can relate to a lot of the comments made Kate and David. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on September 03, 2014, 01:00:54 PM
Glad you watched.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 06, 2014, 11:21:00 PM

Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie.  Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.

Anyone else watch Woody Allen films?  He's probably my favorite director.  All of my top movies are his...  or horrible horror trash.

Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).

............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure still holds up pretty well. Then again, may have to explain to a younger person what a phone booth is for, and why they were once everyplace. It also has George Carlin here and there throughout.

I saw it for the first time in 10+ years, in 2012 or so. It was airing on some TV station, and I left it on in the background while cooking or something, and I got sucked back into it. I caught it about 1/3 of the way in. The bit with Napoleon bowling got me laughing, and the subtitles. I had forgotten about that.

She loves Dr. Who already, so I figured why not try Bill & Ted? She might like it. I can't remember anything, anyway.

I had my wife watch Bill and Ted earlier this year. She actually liked it OK. She's my age though, not in the fifth grade, so I don't know if that helps.

I was "THIS" close to watching Bill & Ted on Friday night. We will watch it soon, though.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: toymachine78 on September 07, 2014, 01:35:29 AM
I had a The Tick marathon yesterday. SPOON!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 07, 2014, 05:53:33 AM

Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie.  Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.

Anyone else watch Woody Allen films?  He's probably my favorite director.  All of my top movies are his...  or horrible horror trash.

Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).

Living in NYC there are Woody Allen screenings at some theater almost weekly, so it is easy to go watch the classics (Manhattan, Sleeper, Annie Hall, etc.) on the big screen.

I picked this up for less than $100 on sale and have made it through most of the movies.


I think even "lesser" Woody Allen is better than 90% of what is out there.  Crimes and Misdemeanors, Broadway Danny Rose, and Hannah and Her Sisters are a little later than his classic movies and all are awesome.  For his newer stuff, I genuinely enjoyed Match Point, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine.  His latest movie is probably his worst in a decade, but it had a few moments.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on September 07, 2014, 06:05:00 AM

Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie.  Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.

Anyone else watch Woody Allen films?  He's probably my favorite director.  All of my top movies are his...  or horrible horror trash.

Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).

Living in NYC there are Woody Allen screenings at some theater almost weekly, so it is easy to go watch the classics (Manhattan, Sleeper, Annie Hall, etc.) on the big screen.

I picked this up for less than $100 on sale and have made it through most of the movies.


I think even "lesser" Woody Allen is better than 90% of what is out there.  Crimes and Misdemeanors, Broadway Danny Rose, and Hannah and Her Sisters are a little later than his classic movies and all are awesome.  For his newer stuff, I genuinely enjoyed Match Point, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine.  His latest movie is probably his worst in a decade, but it had a few moments.

Which theaters?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 07, 2014, 06:47:16 AM
Unless it is just coincidence, when I was in NYC I watched some of his movies at both MOMA and Film Forum.  I remember passing on his movies at Film Society at Lincoln Center.  I am into old movies and always looked at the film schedules when I was there, even seeing Troll 2 surprisingly played in Brooklyn one weekend!

Since I was in NYC for about a year for work and I didn't know too many people besides co-workers, I was the weird introverted guy sitting in the back of Film Forum munching popcorn and embracing film history.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on September 07, 2014, 11:06:04 AM

Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie.  Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.

Anyone else watch Woody Allen films?  He's probably my favorite director.  All of my top movies are his...  or horrible horror trash.

Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).

Living in NYC there are Woody Allen screenings at some theater almost weekly, so it is easy to go watch the classics (Manhattan, Sleeper, Annie Hall, etc.) on the big screen.

I picked this up for less than $100 on sale and have made it through most of the movies.


I think even "lesser" Woody Allen is better than 90% of what is out there.  Crimes and Misdemeanors, Broadway Danny Rose, and Hannah and Her Sisters are a little later than his classic movies and all are awesome.  For his newer stuff, I genuinely enjoyed Match Point, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine.  His latest movie is probably his worst in a decade, but it had a few moments.

100% agree on all counts.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)

I even like Zaftig.  (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on September 07, 2014, 01:24:54 PM
Watched the Angry Video Game Nerd Movie on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/ondemand/avgn/104184630).

It was better, yet not quite as good as I was expecting. Overall, definitely worth the $5 for a 24hr rental, at least I think.

I had a The Tick marathon yesterday. SPOON!!!!!!!!

Love the Tick cartoon! So much so, that I bought the UK DVD sets since only the first two seasons were released in the US, both missing an episode, I might add.

Also, the live action series is pretty great. Heard there may be a continuation or a reboot of that thanks to Amazon. Yeh.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on September 09, 2014, 11:33:04 AM
been watching the wind rises.  pretty looking but slow story... trying to finish it too
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on October 17, 2014, 03:58:14 PM

The son of a gun gets the job done, gotta hand it to 'im! Oh sure, many of your cities will be left crumbled down to dust when the fighting is all over, but he's much better than the nuclear option (that's for sure!) when it comes to eliminating mothra type monsters already running loose, wreaking havoc and destruction along their paths! Godzilla, the good guy, believe it or not! Just get out of the way and let 'im do his damn job, ya stupid humans! :P

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on October 17, 2014, 05:34:24 PM
I know that voice it's a movie about voice actors.They interview them and talk about there experiences working in the field.Still i wish they could have interview peter cullen and frank welker.

It's on netflik currently  :wink:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFlutterPie on October 18, 2014, 04:23:58 AM
I caught Addams Family Values last night on T.V.

I always enjoyed it as a kid and I still enjoyed my viewing last night.  I was surprised to see how dark it was for a children's movie in the early 90's though.  However, I think that is why we liked it so much as kids :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on October 18, 2014, 05:55:53 PM
I too just watched Godzilla.  It was awesome! Granted, I took the day off (not related to the movie rental) and had the house to myself for the morning so watched it in it's full-surround-sound glory.  I turned the "night mode" and "dynamic sound" crap off and cranked that shit up till it was shaking the house (and I only have 1 BIC F-12 - someone here has 4! :) ). The movie was fun, but the sound made it epic. My couch shook and shimmied like there was no tomorrow.  It was much woot. Anyone that has a home theater with some bass *needs* to view this movie.  I've never experienced anything like it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on October 19, 2014, 04:37:35 AM
Wow, I'm surprised to hear so many positive things about Godzilla. I'll keep that in mind.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: cjameslv on October 21, 2014, 04:15:13 AM
Just watched The Sorcerer and the White Snake on netflix last night. I'm already a jet li fan so i was pretty thrilled to see a movie i somehow missed. I'd check it out if your into martial arts movies!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on October 24, 2014, 01:22:03 PM
Wow, I'm surprised to hear so many positive things about Godzilla. I'll keep that in mind.

I went to see it in the cinema a few months back with some friends, we just thought it was... ok.

watching a Danish movie on blu ray called "The Hunt"

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrFlutterPie on October 24, 2014, 02:40:09 PM
Watched Circuitry Man last night.  I was entertained.  It's not an amazing movie by any means but it was a bit different and I enjoyed it. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on October 24, 2014, 03:30:31 PM
I didn't watch it yet but I'm looking forward to Deadliest Prey... seems like it's as funny as the first one for what I've seen so far... DUN DUN DUN
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 24, 2014, 04:21:25 PM
Recently watched:

Hotel Transylvania (decent with the exception of Adam Sandler's bad Drac and Ceelo Green's fat mummy)

Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)

Cabin In The Woods (not as good as everyone told me it was, but I liked it enough to pick up some day on the cheap)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on October 25, 2014, 01:46:00 PM
I just watched Dick Tracy from 1990. It's the first time I've seen it in at least 20 years and had forgotten most of what happens. It's a much better movie than I initially recalled.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SuperGrafx on October 25, 2014, 02:34:52 PM
was in the mood for some kung fun / martial arts action.
So I fired up "IP MAN 2" on Netflix
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on October 25, 2014, 02:44:49 PM

Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)

I definitely saw its flaws, but I still liked it. Why did you dislike it so much?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 25, 2014, 09:21:49 PM

Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)

I definitely saw its flaws, but I still liked it. Why did you dislike it so much?

Jaime Fox's Max Dillon/Electro was a joke, Rhino was barely in the movie, too much content shoe horned into the movie, everything felt forced. Only thing I liked were scenes between Garfield and Stone and even those felt meh.

Also, sorry I'm wasted and can barely see. hahah fvk
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on October 27, 2014, 05:13:09 AM
I watched Evil Dead 2 (blood red laserdisc!) over the weekend.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 27, 2014, 10:20:05 AM
I watched Evil Dead 2 (blood red laserdisc!) over the weekend.


Effk yeah!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on October 27, 2014, 03:07:24 PM

I too just watched Godzilla.  It was awesome! Granted, I took the day off (not related to the movie rental) and had the house to myself for the morning so watched it in it's full-surround-sound glory.  I turned the "night mode" and "dynamic sound" crap off and cranked that shit up till it was shaking the house (and I only have 1 BIC F-12 - someone here has 4! :) ). The movie was fun, but the sound made it epic. My couch shook and shimmied like there was no tomorrow.  It was much woot. Anyone that has a home theater with some bass *needs* to view this movie.  I've never experienced anything like it.

Dammit man... now i have to flip a coin between game 6 of the world series and Godzilla when i have kid-free time tomorrow night. :lol:

Why not both at the same time? Baseball doesn't require constant attention.

Two TV's next to each other=problem solved
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on October 30, 2014, 03:06:55 PM
I too just watched Godzilla.  It was awesome! Granted, I took the day off (not related to the movie rental) and had the house to myself for the morning so watched it in it's full-surround-sound glory.  I turned the "night mode" and "dynamic sound" crap off and cranked that shit up till it was shaking the house (and I only have 1 BIC F-12 - someone here has 4! :) ). The movie was fun, but the sound made it epic. My couch shook and shimmied like there was no tomorrow.  It was much woot. Anyone that has a home theater with some bass *needs* to view this movie.  I've never experienced anything like it.

Dammit man... now i have to flip a coin between game 6 of the world series and Godzilla when i have kid-free time tomorrow night. :lol:

I hope you watched game 6 - it was pretty awesome. Last night's game could have been better, though. ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: FiftyQuid on October 31, 2014, 06:31:13 AM
Baseball excites me about as much as a bird flying into a window.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 just needed to cram another 5 or 6 villians into the movie and then I'm sure it would have been just fine.

Me, I have more refined tastes, so I sat down and watched Tinkerbell and The Pirate Fairy.  it was quite possible one of the best movies of all time.  If someone doesn't get an Oscar for this film then there is something wrong with the movie industry.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on October 31, 2014, 12:10:29 PM
I didn't watch it yet but I'm looking forward to Deadliest Prey... seems like it's as funny as the first one for what I've seen so far... DUN DUN DUN

IT WAS CRAP. Stick with the original "hit" which is far funnier
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jeffhlewis on November 01, 2014, 06:56:23 AM
Just saw Gone Girl...you'll never look at boxcutters the same way ever again.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: munchiaz on November 03, 2014, 08:16:22 AM
I went to see Nightcrawler this weekend with the girlfriend. I wasn't expecting to much,but man it was an awesome movie. jake gyllenhaal was awesome in the movie and his character was so intriguing.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on January 27, 2015, 11:46:10 AM
Recently watched:
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)

Yeah, it was terrible. I dunno how a great actor like Paul Giamatti could create one of those worst villain characters I have ever seen in a movie... Watch "Shoot 'em up" with Clive Owen to see the contrast of a great villain that he played.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on January 27, 2015, 03:45:00 PM
Recently watched:
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)

Yeah, it was terrible. I dunno how a great actor like Paul Giamatti could create one of those worst villain characters I have ever seen in a movie... Watch "Shoot 'em up" with Clive Owen to see the contrast of a great villain that he played.

I've heard good things about that movie just never got around to watching it and kinda forgot about it. I'll have check it out. Thanks.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on January 27, 2015, 04:51:20 PM
Oh, it's a pretty nonstop actionfest, one of the best action movies that I've ever seen...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on January 27, 2015, 06:35:26 PM
Oh, it's a pretty nonstop actionfest, one of the best action movies that I've ever seen...

Assuming you've seen your fair share of Dolphs and Arnolds, that's really saying something. Hard to imagine Clive Owen being one of them action dudes. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but he rubbed me the wrong way in Sin City and Closer. Both movies he had a line that made me simultaneously lol and cringe. For Sin is was that "I'll smack ya." line and Closer it was something along the lines of "Show me your pussy."

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 28, 2015, 03:13:01 AM
I watched the new Dracula movie yesterday. Cool but nothing to write home about.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on January 29, 2015, 01:58:07 PM
"Shoot em up" is a freaking killer movie. (no pun intended)
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: VenomMacbeth on March 30, 2015, 04:50:56 PM
Just watched Galaxy Express 999 for the first time since I was 8, and I just realized Captain Harlock is voiced by the same fellow that narrated Exile.

[EDIT:] well according to IMDB, I'm dead wrong about this.  They sound extremely similar though.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MotherGunner on March 30, 2015, 05:10:52 PM
Just saw the new Robocop.  Niether hated it or loved it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on March 31, 2015, 10:29:20 AM

Just watched Galaxy Express 999 for the first time since I was 8, and I just realized Captain Harlock is voiced by the same fellow that narrated Exile.

[EDIT:] well according to IMDB, I'm dead wrong about this.  They sound extremely similar though.

I love Galaxy Express 999  :)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: xelement5x on April 01, 2015, 04:33:53 AM

Just watched Galaxy Express 999 for the first time since I was 8, and I just realized Captain Harlock is voiced by the same fellow that narrated Exile.

[EDIT:] well according to IMDB, I'm dead wrong about this.  They sound extremely similar though.

I love Galaxy Express 999  :)


Maetel!  I saw an awesome Maetel original sketch up for sale in Japan a week or so ago but it was already in like the $900 range, wowsers.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: dan Iacovelli on April 01, 2015, 04:38:58 AM
went to see Home yesterday in 2D pretty decent movie even has a moral at the end
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: VenomMacbeth on April 01, 2015, 11:33:11 AM
Anyone here seen Doom Generation?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TurboGrafx on April 01, 2015, 01:25:06 PM
Just watched VHS: Viral because it was added to netflix. Honestly, I was not impressed at all.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SplatterTrigger on April 01, 2015, 10:30:18 PM
I just saw Gone Girl. That was pretty f*cked up.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jeffhlewis on April 08, 2015, 06:10:14 PM
Just saw Whiplash (loved it) and Furious 7...like with any F&TF movie, if you go in expecting a fun, dumb action flick you won't be disappointed. Worth it for the stunts alone.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on April 10, 2015, 03:59:48 AM
Just saw Exodus Gods and Kings

It was actually really good... It's like the story of Moses meets Gladiator.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on April 10, 2015, 04:34:06 AM
Just saw Whiplash (loved it)

Whiplash was really good. I loved JK Simmons in that. It was inspiring yet at the same time very discouraging. I don't think I've ever put that much effort into anything, ever. lol
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on April 10, 2015, 04:50:01 AM
Just saw Jersey Boys with my dad.  It was fun and my dad was reminiscing about the 50's & 60's in NY/NJ.  It was fun and went into how successful Frankie Valli was but also glossed over key points.  Gratuitous breaking of the 4th wall.  6-10 I give it,
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 08, 2015, 09:05:38 AM
I did my part to support the Terminator franchise and saw the new "Terminator 5: Genisys" sequel in 3D the other day. I guess the negative reviews are about right, it's an OK action movie, but lacking...

I'm kinda surprised James Cameron said he liked it and considered a truer sequel, but once again, the fact is, every sequel after James Cameron has never lived up and the same was true for this one. It's interesting and the actor who played John Connor is good, but it just doesn't pack the punch that T2 does, I'm sad to say. It's worth watching though, and I'd watch it again when it comes out on digital video.


It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2019 when the Terminator movie IP Rights apparently revert back to James Cameron so he'll own them.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 08, 2015, 09:09:27 AM
Hahahaha, yeah, I saw that too! Similar AI plots in many movies like that over the decades, but yeah, I know what you're referring to. ;) Some cold ass shit there...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on July 08, 2015, 09:20:09 AM
Chappie;  an anime inspired live action sci fi movie set in Johannesburg.  The movie has themes of robots being used for fighting crime, meets overly ambitious developers meets artificial intelligence, meets life after death.

It's interesting and it makes you think but I felt the storyline and it's themes needed to delve a bit more deeper to satisfy.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 08, 2015, 09:58:14 AM
It Follows, best horror movie I've seen in years.  It goes out of its way to be of the late 70's, early 80's Genre and is quite ambiguous to what time period it is.  Old tv's and cars but they have Smart Devices.  The premise itself is psychological and never stops.

I loved it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 08, 2015, 10:14:11 AM
Yeah, I liked Chappie well enough, it's from the District 9 director. Never seen Hugh Jackman play a stereotypical bad guy before and I don't think it suited him well.

I guess I'll add a fuller list of recent movies:

*Termimator: Genisys

*Appleseed Alpha (anime) - While nothing revolutionary here, I like it. A "B" SciFi post-apocalyptic action flick.

*Ex Machina - Basic AI plot of creation turning on its creator. Worth watching!


*The Lazarus Effect - Olivia Wilde!!!!

*The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (Heh!)

*Skin Trade (Dolph Lundgren, Ron Perlman and Tony Jaa [of Ong-bak] together)

*Snowpiercer (Chris Evans, Ed Harris) - One heck of a weird movie I didn't think I should bother watching!

*Dracula Untold - Pleasantly surprised, was pretty good!

*Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - Just as much an amusing trainwreck as the first one.

*Maggie - Arnold Schwarzenegger versus zombies ? Yep! Didn't ever see that one coming! It's a low-budget "B" zombie flick. It deals with the moral question/dilemma of how a family would react trying/risking to get as much time as possible with loved ones before their zombie infection inevitably takes its toll and they transform (and are no more)... How long before pulling the trigger, risking your neighborhood, risking yourself, etc. ??


*St. Vincent - Bill Murray!! Yay! And he did alright in this! It's not a phoned-in-performance!

*Talladega Nights - The use of Pat Benatar's "We Belong" song in the final race made this trainwreck worth a watch. The cougar-in-the-car challenge made for good lulz as well. It's mostly a trashy movie, intentionally offensive/obnoxious at parts but you kinda knew what you were getting with the lower end quality of Will Ferrell movies.

* Get Hard - Another Will Ferrell crap movie good for some lulz now and then.

* Sex Tape - Surprised to find Jack Black in this movie. It's OK...

* Superfast - Dumb slapstick Fast'n'Furious spoof/parody. There were surprisingly lots of lulz in this. If you wanna kill time with a dopey comedy, it's worth a watch.

* Jupiter Ascending - I had high hopes for this as it marked the latest movie from the Wachowskis, creators of The Matrix trilogy... Sadly, they have long since lost their mojo... It's great on effects, but just doesn't pack the punch that something like the Matrix did...

* Interstellar - In summary, this is an excellent SciFi space drama at its core and well worth the price of admission. You usually can't go wrong with the Batman Begins/Batman: The Dark Knight writer/director Christopher Nolan and apparently his brother. However...

Interstellar Major Gripes/Annoyances:
1) In the very beginning of the movie, we are introduced to a future post-apocalyptic America where science text books have been "corrected" to state that we never landed on the moon, that is, the Apollo missions were faked, and it was all just brilliant anti-Soviet Communist propaganda to bankrupt them into a space race, etc. Moon Landing denial is now the state curriculum... In other words, the tin-foil hat conspiracy "truthers" *won* in this particular future... I was really irritated by the inclusion of this propaganda essentially getting mainstream coverage with the movie as its vehicle. It would've been the same as if 9/11 inside job "George W. Bush did it!!!" truther nutjobs got their propaganda in a big-budget Hollyweird blockbuster for dissemination...

2) Time travel, time travel paradoxes and warped notions of the theory of relativity also really annoyed me... Time travel/paradoxes occur in many movies, like the Terminator Movies, so I'm used to that and it's just a matter of suspension of disbelief to just enjoy the fantasy of the story being told... Is it however sometimes hard to do, and more so with this movie... Unfortunately, you DO get people REALLY believing that time travel is possible because of its frequent use in science *fiction* movies, but oh well...

3) Purty heavy plagiarism from Event Horizon!!! In one scene, the concept of a wormhole is discussed by one of the mission team members. This dialogue complete with using the piece of paper for visual demonstration is ALMOST verbatim from a great SciFi horror movie known as Event Horizon with Sam Neill, Lawrence Fishburne, directed by Paul W. S. Anderson (after he did the first Mortal Kombat movie incidentally).

OK, so, in one scene, Sam Neill's character explains his revolutionary new space engine. He asks other team members what is the shortest distance between 2 points ? The answer is obvious: a straight line. However, Neill responds with "Wrong! The shortest distance between 2 points is...ZERO!" The "right" answer is to fold space between point A and B so both points coexist in the same space time and for then the ship to emerge out to point B, etc. Neill's character gives this presentation with a piece of paper he drew on which he then folds, lines up point A over point B, then thrusts his pen through both, and skewering a pin-up girl for a little sexual comedy, etc. Same thing just about is done in Interstellar, minus the pin-up and much shorter!! I wonder how many also caught this! Could be considered a respectful homage to Event Horizon of course, but yeah, it's way too similar to not be a direct form of borrowing...


So ignoring some of the nonsense involved with this movie, you have what is an epic space drama as I said and I recommend it! I had to watch it twice and I think many will also need to in order to understand the plot better. I think you should enable subtitles while watching because many lines aren't clear and you'll miss out. Personally, I always turn them on because I hate to rewind when I miss something and some times you see text you never would've ever been able to make out no matter what because it just wasn't considered important enough.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 08, 2015, 03:29:52 PM
Quote from: NightWolf
2) Time travel, time travel paradoxes and warped notions of the theory of relativity also really annoyed me... Time travel/paradoxes occur in many movies, like the Terminator Movies, so I'm used to that and it's just a matter of suspension of disbelief to just enjoy the fantasy of the story being told... Is it however sometimes hard to do, and more so with this movie... Unfortunately, you DO get people REALLY believing that time travel is possible because of its frequent use in science *fiction* movies, but oh well...

relativistic time travel does indeed exist and even has been experienced by Astronauts albeit on a extremely miniscule scale.

