my name is nobody
marathon man
the women in red
Never heard of my name is nobody... What were you thoughts? Recommend a rental, or to buy it
VHS rental.
Never heard of my name is nobody... What were you thoughts? Recommend a rental, or to buy it
VHS rental.
Never heard of my name is nobody... What were you thoughts? Recommend a rental, or to buy it
Make sure you rewind it too before you return it
Just watched "The Wolverine." Put it off for a while because it looked bad. It was, but not as bad as it initially looked. Yay. Next, probably X-Men: First Class...because I was told to watch that before going to see Days of Future Past.
Maleficent. Good retelling of sleepy beauty
Just watched "The Wolverine." Put it off for a while because it looked bad. It was, but not as bad as it initially looked. Yay. Next, probably X-Men: First Class...because I was told to watch that before going to see Days of Future Past.
I loved X-Men:First Class, so hopefully you won't be disappointed.
I just finished watching the latest Hobbit movie. It made me sad. I'll watch the last one when it comes out on DVD, but I can't believe how badly they've botched it so far. The Hobbit trilogy is turning into the second Star Wars trilogy in my eyes. I had high hopes because I *loved* the book and hoped to experience it with my son at some point, but with all the be-headings and other gore (that wasn't in the original book) it's a lost cause. And that white-water river scene. Wtf. So not-good.
Hunger Games Catching Fire. I enjoyed this one too. Really didnt think I would get into this searies but I have.
"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.
Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?
Best movie I've ever saw! The Wages of Fear.
conan the barbarian. its the original version not the remake
"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.
Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?
I watched this just for Bruno Gans (I think that is his name). I liked him in another film or two and wanted to see him in something else. Jeez, I can't believe my memory is so poor. Need more coffee.
Alot of people write this series off as some Twilight-ish Battle Royale rip off, but once you take the time its easy to see that it's much more.
Alot of people write this series off as some Twilight-ish Battle Royale rip off, but once you take the time its easy to see that it's much more.
Agreed. Hunger Games has grown on me.
I finally got around to watching "Man of Steel" Sunday night and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be. The end got pretty over the top, but most of the movie was pretty decent, imo.
"American Friend" I have it on VHS. I'm not sure if it has different titles internationally. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would.
Isn't that the Mypotian movie adaptation of Perfect Strangers?
I watched this just for Bruno Gans (I think that is his name). I liked him in another film or two and wanted to see him in something else. Jeez, I can't believe my memory is so poor. Need more coffee.
his name is Bruno GanZ and he's a swissler ^^
Just watched Super all the way through last night. Much better than Kickass, albeit a bit more difficult to watch at times.
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie. In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.
All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare. CGI is my enemy.
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie. In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.
All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare. CGI is my enemy.
I know folks will think we are just being cranky, but I hate gratuitous CGI in live action films. I love when CGI can't be identified because it is so subtle.
Yeah that movie was....interesting to say the least. I assume you're all referring to that very weird rape scene..
I don't even recall any rape scenes. Lol... if there aren't any tentacles then it usually doesn't leave an impression. I was referring more to the deep dark place that poor Dwight Shrute found himself in. Some aspects of his situation and the dialog hit a bit close to home at times.
Yeah that movie was....interesting to say the least. I assume you're all referring to that very weird rape scene..
I don't even recall any rape scenes. Lol... if there aren't any tentacles then it usually doesn't leave an impression. I was referring more to the deep dark place that poor Dwight Shrute found himself in. Some aspects of his situation and the dialog hit a bit close to home at times.
I definitely remember some kind of weird sexual scene involving the both of them. But yeah that movie was definitely dark. I don't remember it being too bad though
OOOH... I remember now! Hahah... that was pretty rockin' if you ask me.
(To the masses: don't judge me by that rape thing until you watch the movie... it isn't quite what it sounds like. :lol:)
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie. In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.
All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare. CGI is my enemy.
I know folks will think we are just being cranky, but I hate gratuitous CGI in live action films. I love when CGI can't be identified because it is so subtle.
Yars ago, CGI was used for things that couldn't be done with practical effects, or would have been really cost prohibitive to do with practical effects. Over the years, it has become a way to do everything. Such as CGI blood splatter.
What always loses me with CGI, is that it looks too, "Fake". I prefer the fakeness of miniatures and such, to CGI, which ahs a cartoonish look.
In some movies the cartoonish look works, others, not so much.
It does say something, that some of the work in Jurassic Parks looks better than some of the CGI I've seen in the 20+ years after that movie was released.