Good read here.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 08, 2015, 03:53:17 PM
Quote from: NightWolve
2) Time travel, time travel paradoxes and warped notions of the theory of relativity also really annoyed me... Time travel/paradoxes occur in many movies, like the Terminator Movies, so I'm used to that and it's just a matter of suspension of disbelief to just enjoy the fantasy of the story being told... Is it however sometimes hard to do, and more so with this movie... Unfortunately, you DO get people REALLY believing that time travel is possible because of its frequent use in science *fiction* movies, but oh well...
relativistic time travel does indeed exist and even has been experienced by Astronauts albeit on a extremely miniscule scale.

Good read here.

I'm talking about the idea of genuine "traveling back in time," which requires recording/knowing the position of every atom of a place as it was in the past, and being able to recreate that, rearrange the atoms within a fixed area (like say a Star Trek holodeck) while keeping your atoms (the traveler) in place... I met a moron once (arrogant too, couldn't unconvince him with logic!) that believed the idea of traveling faster than the speed of light would result in you eventually traveling back in time (because that's been done in movies)... Traveling fast in any point in an infinite universe just takes you further away from the starting point... So yeah, science fiction movies create believers who can't separate fact from fiction.

Freezing a person's atoms for say 200 years, and then unfreezing him, assuming he can survive the process, can be considered "forward time travel" (though misleading and inappropriate really) and possibly feasible in the future if the subject can survive the freeze/unfreeze process. That's a feasible concept, your atoms frozen for a time, while the atoms of the earth continue their course... But rearranging the atoms of the earth as they were exactly back in 1900 or whatever time you wanted to travel to, is not a feasible concept, it's fantasy/fiction based on the age old question of what would you do if you could go back in time and change an event, do something different, or gain the opportunity to explore, etc.

Anyway, what you mention, that an astronaut's body might be slowed down a bit, slightly less heartbeats, slightly less breaths, slightly slowed chemical processes inside cells, etc. versus a human on this earth for the same amount of time, and that when he/she returns to earth they're slightly less aged is the same thing as the freezing concept. It's certainly not like a completely fictional concept of a magical recording machine that could control atoms in such a way to rearrange them backwards or forwards, etc. But yeah, using "time travel" for this really is inappropriate and misleading. The theory of relativity and the fictional time travel concept don't belong in the same sentence.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 09, 2015, 12:40:47 AM
Idk dude, if you were to have a powerful gravity drive that would transport you to areas in space faster than light you might arrive before you left.


I believe that when the universe was ummm "Created" every moment of time (time being a Dimensional) was also created.  Hawking discusses particles that go back in time as they rotate at superluminal speeds as well.  You look at time travel as rearranging atoms, I look at it as a actual movement in time. 

Time goes forwards, slows down, stops, and even goes backwards.


You simply need a gravity drive that can warp space so you get to another area FTL.  You'll arrive faster and before you think.  Then you run into M theory and Entanglement which is just maddening.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 09, 2015, 01:22:50 AM
Idk dude, if you were to have a powerful gravity drive that would transport you to areas in space faster than light you might arrive before you left.

Oh dear, you're one of those that's bought into all this...

Time goes forwards, slows down, stops, and even goes backwards.

You're thinking of a clock...

Hawking discusses particles that go back in time

Correction: Hawking states backwards time travel is impossible. Period.

You simply need a gravity drive that can warp space so you get to another area FTL.  You'll arrive faster and before you think.

There's nothing in the universe recording every moment of existence as far as we know...

THINK: If I wanted to go back to say the year 1900 on earth, what is the concept necessary to achieve that ?? I would've needed a powerful force that recorded the position of every particle/every atom of the earth in 1900, and for it to be able to rearrange all particles/atoms to exactly what they were in said year (1900), while leaving me, the traveler, in tact... You would preferably wanna make a copy of the earth, rather than rearrange the particles/atoms of the existing earth as that would destroy it (the present)...

Maybe God has the power to do this, MAYBE, but you could only ever be agnostic as to his full power and it gets us into the supernatural. As it stands for us humans, there's no science to indicate/hint that we have access to all of the universe's memories, events, AKA "a universe tape recorder" to keep track of everything and allow one to access it for such purposes...

Newsflash: The past has been forever lost... The living have memories of some of the past (the brain being a recorder of sorts), and while we preserve some of it, we could never recreate an exact day in the past exactly as it once was. Every moment of existence is just a change of position of particles/atoms... You cannot make all of the particles/atoms of the earth go back in exactly the same configuration to what they were a second ago, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, etc... That's needing control of trillions and trillions and trillions of particles/atoms... However, your body (its particles/atoms) could possibly one day be frozen/unfrozen, THAT'S A FEASIBLE CONCEPT, and if you wanted to know what the world would be like say in 50 years and there was a facility to store you (think Demolition Man), that could be thought of as "sending you to the future..."

So, one is possibly doable (IF the freeze/unfreeze process can work some day), the other is ridiculous and NOT doable, it's science fiction/fantasy, not fact! There's nothing recording the past - it's not possible - for you to ever be able to access it... But yes, one day we *might* be able to Buck Rogers your ass into the future if the human body could survive a freeze/unfreeze process which is not possible right now...

Anyway, does that make sense to you now or not ? Freezing your body is exerting control over your particles/atoms, a VERY SMALL amount compared to the ridiculous concept of controlling and changing the particles/atoms of all or some of planet earth to what they were in some past day/time, assuming you could even possibly record such data and have the memory to store it... But yes, keep believing in "gravity drives" and "warping space..."
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 09, 2015, 02:07:55 AM
SIMPLE: the only way for TRUE TIME TRAVEL (backwards) is if we are all all part of a Matrix/computer simulation...

...and, the very act of going back will alter history (on a micro-scale, at least, no matter how carefully you try not to disturb things)...

...and since we know humans are often SELFISH, IMPULSIVE and/or IMPERFECT bastards, it is safe to assume that folks will constantly be attempting to go back in time (for nefarious and altruistic reasons).

It's the last point that is most important: if time travel were possible, people would be constantly meddling and F*CKING SHIT UP which means that ALL OF THESE F'D UP ALTERNATE HISTORIES WOULD BE EXPONENTIALLY GENERATING, AD FINITUM.   

Also, the idea that all history is generated at the moment of creation is so f*cking DETERMINISTIC that it completely removes free will. We are all predestined to follow a certain path...even our time-traveling would be accounted for, somehow, in this deterministic concept of history/future/present.  I say: bullshite.

That's pretty complicated with just one Earth and its history. But to think of all the celestial bodies, and all the possibilities...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 09, 2015, 02:23:27 AM
I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension.  A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole.  Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well.  But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 09, 2015, 03:49:11 AM

I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension.  A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole.  Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well.  But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.

Sure, you can slow down, relative to other reference points, but time is always creeping forward, IMHO.

True time travel (going backwards) still does not seem feasible...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 09, 2015, 03:57:57 AM
Also, the idea that all history is generated at the moment of creation is so f*cking DETERMINISTIC that it completely removes free will. We are all predestined to follow a certain path...even our time-traveling would be accounted for, somehow, in this deterministic concept of history/future/present.  I say: bullshite.

And by far one of the dumbest things he has said here.

I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension.  A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole.  Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well.  But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.

I can see that you are far beyond reasoning with, delusional, have been watching way too much SciFi movies and Star Trek as was the guy I was referring to originally that started this, so there ya go! ;)

But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

This in particular also again shows you are illogical, no other way to say it... You have zero proof that ANYTHING in the universe is recording every second (AKA "a universe tape recorder"), every moment of existence on earth, let alone waiting around to be discovered to allow one access to it to travel back to previous moments in time, etc. This started in the science fiction/fantasy department and at times with some abused concepts like relativity...

The universe, as we see it, is an infinite space with particles/atoms that build suns, planets, lifeforms, etc.  If I travel at the speed of light in any direction, I simply keep moving away from the starting point... THAT'S IT! I don't eventually find older or newer copies of the earth going back days, months, years... So no, there's no "sending particles back in time by firing them off in some direction..."

esteban's Matrix point is once again a feasible concept... A powerful computer running a VIRTUAL world for subjects that are connected to it! Something like that would need infinite memory, knowledge, and could record some of the past and even be able to reset events back to it as well, along with the subjects! 

I used the supernatural idea that MAYBE God could possibly be the universe's recorder, but that's a supernatural/religious view, as mortals we'd never know the true power of the first intelligent lifeform that the universe created, and the paradox of how something could've initiated the creation of the universe from nothing does not make sense, that is, how was the first atom built, did that come first, or an intelligent atom builder, etc. ? Technically, to me, nothing should exist cause how could the process of the first atom start to be built, then the second, etc. ?? Something had to build something else, there had to be a starting point, but how did that first something get built ? The age old philosophical question.

Back to reality though, I try to combat the time travel tin foil hat delusionists/propagandists which you are clearly one. Sorry, but black holes crush things according to known science... Slowing the movement of particles down, is just that, not time travel, and crushing them is not "time travel" either, it's oblivion... You really don't want to try to understand what's clearly being explained to you, and yeah, you just repeated various concepts you've thrown together and likely learned from Star Trek ("gravity field," "black hole," "space time warping", etc.) as far as I can see... Sad, but it was like I said originally, science fiction movies create believers in this who can't separate fact from fiction along with some "scientists" that have also fallen for it. The theory of relativity is getting abused here badly...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Sadler on July 09, 2015, 11:46:15 AM
Wow this thread took an interesting turn (seriously!). :D I'm not willing to discount anything as impossible and for better or worse I hail from a wildly optimistic Kurzweilian belief structure.

ON TOPIC: I caught up on some movies last weekend. I saw the original Hot Tub Time Machine which I thought was hilarious and also Jurassic World. Jurassic World I genuinely enjoyed! It wasn't as good as Park, but it was much better than the first two sequels.


The "bad guy" in the movie was just stupid. I hate the generic unstable ex-military contractor a$$hole trope and I wish movies didn't stoop to this 3rd grade good vs evil, black and white bullshit. "Hey guys, I heard you invented a puppy petter! I WANT TO USE IT TO KILL TERRORISTS AND I'M WILLING TO KILL EVERYONE HERE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!" Uggg.

The main kids were sorta irritating too, but that's probably just because I'm getting older. Too Cool For School and Boy Genius seemed super generic.

Still though, good movie!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 09, 2015, 11:50:29 AM
Time travel exists, but you can only go forward.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 09, 2015, 08:57:04 PM
Time travel exists, but you can only go forward.


I hate agreeing with evo (even if only partially), but yeah.

travelling back in time is pure conjecture/theory at this point, whereas forward travel has been verified experimentally.

Wait, that's agreeing with me, the Demolition Man plot, or further back, the Buck Rogers plot: if your body could be frozen/unfrozen for the desired amount of time while existence runs its course, you're effectively traveling forward. Technically, it's more along the lines of "preserving you for a future time period," but the point is this is in the realm of possibilities if you solve the problem of surviving the freeze/unfreeze process which is fatal right now...

The idea of "traveling back in time" however is pure imagination, fiction, fantasy, Santa Claus level story telling, that's it... Great device for stories/movies, but yes, pure 100% fiction... There is no evidence of any powerful "universe recorder" of the past, much less a way to access it to change the world back to a previous time period, etc. It's kind of funny, you'd think if you explain clearly what the complexity involved with such a concept is that it would end debate, instead he responded with "But uh, black holes, uh gravity drives, uh uh warping the space time continuum, uh uh, etc."

Either you got a true believer lost in his imagination or he was trolling me and I took the bait, heh.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on July 11, 2015, 10:51:55 PM
Funeral Parade of Roses.   1969 japanese movie shot in B&W and directed by Toshio Matsumoto.

1960's Japan gay subculture, Oedipal complex, drag queen rivalry all shot in  tokyo suburbs.

Full movie found here.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 13, 2015, 03:09:53 PM
Also, the idea that all history is generated at the moment of creation is so f*cking DETERMINISTIC that it completely removes free will. We are all predestined to follow a certain path...even our time-traveling would be accounted for, somehow, in this deterministic concept of history/future/present.  I say: bullshite.

And by far one of the dumbest things he has said here.

I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension.  A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole.  Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well.  But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.

I can see that you are far beyond reasoning with, have been watching way too much SciFi movies and Star Trek as was the guy I was referring to originally, and are as much a hack as Hawking is, so there ya go! ;)

But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.

This in particular also again shows you are illogical, no other way to say it... You have zero proof that ANYTHING in the universe is recording every second (AKA "a universe tape recorder"), every moment of existence on earth, let alone waiting around to be discovered to allow one access to it to travel back to previous moments in time, etc. This started in the science fiction/fantasy department and at times with some abused concepts like relativity...

The universe, as we see it, is an infinite space with particles/atoms that build suns, planets, lifeforms, etc.  If I travel at the speed of light in any direction, I simply keep moving away from the starting point... THAT'S IT! I don't eventually find older or newer copies of the earth going back days, months, years... So no, there's no "sending particles back in time by firing them off in some direction..."

esteban's Matrix point is once again a feasible concept... A powerful computer running a VIRTUAL world for subjects that are connected to it! Something like that would need infinite memory, knowledge, and could record some of the past and even be able to reset events back to it as well, along with the subjects! 

I used the supernatural idea that MAYBE God could possibly be the universe's recorder, but that's a supernatural/religious view, as mortals we'd never know the true power of the first intelligent lifeform that the universe created, and the paradox of how something could've initiated the creation of the universe from nothing does not make sense, that is, how was the first atom built, did that come first, or an intelligent atom builder, etc. ? Technically, to me, nothing should exist cause how could the process of the first atom start to be built, then the second, etc. ?? Something had to build something else, there had to be a starting point, but how did that first something get built ? The age old philosophical question.

Back to reality though, I try to combat the time travel tin foil hat delusionists/propagandists which you are clearly one. Sorry, but black holes crush things according to known science... Slowing the movement of particles down, is just that, not time travel, and crushing them is not "time travel" either, it's oblivion... You really don't want to try to understand what's clearly being explained to you, and yeah, you just repeated various concepts you've thrown together and likely learned from Star Trek ("gravity field," "black hole," "space time warping", etc.) as far as I can see... Sad, but it was like I said originally, science fiction movies create believers in this who can't separate fact from fiction along with some "scientists" that have also fallen for it. The theory of relativity is getting abused here badly...

Wow, you are taking this argument up like a political stance or what your favorite sports team is.  Lots of stinging barbs and angst but no real substance.  So passionate as to desperately try and disarm any of my posts as "Dumb" and whatever your idea is as the one and only thought on that matters.  Trouble is you dismissed WAY too many intelligent writings and even fail to understand time being relatively malleable.  You fail to understand Gravity's effect on time and the fact that time is simply another dimension in our universe and can be moved within albeit with far more energy than the first 3 dimensions I am sure you are familiar with.   

I believe that your biggest mistake was calling Professor Stephen Hawking a "hack" which really shows you hate the idea of time travel more than simply listening to someone infinitely smarter than you (and me) explaining in detail it's inner workings.  You really need to understand that time is wrapped up in our universe as much as if not more than matter itself.

Read  ”A Brief History of Time”, some great stuff there.  Traveling near the speed of light is possible and slows time down to almost nothing allowing you to travel to the future.  Traveling FTL is impossible for any objects that have mass but not so for mass-less objects or objects that are already traveling faster than light.  However a gravity drive powerful enough to move the Dark matter around it (a controlled singularity if you will) to literally manipulate space time.  Trouble is you can only go back in time to when the machine was created, but that still allows you to go back in time.  Time is essentially stopped within a singularity and even forces light into one direction no matter which way it is turned as all directions point into that singularity.

Your biggest hang up is that you feel time travel is rearranging atoms to what they were before. That is not time travel in the least as it does nothing to the 4th dimension.  You are literally moving along the 4th dimension in time travel.  You have to understand that when space was created, so was time, probably why it's called Space-Time, this is nothing new or radical.  Some theories dictate that ALL time was created in that moment as well.  Delve even deeper and you reach into M theory and infinite possibilities and why our universe is expanding faster than light, maybe being manipulated by other universes gravity.  Other notions like that there is nothing constant in this universe, except for light itself.  You don't you find it strange that the universe has to keep that constant over TIME?  If time was constant you might have an argument.  From lights point of view there is no time, space, no mass, and everything is instant.  Space and time are not fixed, but varied by the observer.  Time can be bent.  You simply ignored that Einstein’s equations allow for you to travel and arrive before you left, you know, time travel.  It involves a TON of energy, far beyond what we can harness at the moment, but one day, when we can warp Space time, you have in effect created a FTL travel method and time travel itself. 

Your Demolition Man “Theory” is not a theory as much as, well, a frozen TV dinner found 100 years after being frozen and is embarrassing that you keep mentioning this as time travel.  You might as well call rocks time travelers.  Being still for a long time while cold is not time travel.  You are simply freezing a body and then bringing it back to life later in time, moving forward second by second in real time observed by us on earth.  You really need to understand the 4th dimension more before you comment on time travel siting Stallone movies as evidence.

Another glaring omission on your part is whether the Universe is infinite or not?  If it is, there is (sadly) a 100% chance that there is another version of you on an identical planet like ours arguing with a guy just like me over the same details, but you have on a slightly different shirt and gravity is 10% weaker.  The universe has every single possible history, each with its own probability of happening. 

Last but not least I’ll take Einstein’s equations and Hawking’s interpretations of them over your musings any day.  IDK how you could even argue that but you think a freezer is a time machine so maybe it is you who is trolling me.  And if so, great job.  Nothing is impossible.

Time travel exists, but you can only go forward.


I hate agreeing with evo (even if only partially), but yeah.

travelling back in time is pure conjecture/theory at this point, whereas forward travel has been verified experimentally.

You don't have to hate it.  Right is right regardless of the source or ones feelings.  As stated before, Einsteins equations allow for traveling back in time with a LOT of energy (enough to Warp Space & Time) but that is the energy of a star; not insurmountable.  That sounds like a ton but fast forward 1000 years and they level of energy production may be ordinary especially with Quantum Mechanics and the ability to "Borrow" energy and then give it back.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 13, 2015, 05:11:29 PM
Holy shit, this guy really is tin-foil hat level crazy and far more than I thought!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
Your Demolition Man “Theory” is not a theory as much as, well, a frozen TV dinner found 100 years after being frozen and is embarrassing that you keep mentioning this as time travel.

Your whole raving gobbledygook lunatic of a post is what's embarrassing! Seriously! The freeze/unfreeze concept is something that is actually science, is something that one day might be possible, because the power to wield control over the atoms of a human body (and NOT the whole earth!) is FEASIBLE and reflects SOUND SCIENCE, not delusion, imagination, fantasy, etc., that is, watching too much Star Trek! If you could safely be frozen and unfrozen for whatever time you wanted, that in effect achieves forward time travel. Your atoms stay the same, while the atoms of the world continue to change! Read what is actually being said to you, moron!

The WHOLE point of that concept is to explain what is actually possible and what IS NOT possible! To separate fact from fiction, science from delusion, possible from the IMPOSSIBLE! You have ZERO evidence that some powerful force records every moment that occurs on this earth! No, you will never be able to "go back in time" to say kill Hitler, save the Jews and prevent WWII. Anybody who seriously believes that might one day be possible is a complete f--king moron and I have no trouble telling them that in the slightest bit! Delusions like yours must not be entertained even for one f--king second!

Anyway, good luck trying to sell your bullshit with somebody else, ya crazy spaceman!!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: BigusSchmuck on July 13, 2015, 05:17:03 PM
I watched the 1960's Doctor Who movies, does that mean I'm crazy? lol
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 13, 2015, 05:34:27 PM
I love Science Fiction movies (Terminator) and shows (Dr. Who) based on time travel, enjoying them doesn't make you crazy anymore than telling Santa Claus stories to kids and letting them enjoy that for a time does, but believing that time travel could one day be possible, throwing gobbledygook together to act like you know what the f--k you're even talking about ("But, but, you forgot the 4th dimension!!!! I win!!!"), yes, that makes you crazy, and we're talking bat-shit level crazy with this guy!

Look at the effort he went to throw together work from Einstien and this Hawking to try to make a convincing case! And then look at how he dismisses the only possible thing we could ever accomplish, the freeze/unfreeze concept, etc. I even said that's not technically the concept of time travel as far as a time machine that could move you forwards, backwards, etc. but that is a f--king fictional fantasy concept, the nutter actually has found a way to convince himself and really believe it all and that's pretty scary if you ask me!!!

note that jo crystals are integral to time travel.

Genuine offer:
first person to PM me with a request for jo crystal will get a jo crystal. I purchased them in bulk and have sent them to 2 forumites so far. 3, once i send toymachine his package.

guaranteed to arrive by the year 2136... but it will get there.

Best post on PCEFX that I've seen in months! ROFLMAO!!!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 14, 2015, 01:16:15 AM
Freezing isn't a concept, meaning an abstract idea.  You can indeed freeze s person and let them sit for centuries.  We still need the technology to reanimate a frozen body.  None of this has ANYTHING to do with time travel.  No idea why you brought it up again.

Your issue is that you are incapable of thinking 4th diamensionally.  That's OK a lot of mouth breathers aren't.  You keep thinking time travel happens within the first three diamensions (there are a lot more than 3 BTW) and you need to rearrange atoms to a pervious state.  That is not the case.  You simply need to understand time as a diamension and it is extremely elastic.

Again, unarguable, Einstein's equations show that time travel, TO THE PAST, is possible.  You keep glossing over the fact that the greatest genius of anytime already did the leg work on this one.  You've already conceded that time slows down and even stops.  How do you keep ignoring these geniuses equations.  Just because you do not understand something doesn't make it false.  You are desperate and panicing sir.  Calm down.

When the universe was "created"  so was all time.  Time is woven into space, it's already been proven with time dilation experiments and has to be taken into account for gps Satellites as time for the satellites is different than here on earth.

But yeah Einstein is wrong, you are correct.  I've already begun working on my freezer as a time machine.

Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 14, 2015, 01:26:41 AM
I have a dozen JO Crystals and they are fully charged at all times. Still, I am lacking something.

If only I could travel back in time and have a young Einstein join me for a recharging session.


I have seen photos of Einstein where the unmistakable outline of a JO Crystal can be  seen—as if it were on a necklace underneath his clothes.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 14, 2015, 01:59:52 AM
I have a dozen JO Crystals and they are fully charged at all times. Still, I am lacking something.

If only I could travel back in time and have a young Einstein join me for a recharging session.


I have seen photos of Einstein where the unmistakable outline of a JO Crystal can be  seen—as if it were on a necklace underneath his clothes.

You could oy go back to when the machine was invented.  So sadly this won't be possible, at least not yet.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 14, 2015, 05:04:08 AM
I watched the 1960's Doctor Who movies, does that mean I'm crazy? lol

Yes.  It was a TV show, you wacko.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: BigusSchmuck on July 14, 2015, 05:12:00 AM
I watched the 1960's Doctor Who movies, does that mean I'm crazy? lol

Yes.  It was a TV show, you wacko.
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr_Who_%28Dalek_films%29
It's a shame we didn't see more of Peter Cushing as the Doctor.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: xelement5x on July 14, 2015, 05:35:36 AM
I just Jurassic World this weekend, it was pretty awesome.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 14, 2015, 05:47:35 AM
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr_Who_%28Dalek_films%29
It's a shame we didn't see more of Peter Cushing as the Doctor.

Well dip me in shit.  I've not heard of those before (or have forgotten about 'em in my old age senility), but I still say you're crazy.  :mrgreen:
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 14, 2015, 06:03:08 AM
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr_Who_%28Dalek_films%29
It's a shame we didn't see more of Peter Cushing as the Doctor.

Well dip me in shit.  I've not heard of those before (or have forgotten about 'em in my old age senility), but I still say you're crazy.  :mrgreen:

In the 80's, my local video stores ONLY had those two Dalek films, never the TV show. Luckily, PBS played near every season...but you would have to wait a few years as it cycled through the doctors.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 14, 2015, 06:38:56 AM
Freezing isn't a concept, meaning an abstract idea.  You can indeed freeze s person and let them sit for centuries.  We still need the technology to reanimate a frozen body.  None of this has ANYTHING to do with time travel.

There's no such thing as "time travel" per se and yet you're desperately trying to prove exactly what it is or isn't. It's a fictional concept to begin with. You will never be able to "go back in time" and say kill Hitler, save the Jews and prevent WWII nor will you ever be able to "leap forward into the future" to see another copy of the world, yourself, and learn what would happen... You could only ever attempt to "preserve" yourself for the latter. That's it! In other words, no "time machine" as defined as a backward/forward traveling device can ever be built. Sorry to break the news to ya, but you're welcome to keep that imagination of yours still going!

It's funny how you pulled so many fictional concepts from TV shows and movies, but yet you tried to discredit cryonic/cryogenic suspension because, as you said, "it came from a Stallone movie." You have pulled things from Star Trek, Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, the "Another Earth" movie and a similar TV movie where a portal opens up between our duplicate earth, and our exact copies come to our earth, steal our place, throw us back to their earth because it sucked and was dying, etc. But yeah, cryonic/cryogenic suspension is the one thing that was so-so embarrassing in this pathetic exchange of yours and your desperate attempt to prove the impossible by slapping together gobbledygook!

One more thing to disprove your last point. You said, "None of this has ANYTHING to do with time travel." On the contrary, the idea of a human body on a spaceship that is traveling at the speed of light, "slowing down," as in, 20 less heart beats versus if it was on the earth, 20 less breaths, slower chemical cellular processes, etc. in other words, the idea that the human body would age less is just a form of "preserving" while cryonic/cryogenic suspension is 100% preservation in this situation! Being affected by speed-of-light travel where your body processes are slowing down and so you're aging slower is merely a small form of preservation... I'm not sure a fragile human body survives the process at that speed, but whatever, this cannot be tested at present... I'm not gonna lose sleep over the idea, you're welcome to however.

Another glaring omission on your part is whether the Universe is infinite or not? If it is, there is (sadly) a 100% chance that there is another version of you on an identical planet like ours arguing with a guy just like me over the same details, but you have on a slightly different shirt and gravity is 10% weaker.

The universe only makes sense as an infinite space. But, the idea that you would claim a 100% statistical probability that there's another copy of the earth, and another copy of us, shows how you jump from sound science to delusional fantasies. BTW, your "multiverse" "theory" hails from a fine Jason Statham/Jet Li movie called "The One" where there are 125 multiverses and 125 copies of Jet Li. Check it out, it was made for someone like you! Anyway, setting up "boundaries" that supposedly would somehow separate an infinite space again shows your propensity for belief in imaginative concepts.

OK, back to reality. So an infinitely sized universe has possibilities based on what we know. It knows how to construct suns, orbiting planets around those suns and to seed intelligent life on an appropriately distanced planet to support it. If intelligent life could happen here on earth, it could have happened on another solar system. It's in the realm of the possible! You could ONLY ever be logically agnostic on this! You could never be a confident atheist and say no, I'm sure there's no intelligent life anywhere else in the universe, or a confident theist and say that yes, I'm sure there is intelligent life somewhere out there. We could keep traveling the universe and never find another planet with intelligent life, or we could find hundreds of them, you don't know... But to then go as far as claiming there's a 100% statistical probability of an exact copy of earth, and my exact DNA duplicate twin is purely absurd and again shows you veering off into unprovable fantasy land.

Until you get on your magical time-speed-of-light-traveling spaceship, you might want to stop using a percentage rate of 100% when speaking... Just FYI, spaceman! Err on the side of keeping it real!

No idea why you brought it up again.

That's because you and your "time travel" coreligionists are fanatical, illogical and can't be reasoned with. One is scientifically possible, one is not, that's why.

Your issue is that you are incapable of thinking 4th diamensionally.  That's OK a lot of mouth breathers aren't.

Your issue is that you're stubborn, delusional, etc. and that's OK, a lot of people are.

Again, unarguable, Einstein's equations show that time travel, TO THE PAST, is possible.  You keep glossing over the fact that the greatest genius of anytime already did the leg work on this one.  You've already conceded that time slows down and even stops.

Yeah, they show that MATHEMATICALLY and that time counting would appear to run backwards. That's it. And breaking a clock, seeing it tick less, slow down, etc. because something else (speed, gravity, radiation, whatever) is having an effect on it is not "time travel," stopping or slowing "time" - our existence continues on just fine. Time is not a destination that can be "traveled" to, it's counting...

Just because you do not understand something doesn't make it false.  You are desperate and panicing sir.  Calm down.

Panicked or desperate about what ?? No, I'm seriously laughing my ass off at the embarrassing joke that is you. Now I understand why Professor just put you on ignore, you're not worth it! Heh.

When the universe was "created"  so was all time.  Time is woven into space, it's already been proven with time dilation experiments and has to be taken into account for gps Satellites as time for the satellites is different than here on earth.

Time is a counting concept, a man-made convention. That's it. And moving clocks slowing down due to high speeds are just that, clocks that can't keep an accurate count matching that of a clock on earth because motion, gravity, whatever affects its abilities. Why do nutters take all of this and claim "time travel" could one day be possible because of it ?

What you're doing, as you've done plenty of times, is take a sound scientific principle, in this case time dilation, and use it to back up your other fantasies.

You could oy go back to when the machine was invented.  So sadly this won't be possible, at least not yet.

Ah yes, but ONE DAY, ONE DAY! Don't doubt it!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 14, 2015, 06:57:50 AM
Referral Denied

You don't have permission to access "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTU0MzkzNzg0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzUwNzQ2Mg@@._V1_SX214_AL_.jpg" on this server.

Reference #24.ce600317.1436896628.520c2f0

Internet Fail, nully. Fix please.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 14, 2015, 07:28:12 AM
Ah, Time Traveler's Wife, a pretty good movie! Saw that last year I think.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on July 15, 2015, 02:18:02 AM
Quote from: NightWolf

I ignore equations from the greatest minds in history because f*ck you that's why!!!

I ignore Einstein's equation for closed time loops created with immense gravity because Einstein is a hack.

I think hawking is a hack because math sucks!

I ignore the fact that time slows down even though it has been proven.  I also ignore the fact that time stops at relativistic speeds or at a singularity.

I don't understand that time can be manipulated.

I don't understand that time is a dimension

I know for a fact that the universe is infinite yet somehow it's expanding faster than the speed of light so I ignore my own contradictions.

I ignore the fact that there may be multiple universes.

I think a freezer is a time machine.

I think ice cubes are time travelers.

I site sources from Stallone movies.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 15, 2015, 02:30:56 AM
After some chatting yesterday, I had to rewatch The Ladies Man again last night.

Can I interest any of you sweet things in a fish sandwich?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 15, 2015, 07:17:00 AM
Oh brother... OK, let's help EvilEmoX out yet again, Mr. Spaceman from Le 4th Dimension.

See, because you're douchey and inarticulate, I finally had to go find and read exactly what Hawking has been saying. Personally, I don't think you should speak for him again. You invoked his name, and mixed your own bullshit in with it which he doesn't agree with...


1) "Backwards Time Travel"
Quote from: Stephen Hawking
Moving backwards is impossible, Hawking says, because it "violates a fundamental rule that cause comes before effect."

To review, I had said this earlier:
The idea of "traveling back in time" however is pure imagination, fiction, fantasy, Santa Claus level story telling, that's it... Great device for stories/movies, but yes, pure 100% fiction... There is no evidence of any powerful "universe recorder" of the past, much less a way to access it to change the world back to a previous time period, etc.
and it is vindicated.

Also, from http://www.hawking.org.uk/space-and-time-warps.html
Quote from: HawkingOnEinstein
Einstein's paper of 1905 seemed to rule out time travel into the past.

Agreement with Hawking (and with Einstein!), he's not one of these nutters! Traveling backwards in time is impossible like he says! Thank f--king goodness he's against promoting that delusion! So we're all good there! And to illustrate to people why that nonsense is impossible, I had described what it would take, knowing the position of every atom of the earth and being able to rearrange it back the way it was. Well, that's obviously impossible, no recorder device, and no arranger device. So we're done with that, and though Hawking doesn't go into detail, he states it's impossible and I agree.

To put it another way: "Time travel is not possible because there is no "past" to travel back to. The past already happened and is gone; it is not preserved in some kind of (excuse me) time capsule to be revisited. The past simply does not exist any more. The past is memory; the future is anticipation; only the present exists, and only in the present."

2) "Forward"
Quote from: Stephen Hawking
Once spaceships were built that could fly faster than the speed of light, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth. That's because -- according to Einstein -- as objects accelerate through space, time slows down around them. Which also means that Hawking's theory only applies to moving "forwards" through time.

Now we're getting into reasonable science. I would say though, for accuracy, this is space travel and wouldn't use "time travel." Time is not a destination you can travel to, another solar system for exploration that might have lifeforms on it is! When you use "time travel" it connects to the fictional concept of wanting to change the past. So, how does that square with what I previously said to EmoX ?

Anyway, what you mention, that an astronaut's body might be slowed down a bit, slightly less heartbeats, slightly less breaths, slightly slowed chemical processes inside cells, etc. versus a human on this earth for the same amount of time, and that when he/she returns to earth they're slightly less aged is the same thing as the freezing concept.

Agreed. Traveling very fast slows body processes down, less breaths per min than if you were on earth, slower cell divisions and deaths, etc. so you will age less. How much, exactly per a mathematical equation speaking for your biological clock ? That I dunno, and I doubt it's exact, but it's an experiment to be seen in the future. So high velocity just like low temperature will have an effect on your atoms. If you were traveling the speed of light to reach another solar system for exploration, the effects would slow aging, but cryogenics would be even better to have on the ship to simply 100% stop it.

Alright, so that begs the question, how did I get entangled with a known forum troll like EvilEmoX when I see that I don't really disagree much with Hawking based on what I linked above ?? EmoX misused Hawking, withheld a correction allowing me to think Hawking supported backwards time travel, he spoke of "time travel" with claims HE believes in like, "Time goes forwards, slows down, stops, and even goes backwards.", and this, "I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within." He pulled out things from Star Trek like "gravity drives" and the "multi-earths, evil twin" plots from many SciFi movies which explains why he hangs on to my use of cryogenics from a Stallone one to cover for his embarrassing references...

I stand corrected, EmoX is the hack here!

I ignore equations from the greatest minds in history because f*ck you that's why!!!

I was aware of the time dilation concept and I quoted it again to show I mentioned it. You claiming I ignored it, make it plural, and making "minds" plural renders you a lying liar.

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I ignore Einstein's equation for closed time loops created with immense gravity because Einstein is a hack.

Straw man. Never said anything negative of Einstein. Again, makes you a lying liar.

Never said anything about such and such equation, I don't even know it, so how could I ?

Ah, but wait, the fun doesn't stop there!


This would create a "closed timelike curve," or CTC, a loop that could be traversed to travel back in time. Hawking and many other physicists find CTCs abhorrent, because any macroscopic object traveling through one would inevitably create paradoxes where cause and effect break down.

Your boy Hawking rejects the "closed timelike curve/loop" concept! Hawking dares to disagree with Einstein ??? WHAT ?!?!??! So based on your logic, you imply that he who disagrees with Einstein is a hack. Hawking disagrees with Einstein, therefore by implication, he is a hack.

Congratulations, so you think Hawking is a hack and this after I retracted my characterization of him as one ? Hah!

Check. Mate. Spaceman. Yes, I am still laughing at the joke that is you!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I think hawking is a hack because math sucks!

No, it's you that's a dishonest hack, and many other things! You name-dropped him, you used him, you put your own "bet" down about being able to travel backwards in time, etc. so I figured he supported it also (and you avoided correcting me when I stated that assumption outloud either due to dishonesty or ignorance!) which he clearly states is impossible and I agree! So calling him a hack is something I have to retract for making the mistake of debating a troll like you.

Regardless, one favorite scientist of yours is not the end-all-be-all and all other scientists that have differing or opposing viewpoints are to be discarded. I get that he's respected, but let's not make him infallible either! After all, he and Einstein don't always see eye-to-eye, do they ? Eh, chief ??

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I ignore the fact that time slows down even though it has been proven.  I also ignore the fact that time stops at relativistic speeds or at a singularity.

You're a liar. I clearly mentioned the concept of time dilation earlier, the effect on clocks, the idea of traveling fast, 20 less breaths per minute versus if you were on earth, slower cellular processes, etc. the idea of aging less, etc.

The fact that you're not reading my posts is a problem with you, not me! And in fact, I can prove that you haven't with one of your supposed gotchas:
The universe, as we see it, is an infinite space with particles/atoms that build suns, planets, lifeforms, etc.

Another glaring omission on your part is whether the Universe is infinite or not?

You came back 4 days later only to claim I "omitted my view" that the universe is infinite (same as Hawking's) and referred to said omission as "glaring." Your failure to read is what's glaring! If I'm gonna bother to read everything in your posts, at least bother to read mine before smarting off - if not, f--k off!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I don't understand that time is a dimension

Last time you stated it as your view, not it's just fact ? We'll agree to disagree - The definitions of time, their misuse is what I believe leads to confusion. Pretty sure not all scientists see that the same way either, so don't try to act like you have consensus there!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I know for a fact that the universe is infinite yet somehow it's expanding faster than the speed of light so I ignore my own contradictions.

Your boy Stephen Hawking also agrees the universe is infinite, and I'm pretty sure most scientists do as well. He's not a good enough source for you now ? You keep pimping his name around like he's the only physicist we should ever listen to! You seem to cast doubt by sarcastically adding "I know for a fact."

And "it" expanding ? An infinite space aspect is just infinite. Stuff expanding is stuff expanding... You're assigning some kind of boundary concept it seems to an infinite black space which if there was no matter in it, it'd still be an infinite black space. You have communication problems and that's a big reason why we're still arguing. If you're referring to all the solar systems being detected as moving outward from the big bang point, all the collective matter from our big bang, I mean, I'm somewhat familiar with that, but I don't see what point you're trying to make. You're going off on tangents in your "you don't know this/that" shtick. There can be no end to the universe which makes the most sense.

What exactly are my alleged contradictions as a result of my premise ? Back it up or STFU! You've gotten away with making many many claims and I've not forced you to fetch source quotes/links or explain further, but I think I might just have to on this one. You're already going by some false straw mans and at least one issue with Hawking was corrected.

Also, please stop wandering off into 100 different directions. I'm losing interest reading you...

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I ignore the fact that there may be multiple universes.

Oh, that's a fact now but the infinity of the universe is questionable to you ? You have no evidence for speculative, alleged, arbitrary boundaries in our one infinite universe. Since it is your claim, you actually need to prove it instead of just stating it as fact. Regardless, I don't see how it is useful or interesting here.

What is this boundary that you allege that separates one verse from another ? Forget it, I mean, that's a nice tangent, but not really interested in exploring it with you. I never liked you on the forum to begin with. I hope nully does some more drawings of you that drove you so mad for all that time. ;)

It's funny, you like an arbitrary imaginative boundary concept, state it as fact, and above you question my certainty of the infinity of the universe all selectively like a little bitty baby! Awwww. "Support *my* concept and I'll support yours!" Hah!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I think a freezer is a time machine.

In a manner of speaking, and it's a feasible, possible concept (we can already freeze embryos for later use) which I clearly already explained to you - it accomplishes the same thing if a human body is traveling at the speed of light and it biologically ages less and less. Velocity is acting on the human body causing this and achieving preservation, while temperature, as in freezing a human body, acts on it and will cause 100% preservation - "time" as in the biological clock/atomic motion has 100% stopped for the body.

Moreover, if we hope to travel to other solar systems, we'll NEED this rather than just rely on the effect of time dilation, but yeah, both accomplish the same thing, while one is 100%. A spaceship trying to explore the universe can't have its human passengers wasting oxygen, pissing, crapping, eating away their food supply, you're gonna NEED to deep freeze them for the journey if it is to be succesful!

And guess what, nutjob ? I'll make YOU a bet: I bet you we'll figure out how to safely cryogenically freeze/unfreeze a human body WAY BEFORE we can ever build a spaceship that can safely travel at the speed of light or close to it! You'll need good AI computer technology by then as well, not just cryogenics, as no human will be able to make the split-second decisions to avoid collisions to asteroids at high speeds, etc.!

But yeah, how does your brain NOT see any comparison or understanding ? So desperate you are for a contradiction ? With all that, even so, I wouldn't refer to that ship traveling as "time travel" - I would refer to it by what it actually IS, space travel! Yes, the humans onboard will age less than on earth, but that's a side effect (much like deep cryo sleep) and "time" is not a destination you can travel to per se! That is all space travel WITH the benefit of preservation, that is, biological aging slowed down (or stopped 100% with cryogenics) - that's it!

Again, are you denying that cryogenically freezing/unfreezing a human is a plausible, feasible concept in the near future because you saw it on Buck Rogers or Demolition Man ? You're the nut that believes in backwards time travel, but something that we're pretty close to achieving is too much of a stretch for you ?? And the comparison of atomic preservation being achieved given high velocity versus low temperature is *totally* lost on you ?? No, you're NOT that dumb, you're just a hackish troll!

Quote from: EvilEmoX
I site sources from Stallone movies.

This attempts to falsely suggest I acted as if I pretended to cite a scientific news source in simply mentioning a plot device from a Stallone movie. You know full well what my intent was - I referred to Demolition Man and Buck Rogers, an old TV Show, as a helpful reference point for those that might remember the cryogenics concept. That doesn't make the concept absurdly fictional! We can freeze embryos now for later use! You keep repeating Stallone Stallone Stallone as if it discredits cryogenics/cryonics as a serious in-the-near-future scientific advancement yet you're a guy that believes in "multi-earth, evil twin" possibilities in the "100%" - how curious!

I get it though, you're angry, butthurt, and you're looking for whatever you can for ridicule but it's dishonest. The cryogenics concept is what was the point and what it can accomplish (have you wake up 200 years from now if that's what you pay for or deep space travel to conserve resources!) versus a speed-of-light traveling spaceship (Star Trek) which is a creation we won't see for centuries/millenniums, if ever! Just because I connected cryogenics/cryonics to a movie people might've seen here (in a F--KING MOVIE THREAD), doesn't discredit something that's actually feasible, plausible in-the-near-future versus that magical spaceship we need to send your ass off on your way one day to boldly go where NO emo has gone before!!! One way ticket for you EmoX, my treat!!!! ;)

P.S. Do check out Interstellar some time, it's right up your alley, tailored-made for nutters like you!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 15, 2015, 05:04:43 PM


I made a thread for time travel. I wish everyone could go back in time and use it... :lol:

I exposed my kids to a movie from my childhood that I'd almost forgotten about and they LOVED it.

Anyone remember Solarbabies?


I am serious about enjoying the film.

Granted, I haven't watched it in decades.

Did it age better than Ice Pirates?

I think it might have. Maybe not. Indecisive. Hmmm...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 15, 2015, 05:07:41 PM
Anyone remember Solarbabies?

YES! That chick from The Lost Boys was in it! And the dude that played Michael opposite Kiefer Sutherland was also in this!

FYI, the problem or dilemma that is faced for myself and others is we prefer to finish off a debate in place where the conclusion will be seen by all who observed it. He came back in here and smarted off more, the illiterate science space nerd that he is - therefore I preferred my response to go here as well. I think life really sucks here on earth for him which explains his obsession with reading/thinking/theorizing/fantasizing about what could be "out there" and the fantasy to - dare I say - boldly go where no emo has gone before...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 15, 2015, 05:19:42 PM
To boldly go where no Evo has gone before... :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Galder on August 01, 2015, 01:10:07 AM
Enemy of the state, my girlfriend saw the turbo express and said:"hey, that was like your gameboy thingy!" because i was looking elsewhere (lol) and then i realised it was a turbo express!!! Instantly i came here to post about it but -of course- you guys had already started related threads with every detail, hehe. Needless to say that any interest in the movie's plot was lost after that as i was trying to notice the whereabouts of the turbo again. :shock:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 01, 2015, 04:03:15 AM
Ted 2, fine movie if you are a fan of Seth's humor but obviously not as good as the first one.  Worth a watch for sure.

Not a Movie but Comedians in Cars Getting Coffe is a great series.  Very funny and natural.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 01, 2015, 04:27:10 AM
Glad to see I'm not the only solarbaby in the community. And NW, I was pulling your chain. I'm a fan of Evo bashing at any time, in any thread. :D

I did go a bit excess in wanting to "stick it to him" and partly cause of his "Destroy nullity's DoxPhile ?? You can't destroy what's already a failure! Mwahahaha!" trolling of you. I look out for my homies once in a while. ;)

Last night I watched Jupiter Ascending. The only thing I remember about it is that Mila Kunis needs a good dicking.

The Wachowskis just don't have the mojo they used to since The Matrix... It's a pity! They should've just kept working only with producer Joel Silver - one of the best of the best!

Also watched Paul Blart 2.  Paul Blart does not need a dicking, but the Puerto Rican Sarah Silverman doppelganger does.