It's just like how over the past 10 years, most movies are mostly using the colors blue and orange, because they are complimentary colors. There are many sites out there with information on this practice, here is one of them -
Movies are getting lazier with the use of CGI, coloring, etc.
However, I have heard from some people that they like the blue/orange color palette, and also they like CGI. Mostly younger people, who feel any movie from the 90's is really old, and have not known a world without CGI in films :)
All this CGI talk got me thinking about The LEGO Movie. I have to say there were moments in that movie where I thought to myself "Man, this looks like stop animation." which is awesome! I haven't done any research on weather they used solely CGI, but if they did it came out awesome. CGI is cartoony like you guys have said, but for The LEGO Movie there were times were I couldn't tell if it was computer graphics or the real thing. They did an awesome job! If I had seen that movie back in the 80's I would have flipped out. I was (and still am) a LEGO nut. Thank God I had a son so I can buy him LEGO. Heck, LEGO even has a girly line now that is pretty awesome. Have you seen this thing;
It's not as cool and sophisticated as some of the other sets out there, but anything that drives up interest for girls and LEGO is okay in my books.
All this CGI talk got me thinking about The LEGO Movie. I have to say there were moments in that movie where I thought to myself "Man, this looks like stop animation." which is awesome! I haven't done any research on weather they used solely CGI, but if they did it came out awesome. CGI is cartoony like you guys have said, but for The LEGO Movie there were times were I couldn't tell if it was computer graphics or the real thing. They did an awesome job! If I had seen that movie back in the 80's I would have flipped out. I was (and still am) a LEGO nut.
It's not as cool and sophisticated as some of the other sets out there, but anything that drives up interest for girls and LEGO is okay in my books.
Frozen....SOOO vastly overrated
Don't get me wrong I'm fine with CGI in a movie like this or any other animated movie where CGI is the only thing used. I hate CGI were there doesn't need to be CGI i.e. many racing shots in Fast and Furious 2. It was like really, you already have the cars built and people to drive them but you're going to have a simple part like two cars racing in a straight line done in CGI, why?Funny… I watched this on Netflix last night. It already looks dated. For the record it's called 2 Fast, 2 Furious. Ha!
Haha... well 2Fast2Furious is terrible but I saw it in the theatres when it cameout because any movie with car chases has some viewing value. The movie turned from crap to the shittiest shit that ever shitted when some of the car scenes didn't even involve real cars.The Dukes Of Hazzard jump at the end is priceless. Both of the heroes are pretty much knocked out from crashing into the boat, yet Walker somehow miraculously managed to grab his gun and fire before the bad guy, who is already holding and aiming his gun at Walker, can even pull the trigger. Ha!
Thanks for the spoiler, fiddy.... now I don't have to bother watching it tonight like I'd planned since I rented it.... :twisted:I just saved you $5 bucks. You owe me. I'll PM you my address. :mrgreen:
I'm about to go watch Pacific Rim. I've heard good things about it. Hopefully I'll post back with good news. :)
Pretty decent action flick! I like at the end when everyone dies!
Finally rented the new RoboCop movie. In the words of Wesley Willis it sucked a cheetah's dick with worcestershire sauce.
All of the remakes they've been doing of my favorite late 80's early 90's flicks just don't compare. CGI is my enemy.
Watched 28 Weeks Later last night. Better than I expected for a sequel from a B+ movie. The music is a real highpoint. Been listening to composer John Murphy nonstop now:
But at the same time has Tim crus even done a better then decent/average sci if movie?
Most recently, Romancing the Stone, on Blu-ray. It looked nice, it's been a long time since I've seen the movie.
Now, I'm getting ready to watch, "Top of the Heap". It just recently had it's first official DVD release.
After that, "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker". Also first time on DVD.
Most recently, Romancing the Stone, on Blu-ray. It looked nice, it's been a long time since I've seen the movie.
Now, I'm getting ready to watch, "Top of the Heap". It just recently had it's first official DVD release.
After that, "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker". Also first time on DVD.
Romancing the Stone. I haven't seen that since it was in the theaters. Ha!
Jewel of the Nile is in your future. It is not worth your time, but it's the same formula....
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix. I saw it awhile back and liked it. I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended. I couldn't put it down.
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix. I saw it awhile back and liked it. I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended. I couldn't put it down.
Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix. I saw it awhile back and liked it. I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended. I couldn't put it down.
Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.
Other than the fact that zombies can run and climb. This movie was cool but not amazing.