Yeah, that was 'meh' too. I liked the first one though!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: GreatBlueSwirlof99 on August 01, 2015, 05:05:00 AM
S.W.A.T, WWZ and Inside out (the movie about inside the kids head!)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on August 01, 2015, 05:58:34 AM
I watched Cannibal Holocaust yesterday. Yep.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 01, 2015, 06:44:26 AM

Enemy of the state, my girlfriend saw the turbo express and said:"hey, that was like your gameboy thingy!" because i was looking elsewhere (lol) and then i realised it was a turbo express!!! Instantly i came here to post about it but -of course- you guys had already started related threads with every detail, hehe. Needless to say that any interest in the movie's plot was lost after that as i was trying to notice the whereabouts of the turbo again. :shock:


I wish we had an interview with the propmaster to find out how the TE was chosen...they needed something that physical media could slip into (in place of a HuCARD).
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Galder on August 01, 2015, 07:07:40 AM

Enemy of the state, my girlfriend saw the turbo express and said:"hey, that was like your gameboy thingy!" because i was looking elsewhere (lol) and then i realised it was a turbo express!!! Instantly i came here to post about it but -of course- you guys had already started related threads with every detail, hehe. Needless to say that any interest in the movie's plot was lost after that as i was trying to notice the whereabouts of the turbo again. :shock:


I wish we had an interview with the propmaster to find out how the TE was chosen...they needed something that physical media could slip into (in place of a HuCARD).

I think one of the reasons that it was chosen was the fact that the hucards looked really cool and 'technologically advanced'. Funny thing is that they still do, at least to me :]
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 01, 2015, 12:00:09 PM

I watched Cannibal Holocaust yesterday. Yep.

I hope you were naked at the time.

Eating lunch.

With your family.

When your gramma was visiting.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 02, 2015, 04:09:50 AM
Just saw Joe Dirt 2, could be the worst movie I have ever seen.  Obviously I wasn't expecting "On the Waterfront" or "Schindler's List", but this sequel makes the first Joe dirt like seem Oscar worthy.  Terrible Jokes, no such thing as a plot with gaping plot holes, FORCED comedy so obviously that even the actors can't deliver properly without rolling their eyes.  Terrible, terrible movie.  Worse than the 4.4 rating.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: seieienbu on August 02, 2015, 10:03:00 AM
Just saw Antman. I thought it was okay, I guess.  The humor styling seemed very repetitive; the basic joke construction was something like:

Guy A:  At least it's not X.
Guy B:  It's totally X.

After about the third time that particular joke happened I'd stopped finding it funny, I guess.  Definitely not as good as, say, the first Avengers movie but it had some neat action sequences.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on August 02, 2015, 12:14:33 PM
Just watched the first Guyver live action movie on Blu-ray. Everything looked pretty, the movie is still terrible, I love it. Yay!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: munchiaz on August 04, 2015, 05:24:33 AM
I just watched Pulp Fiction with the Girlfriend. This is my first time watching the whole movie. I always just caught bits and pieces of it in the past. This movie is so damn quotable
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: hoobs88 on August 04, 2015, 06:18:26 AM
Just saw Joe Dirt 2, could be the worst movie I have ever seen.  Obviously I wasn't expecting "On the Waterfront" or "Schindler's List", but this sequel makes the first Joe dirt like seem Oscar worthy.  Terrible Jokes, no such thing as a plot with gaping plot holes, FORCED comedy so obviously that even the actors can't deliver properly without rolling their eyes.  Terrible, terrible movie.  Worse than the 4.4 rating.

Was that a straight to DVD release? I don't recall seeing that playing in the theaters.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 04, 2015, 07:28:12 AM
Terrible movie.  Could be the worst I have ever seen.  I am still upset  Its a Happy Madison Production as well so at least it would be sub par, but just terrible.  Has to be seen to be believed.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 05, 2015, 03:50:51 AM
hah, even worse... straight to Crackle, the free but ad-laden video streaming service. :lol:

Yeah, I learned about that a little while ago. Well, if it keeps me off PirateBay some and the movie industry gets paid with all those ads, s'all good, I still get to watch something and not feel guilty about resorting to pirating it. ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: sirhcman on August 05, 2015, 04:50:21 AM
I watched Canadian Bacon over the weekend, not the biggest John Candy fan but the movie had some funny moments. A lot of the humor is definitely dated so the movie hasn't aged all that well. Michael Moore wrote it so expect his usual political agenda but in a more light-hearted way. Even still, a good 90 minute time waster to escape reality :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: GreatBlueSwirlof99 on August 07, 2015, 12:45:37 AM
Jaws, Jaws 2 andJaws 3
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: datbuta on August 11, 2015, 03:37:07 AM
My girlfriend and I just watched Mr. Holmes. Its a drama about an aging Sherlock Holmes who is trying to solve a case that he believes is unsolved from his early years. Though he can't remember all the details because of his fading memory. Pretty good movie. No action... its just a drama movie with Ian McKellen playing the old Sherlock. Good story, good characters and actors. I could see Ian McKellen playing a younger Sherlock Holmes if they had done any in the early 90s.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 15, 2015, 06:51:07 PM
Terminator Genisys, WOW!!!  It's a deliberate attempt to destroy the Terminator series for a pay day.  Schwarzenegger doesn't need money THAT bad.  Holy shit forced story, humor, deliberate rip offs ad nauseum.  Terrible movie, forcibly destroys the cannon series.  I have no idea why this was made, make me so angry.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 16, 2015, 05:29:14 AM
Eh, it wasn't that bad... Granted, I had high hopes from the trailer this time, but I was just sad that once again, nobody can bring back the magic from when it was in James Cameron's hands... I think it's somewhat better than the other shit sequels, but yeah, it's still another shit sequel...

"James Cameron Regains Terminator Rights in 2019"

I just look forward to when that happens now and hope HE takes an interest in doing another one next time...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 16, 2015, 06:48:03 AM
Eh, it wasn't that bad... Granted, I had high hopes from the trailer this time, but I was just sad that once again, nobody can bring back the magic from when it was in James Cameron's hands... I think it's somewhat better than the other shit sequels, but yeah, it's still another shit sequel...

"James Cameron Regains Terminator Rights in 2019"

I just look forward to when that happens now and hope HE takes an interest in doing another one next time...

It's amazing how much a Director can make a difference.  My only concern is Arnold being he star and being irreplaceable.  He'll be 70 by the time James takes hold. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Otaking on August 16, 2015, 07:32:23 AM
Just watched Mad Max Fury Road. Everyone's been raving about it, saying it's amazing. So I went in with high expectations.
I thought it was a pretty good film, not amazing, just pretty good.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 16, 2015, 07:37:36 AM

It got a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is hard to believe, those critics are usually hard on action movies so that really surprised me. It's on my to-watch list when I get a chance.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Dicer on August 16, 2015, 08:02:18 AM
Just watched Cool World for shits and giggles, since I don't think I've seen it since it came out...

Basigner was hotter as a toon.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SuperGrafx on August 16, 2015, 10:02:46 AM
I watched the first 2 "Ip man" movies.
I hear there's a 3rd on the way. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 17, 2015, 02:57:17 AM

Just watched Mad Max Fury Road. Everyone's been raving about it, saying it's amazing. So I went in with high expectations.
I thought it was a pretty good film, not amazing, just pretty good.

It was fun. It was not a complete insult to the series. Have there been many movies that pulled this off?

Sadly, no.


It got a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is hard to believe, those critics are usually hard on action movies so that really surprised me. It's on my to-watch list when I get a chance.

I am surprised by this, too.

Just watched Cool World for shits and giggles, since I don't think I've seen it since it came out...

Basigner was hotter as a toon.

! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwp2RlPjGF8#)

One of the few movies where the entire audience openly mocked it. That rarely happened in 80's suburbia. Even though we were just kids, we would usually privately mock a film.

This film did not deserve such discretion.

Of course, we were upset we paid good money to see it.

The exact same response occurred with Harry and the Hendersons.

Those two movies—I still never went back to watch them. I'm actually curious. I want to. I usually am not like this.

Once I commit, I watch a movie to its end. Usually.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: dqualls187 on August 17, 2015, 07:44:09 AM
I watched the first 2 "Ip man" movies.
I hear there's a 3rd on the way.

The Ip man movies were pretty good!  Also like the Ong Bak movies and The Raid movies!

Just watched for me would be Ex Machina which I watched last night. Pretty good, better than i thought it would be. Wasn't crazy about the end but it was sort of inevitable.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Otaking on August 17, 2015, 08:22:04 AM
Just watched for me would be Ex Machina which I watched last night. Pretty good, better than i thought it would be. Wasn't crazy about the end but it was sort of inevitable.
Yeah thought Ex Machina just missed the mark. Through the film it was intriguing and building well to a big finish and then dropped the ball right at the end. Wasn't a terrible film or anything, just had the potential to be so much more with a better ending.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 17, 2015, 09:32:33 AM
The Ip man movies were pretty good!  Also like the Ong Bak movies and The Raid movies!

Just watched for me would be Ex Machina which I watched last night. Pretty good, better than i thought it would be. Wasn't crazy about the end but it was sort of inevitable.

Yeah, those Raid movies are something else, a new experience in martial arts movies! Basic premise: if you're not hyper quick as lightning, you're dead... The first one honestly blew me away and that doesn't happen very often - it really was a different martial arts movie than what I was used to. I love the 2nd one as well and while it lost a little steam, it's still pretty great!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on August 20, 2015, 07:25:26 AM

   This Movie is outstanding!!!!  I had no idea it existed until I saw it on demand and watched.  It's style is reminiscent of the traditional Horror Comedy's with practical special effects and reminds me very much of Re-Animator which could be the best film in this Genre.

The main protagonist stars James Lorinz who is very much the poor man's Andrew McCarthy.  All of the acting and actors are terrible.  Like they were literally ripped off the streets and told to read a cue card.  The story is in fact so bad that Writer/director Frank Henenlotter improvised the basic story at a pitch meeting. After getting the okay to make the picture, he then wrote the script for the movie.  An extreme example of putting the cart well before the horse.

Frankenhooker is an homage to writer Mary Shelley, the 'Frankenstein' films and the low budget gore movies of the 1960s and 1970s, the FX, make-up and prosthetics are deliberately clumsy.

The premise is simple, A medical student sets out to recreate his decapitated fiancée by building her a new body made of Manhattan street hookers.  It's a perfect Drive-In style move, great for fans of the genre and obviously a great party movie.  I fully endorse it wholeheartedly.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: dingsbums on August 20, 2015, 10:10:30 AM
Yeah Frankenhooker is great. If you like that one you should check out Brain Damage / Elmer for
sure (if you have not seen it already  :wink:) - I always thought this is Henenlotter's best movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on August 25, 2015, 11:55:28 AM
Gotta give an enthusiastic thumbs up to "Mad Max: Road Fury!" It stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy as Mad Max. You might not realize it, but Tom Hardy also played the villain "Bane" in "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)," the final Batman movie in Christoper Nolan's rebooted and respectable trilogy.


(https://s5.postimg.cc/nl15g7u07/Mad_Max_Road_Fury.jpg) You know if Rotten Tomatoes gives a friggin' action movie a 98%, chances are it's worth watching!!!

I am quite skeptical of movie critics - I take their opinion with careful review. I've gotten a sense they develop grudges at certain directors, producers and/or actors, and so they'll shit on something if said person was involved in the movie because of it... So there's a politics at work there. I also find that they're usually the hardest on the action movie genre where the theme is primarily shit blowing up and what not, so when I saw a 98% review score on there, I couldn't friggin' believe it... Did hell freeze over I thought ? So I knew this one was on my to-watch list for sure and it does indeed deliver!

What was really interesting to me also is that George Miller/Miliotis, the original director of all the Mad Max movies, actually got to direct this one too!!! I would not have expected the original guy from 1979 had something to do with this, and heck, he hit it out of the ballpark, it did well, and recovered its production budget by the US sales alone, $373,374,961 worldwide! And since it succeeded, he got the greenlight for another one, so good for him on that too!

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SuperGrafx on August 25, 2015, 01:23:15 PM
Jack Ryan: Shadow Agent

Good god is Keira Knightley ghastly in this film. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jeffhlewis on August 25, 2015, 04:00:13 PM
Gotta give an enthusiastic thumbs up to "Mad Max: Road Fury!" It stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy as Mad Max. You might not realize it, but Tom Hardy also played the villain "Bane" in "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)," the final Batman movie in Christoper Nolan's rebooted and respectable trilogy.


(https://s5.postimg.cc/nl15g7u07/Mad_Max_Road_Fury.jpg) You know if Rotten Tomatoes gives a friggin' action movie a 98%, chances are it's worth watching!!!

I am quite skeptical of movie critics - I take their opinion with careful review. I've gotten a sense they develop grudges at certain directors, producers and/or actors, and so they'll shit on something if said person was involved in the movie because of it... So there's a politics at work there. I also find that they're usually the hardest on the action movie genre where the theme is primarily shit blowing up and what not, so when I saw a 98% review score on there, I couldn't friggin' believe it... Did hell freeze over I thought ? So I knew this one was on my to-watch list for sure and it does indeed deliver!

What was really interesting to me also is that George Miller/Miliotis, the original director of all the Mad Max movies, actually got to direct this one too!!! I would not have expected the original guy from 1979 had something to do with this, and heck, he hit it out of the ballpark, it did well, and recovered its production budget by the US sales alone, $373,374,961 worldwide! And since it succeeded, he got the greenlight for another one, so good for him on that too!

I was thinking about this yesterday - Fury Road is hands down my #1 movie of the year...nothing else has even come close. Does anybody else think it has a legit shot at best picture at the oscars this year?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on August 26, 2015, 02:50:50 PM
I bet Mad Max is ranking close to 100% with those idiotic 'professional' critics because of all that bullshit "the feminist movie that men HATE" buzz that was going on at the movie's debut. Let's rate this high, that will show them. Not that there's anything wrong with the movie's empowerment of women, in fact it is a great improvement that helps to avoid blandness and gives personality to the picture. Not to mention that empowers women (duh).

That said, it is a great movie and a highly anticipated one. It deserves that rating and it indeed delivers, Nightwolve. I'm also looking forward to the Mad Max game that's going to be released following up on the new movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wildfruit on August 26, 2015, 03:14:32 PM
Mortals, time travel exists on all planes. How I cannot say. TOP SECRET. However, I can tell you Ebert approved of mad max.
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on August 27, 2015, 08:41:31 AM
Mortals, time travel exists on all planes. How I cannot say. TOP SECRET. However, I can tell you Ebert approved of mad max.

Ebert Obeyed. At least, he should have. GO SISKEL!

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Galder on October 18, 2015, 12:01:53 PM
Wait, was there a 'Mad Max' in that movie??? Cool atmosphere but -overall- far from my expectations. Tom Hardy not suitable for the role imo.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on October 18, 2015, 12:18:00 PM
Gotta give an enthusiastic thumbs up to "Mad Max: Road Fury!" It stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy as Mad Max. You might not realize it, but Tom Hardy also played the villain "Bane" in "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)," the final Batman movie in Christoper Nolan's rebooted and respectable trilogy.
I was thinking about this yesterday - Fury Road is hands down my #1 movie of the year...nothing else has even come close. Does anybody else think it has a legit shot at best picture at the oscars this year?

I dunno, but seems others are hoping and thinking the same too.


I bet Mad Max is ranking close to 100% with those idiotic 'professional' critics because of all that bullshit "the feminist movie that men HATE" buzz that was going on at the movie's debut. Let's rate this high, that will show them. Not that there's anything wrong with the movie's empowerment of women, in fact it is a great improvement that helps to avoid blandness and gives personality to the picture. Not to mention that empowers women (duh).

Ah, that's an interesting theory if that's what it was. I wouldn't doubt it! Because it somewhat changed the formula from all the prior movies where Mad Max was the central character/hero whereas this time the hero responsibilities were divided between him and Charlize Theron's girl-power character, it got massive extra brownie points from them.

Yeah, it's bizarre to me that some sort of "the feminist movie that men HATE" buzz could've got started. There was nothing to hate here. It would be like hating Red Sonja opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger's character or something... That was a fine medieval action movie in similar vein to Conan the Barbarian, etc.

Wait, was there a 'Mad Max' in that movie??? Cool atmosphere but -overall- far from my expectations. Tom Hardy not suitable for the role imo.

Well, tastes are gonna vary. I thought he did great. It's also funny how they sort of worked in a jaw metal mask in the story right off the bat, perhaps as some sort of homage to Dark Knight Rises and his Bane character. If you're indicating you would've preferred someone with more charisma, I might agree there, but he did well enough in my book.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Galder on October 18, 2015, 12:23:41 PM
Yeah, on the other hand I liked the Bane character, and the accent hehe.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: turboswimbz on October 18, 2015, 01:40:53 PM
I so want to see mad max, I hear nothing but good things . . . sad I missed this one.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on October 18, 2015, 02:34:27 PM
Mad Max is my favorite movie of this year.

So is Shaun the Sheep.  That movie is my favorite movie of the year too. 

No joke.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: shawnji on October 18, 2015, 04:13:44 PM
I just saw The Martian this weekend, and it. was. FANTASTIC.

I realize it's essentially just Apollo 13 on Mars, but it's handled so well.  It's the kind of optimistic, hopeful vision for humanity that I've been missing at the movies for years.  Seriously, I came out of the theater absolutely beaming, and that hasn't happened since... it hasn't happened in a really long time.

It's now my second favorite Ridley Scott film, just trailing Blade Runner and right above Alien.  It's certainly his best movie since Gladiator.  I really want to go see it again... which, again, is another thing I haven't done in ages.

@roflmao  Shaun the Sheep really is excellent.  I adore all the Aardman films and tv shows.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on October 18, 2015, 04:27:04 PM
It's now my second favorite Ridley Scott film, just trailing Blade Runner and right above Alien.  It's certainly his best movie since Gladiator.  I really want to go see it again... which, again, is another thing I haven't done in ages.

That's good to hear as I had lost respect for his movie-making ability. "Exodus: Gods and Kings" absolutely sucked ballz and I never should've bothered watching it. His "Robin Hood" was far from Gladiator, and I'd rather watch the previous one with Kevin Costner.

Prometheus on the other hand was interesting certainly, and respectable, I think mostly because of Michael Fassbender's performance, but it was lacking compared to say Alien. I actually think Guy Pearce's viral speech video was better than the whole movie. :)

Anyway, yeah, it's good to hear if Martian is on the par with Gladiator (back when his Russell Crowe partnership was paying off). I'll check it out on video.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on October 19, 2015, 09:33:06 AM
Windy City Heat.  It's comedy perfection.  I can't get over how the star of the movie did not know it was a farce.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on October 27, 2015, 12:46:10 PM
Shaun of the Dead. Been about 10 years since I last watched it, for some reason I was in the mood today.

The movie is great, as most of you know. It always gets me a bit down, though.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on October 27, 2015, 02:14:38 PM
Black Mass, a big fat "MEH".  So many things were glossed over and events switched around to meet a new plot.  Depp was good and all but movie simply was not good enough.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: shawnji on October 27, 2015, 03:34:19 PM
It's now my second favorite Ridley Scott film, just trailing Blade Runner and right above Alien.  It's certainly his best movie since Gladiator.  I really want to go see it again... which, again, is another thing I haven't done in ages.

That's good to hear as I had lost respect for his movie-making ability. "Exodus: Gods and Kings" absolutely sucked ballz and I never should've bothered watching it. His "Robin Hood" was far from Gladiator, and I'd rather watch the previous one with Kevin Costner.

Prometheus on the other hand was interesting certainly, and respectable, I think mostly because of Michael Fassbender's performance, but it was lacking compared to say Alien. I actually think Guy Pearce's viral speech video was better than the whole movie. :)

Anyway, yeah, it's good to hear if Martian is on the par with Gladiator (back when his Russell Crowe partnership was paying off). I'll check it out on video.

Oh, yeah.  I agree completely.  The Martian was an excellent return to form, and I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that he's never really tried his hand at something so uplifting and positive.  I think a change in tone was exactly the kick in the pants he needed. 

I still hope to God he's given up on that Blade Runner sequel, though...  Leave perfection alone, damn it!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 27, 2015, 04:27:58 PM
Just watched "Trick or Treat (1986)"  Good shit, definitely worth a watch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on October 27, 2015, 04:39:28 PM
Ah, the De Laurentiis group, I could watch this some time! :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 27, 2015, 07:15:34 PM

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on October 28, 2015, 06:45:48 PM
In movie news...


Kurt Russell was asked to comment about the plans by Dwayne Johnson and others to remake a classic like Big Trouble in Little China.

I assume you’ve hear by now that Dwayne Johnson wants to remake Big Trouble in Little China and I was wondering if you had any tips for him?

RUSSELL: Yeah, I didn’t know who it was, as a matter of fact, I was just talking to someone for this and he was bringing that up, it’s funny those often get brought up. You know, I heard they were gonna remake Big Trouble in Little China, I heard they were gonna make Overboard, they were gonna remake some Disney stuff. I mean, I don’t know, I guess it’s that time now. Hey, you know, nothing sacred, why not? Go get it, good luck. I always think it’s interesting what’s gonna be done. Dwayne Johnson I don’t know what his take on it is gonna be, I don’t know what they’re gonna do.

I always look at those movies when I see a remake and it’s like, “Ok… there’s gotta be a reason” I did ne with John [Carpenter], we did the remake of The Thing. But John didn’t want to remake the original movie, he wanted to remake Who Goes There? He wanted not to remake The Thing, he wanted to do a movie of Who Goes There? Which had never been made, which was the short story. So ours is in fact quite different that the original Thing and it was a horrific monster [Laughs] and it took a long time for that movie to kind of gain it’s appreciation but through the years it’s been nice to watch that happen with that movie, it’s now considered one of the great horror movies ever made and I’m very proud to have been a part of that.

So with Big Trouble in Little China John and I, I know we did something that at that time was –The sensibility of that movie was very different, no movie had been made like that, and virtually you flip-flopped the leading man and the psychic, you flip-flopped those roles, that had never been done. And a lot of the humor and the style of that movie was brand new for that time and was very much copied after that, so in its way Big Trouble is definitely a cult film. So I don’t know what their reasons are for remaking the movie but I hope that they have the right reasons and I hope that they do it well and good luck, what can I say? I don’t know, I don’t have thoughts other than that. Hang in there, good luck, go get em’.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on October 28, 2015, 07:31:32 PM
Finally saw Batman Begins. It's a well put together movie with a very unscientific plot (something so bad that it's jarring, rips you straight out of suspension of disbelief) and Batman's voice is borderline comical. Also, the "theatrics in the mansion...nah, again, just unbelievable.

I can suspend some disbelief in comic book movies, but this pushes it. Par for the course for Nolan, though.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on November 08, 2015, 12:24:07 PM
Probably the best movie ever made... to order.

Long story short, I felt like visiting the late 90s, so... yeah, accidentally watched this.

Was worth it for this scene:

Also, this one with Linda Cardellini (of Freaks and Geeks fame) as a sillybilly mental patient:

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on November 08, 2015, 12:27:54 PM
Ah, so that's where he came from before SNL.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on November 08, 2015, 12:34:24 PM
Ah, so that's where he came from before SNL.

Yeah, a show called "All That" is where the original Good Burger skit came from. Keenan and Kel then had their own show for a while.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: shawnji on November 08, 2015, 12:37:38 PM
I saw Peanuts just the other day, and while there was nothing really original about any of the material, it definitely pushed the right buttons and I came out smiling in the end.  What I really found refreshing about it was the lack of modern technology.  They still use rotary phones in this movie!  No ham-fisted references to pop culture or attempts to appeal to some market analysts; just timeless characters in a timeless setting.  I was pleased overall.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on November 08, 2015, 02:57:29 PM
Just saw Antman..

I thought it was gonna suck so I didn't see it right away.
It was actually REALLY good.  Way better than I thought it would be.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SplatterTrigger on November 09, 2015, 12:39:46 AM
Watched the entire Back to the Future Trilogy with my daughter (her first time) over the weekend.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Jason_dicarlo85 on November 15, 2015, 11:19:39 PM
Watched the vacation remake and terminator genesis this weekend... Vacation was pretty good I genuinely laughed throughout the whole movie... Genesis was a turf.. Easily The worst terminator movie yet... Too much time travel and them trying to change the events that happened in the first movie
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SplatterTrigger on November 16, 2015, 02:47:59 AM

Watched the vacation remake and terminator genesis this weekend... Vacation was pretty good I genuinely laughed throughout the whole movie... Genesis was a turf.. Easily The worst terminator movie yet... Too much time travel and them trying to change the events that happened in the first movie

I've heard that the new Terminator was terrible.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on November 30, 2015, 11:22:33 AM
Pixels, terrible movie but I loved the references and the Peter Dinklage character.  Worth a watch if you don't mind a crap plot line.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: jtucci31 on November 30, 2015, 05:14:22 PM
Just saw this f*cked up French film called 'Irreversible'. All of the scenes play out in reverse order, so the first thing you see is the end. It used low frequencues at some points (28 hz I believe) that cause nausea, and I got nauseous.

My girlfriend was doing some research project. I'm glad I'm not a film studies minor sometimes.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on December 01, 2015, 08:11:54 AM
Just saw this f*cked up French film called 'Irreversible'.

Always wanted to give this one another go but never actually feel like watching it; got this nice Korean DVD of it that came with some films cells over a decade ago but have only watched it once.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MotherGunner on December 01, 2015, 08:57:07 AM
For whatever reason, I went back to see the Matt Damon Bourne Movies, and Lord of War this weekend.

Good times.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Otaking on January 25, 2016, 06:59:56 AM
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Watched a 1080p BluRay rip, last time I watched it was on VHS 20 years ago.

In the past I've only ever watched it with subtitles, so decided to give the dubbed version a go this time and was pleasantly surprised to hear Patrick Stewart voice Lord Yupa, one of the main characters. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on January 25, 2016, 08:23:32 AM
I saw Peanuts just the other day, and while there was nothing really original about any of the material, it definitely pushed the right buttons and I came out smiling in the end.  What I really found refreshing about it was the lack of modern technology.  They still use rotary phones in this movie!  No ham-fisted references to pop culture or attempts to appeal to some market analysts; just timeless characters in a timeless setting.  I was pleased overall.

Good I enjoyed the peanuts movie too as the original cartoons were a childhood thing for me.  I'm actually pretty glad they stuck to a similar formula to the originals including jazz music.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on January 25, 2016, 08:53:16 AM

I saw Peanuts just the other day, and while there was nothing really original about any of the material, it definitely pushed the right buttons and I came out smiling in the end.  What I really found refreshing about it was the lack of modern technology.  They still use rotary phones in this movie!  No ham-fisted references to pop culture or attempts to appeal to some market analysts; just timeless characters in a timeless setting.  I was pleased overall.

Good I enjoyed the peanuts movie too as the original cartoons were a childhood thing for me.  I'm actually pretty glad they stuck to a similar formula to the originals including jazz music.

The absolute best Peanuts special, as far as I am concerned, is HALLOWEEN. I have watched that one so many times...I love the soundscape. So great. And the Great Pumpkin is an intriguing creation.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: spawnshop on January 25, 2016, 03:41:39 PM
Oblivion is on tv again.....and i just can't seem to turn the channel.  must be the sixth time watching it.

this is probably one of the best sci-fi films in the last 5-10 years.  i really enjoyed everything about it......especially this

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on January 25, 2016, 03:42:46 PM
I watched this recently:

Was worth it for this segment:

Spooky-Spooky, hehe.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnykonami on January 25, 2016, 04:16:16 PM
I watched this recently:

Was worth it for this segment:

Spooky-Spooky, hehe.


Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy.  We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really.  Try these classics:

(NSFW in an artsy kinda way)
(Also slightly NSFW)

Really, don't watch any of these at work if for no reason other than not to be embarrassed for watching them in front of your coworkers.

Edit: 3rd movie was Dimensions of Dialog from Jan Švankmajer, and for prosperity the other two are Run Wrake - Rabbit, and Asparagus by Susan Pitt.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on January 25, 2016, 07:02:28 PM
I watched this recently:

Was worth it for this segment:

Spooky-Spooky, hehe.


Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy.  We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really.  Try these classics...

Cool, thanks, saved them to my list, will watch them when I get a minute. <3
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on January 25, 2016, 08:03:16 PM
While back on netflik and was about cannon films,
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnykonami on January 27, 2016, 03:01:24 AM
I watched this recently:

Was worth it for this segment:

Spooky-Spooky, hehe.


Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy.  We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really.  Try these classics...

Cool, thanks, saved them to my list, will watch them when I get a minute. <3

No problem.  Refer back to my post for the titles, one of them has already been taken down.  Who knew the copyrights on 1980's stop motion animation from the Czech republic would be taken so seriously??

While back on netflik and was about cannon films,

As a confirmed fan of Breakin' and Breakin 2', I watched this recently also.  Great documentary!  I have seen more Cannon films than I at first realized.   Delta Force, He-Man, a bunch of the others.  A buddy and I are both on the lookout for "The Apple" now. 

I hope someone can do a doc on Full Moon one day!  That should be interesting.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on January 27, 2016, 07:47:57 PM
I watched this recently:

Was worth it for this segment:

Spooky-Spooky, hehe.


Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy.  We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really.  Try these classics...

Cool, thanks, saved them to my list, will watch them when I get a minute. <3

No problem.  Refer back to my post for the titles, one of them has already been taken down.  Who knew the copyrights on 1980's stop motion animation from the Czech republic would be taken so seriously??

While back on netflik and was about cannon films,

As a confirmed fan of Breakin' and Breakin 2', I watched this recently also.  Great documentary!  I have seen more Cannon films than I at first realized.   Delta Force, He-Man, a bunch of the others.  A buddy and I are both on the lookout for "The Apple" now. 

I hope someone can do a doc on Full Moon one day!  That should be interesting.
Some thing,how cannon films lasted so long before going bankrupt.Most of the time it seemed like they throw out any thing and see what stick.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MotherGunner on January 28, 2016, 05:01:13 AM
Watching Sideways.  This movie is f*cking hilarious in a very subtle way!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on January 28, 2016, 04:43:26 PM
Rewatching Pulp Fiction tonight. What else is there to say?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on January 28, 2016, 06:06:06 PM
Oblivion is on tv again.....and i just can't seem to turn the channel.  must be the sixth time watching it.

this is probably one of the best sci-fi films in the last 5-10 years.  i really enjoyed everything about it......especially this


Oh yeah, I love that movie! I've watched it well over 10 times. That and "Tron: Legacy" I also consider one of the best SciFi in the last 5-10 years.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on February 07, 2016, 05:45:46 PM
Oblivion was good. The ending was a bit of a letdown, though.

So I finally got around to watching this,


I know I would have really enjoyed this movie. That's the frustrating part.

My beef with it is that you're forced to navigate the absolutely annoying and IMO completely unnecessary overload of flash-backward flash-forward nature of the final edit. In some movies that style works great. In this one, for me, it ruined the momentum of the film.

I would love to see a re-edited version with the scenes in chronological order without having to put up with that nonsense.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnykonami on February 13, 2016, 01:23:32 PM
Just saw Deadpool with the GF, she loved it.  I agree that it was pretty enjoyable, too.  Lots of goofiness and violence if you like that sort of thing - the audience sure did, they laughed the entire time.  If you do go to see it, remember to stay for a post-credits scene (as should be your policy after any Marvel movie at the very least.)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: kosko99 on February 14, 2016, 08:00:34 PM
Zootopia, last Friday.
I enjoyed the movie a lot <3
Now I want to see it with the original audio :(
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wilykat on February 15, 2016, 04:00:52 PM
Just watched the film When Marnie was There.  Nice anime.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on February 15, 2016, 06:26:24 PM
Watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, & Army of Darkness with my wife & some friends.  2 of my friends hadn't seen Tucker & Dale, & one of them hadn't seen Army of Darkness before.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on February 15, 2016, 07:23:27 PM
Watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, & Army of Darkness with my wife & some friends.  2 of my friends hadn't seen Tucker & Dale, & one of them hadn't seen Army of Darkness before.

Tucker and Dale is the best sleeper movie I have seen in a long time. My wife wasn't that excited about it, but she still liked it.

Speaking of Army of Darkness, have you seen the new Ash vs Evil Dead show? It's campy like Army of Darkness, but set in modern day. Good stuff.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: datbuta on February 18, 2016, 08:47:08 AM
I just watched Kung Fu Panda 3... was pretty good... i felt it was extremely better than the second movie.. and the animation was really well done... the effects and the theme of the movie was just great!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on February 19, 2016, 02:12:16 AM
Just watched 2 movies.

The Forest- When her twin sister disappears in Japan, a young American named Sara (Natalie Dormer) becomes determined to find out what happened to her. Sara's investigation leads her to the legendary Aokigahara Forest, located at the base of Mount Fuji. Accompanied by expatriate Aiden, she enters the mysterious wilderness after being warned to "stay on the path." Her investigation plunges her into a dark world where the angry and tormented souls of the dead prey on those who dare to explore the forest.

Creed-Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan) never knew his famous father, boxing champion Apollo Creed, who died before Adonis was born. However, boxing is in his blood, so he seeks out Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) and asks the retired champ to be his trainer. Rocky sees much of Apollo in Adonis, and agrees to mentor him, even as he battles an opponent deadlier than any in the ring. With Rocky's help, Adonis soon gets a title shot, but whether he has the true heart of a fighter remains to be seen.

Both movies were way better than I thought they were going to be.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on February 19, 2016, 09:55:57 AM
Just watched the new BD of The Mutilator/Fall Break and it was nice to finally see this 80s slasher classic in HD. This one was a long time coming as there were many delays with the release and there was also never a proper DVD of it but now there is a BD/DVD release of the uncut version and this one is simply a must if you're into this sort of thing! Basically this kid accidentally kills his mom while trying to clean his dads rifles and then we flash forward to current day when the kid is now in college, gets a mysterious phone call from his dad asking him to close up the family beach house, and winds up being stalked by a crazed killer while there with some friends.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on February 19, 2016, 10:52:30 AM
Creed-Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan) never knew his famous father, boxing champion Apollo Creed, who died before Adonis was born. However, boxing is in his blood, so he seeks out Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) and asks the retired champ to be his trainer. Rocky sees much of Apollo in Adonis, and agrees to mentor him, even as he battles an opponent deadlier than any in the ring. With Rocky's help, Adonis soon gets a title shot, but whether he has the true heart of a fighter remains to be seen.

Both movies were way better than I thought they were going to be.

Recent watch on my part as well. I liked it, but it didn't have the punch as some of the past ones.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on February 19, 2016, 04:26:43 PM
Creed was ok. The fighter at the end with that irritating scouse accent put me right off though :lol:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: johnnykonami on February 22, 2016, 02:58:29 PM
Just finished Pixels, it wasn't so bad I guess.  Not the biggest Sandler fan and Qbert was a bit offputting (Hey, since when does he say anything other than cursewords?  They missed an opportunity there, Qbert should sworn like a sailor).  It's pretty much what I expected, with some pretty inaccurate stuff to move the plot along - like the "cheat code" to speed up Pac-man.  Pretty hamfisted but like I said, I wasn't expecting Citizen Kane.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: geise on February 23, 2016, 03:32:24 AM
Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russel.  It was a tad different for a western film, but I really liked it.  A tad slow at parts though, and one brutal scene.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on February 23, 2016, 12:06:58 PM
I just watched Primer.  What a brilliantly made movie with an I term resting twist on time travel.  Movie was made for $7,000.  Brilliant writing, really have to pay attention to the story.  Genius writing.

Deadpool.  Like bed up the the hype.  A fun ride.  Nothing outstanding just really fun.

Zoolander2.  A lukewarm abortion would serve as better entertainment.  Couldn't even finish it I had to shut it off.  Terrible.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on February 23, 2016, 02:28:53 PM
Zoolander2.  A lukewarm abortion would serve as better entertainment.  Couldn't even finish it I had to shut it off.  Terrible.

That was true of the first one and I love Ben Stiller most of the time, but I was very shocked it was decided that something like Zoolander should ever get a sequel... I'm curious to see it, but I remember how bad the first one was even though I could sit through it all for whatever value I could find.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on February 23, 2016, 03:33:18 PM
Zoolander2.  A lukewarm abortion would serve as better entertainment.  Couldn't even finish it I had to shut it off.  Terrible.

That was true of the first one and I love Ben Stiller most of the time, but I was very shocked it was decided that something like Zoolander should ever get a sequel... I'm curious to see it, but I remember how bad the first one was even though I could sit through it all for whatever value I could find.

Zoolander2 makes zoolander1 look like " On the Waterfront".  Could be the worst more I've ever seen.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on February 23, 2016, 04:42:03 PM
Sounds about right for a Zoolander.  :lol: Yeah, I was like, really ? That thing got a sequel greenlit ? How was that possible ? Stiller still has some great movies and will always get a pass from me for making Tropic Thunder no matter how many flops!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on February 23, 2016, 05:08:01 PM
Zoolander the first one was amazing. Very layered, full of clever jokes, and the portraiture of the fashion industry is an excellent allegory for a good many industries out there, entertainment included.

I haven't seen the second one, but I'd be very let down if it dropped all what made the original great.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on February 23, 2016, 09:57:29 PM
Zoolander the first one was amazing. Very layered, full of clever jokes, and the portraiture of the fashion industry is an excellent allegory for a good many industries out there, entertainment included.

I haven't seen the second one, but I'd be very let down if it dropped all what made the original great.

Terrible plot, forced dialogue, death of a major character because they didn't want to be in the movie, forced "humor", I mean it's like a zoolander fan kidnapped the cast at gunpointcand forced them to make it on the spot.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on February 24, 2016, 04:03:31 AM
Yeah, glancing at some reviews, it does appear this type of comedy is really hit or miss. Either finding it really stupid and in some cases willing to shut it off, or laughing your butt off. While I was able to finish watching the first one, I'm sore that I bought the DVD for it (because I saw Ben Stiller on the package and I usually love his type of comedy), just as I'm sore about having bought the Legally Blonde 1&2 DVDs.

Somebody did a Youtube video where they melted the Legally Blonde DVD in a microwave which I found hilarious given what I felt about the movie and it gives me a future idea for a videogame I wanna melt some day in a live video. You have to figure out what the safe settings are for your microwave though, cause at default max power, in just a few seconds you'll create a nasty, black puff cloud of smoke with plastic particulates going airborne fast!

I tested a DVD or DVD-R once, saw the internal sparks of the embedded material in the plastic and the reaction/production of smoke was fast... Pretty nasty clean up. I should've done my research first, gotten the low power adjustments needed for a slow, safe melt.


When I feel like grabbing the 2nd one some time, I might try watching the 1st one again to see them both in order and possibly reevaluate what I think about it. I wonder if my opinion will change given what o.pwuaioc feels about it. Sometimes Will Ferrell is funny, like in "The Other Guys" which is a great action comedy with Mark Wahlberg, but other times he has that face you wanna punch and that annoying shtick gets on my nerves... In Zoolander, my sentiment was more in the "I wanna punch that guy" mode. ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: seieienbu on February 24, 2016, 06:24:25 AM
As a general rule I'm not a fan of dumb comedy movies.  My friends made me watch Zoolander, uh, 15 years ago?  Maybe?  Whatever, I found it absolutely hilarious.  It did everything right from my perspective.  After reading this thread I think I'll avoid Zoolander 2 to avoid tarnishing my memory of the first.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on February 28, 2016, 05:12:00 AM
Watched "Oblivion" for the 10th time or so, but now in 1080p. I love everything about this movie like Tron​: Legacy!

Newcomer Director Joseph Kosinski (who directed Tron: Legacy) knows the importance of a great soundtrack both for viewer enjoyment and to set the tone of a scene. As a typical post-apocalyptic SciFi action film, the story's been told many times and in many different ways, but with the soundtrack complementing the feeling of desolation here, Tom Cruise​'s great performance (plus Morgan Freeman​), the whole look and feel, the path to discovering the truth of what really happened to the earth, him, the woman he sees in his dreams, etc. it's great storytelling a cut above the others.

Elements of the classic twist on the hero's journey, almost Twilight Zone-level, plus another for you the viewer, and the ultimate sacrifice he must make are here and while it's been done before, as mentioned, it's interesting and unique enough to keep you in your seat enjoying the ride. "Oblivion​" should be in every SciFi-lover's library!

Obligatory trailer/eye candy to go along cause the movie's worth it:






Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on February 28, 2016, 07:29:23 AM
The Martian...LOADS better than Gravity or Interstellar....decent watch.

Straight Outta Compton...being a HUGE N.W.A. fan in the 90's I enjoyed it (def not worthy of all the over the top hype it received).  Some of the casting felt a tad off, but solid effort.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on April 10, 2016, 01:05:18 PM
Pan, another Peter Pan remake.

So I wondered about this given the bad reviews and I understand partly why... Early in the movie after pirate Captain Blackbeard captures Peter Pan from his WWII era orphanage, all of Blackbeard's pirates, slave miners, he himself, (thousands of people), break out into a...Nirvana song of all things...

Yes, Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" serves as the pirates' anthem believe it or not...  And they sing the lyrics very clearly making it the first time I ever made sense of the song... This out of place song sort of reminded me of Christian Slater saying "F--k me..." in Kevin Costner's Robinhood when he's sprung over the castle wall. It was funny but technically out of place for the time period.

Ultimately I did like the movie despite the weirdness of finding a Nirvana song in it. It's a very interesting back story exploring Peter Pan and Captain Hook starting out as friends/allies against Blackbeard, so it did do other things right and I don't think it deserved to be the major flop disaster that it was...

Hook was played by Garrett Hedlund who also played Sam Flynn in Tron Legacy. I like him but I think he had a so so performance in this, his acting was passable though a bit stiff...

Anyway, I would recommend the movie despite the negative reviews and issues. It does have some level of movie magic and is respectable.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on April 11, 2016, 02:40:39 AM
Pan, another Peter Pan remake.

So I wondered about this given the bad reviews and I understand partly why... Early in the movie after pirate Captain Blackbeard captures Peter Pan from his WWII era orphanage, all of Blackbeard's pirates, slave miners, he himself, (thousands of people), break out into a...Nirvana song of all things...

Yes, Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" serves as the pirates' anthem believe it or not...  And they sing the lyrics very clearly making it the first time I ever made sense of the song... This out of place song sort of reminded me of Christian Slater saying "F--k me..." in Kevin Costner's Robinhood when he's sprung over the castle wall. It was funny but technically out of place for the time period.

Ultimately I did like the movie despite the weirdness of finding a Nirvana song in it. It's a very interesting back story exploring Peter Pan and Captain Hook starting out as friends/allies against Blackbeard, so it did do other things right and I don't think it deserved to be the major flop disaster that it was...

Hook was played by Garrett Hedlund who also played Sam Flynn in Tron Legacy. I like him but I think he had a so so performance in this, his acting was passable though a bit stiff...

Anyway, I would recommend the movie despite the negative reviews and issues. It does have some level of movie magic and is respectable.


You just made me want to watch this movie. The trailers looked fantastic and the bad reviews surprised me. Granted I avoid the theaters for now what with a new borne.

The way you described the WWII aspects makes me think of the comic "Peter Panzerfaust".


It's Peter Pan set in WWII with hook as a Nazi. No magic or anything. It's a Image comic. I was very much into it but didn't continue past issue 12 because I had to shift money from comics. Hoping to shift a small monthly budget back to comics soon lol.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on April 11, 2016, 02:41:58 AM
I FINALY saw Star Wars Force Awakens.

Kind of.

Son woke up towards the end of the movie. Although I still had it playing I was playing with the kid o.

So that means I only got the gist of what happened a for the later half of the movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on April 11, 2016, 05:53:31 PM
I FINALY saw Star Wars Force Awakens.

Kind of.

Son woke up towards the end of the movie. Although I still had it playing I was playing with the kid o.

So that means I only got the gist of what happened a for the later half of the movie.


I know exactly what that is like.

Good luck trying to finish the movie properly :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on April 12, 2016, 03:21:26 PM
Finally saw that Batman/Superman Movie.  Big Giant MEH!!!  Predictable, forced story, tired CGI battles, forced new character to set up new movies.  They should of just had two guys dressed as Batman & Superman asking for money as that would have been less dishonest than this obvious money grab.  Just not a good movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on April 12, 2016, 03:38:31 PM
They should of just had two guys dressed as Batman & Superman asking for money as that would have been less dishonest than this obvious money grab.  Just not a good movie.

Yeah, I figured as much - Zach Snyder has just not had the same luck after 300 and Watchmen... I haven't liked any of his work after that - Man of Steel=Meh, a soulless remake not worthy of the Christopher Reeve and Richard Donner-directed original (but to be fair, the other remake sucked too, nobody has done better since), Sucker Punch (as in, YOU were the sucker if you paid good money to see that!), the sequel to 300 which was what you normally expect happens with sequels...

Looks like I'll be seeing his Dawn of the Dead pretty soon which I didn't even know he directed till I looked him up to refresh myself on his work. He did that before 300, wonder if it's good now so I'll move it up on my to-watch list.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on April 12, 2016, 05:42:55 PM
I watched teh classic: the shining

It still is one of the best movies of its genre
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: xelement5x on April 13, 2016, 04:06:39 AM
Just watched "The Martian" the other day and it was a hell of a good movie.  Been a long time since I was able to sit down for 2 and a half hours and watch something without my wife or kid bothering me so it was fun. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wilykat on April 15, 2016, 09:14:24 PM
Almost worse than the older Batman movie with Clooney.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on April 16, 2016, 08:06:37 AM
Just watched "The Martian" the other day and it was a hell of a good movie.  Been a long time since I was able to sit down for 2 and a half hours and watch something without my wife or kid bothering me so it was fun.

Pretty Good Comedy BTW!..


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on April 16, 2016, 10:30:01 AM
That's funny, I didn't know about that. So the lengths they sometimes have to go through to ensure a movie gets some kind of an award...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on April 16, 2016, 11:14:04 AM
That's funny, I didn't about that. So the lengths they sometimes have to go through to ensure a movie gets some kind of an award...

I agree: enjoyable read. :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 03, 2016, 04:09:32 PM
This movie is seriously all kinds of awesome, see it, now!!!! :)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on May 03, 2016, 04:39:42 PM
This movie is seriously all kinds of awesome, see it, now!!!! :)


I've seen it I actually think this this perhaps the best Marvel movie ever as of now and more enjoyable (plus it doesn't take itself too seriously)  than the latest Captain America: Civil War which although I thought was good it moved too slowly.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 05, 2016, 05:50:55 AM
and more enjoyable (plus it doesn't take itself too seriously)  than the latest Captain America: Civil War which although I thought was good it moved too slowly.

Yeah, I wanna see that also. The previous Winter Soldier was an interesting use of Robert Redford since Spy Game (a really great movie with Brad Pitt also, directed by Ridley Scott's brother!), and I'd say it was a bit better than the first one, so always good to see the bad sequel tradition broken now and then.


P.S. Eh, truth is, I just wanna see Bucky bust some heads!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on May 22, 2016, 09:36:53 AM
Just saw Zootopia/Zootropolis.  Perhaps the best Disney movie they have made in a while. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on May 22, 2016, 03:12:15 PM
Cowboys & Aliens. Better than I thought it would be, but not that great of a movie. Harrison Ford was cute, as was Olivia Wilde.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Opethian on May 23, 2016, 01:21:24 PM
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on May 23, 2016, 02:01:06 PM

I have heard of this "arrow" company and their DVD and at times bluray releases.

I am somewhat ignorant of them as a whole.

Is it that they release movies never before released on DVD/bluray that makes their stuff so desirable?  Or they just have pretty packaging and art?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on May 23, 2016, 03:52:56 PM
How come I watch Grosse Point Blank every time it's on tv?  Because it's awesome, that's why.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on May 23, 2016, 08:24:43 PM
I have heard of this "arrow" company and their DVD and at times bluray releases.

I am somewhat ignorant of them as a whole.

Is it that they release movies never before released on DVD/bluray that makes their stuff so desirable?  Or they just have pretty packaging and art?

Some of their movies were never on DVD but a lot of them are BD upgrades of titles that were on DVD. Occasionally they'll do some fancy packaging but the big appeal is the quality of the work they put out these days. In the beginning their quality was pretty hit and miss but now they're one of the best cult labels out there.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on May 23, 2016, 08:27:42 PM
Today I watched the entire extended Stieg Larsson Millenium trilogy; the 9 hours just flew by!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Opethian on May 24, 2016, 02:21:13 AM
This is my first Arrow release and its pretty good the job they did with the transfer and the extras. Plus its cheaper than buying the DVD boxset.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on June 03, 2016, 12:53:46 PM

They showing Beverly Hills Cop on TV.  I can't get over how awesome the soundtrack is..

Dat Axel F
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 03, 2016, 12:57:55 PM

They showing Beverly Hills Cop on TV.  I can't get over how awesome the soundtrack is..

Dat Axel F

Yup. I watched that again with my daughter. It was still a fun, enjoyable film.

And I love Fletch, too.

I am not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase, but that movie is great. Atmosphere, pacing, soundtrack, Chevy as JB Harold....

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wildfruit on June 03, 2016, 01:08:44 PM

They showing Beverly Hills Cop on TV.  I can't get over how awesome the soundtrack is..

Dat Axel F
I watched all 3 over the last couple of weeks. Eddie Murphy is astounding. Number 3 is a bit meh but o well.
I also watched inception. Self indulgent tripe.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on June 14, 2016, 09:34:42 PM
I also watched inception. Self indulgent tripe.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on June 15, 2016, 06:08:28 AM
Just watched Captain America: Civil War

It was a lot better then I expected, the action scenes were awesome!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on June 15, 2016, 08:23:03 AM
The wife and I just watched:

Zootopia. It was very enjoyable will most likely but it for the boys budding Disney movie collection. Sure he is to young to enjoy or watch well anythjng really bejng that he is one. But Disney is one of those companies that likes to put things "in the vault". So usually best to pick up their movies when available versus later.

We also re-watched another Disney movie Aladin. On VHS. Why?  It was a dolar at a used book store. Lol.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on June 17, 2016, 12:44:17 PM
Also watched Zootopia recently. Not the best Disney production I've seen, but it was alright.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: wilykat on June 17, 2016, 10:43:33 PM
Dragon Heart 3. I liked the first one, the second one was meh. Never saw 3rd one but I got the used DVD for only $2.  If it blows, I can always sell it for $2, basically legal rent-free video rental  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on June 18, 2016, 02:12:50 AM
Also watched Zootopia recently. Not the best Disney production I've seen, but it was alright.


Captain America: Civil War is great, but only if you have kept up with the entire cinematic universe. Otherwise, you will have no idea what's going on.

Also, Deadpool and Ant-Man are two of the best superhero movies to come out so far.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 16, 2016, 11:05:37 AM
So the new Girl Ghostbusters is out, was wondering if anybody here is interested in seeing it ?

There has been a lot of shenanigans around this movie, sadly. Basically, after they put out 2 shitty trailers that were 100% horrible/unfunny and the criticism followed, they decided to hide behind general sexism and portray this as an underdog fighting against the "brutes" of the Internet. They got political, accused critics of being Trump voters (a way to use the movie to defeat his candidacy and objectively alienate half the country in stupid fashion), and Angry Video Game Nerd was targeted and attacked as a "soft sexist" (he's a sexist because we say so, even if he doesn't know it!) for simply stating he'll refuse to see/review it.

I'll give it a chance when it comes out on video, but based on those trailers and all the shenanigans, I wouldn't spend a penny on it. It'll be interesting to see what the box office results of this are though.

Anyway, if somebody sees it, I wanted to hear what you think, cause yeah, it sure didn't look good from those trailers! It's their job to sell a movie with a trailer, and based on those 2 trailers, they have mostly themselves to blame not AVGN and whatever other bullshit they wanna hide behind.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOEntkJI6yw - Contrast of how Star Wars fans were treated versus GB fans.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on July 16, 2016, 03:17:35 PM
I didn't even like the original Ghostbusters that much. From the trailers it seemed like your usual formulaic comedy that hollywood loves to make, plus CGI.

I may watch it later when it appears on streaming services.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on July 16, 2016, 06:37:02 PM
This earlier on netflik.
Part two was kind of a let down but three is a improvement.Still it's ending is rather bitter sweet to say at least which hit home for me.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 17, 2016, 09:24:57 AM
Fans cut a somewhat better trailer of Ghostbusters than Sony did... Short, crappy parts were cut out (although too late, we know they're in there), original GB theme music, etc. Does make a difference if you compare the originals...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: mitsuman on July 18, 2016, 02:38:14 PM

Watched about half of this. Then my kids and wife came in and started being loud. I'll finish it later.
I also want to find the movie about Moog and watch it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on July 20, 2016, 12:34:19 PM
Saw "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" a few days ago. I like one of the pans for it, that it's almost a cool Batman movie trapped in a shitty Superman sequel. Heh.

Honestly, I think I might watch it again though. It's Bollywood 3 hour style, so it does drag a bit at parts. It doesn't invoke what I felt for Zack Snyder's work in 300 or Watchmen, but it kept me interested and it's better than "Man of Steel" certainly which was forgettable to me. I just really do not like their new take on Superman compared to the Christopher Reeve version.

Anyway, I leave you with an "honest trailer" of it. This is spoiler-y, so avoid if you plan to watch it or don't care.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: bob on July 20, 2016, 12:44:04 PM
if you have netflix and you like outdoors stuff, you need to check out The Barkley Marathons.
its sadistic what these guys have to do for 100 miles through the woods.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: mitsuman on July 20, 2016, 01:19:03 PM
Just finished watching this. Pretty decent documentary.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Zero_Gamer on July 20, 2016, 02:10:52 PM
I love documentaries. This pic reminds me of Kumare.

Its about a normal joe schmoe that pretends to be a yogi guru, and gets a huge following. Great movie. Used to be on Netflix, think it's on Amazon prime now.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: mitsuman on July 20, 2016, 03:46:02 PM
I love documentaries. This pic reminds me of Kumare.

Its about a normal joe schmoe that pretends to be a yogi guru, and gets a huge following. Great movie. Used to be on Netflix, think it's on Amazon prime now.
I'll have to look for it
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: majors on July 21, 2016, 06:45:39 AM
A has-been slacker medalist in small town that loves her, has a chance to help an up and coming star. "Bernadette" has a potty mouth and low morals. Fun flick, reminds me of Trainwreck.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on July 22, 2016, 11:49:01 AM
Just watched Traders...


Interesting movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on September 19, 2016, 12:53:19 AM
Enjoyed watching:

The nice guys - Low key, 70's setting crime story that I enjoyed.

The man who knew infinity - enjoyed this too just wish they could have delved deeper into the central characters.

somewhat enjoyed:

The jungle book  -  I much prefer the original Disney,  I find this new version lacks the charm and it took a while for me to warm to the new Mowgli and CGI characters.

Secret life of pets - Story felt like I had been watching something from Toy Story just re skinned with animal characters.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on September 19, 2016, 07:08:15 AM
somewhat enjoyed:

The jungle book  -  I much prefer the original Disney,  I find this new version lacks the charm and it took a while for me to warm to the new Mowgli and CGI characters.

Saw that recently too, enjoyed Bill Murray's voice acting as the lovable bear in pursuit of some honey. ;)

"Captain America: Civil War" - Eh, much sequelitis to be found here. Cons: Poor use of Ant-Man as his own movie was very enjoyable. Pros: I liked the introduction/origin story of their version of a young Spider-Man. Overall, just wanted to see Bucky and others bust some heads, and was so-so satisfied in the action/fight choreography dept. I sorta feel I would've preferred watching the previous one again or Deadpool, though...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on September 19, 2016, 07:44:58 AM
Speaking of Bill Murray, I just watched "St. Vincent"

Brilliant.  One of the best movies i've seen this year.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on September 19, 2016, 08:30:40 AM
Speaking of Bill Murray, I just watched "St. Vincent"

Brilliant.  One of the best movies i've seen this year.


Yep, good find! I think Melissa McCarthy has been in a lot of duds since Bridesmaids, which was hilarious and something you can watch several times, but her performance here with Bill was respectable. She's still sort of doing the same SNL-like character over and over ever since, but it worked in this one I think. The plot isn't anything new, grumpy old man grudgingly mentors a fatherless kid who needs it, they learn from each other, and old man redeems himself in some way by the end of it, but I really respect this one! As such, it made to my Movie Picks list, so yeah, thumbs up! :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on September 20, 2016, 04:13:14 AM
I just watched 31 a film by Rob Zombie.

It was his usual weird movie.

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on September 20, 2016, 06:27:00 AM
I just watched 31 a film by Rob Zombie.

It was his usual weird movie.

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Was the a recommendation or a dis?  I am interested in this movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on September 20, 2016, 03:35:44 PM
I just watched 31 a film by Rob Zombie.

It was his usual weird movie.

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Was the a recommendation or a dis?  I am interested in this movie.

It was not as good as his earlier movies.

but if you are into the super gory blood,  you would like it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: PunkicCyborg on September 20, 2016, 03:42:00 PM
Been on a sci-fi/ kaiju kick. Getting pretty hyped up over Shin Godzilla next week. Watched Pacific Rim and District 9 last night. They both have really held up well and look better than almost all other recent movies in the genre since then.
Anyone else got Shin Godzilla playing locally? Very excited. This is my first real Japanese Godzilla movie in a theater
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on September 20, 2016, 04:26:57 PM
Been on a sci-fi/ kaiju kick. Getting pretty hyped up over Shin Godzilla next week. Watched Pacific Rim and District 9 last night. They both have really held up well and look better than almost all other recent movies in the genre since then.

I thought both of these movies were highly underrated. I enjoyed them both. The director of District 9 also directed Chappie, which is also good.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: PunkicCyborg on September 20, 2016, 04:30:58 PM
District 9 is incredible. It had a 30mil budget and looks fantastic still. Compare that to the first new transformers movie which had a 149mil budget and looks dated already. They did such an awesome job of blending 3d with live action. Most new movies are just heavily filtered with a gray/blue palette and look corny. District 9 has a dirty gritty look with lots of bright natural light and looks amazing
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on September 20, 2016, 04:37:25 PM
Compare that to the first new transformers movie...

Please don't.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on October 16, 2016, 05:52:24 PM
This earlier on netflik it's not as entertaining as king of kong but worth a watch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on October 17, 2016, 02:38:09 AM
Just finished watching the movie  Lights Out.

It was actually a very good horror movie.


When her little brother, Martin, experiences the same events that once tested her sanity, Rebecca works to unlock the truth behind the terror, which brings her face to face with an entity that has an attachment to their mother, Sophie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on October 17, 2016, 06:05:06 AM
Saw Trick r' Treat. It's a good Halloween horror/dark comedy.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on October 17, 2016, 09:33:31 AM
The director of District 9 also directed Chappie, which is also good.
Elysium too, I think all of Neill Blomkamp's full length movies have been really good so far. For some time now imdb has listed an untitled Neil Blomkamp Alien Project in his credits and I really wonder if/when it will happen. Hopefully he'll put Sharlto Copley in it like with his other movies.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on October 17, 2016, 05:10:15 PM
I rented Phantasm V and even though it didn't have the original director and was very low budget, I enjoyed it quite a bit.  RIP Angus Scrim.

Also picked up the new Phantasm vinyl soundtrack release, since I have been on a Phantasm and vinyl soundtrack kick.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SplatterTrigger on November 02, 2016, 10:08:34 AM
The Revenant. Really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: roflmao on November 02, 2016, 03:28:44 PM

My Halloween watch. :D
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on November 02, 2016, 04:46:26 PM
I rented Phantasm V and even though it didn't have the original director and was very low budget, I enjoyed it quite a bit.  RIP Angus Scrim.

Also picked up the new Phantasm vinyl soundtrack release, since I have been on a Phantasm and vinyl soundtrack kick.

I always enjoyed the films and the soundtracks. Fun.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on November 03, 2016, 02:04:08 AM
Just rewatched "Rock and Rule" for maybe the 30th time in my life. This is a movie I discovered in late night movie channels like TNT or USA when I was around 13. Was also how I first saw Heavy Metal and many other adult animated movies and segments.

Love that I picked up the DVD around 2006. I've seen that a blurry was also released recently. However, I don't know if they did much to restore what is already in the DVD. So I have been waiting to see if a 2K transfer happened similarly to the Transformers Movie.

(http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n119/medic_wheat/17B4156E-A8AF-4820-BF74-A4C80D5B963D_zpsywormmzl.jpg) (http://s110.photobucket.com/user/medic_wheat/media/17B4156E-A8AF-4820-BF74-A4C80D5B963D_zpsywormmzl.jpg.html)

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on November 08, 2016, 05:27:17 AM

Aah yes! Just like the "good old days" of watching Mel play a bad ass. This movie is a great example of just that. The kind of hero I tend to root for.

He is definitely not too old for this s--t.


So many inaccuracies and just glossing over of major events in the life and career of legendary boxer- Roberto Duran.

I tried to like it. But no.

At least there was some eye candy on offer in the form of Ana de Armas. :p (http://i.imgur.com/v99tEAu.gif)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on December 15, 2016, 04:24:40 AM
watching suicide squad.  I don't hate it like the critics but I think it could be a bit darker..
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on December 15, 2016, 08:38:15 AM
I just saw Magnificent Seven.

It was better than I thought it was going to be.  Not really into cowboy type movies, but this one was good.


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on December 16, 2016, 02:29:57 PM
I will watch Magnificent Seven now given it was in my list and you just did.


* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortal_(2004_film)

Wow, this was one of the weirdest SciFi movies with Egyptian God myth mixed in a futuristic setting!! It's bearable, very weird/trippy, won't fit most people's tastes, but I liked it enough.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_(2016_film)

Another rip off of the Android-gone-rogue theme, very close to Ex Machina movie that nullity had also come across: Android/new lifeform kept trapped in room, eventually wanting to get out and not appreciating effectively being held prisoner for more development, study, safety, etc.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Peregrine's_Home_for_Peculiar_Children_(film)

I can recommend this. Magic, time travel, Tim Burton weirdness, worth checking out!

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd_(film)
The Original Sly Stallone Judge Dredd!

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Life_of_Pets

This was fun!

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_Squad_(film)

A summary of what I think, worst Joker ever, boring: Epic Voice Guy does this one, love the "Honest Trailers" channel BTW! Great one to subscribe to if you haven't already. Relive old [and new] movies through a new sarcastic look. ;)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on December 17, 2016, 10:28:13 AM
Just watched Kubo and the two strings last night.

Pretty good for a western take on a a japanese themed story.  Stop-motion animation is very good.  Quite dark and moody.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on December 17, 2016, 08:18:39 PM
Rogue One.

Maybe it was just the headache I received from the 3D glasses, but this movie felt kinda bad. If this is any indication of what the future holds for Star Wars spin-off movies... well, then I think we're in for some legitimate garbage. Yay.


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on December 19, 2016, 03:26:43 AM
I have yet to see Rogue One, will be taking the kids this weekend.

I did however introduce them to the classic Field of Dreams.
(Man, I forgot how emotional that movie is.)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on January 03, 2017, 04:55:47 PM
Rogue One.

Maybe it was just the headache I received from the 3D glasses, but this movie felt kinda bad. If this is any indication of what the future holds for Star Wars spin-off movies... well, then I think we're in for some legitimate garbage. Yay.


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on January 04, 2017, 12:52:34 AM
Whose motorcycle is this?

It's a chopper, baby.

Whose chopper is this?

It's Zed's.

Who's Zed?

Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.

I've probably seen that movie a good dozen times over the years. Never gets old for me.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: _joshuaTurbo on January 04, 2017, 01:41:12 AM
Went to see Rogue One for a second time.  It's enjoyable.  Not sure what people were expecting if they disliked it.  I feel that as long as they aren't as bad as the dreadful prequels, they are doing alright.

Also watched "The Knights of Badassdom" on New Years.  lol  It's pretty dumb, but sort of amusing. 

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on January 07, 2017, 01:48:27 PM
Revisited Kill List last night. The movie itself is great, very entertaining and mysterious to watch but I always kind of hated the ending because it seemed so half-assed. Some really like the way it ends but I find it kind of annoying. Still though, I've watched it about 5 times in spite of this.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on January 07, 2017, 03:02:43 PM
I can recommend The Accountant starring BatFleck, AKA Ben Mentally Affleckted. He plays an autistic ass-kicking bad ass with a casual accountant cover by day. Ben followed Robert Downey Jr.'s age old advice, never go full retard for rolls such as these. So he's weird, socially awkward, nerdy, OCD when it comes to problem solving, but when you cross him, he goes ninja and flips out on ya!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on January 16, 2017, 04:00:52 AM
Just saw "The Imposter". Documentary

  Could not believe the amount of bullshit and lies floating around in this scary, scary tail of a family replacing a dead child with international fraud and self denial.  A must watch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on January 20, 2017, 03:14:10 PM
Went to see Rogue One for a second time.  It's enjoyable.  Not sure what people were expecting if they disliked it.  I feel that as long as they aren't as bad as the dreadful prequels, they are doing alright.

Also watched "The Knights of Badassdom" on New Years.  lol  It's pretty dumb, but sort of amusing. 


Hey, that's Summer Glau in there! :)

Haven't seen in here in anything is the Terminator TV series and Serenity.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on April 03, 2017, 11:38:19 AM
Just watched the live action Ghost in the Shell movie.

I actually enjoyed it.  Quite a bit has changed from the anime.  Will pick this up when it hits blu ray
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on April 07, 2017, 03:49:03 PM
Just watched the live action Ghost in the Shell movie.

I actually enjoyed it.  Quite a bit has changed from the anime.  Will pick this up when it hits blu ray

I saw it a week ago in 3D...it was totally fun. I think it flowed nicely.

I think a few moments of CGI could have been cut (underwater scene, closeup of face)....during battle with rain, there was "Catwoman running up concrete slabs" ...

...of course, some subtlety was lost, but for a Hollywood film, I was expecting this.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on April 11, 2017, 11:48:38 AM
Black Mirror- Netflix.  I know that they aren't movies but each episode is feature length and the third season has a huge budget.  It's The Twilite Zone with modern technology.  Highly recommend it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on April 11, 2017, 11:56:18 AM
Black Mirror = good.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on April 12, 2017, 03:18:52 AM
Hmmm.. I almost clicked on Black Mirror. 

I am gonna have to go back and watch it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: EvilEvoIX on April 12, 2017, 04:23:59 AM
Hmmm.. I almost clicked on Black Mirror. 

I am gonna have to go back and watch it.

Watch it from the beginning, not episodic but certainly grows in scope and presentation as it goes on.  Season 3 a huge jump.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on May 29, 2017, 08:44:22 PM
Time Machine (1960)

A classic from my childhood, it's been years since I've watched it. Largely holds up, and thoroughly enjoyed a long overdue watch.

Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Another "been way to long since last viewing" of my second favorite horror movie (easily top 5, all genres) of all time. This movie ALWAYS delivers, never gets old.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on May 29, 2017, 10:30:18 PM
I forgot to mention i did see,guardians of the galaxy vol2 a couple weeks ago.It's more of the same far as a the jokes go etc and i didn't think it was good as the first one but,good enough.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: xelement5x on May 30, 2017, 05:47:11 AM
Watched Inglourious Basterds over the weekend, that was interesting. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on May 30, 2017, 05:57:06 AM
I forgot to mention i did see,guardians of the galaxy vol2 a couple weeks ago.It's more of the same far as a the jokes go etc and i didn't think it was good as the first one but,good enough.

I saw it a couple weeks back, and my thoughts are the same.  It wasn't bad, exactly, but I definitely could've done without the smarmy he's-my-daddy (and she's-my-sister) bullshit.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on May 30, 2017, 10:49:36 AM
I watched the David Lynch version of Dune a little bit back. First time doing so. Not sure if I prefer it or the mini-series from 2000. The actors are certainly better from what I remember. I plan to watch the mini-series again this weekend.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on May 30, 2017, 10:16:19 PM
I forgot to mention i did see,guardians of the galaxy vol2 a couple weeks ago.It's more of the same far as a the jokes go etc and i didn't think it was good as the first one but,good enough.

I saw it a couple weeks back, and my thoughts are the same.  It wasn't bad, exactly, but I definitely could've done without the smarmy he's-my-daddy (and she's-my-sister) bullshit.
That's what i got out of it the message seemed how family matters.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Lost Monkey on May 31, 2017, 06:36:52 AM
Watched the MST3K reboot of 'Reptilicus' the other day, and I must say, I was impressed.  It was completely in line with the original show and quite funny.  Went back and watched a Mike episode right after as well "Incredibly Strange Creatures"...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on June 25, 2017, 02:30:56 PM

Train to Busan (Korea 2016)


never been a fan of modern fast/weird alien screech zombies, but DAMN this was a great film...most fun I've had with a first time watch in a LONG time....now watching the second time with the wife who HATES horror (especially zombies) and shes enjoying it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on June 25, 2017, 02:35:38 PM

Train to Busan (Korea 2016)


never been a fan of modern fast/weird alien screech zombies, but DAMN this was a great film...most fun I've had with a first time watch in a LONG time....now watching the second time with the wife who HATES horror (especially zombies) and shes enjoying it.

My wife also doesn't care for zombie horror films and she really liked it, too.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on June 25, 2017, 02:49:21 PM
I just saw "The Bodyguard (2016)" with Sammo Hung.

Ex-Army guy with dementia takes on the entire underworld. I nearly died laughing when the beat-up gangsters referred to him as "Kung-Fu Panda". 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on June 25, 2017, 03:06:17 PM
I just saw "The Bodyguard (2016)" with Sammo Hung.

Ex-Army guy with dementia takes on the entire underworld. I nearly died laughing when the beat-up gangsters referred to him as "Kung-Fu Panda".

Sounds amazing.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on June 25, 2017, 03:10:38 PM
I just saw "The Bodyguard (2016)" with Sammo Hung.

Ex-Army guy with dementia takes on the entire underworld. I nearly died laughing when the beat-up gangsters referred to him as "Kung-Fu Panda". 

I still love Sammo but he's starting to get a little long in the tooth
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on June 25, 2017, 03:16:01 PM
Sounds amazing.

Definitely is amazing. It's pretty nuts. The movie is on Netflix, so definitely worth the watch. They also have x-ray effects in the fight scenes which adds to the insanity of how fast he is for his age.

I still love Sammo but he's starting to get a little long in the tooth

Yeah, he really does play up the old man character with this movie... The role was meant for him.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on June 25, 2017, 03:29:31 PM
Yeah, going to give it a watch. I'll just buy a dvd of it if needed but first I will submit a request to the library I sometimes go to. They've actually been super good about getting in random movies I submit a request for. The foreign movie section is actually fairly robust, including newer Asian flicks so I was kind of surprised they didn't have this. Also just in general they have lots of movies, I just put a hold on John Wick 2  and noticed they have 48 copies of the dvd right now.  :lol:

Why not netflix? Well my home internet isn't very good, heh.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Dicer on June 25, 2017, 03:53:31 PM
I finally saw the Andromeda Strain after all these years, damn that's a good movie...

A movie like that wouldn't be made today without shakey cam and all sorts of other dumb shit, this movie played it straight and was awesome for it.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on June 25, 2017, 03:53:42 PM
Yeah, going to give it a watch. I'll just buy a dvd of it if needed but first I will submit a request to the library I sometimes go to. They've actually been super good about getting in random movies I submit a request for. The foreign movie section is actually fairly robust, including newer Asian flicks so I was kind of surprised they didn't have this. Also just in general they have lots of movies, I just put a hold on John Wick 2  and noticed they have 48 copies of the dvd right now.  :lol:

Why not netflix? Well my home internet isn't very good, heh.

I do the same thing at the Library. Enjoy the film!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on June 26, 2017, 01:52:59 AM
I finally saw the Andromeda Strain after all these years, damn that's a good movie...

A movie like that wouldn't be made today without shakey cam and all sorts of other dumb shit, this movie played it straight and was awesome for it.

Preach on brother.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on June 27, 2017, 05:12:30 PM
Bruce Lee marathon on the ELRey channel   :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MrBroadway on June 27, 2017, 05:14:59 PM
Shaky cam signaled the death of good cinematography.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: nectarsis on June 27, 2017, 05:45:32 PM
....and now Game of Death comes on, and my brain hurts, eyes bleeding
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Lost Monkey on June 28, 2017, 01:18:22 AM
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years.  Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.   

I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on June 29, 2017, 06:32:05 AM
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years.  Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.   

I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue

I love this movie, but I watched it when my daughter was  too young (when she was 5-7?) and she was not fond of the violence...

Oh, wait, I might be confusing this with Three O'Clock High.... (a MUCH BETTER movie, IMHO).
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Lost Monkey on June 29, 2017, 08:59:10 AM
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years.  Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.   

I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue

I love this movie, but I watched it when my daughter was  too young (when she was 5-7?) and she was not fond of the violence...

Oh, wait, I might be confusing this with Three O'Clock High.... (a MUCH BETTER movie, IMHO).

Thanks! I don't know how I missed that one.. I will be watching it soon.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on July 01, 2017, 03:48:52 PM
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years.  Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.   

I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue

I love this movie, but I watched it when my daughter was  too young (when she was 5-7?) and she was not fond of the violence...

Oh, wait, I might be confusing this with Three O'Clock High.... (a MUCH BETTER movie, IMHO).

Better Off Dead and much of John Cusack's filmography is excellent.

Seems there are a lot of fans of Asian cinema here.  Anyone see The Handmaiden?  Went to a theater and watched it with a crowd of 70 year olds (common at the local art house theater) and my girlfriend and they all seemed to not understand it....  I loved it though!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: elmer on July 01, 2017, 05:43:15 PM
"That's a real a shame, when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that!"

Gawd ... that line has been stuck in my head for many decades now!

John Cusack has been in some brilliant films!  :D
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on July 08, 2017, 09:37:20 PM
Saw a movie called Hunter/Gatherer that was just... disturbing. Can't say I'd recommend it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MotherGunner on July 10, 2017, 05:52:38 AM
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time.  Am I crazy for enjoying it?!  The Master would say no!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on July 10, 2017, 06:18:53 AM
I watched Dr. Who and the Daleks and Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. over the weekend.  They weren't horrible, but they seemed awfully low budget for 'feature films' and the Daleks are complete wussies.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on July 10, 2017, 06:41:16 AM
I just watched Catwoman. Halle Berry is smokin'.

That said, this is now in my top 5 worst movies of all time.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on July 10, 2017, 07:47:29 AM
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time.  Am I crazy for enjoying it?!  The Master would say no!

After years of ignoring this movie because I thought it would be terrible I saw Manos for the first time when I got my backer copy of the BD and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a bad movie but not bad in the sense that it isn't enjoyable to watch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on July 10, 2017, 08:41:21 AM
Trash & Progress or Trash/Progress:

Plot synopsis: 1984 filmed at burning man with almost no dialogue.

Don't watch this movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 10, 2017, 10:34:23 AM
I just watched Catwoman. Halle Berry is smokin'.

That said, this is now in my top 5 worst movies of all time.

I couldn't believe this film (I saw it back when it was released).

Awesomely STOOPID and fun.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on July 10, 2017, 10:35:02 AM
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time.  Am I crazy for enjoying it?!  The Master would say no!

After years of ignoring this movie because I thought it would be terrible I saw Manos for the first time when I got my backer copy of the BD and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a bad movie but not bad in the sense that it isn't enjoyable to watch.

I only saw the MST3000 version of this....back a billion years ago.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: turboswimbz on July 20, 2017, 02:12:48 PM
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time.  Am I crazy for enjoying it?!  The Master would say no!

the MST3K Is on the netflix :)

After years of ignoring this movie because I thought it would be terrible I saw Manos for the first time when I got my backer copy of the BD and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a bad movie but not bad in the sense that it isn't enjoyable to watch.

I only saw the MST3000 version of this....back a billion years ago.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on October 13, 2017, 08:54:26 AM
Just got back from the cinema.  Watched Blade Runner 2049.   I like the story on this but I prefer the visual spendor of the original
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on October 13, 2017, 11:59:39 AM
So I finally got the opurtunity to watch “A Boy and His Dog” last night off Amazon Prime.

It’s everything I heard it to be and lives up to the cult status hype.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on October 13, 2017, 09:22:23 PM

Very well written movie. Solid performances, top to bottom. Jeremy Renner is top-notch.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 14, 2017, 01:09:15 AM
Police Story 1/2.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on October 14, 2017, 03:05:16 AM
So I finally got the opurtunity to watch “A Boy and His Dog” last night off Amazon Prime.

It’s everything I heard it to be and lives up to the cult status hype.

I watched this as a “late late night movie” back in the 90’s...holy cow, I didn’t know what I was in for.


There is a short story that totally ripped off (homage?) this plot, it was in Analog (or something like that...whatever was sold on magazine rack) from late 80’s...I remember having a feeling of deja vu when I was watching the movie and then remembering the short story...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on October 14, 2017, 03:28:26 AM

I watched this as a “late late night movie” back in the 90’s...holy cow, I didn’t know what I was in for.


There is a short story that totally ripped off (homage?) this plot, it was in Analog (or something like that...whatever was sold on magazine rack) from late 80’s...I remember having a feeling of deja vu when I was watching the movie and then remembering the short story...

This film is in the public domain, so it was widely shown as a late night cable movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Zero_Gamer on October 14, 2017, 03:45:47 AM
This was a pretty good horror comedy:

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: seieienbu on October 14, 2017, 01:27:52 PM
Police Story 1/2.

I clicked this link looking for suggestions of something to watch tomorrow and I find this.  I haven't seen those movies in 20 years but god damn, I'll never forget the stunt at the end of the first one where Jackie falls 3 floors in the mall while breaking all of the lights.  Those movies were fantastic. 

I'm hoping there's a way to legally stream them atm; how'd you watch them?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Winniez on October 14, 2017, 02:18:28 PM
Americans are easily amused.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on October 15, 2017, 01:32:06 AM
Americans are easily amused.

Of course.

You’ve heard the musical candy and seen the visual fluff?



Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 15, 2017, 02:35:15 AM
Police Story 1/2.

I clicked this link looking for suggestions of something to watch tomorrow and I find this.  I haven't seen those movies in 20 years but god damn, I'll never forget the stunt at the end of the first one where Jackie falls 3 floors in the mall while breaking all of the lights.  Those movies were fantastic. 

I'm hoping there's a way to legally stream them atm; how'd you watch them?

Shout Factory's blu release. Not a great release tbh but slightly better than DVDs I've seen of it. Guessing the source material wasn't the best, but it also seems like they didn't put a ton of effort into it.

So I have no idea if they are on Netflix or elsewhere.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on October 15, 2017, 04:44:53 AM
OMG what the hell am I watching !!?!

National Lampoon's loaded weapon
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on October 15, 2017, 03:01:57 PM
Borrow a copy of alien conevant from a friend awhile ago.It was ok but i don't see how it fits into the alien franchise didn't make much sense to me either let alone it's bs ending :evil: It really seems ridley scott is determine to retcon the series as a whole.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: xelement5x on October 16, 2017, 08:31:44 AM
I watched La La Land the other night, it definitely felt a lot creepier in general coming off all the press about the Harvey Weinstein stuff.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: seieienbu on October 16, 2017, 09:09:18 AM
Shout Factory's blu release. Not a great release tbh but slightly better than DVDs I've seen of it. Guessing the source material wasn't the best, but it also seems like they didn't put a ton of effort into it.

So I have no idea if they are on Netflix or elsewhere.

It looks like they're not anywhere atm.  I manage to scratch my Jackie Chan itch by watching the second Drunken Master movie on Netflix. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: MotherGunner on October 16, 2017, 09:21:48 AM
Just watched Sicario with Benicio Del Toro.  Holy F**k...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on October 17, 2017, 08:51:55 AM
Saw, and hated, Alien Covenant.

That was a waste of two hours.

And I say this with Alien as one of my all-time favorite Sci-Fi Franchises.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 17, 2017, 10:09:17 AM
Shout Factory's blu release. Not a great release tbh but slightly better than DVDs I've seen of it. Guessing the source material wasn't the best, but it also seems like they didn't put a ton of effort into it.

So I have no idea if they are on Netflix or elsewhere.

It looks like they're not anywhere atm.  I manage to scratch my Jackie Chan itch by watching the second Drunken Master movie on Netflix.

Ah that's lame but being Chinese movies maybe there are some rights hiccups.

I watched Rumble in the Bronx last night.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on October 17, 2017, 07:47:19 PM
Saw, and hated, Alien Covenant.

That was a waste of two hours.

And I say this with Alien as one of my all-time favorite Sci-Fi Franchises.
Ridley Scott track record has been blah as of late.Id rather have,neill blomkamp have a shot at the alien series since he wanted to make a movie taking place after aliens.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on October 18, 2017, 06:52:04 AM
Ridley Scott track record has been blah as of late.Id rather have,neill blomkamp have a shot at the alien series since he wanted to make a movie taking place after aliens.

That's really the saddest thing, is that it was Ridley Scott, and it felt more like "Signs" or "The Happening" by M. Night Shyamalan. Actually, I think they should just let him do the next movie because Ridley Scott has lost it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 18, 2017, 01:04:41 PM
Not a movie but I've started rewatching the 2004 Battlestar Galactica.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on October 18, 2017, 03:44:01 PM
Not a movie but I've started rewatching the 2004 Battlestar Galactica.

Always been curious about this show. How is it?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 19, 2017, 09:25:25 AM
One of the better sci-fi shows ever made imo. It's very dramatic though and has major religious undertones so that's something to keep in mind depending on what you are looking for in a show.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on October 19, 2017, 04:24:03 PM
After hearing about the death of director Umberto Lenzi earlier today I had to watch at least one of his movies this evening. Went with Eaten Alive! and it was good, sleazy fun; as always!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: blueraven on October 20, 2017, 08:46:50 AM
Unrelated note:

I know the guy who worked on building the movie sets back in the 1970's for Battlestar Galactica... And he still has the original painting that became the movie poster...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Arkhan on October 20, 2017, 08:48:42 AM
Breakfast Club lol

it was just as goofy as last time

Too bad ally sheedy stopped being hot.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 20, 2017, 10:52:21 AM
Unrelated note:

I know the guy who worked on building the movie sets back in the 1970's for Battlestar Galactica... And he still has the original painting that became the movie poster...

That's pretty awesome.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on October 20, 2017, 10:53:26 AM
Breakfast Club lol

it was just as goofy as last time

Too bad ally sheedy stopped being hot.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Groover on October 22, 2017, 08:10:54 PM
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Edward Scissorhands

Started with Beetlejuice wanting the holiday mood. Then Pee Wee because it was before. Then Edward to round it out. Love Tim Burton.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on October 23, 2017, 06:07:49 AM
Watched Pacific Rim with the kids. 3D glasses and all.

I don't know why but I quite enjoyed this.
Not really into the robot/mech thing, but del Toro pulled everything off with some style.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on October 23, 2017, 07:17:58 AM
Watched Pacific Rim with the kids. 3D glasses and all.

I don't know why but I quite enjoyed this.
Not really into the robot/mech thing, but del Toro pulled everything off with some style.

I really enjoyed it too. I'm not much interested in mechs either, so expectations were low going in. Overall, I'd watch it again, and I'm looking forward to the sequel next year.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on October 31, 2017, 04:08:49 PM
The Rules of the Game (FR, 1939, black and white)


Really good movie.

It's a biting commentary/critique on French society thinly veiled as a comedy. It's quite straight forward.

Of note: the Criterion blu is quite good considering the source material (mono audio and the film itself had to be reconstructed as the French destroyed the negatives in WWII).
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on November 01, 2017, 10:16:18 AM
Drunken Angel
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on November 01, 2017, 05:50:44 PM

3/5. The underlying message is very relatable, making this movie a very depressing one. There are some questionable choices here and too many unecessary depictions of rape which almost makes this movie feel like exploitation garbage at times (which makes this hard to recommend)... the rest of the package is good and salvages the movie though.

Beat Takeshi plays a tiny role here as "A man at a race horse track". Guess he wasn't very famous as a serious actor by then.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Medic_wheat on November 02, 2017, 04:06:37 AM
I just watched Dispicable Me 3 yesterday with my son at the dollar theater.

For the price it was enjoyable.

I know it got some bad reviews however at times I feel the initial price of admission can factor into ones enjoyment.

Sometimes watching a movie on the cheap. Or buying a video game on the cheap can allow the viewer/gamer to be more forgiving of its flaws.

With hat said my son loved the movie. He was very engaged throughout and made the cutiest comments. 
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on November 02, 2017, 10:55:19 AM
Good Morning (1959, JP)

Really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on November 02, 2017, 08:31:37 PM
Was browsing a thrift store the other day and came upon a few old movies on LaserDisc.
One of them (Runaway Train) looked interesting enough so I fired up the old LD player and popped the disc in.

I find out that it's based on a screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, which of course is a good start.
It's centered around a runaway train but at the same time, the actual train is more of a backdrop for the movie. The true story is about the two criminals and their destiny.

Tight, intelligent thriller. Top performance by Jon Voight.

Danny Trejo's first start in movies.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Lost Monkey on November 03, 2017, 04:12:08 PM
Time Bandits (1981)   

I hadn't seen it since the late 80's..  Much better than I remembered.  It's been a while since I watched a Gilliam movie.  I can't get over how much he puts into the sets and costumes - no wonder he goes over budget..
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on November 04, 2017, 12:13:40 AM
The set pieces were one of the best parts of David Lynch's Dune.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on November 07, 2017, 01:56:17 PM
Seven Samurai
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on December 08, 2017, 02:22:58 PM
The Rules of the Game (FR, 1939, black and white)


Really good movie.

It's a biting commentary/critique on French society thinly veiled as a comedy. It's quite straight forward.

Of note: the Criterion blu is quite good considering the source material (mono audio and the film itself had to be reconstructed as the French destroyed the negatives in WWII).

Ha! I watched this many, many moons ago.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on December 08, 2017, 02:26:21 PM
Was browsing a thrift store the other day and came upon a few old movies on LaserDisc.
One of them (Runaway Train) looked interesting enough so I fired up the old LD player and popped the disc in.

I find out that it's based on a screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, which of course is a good start.
It's centered around a runaway train but at the same time, the actual train is more of a backdrop for the movie. The true story is about the two criminals and their destiny.

Tight, intelligent thriller. Top performance by Jon Voight.

Danny Trejo's first start in movies.

Dude, Runaway Train is utterly fantastic.


I watched this as a little kid when it first debuted on cable (pay) tv...I was blown away.

20 years later I watch it again—it still kicked my ass.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on December 21, 2017, 08:09:47 AM

This is still a very good action movie and a big contrast in regards to its brainless sequels. Not much I can say without repeating what everyone knows already about this movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on December 21, 2017, 08:49:21 AM
Sanjuro. Is gud, is guud.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on December 21, 2017, 08:59:05 AM
Last night I watched Mr. Bean's Holiday.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on December 21, 2017, 11:27:03 AM
Rowan Atkinson is a dude that just knows comedy. Blackadder II, the third and goes fourth would have to be my favourites.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on December 22, 2017, 01:53:53 AM
Every year I watch more or less the same Christmas movies (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Black Christmas, Silent Night Deadly Night, and the TPB Christmas Special) but this year I added a new one to the lineup, To All a Goodnight. I didn’t remember caring for this one when I saw it on VHS but after watching the BD last night I kind of wonder why that is. While it’s not the best Christmas slasher I found that it does move at a fairly decent pace and has a decent body count with a couple of pretty cool kills; the story is a little generic but overall not bad either. It’s no Silent Night Deadly Night but, imo, it’s definitely worth a look if you’re into 80s Christmas slashers!
Trivia: This was the first role for Jennifer Runyon, who would later star in Charles in Charge (Gwendolyn), and it is also the only full-length feature directed by David Hess (of Last House on the Left fame).

Also checked out another 80s Christmas slasher (sort of…) that I’d never seen or heard of before: 3615 Code Père Noël (aka “Deadly Games” and “Game Over”) and was pretty entertained by it in spite of it’s somewhat slow start, low body count, and mostly off-screen violence. It’s the story about a kid at home in his family’s mansion/castle on Christmas Eve with his somewhat feeble and half-blind Grandpa. He talks to some crazy guy on some Santa chat room and the guy figures out where he lives and tries to kill him. The boy, using improvised traps, attempts to defend himself and his grandfather from the killer Santa. The story is pretty decent and the atmosphere is really cool, it’s one of those movies where I almost feel like I’m there in the setting and like being there.
If the plot of that one sounds a lot like Home Alone you would not be alone in thinking that because apparently the director threatened to sue the makers of Home Alone, which came out a year later, over the similarities between the two movies. Now I want to watch Home Alone…
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on December 22, 2017, 07:47:15 AM
Every year I watch more or less the same Christmas movies (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Black Christmas, Silent Night Deadly Night, and the TPB Christmas Special) but this year I added a new one to the lineup, To All a Goodnight. I didn’t remember caring for this one when I saw it on VHS but after watching the BD last night I kind of wonder why that is. While it’s not the best Christmas slasher I found that it does move at a fairly decent pace and has a decent body count with a couple of pretty cool kills; the story is a little generic but overall not bad either. It’s no Silent Night Deadly Night but, imo, it’s definitely worth a look if you’re into 80s Christmas slashers!
Trivia: This was the first role for Jennifer Runyon, who would later star in Charles in Charge (Gwendolyn), and it is also the only full-length feature directed by David Hess (of Last House on the Left fame).

Also checked out another 80s Christmas slasher (sort of…) that I’d never seen or heard of before: 3615 Code Père Noël (aka “Deadly Games” and “Game Over”) and was pretty entertained by it in spite of it’s somewhat slow start, low body count, and mostly off-screen violence. It’s the story about a kid at home in his family’s mansion/castle on Christmas Eve with his somewhat feeble and half-blind Grandpa. He talks to some crazy guy on some Santa chat room and the guy figures out where he lives and tries to kill him. The boy, using improvised traps, attempts to defend himself and his grandfather from the killer Santa. The story is pretty decent and the atmosphere is really cool, it’s one of those movies where I almost feel like I’m there in the setting and like being there.
If the plot of that one sounds a lot like Home Alone you would not be alone in thinking that because apparently the director threatened to sue the makers of Home Alone, which came out a year later, over the similarities between the two movies. Now I want to watch Home Alone…

Ok, you have piqued my interest in 3615 Code Père Noë!!

I enjoy watching the first two DIE HARD films for XMAS (my wife and daughter consider them important XMAS films and I agree).


I want to rewatch the first two Silent Night Deadly Night films since I haven’t seen them in decades, but they were quite enjoyable at the time (middle school).

I am not sure if I have ever watched To All A Good Night...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on December 22, 2017, 08:47:03 AM
Princess Bride last night. Bluray for the first time for me. What a wonderful movie.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on December 22, 2017, 04:44:17 PM

4/10 this movie sucks! Which is too bad because I remembered it being a lot more better. The plot is pointless and doesn't really go anywhere (it's basically "bronson gets mad and starts shooting muggers in random situations"), and the abysmal ending aggravates it. The soundtrack sucks. Bronson can't act. The movie is exploitative and it carries its pro-vigilante message in a very forced, heavy handed way. What a waste of time.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on December 22, 2017, 05:15:45 PM
Ah, so Death Wish was a Dino de Laurentiis production. They made some of my favorite movies as a kid (both Conan the Barbarians, Red Sonja, etc).
Title: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on December 22, 2017, 08:22:40 PM
Ah, so Death Wish was a Dino de Laurentiis production. They made some of my favorite movies as a kid (both Conan the Barbarians, Red Sonja, etc).

Red Sonja!

I have to watch that again. Haven’t seen it in ages.

My cousin, who is half my age, has never seen a Conan movie and it was hilarious when I tried to explain why the movies were so much fun.

James Earl Jones was awesome.

Nuff said.


4/10 this movie sucks! Which is too bad because I remembered it being a lot more better. The plot is pointless and doesn't really go anywhere (it's basically "bronson gets mad and starts shooting muggers in random situations"), and the abysmal ending aggravates it. The soundtrack sucks. Bronson can't act. The movie is exploitative and it carries its pro-vigilante message in a very forced, heavy handed way. What a waste of time.

Jeff Goldblum is so annoying, too.

I still remember the opening establishing shots from this film... the cars, even for me, seemed from another, more distant time. Granted, this must have been at the time of the DVD release. I had seen all the other Death Wish films when they were originally released.  But I had never seen the first one.

Anyways, the Death Wish where Bronson is a *farmer* has that amazing scene... gratuitous violence against melons. I don’t think the series could top the “Melon Atrocity” ...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: gheebee on December 23, 2017, 05:27:28 AM
Ok, you have piqued my interest in 3615 Code Père Noë!!

I enjoy watching the first two DIE HARD films for XMAS (my wife and daughter consider them important XMAS films and I agree).


I want to rewatch the first two Silent Night Deadly Night films since I haven’t seen them in decades, but they were quite enjoyable at the time (middle school).

I am not sure if I have ever watched To All A Good Night...

This year Die Hard 2 kicked off the Christmas movie viewings but after watching it I kind of wish I'd gone with the first one. Probably going to do Silent Night Deadly Night tonight or tomorrow.
3615 Code Père Noël can be had from Amazon.de but I think you'll need to be able to play region b BDs to watch it, unfortunately. It's a nice release; the label that put it out, Camera Obscura, always does an excellent job.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Necromancer on January 09, 2018, 04:27:19 AM
More Rowan Atkinson for me over the weekend: Johnny English and Johnny English Reborn.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: seieienbu on January 10, 2018, 05:55:40 AM
Late to the party but I finally saw Deadpool.  I see why it got the praise that it did on release.  In an time when every single comic book movie was feeling the exact same, they managed to make a unique movie that was rated R and had its own feel.  I swear, almost every comic book character origin film follows the exact same cookie cutter plotline: "Main Character has good life and a friend.  MC realizes he's a dick.  MC becomes super hero.  Cut back to friend from earlier who is now villain backstabbing MC.  MC fights and wins and saves the day/world/universe."

I'm hoping for continued variance in the genre and it seems like we're getting it.  So, hurray?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 11, 2018, 05:15:31 PM
I watched the new Jumanji last week. What a stupid movie, somewhat fun in a dumb way but very forgettable.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on January 12, 2018, 12:21:19 AM
I went through the first 4 Alien movies recently. Resurrection is pretty retarded.

Watched Lawrence of Arabia last night for the first time in a long time. The visual quality of the bluray is stunning.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 27, 2018, 05:23:34 PM
A long time ago I saw a glimpse of an asian movie on TV where convicted prisoners were assigned to a special forces unit... I then switched channels to watch something else, and came back to it at the very end where the (presumably) main characters were inside a bus and killed dramatically. I was intrigued by it but I couldn't find the name of the movie anywhere, not even on google.

You gotta appreciate how better google's search engine is nowadays. I got reminded of the movie today and simply by searching "prisoners in china special unit killed in the end in a bus" I finally found the damn movie. Silmido (aka Combat Unit 684 - the title I saw on TV): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387596/ (forgive me Koreans for confusing you with the Chinese ](*,) )

Don't know if the movie is actually good but I sure as hell am going to watch it after wanting to do so all these years.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 27, 2018, 06:08:00 PM
Oh, by the way I just watched this piece of """"avant-garde"""" garbage.


WOW how subversive! 1 hour of an unentertaining re-dub of a cheesy kung-fu film where all characters are slogan spewing machines and the "hilarious" jokes come from obscure Situationist stuff and from a female narrator who does hilarious remarks during dialog-less scenes such as "Imbecile bearing a sack of petitions, justly trampled underfoot by the servants of the State." (we get it already, STATE CAPITALISM BAD), "There is no suspense, only a jerk would not know how this ends." (yes I'm wasting my time watching this thanks for the reminder) and "For this part please refer to 'bla bla bla something something'. pages xxx-xxx." (uhh no, f*ck off lady. And yes, she does ask you to refer to one of their publications in the middle of the goddamn movie, I'm serious :lol:)

No I didn't watch the movie fully and I'll never will, I'd rather buy their back catalog of propaganda and eat page by page. That would have been more enjoyable than watching this trash that ironically undermines itself by being so propaganda filled to the point of feeling like a parody of what it's trying to parrot to the viewer.


This is obscure for a reason. A propaganda movie made by Situationists for Situationists, there is literally zero value for anyone not under their ideology. Maybe some hardcore leftist can find something here, I don't know and I certainly don't care. ZERO/10
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on January 28, 2018, 01:03:58 AM
A long time ago I saw a glimpse of an asian movie on TV where convicted prisoners were assigned to a special forces unit... I then switched channels to watch something else, and came back to it at the very end where the (presumably) main characters were inside a bus and killed dramatically. I was intrigued by it but I couldn't find the name of the movie anywhere, not even on google.

You gotta appreciate how better google's search engine is nowadays. I got reminded of the movie today and simply by searching "prisoners in china special unit killed in the end in a bus" I finally found the damn movie. Silmido (aka Combat Unit 684 - the title I saw on TV): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387596/ (forgive me Koreans for confusing you with the Chinese ](*,) )

Don't know if the movie is actually good but I sure as hell am going to watch it after wanting to do so all these years.

Ok, first, this story has given me hope I’ll be able to find a few movies and songs that I have been hoping to find for years.

Second: you better believe I want to watch COMBAT UNIT 684 now. But first, I have to watch *Torque* for DragonmasterDan...

Third: tell us how really felt about the movie in your second post! I had never heard of it, so now I am very curious about it.

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on January 28, 2018, 01:46:14 AM
Oh, by the way I just watched this piece of """"avant-garde"""" garbage.

WOW how subversive! 1 hour of an unentertaining re-dub of a cheesy kung-fu film where all characters are slogan spewing machines and the "hilarious" jokes come from obscure Situationist stuff and from a female narrator who does hilarious remarks during dialog-less scenes such as "Imbecile bearing a sack of petitions, justly trampled underfoot by the servants of the State." (we get it already, STATE CAPITALISM BAD), "There is no suspense, only a jerk would not know how this ends." (yes I'm wasting my time watching this thanks for the reminder) and "For this part please refer to 'bla bla bla something something'. pages xxx-xxx." (uhh no, f*ck off lady. And yes, she does ask you to refer to one of their publications in the middle of the goddamn movie, I'm serious :lol:)

No I didn't watch the movie fully and I'll never will, I'd rather buy their back catalog of propaganda and eat page by page. That would have been more enjoyable than watching this trash that ironically undermines itself by being so propaganda filled to the point of feeling like a parody of what it's trying to parrot to the viewer.

This is obscure for a reason. A propaganda movie made by Situationists for Situationists, there is literally zero value for anyone not under their ideology. Maybe some hardcore leftist can find something here, I don't know and I certainly don't care. ZERO/10

Ha, what in the actual f*ck. How did you discover this?

I'm almost done with the Samurai trilogy. The power went out in the middle of the third one which annoyed me but I'll finish it today.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Digi.k on January 28, 2018, 04:33:08 AM
Oh, by the way I just watched this piece of """"avant-garde"""" garbage.


WOW how subversive! 1 hour of an unentertaining re-dub of a cheesy kung-fu film where all characters are slogan spewing machines and the "hilarious" jokes come from obscure Situationist stuff and from a female narrator who does hilarious remarks during dialog-less scenes such as "Imbecile bearing a sack of petitions, justly trampled underfoot by the servants of the State." (we get it already, STATE CAPITALISM BAD), "There is no suspense, only a jerk would not know how this ends." (yes I'm wasting my time watching this thanks for the reminder) and "For this part please refer to 'bla bla bla something something'. pages xxx-xxx." (uhh no, f*ck off lady. And yes, she does ask you to refer to one of their publications in the middle of the goddamn movie, I'm serious :lol:)

No I didn't watch the movie fully and I'll never will, I'd rather buy their back catalog of propaganda and eat page by page. That would have been more enjoyable than watching this trash that ironically undermines itself by being so propaganda filled to the point of feeling like a parody of what it's trying to parrot to the viewer.


This is obscure for a reason. A propaganda movie made by Situationists for Situationists, there is literally zero value for anyone not under their ideology. Maybe some hardcore leftist can find something here, I don't know and I certainly don't care. ZERO/10

haha these guys!

Gonna watch it on youtube
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: _joshuaTurbo on January 28, 2018, 02:11:47 PM
I took my kiddos to see Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and it totally didn't suck!  Like, it had some cheesy moments, but honestly it played out like a pretty classic action flick that had some pretty well placed plot points.  It had some really funny moments too.

I'd recommend if you're looking for a fun popcorn action/comedy flick.  :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 29, 2018, 01:36:14 AM
edit: what the hell, the forums ate my reply. Nevermind.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: esteban on January 29, 2018, 08:05:08 AM
edit: what the hell, the forums ate my reply. Nevermind.


Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on January 30, 2018, 03:16:51 AM
edit: what the hell, the forums ate my reply. Nevermind.


Justly trampled by forums software.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on February 09, 2018, 12:34:13 AM
Since nobody asked...  My friends and I decided to do all the Oscar nominated movies in a 2 week period.  My rankings below:

1 Shape of Water
2 Phantom Thread
3 Three Billboards
4 Call Me by Your Name
5 Get Out
6 Lady Bird
7 Darkest Hour
8 The Post
9 Dunkirk

Now I can go back to watching trash and smut.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: turboswimbz on February 09, 2018, 12:46:36 AM
Since nobody asked...  My friends and I decided to do all the Oscar nominated movies in a 2 week period.  My rankings below:

1 Shape of Water
2 Phantom Thread
3 Three Billboards
4 Call Me by Your Name
5 Get Out
6 Lady Bird
7 Darkest Hour
8 The Post
9 Dunkirk

Now I can go back to watching trash and smut.

Interested to see Get out so far down. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. made me wonder if I missed something
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: crazydean on February 09, 2018, 04:13:25 PM

Interested to see Get out so far down. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. made me wonder if I missed something
I've also heard lots of great things. However, I started watching it and instantly found it incredibly predictable and boring. I continued watching, waiting for it to finally "get good", but stopped after 45 minutes. If a movie can't grab my attention within half an hour, it's not worth finishing.

If someone on here thought this movie was great, I'd love to heard why.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on February 09, 2018, 05:48:52 PM

Interested to see Get out so far down. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. made me wonder if I missed something
I've also heard lots of great things. However, I started watching it and instantly found it incredibly predictable and boring. I continued watching, waiting for it to finally "get good", but stopped after 45 minutes. If a movie can't grab my attention within half an hour, it's not worth finishing.

If someone on here thought this movie was great, I'd love to heard why.

Get Out was fun and I enjoyed it, but was surprised to see it lumped as one of the year's best or one of the greatest horror movies ever.

In my opinion 1-4 on my list are genuine Oscar worthy films and 5-9 have a pretty big dip in quality. Would be happy if they just went back to five nominees.

Best two movies of the year weren't even nominated.  The Handmaiden (Korean movie) and Blade Runner.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on February 09, 2018, 08:36:04 PM
Apocalypto. (2006)

Gruesome stuff. Gibson is never content to show us just one or two decapitated heads bouncing down the steps of a temple when he can show us eight or nine.
The type of absolute fascination with gore that distracts from almost everything else the movie tried to do.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on February 27, 2018, 04:51:42 AM
Woody Woodpecker
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on April 12, 2018, 01:11:03 PM
Being There

Great movie, I recommend it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Punch on April 12, 2018, 02:27:14 PM
I still haven't watched that korean movie and that kung fu dub still haunts my mind at night.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 12, 2018, 08:56:40 AM
"Black Panther."

Much hype with this one, didn't live up to it... It's so-so for action blockbuster popcorn flick, doubt I'd watch it again. I was bored at times.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching "Ready Player One" tonight instead!! :)
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on May 12, 2018, 10:32:05 AM
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TheClash603 on May 13, 2018, 06:10:44 AM
I still haven't watched that korean movie and that kung fu dub still haunts my mind at night.


It is free now on Amazon Prime it seems, so maybe it is good you held off.

In the theaters the Korean and Japanese language were color coded in subtitles, which was helpful.  I heard some versions of the home released didn't do this, but haven't watched yet to confirm.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: majors on May 13, 2018, 10:27:06 AM
Re:Born: JP knife-fu action flick. Had some Metal Gear Solid vibe. Solid action flick.

Revenge: camera and cinematography is great, but you really need to leave you suspension of disbelief at the door. I think if the director made it more campy or fantasy, the story would have been more believable. Still, good stuff and recommend.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 13, 2018, 01:51:42 PM
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.

I will when it hits video, though I don't expect anything as good as The Winter Soldier (I guess that's been my favorite of all these non stop Marvel Universe flurry of super hero movies). That was all kinds of major ass-kicking from Captain America and Bucky, fun throughout the whole flick! Like Epic Voice Guy said, they "didn't skip leg day" and their team genuinely liked it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Dicer on May 14, 2018, 08:53:00 AM
Finally watched Inglorius Basterds, was quite awesome...

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Bloufo on May 14, 2018, 05:18:24 PM
Hell or High Water (2016)

Old West meets the modern West. A soulful crime drama about desperate brothers pitted against the system.
Great writing, top performances. And superb cinematography to boot.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on May 15, 2018, 03:44:22 AM
Finally got to the movies to watch Infinity Wars.

It was a lot better than I thought it would be.

It was cool seeing characters from different movies interacting with everyone.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: HailingTheThings on May 15, 2018, 03:37:43 PM
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.
I will when it hits video, though I don't expect anything as good as The Winter Soldier (I guess that's been my favorite of all these non stop Marvel Universe flurry of super hero movies). That was all kinds of major ass-kicking from Captain America and Bucky, fun throughout the whole flick! Like Epic Voice Guy said, they "didn't skip leg day" and their team genuinely liked it.

Winter Soldier may very well still be my favorite Marvel flick, but.... I feel like its important to go see Infinity War at your earliest convenience... and then meditate. May discover a different way to live. <3
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 15, 2018, 03:59:35 PM
Hell or High Water (2016)

Old West meets the modern West. A soulful crime drama about desperate brothers pitted against the system.
Great writing, top performances. And superb cinematography to boot.

Saw that last year as I was looking for Jeff Bridges movies. Decent bank robbery movie which leads me to Den of Thieves (2018), the latest variation of bank robbery plot starring Gerald Butler. I think it ranks pretty high as one of the best in the genre. Almost felt like watching a bit of Sicario (2015) with Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Emily Blunt...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: aslbozz on May 16, 2018, 04:33:25 PM
Just finished watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space again, man I love that movie!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Gypsy on May 17, 2018, 02:41:41 AM
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) and The 400 Blows

Both very good flicks.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: bob on May 18, 2018, 06:43:40 AM
i havent really read this thread, but has anybody seen It Came From the Desert?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 18, 2018, 07:57:53 AM

Ah, so they did adapt it into a movie, heh. I think someone made a thread years ago about the possibility.

Let's see, how low was the budget ?

IMDB: A cool 1 million dollars...

EDIT: Here it goes: Appears to be an el cheapo Starship Troopers-esque knockoff, but hey, I'd watch it some time judging by this old proof of concept trailer!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: 420GOAT on May 18, 2018, 11:08:53 AM
Chasing the Dragon....pretty bad ass.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: SignOfZeta on May 18, 2018, 01:12:54 PM
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.

What’s the most intellectually challenging movie you’ve ever seen? This one?
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 19, 2018, 05:36:05 PM
I gave a chance to The Disaster Artist (2017) with James Franco which was surprisingly good, charming and Ready Player One (2018) which I was excited about but let down... It's worth seeing, it is directed by Steven Spielberg, there are good messages in there, but I was bored at times... I'm sure the kids loved it as it is geared toward a young demographic even with the references only us old farts will recognize.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Warbucks on May 21, 2018, 01:59:47 AM
I am about half way through Ready Player One.

I agree, my son is enjoying it, and there are some references that are over his head that I got.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: schweaty on May 21, 2018, 01:53:51 PM
Hell or High Water (2016)

Old West meets the modern West. A soulful crime drama about desperate brothers pitted against the system.
Great writing, top performances. And superb cinematography to boot.

Saw that last year as I was looking for Jeff Bridges movies. Decent bank robbery movie which leads me to Den of Thieves (2018), the latest variation of bank robbery plot starring Gerald Butler. I think it ranks pretty high as one of the best in the genre. Almost felt like watching a bit of Sicario (2015) with Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Emily Blunt...
Um... den of thieves is at 49 on metacritic and 41 on tomato meter.  That's borderline "might pass on Netflix" territory let alone best of the genre
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on May 21, 2018, 02:26:15 PM
That's fine, my opinion doesn't have to match a website of pro movie critics/fans. What they hate I might really enjoy. Speaking of Rotten Tomatoes, they gave the new Cobra Kai series 100% which I was very happy to see!
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: schweaty on May 22, 2018, 05:29:12 PM
Cobra Kai was excellent.  Really hope they bring back Bobby, Tommy, Dutch and even an Allie cameo would be nice
Title: Re: Help Solo out at the box office ? Yay or nay ?
Post by: NightWolve on June 01, 2018, 02:24:33 PM

Does anybody care about the new SW tale, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" ?? Will you "help Solo out" at the box office ?

Word on the street is that relative to Star Wars standards Solo is bombing, BUT, if you alter the standards by judging it as "some heist movie" instead (as some spinmeisters suggest), well, then it's the greatest opening weekend for such a genre... ;)

Personally I just can't get too excited after seeing the last one at theaters (I like Rogue One the most though)... So yeah, I'm not gonna help Solo out myself... I'll happily wait till it hits video. Sorry Solo/Disney, just not feeling it anymore (Star Wars magic), gonna sit this one out, but good luck all the same! :/

Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: DragonmasterDan on June 03, 2018, 10:45:33 AM

Does anybody care about the new SW tale, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" ?? Will you "help Solo out" at the box office ?

Word on the street is that relative to Star Wars standards Solo is bombing, BUT, if you alter the standards by judging it as "some heist movie" instead (as some spinmeisters suggest), well, then it's the greatest opening weekend for such a genre... ;)

Personally I just can't get too excited after seeing the last one at theaters (I like Rogue One the most though)... So yeah, I'm not gonna help Solo out myself... I'll happily wait till it hits video. Sorry Solo/Disney, just not feeling it anymore (Star Wars magic), gonna sit this one out, but good luck all the same! :/


After the horror that was the Last Jedi this is the kind of movie I might watch on Netflix with friends to sit and make snide comments and make fun of. I wouldn't pay to see this in theatres.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: Flare65 on June 04, 2018, 02:17:57 AM
Saw the movie Upgrade in the theater over the weekend.  Probably best movie I have seen this year.  Lots of violence, action, plot and plenty of plot twist.  Ending was a shocker as well.  I highly recommend it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: NightWolve on June 09, 2018, 02:13:18 PM
It's coming...
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: TR0N on June 09, 2018, 06:12:06 PM
Just saw dead pool 2 just like the original,action with a comedic tone mixed in.This one seems to push it more with the humor and action compared to the last one.Which i'm fine with i was just a little disappointed how short the movie was.Also josh brolin,did well enough playing as a cable being the straight man for the movie.After this i don't know how they can top it.
Title: Re: That movie you just watched
Post by: IMJ on October 02, 2020, 12:35:57 PM
Just watched The Devil All The Time with Tom Holland. Didn't think I'd make it through it, but I couldn't turn it off. Crazy, crazy movie full of pretty terrible people....