Currently watching 'World War Z" on Netflix. I saw it awhile back and liked it. I've since read the book, and while this is NOTHING like the book, it's still a fun zombie romp. (I don't know how they'd turn that book into a decent movie) The book is very recommended. I couldn't put it down.
Just finished this. It was good but didn't bring anything new to the zombie genre.
Other than the fact that zombies can run and climb. This movie was cool but not amazing.
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.
Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.
I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.
Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.
I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.
Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.
I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.
Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.
I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.
Hell yes! I gotta watch that again.
Next you'll be able to help me with an Australian/New Zealand film about the end of the world ("Night of the Comet"/"Day of the Triffids"-esque) where a few folks are just trying to survive and a large paramilitary group consolidated a lot of power/control (a problem for our protagonists) and secures a stronghold in a mansion with huge, lush green lawns. Floodlights are triggered whenever anything steps foot on the vast lawn.
"The Day After"?
Something like that....
Finally saw the Lego Movie. Not as epic as I was hoping for but still pretty damn good for kid's fare.
No, there is at least one classic Italian zombie film where they are running and fully agile. I gotta look at my VHS tapes to find the title.
Anyway, it is awesome when a hackneyed formula is flipped upside down or tweaked. Great scenes where protagonists are trying to race away in vehicles and zombies just run alongside on the road.
I recall black faces/hands on these zombies, if that rings a bell. I haven't seen it in 25 years. Ha.
The Italian zombie movie with the crazy fast zombies is Nightmare City. It has the ending in the amusement park.
Hell yes! I gotta watch that again.
Next you'll be able to help me with an Australian/New Zealand film about the end of the world ("Night of the Comet"/"Day of the Triffids"-esque) where a few folks are just trying to survive and a large paramilitary group consolidated a lot of power/control (a problem for our protagonists) and secures a stronghold in a mansion with huge, lush green lawns. Floodlights are triggered whenever anything steps foot on the vast lawn.
"The Day After"?
Something like that....
If you mention the film's possible decade, I could help.
Day After, probably not.
Threads, that's a UK film, but that doesn't have a scene like that, that I know of.
Australia, there is that movie, On the Beach...
I think the movie you're looking for may be Every Blade of Grass. It's a UK film.
Also, along those lines, Miracle Mile is pretty good.
edited to add; 28 Days later has a similar setting near the end.
The Hit. very cool Terence Stamp movie :D
It was pretty good even if it was geared more towards the female demographic.....
It was pretty good even if it was geared more towards the female demographic.....
It's cool, we're all girls here.
Want me to make a women out of you? Oh yeah, I went there. And now I am very confused by my own statements.
Link - kinda strange but good movie with elisabeth shue and terence stamp.
watch the rope :)
it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.
watch the rope :)
it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.
I love Hitchcock and never saw this one. I will have to check it out!
Watched with my kids " How To Train Your Dragon 2" just go watch it, better then the first and Dreamworks does it right, a movie for kids and adults. Just a great flick.
Sunset Boulevard - It is amazing a movie made 60+ years can feel as fresh as it does and have so much edge. I am on a pre-1960s movie kick.
watch the rope :)
it's 1948 but feels like 60s/70s.
I love Hitchcock and never saw this one. I will have to check it out!
Esteban, you ever go to Film Forum?
The recently had a good Hitchcock file event.
Esteban, you ever go to Film Forum?
The recently had a good Hitchcock file event.
I was a member years ago! I went all the time. This was in the 90's before I had kids and I, my wife and my friends went into NYC all the time.
The seats weren't comfortable or roomy (not back then, anyway), but it was fun as hell. (
Just got back from seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thought it was alright but liked Rise better. Even tho it starred James Franco. Also saw Transformers last week....... Sucked!
Just got back from seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thought it was alright but liked Rise better. Even tho it starred James Franco. Also saw Transformers last week....... Sucked!
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.
blah blah blah Spider-Man 3 is great!
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.
James Franco in Spider-Man 3 and Pineapple Express is what dreams are made of. Hmm yess.
Pineapple Express was funny! But they should of stopped at Spider-Man 2. Part 3 was too long too Dumb (plot) and the reason they decided to just go a completely different direction and just do a remake. Franco works when he's a character you don't have to take serious but that's about it (most of the time). Glad he died at the end. More like a nightmare then dream.
Pineapple Express was funny! But they should of stopped at Spider-Man 2. Part 3 was too long too Dumb (plot) and the reason they decided to just go a completely different direction and just do a remake. Franco works when he's a character you don't have to take serious but that's about it (most of the time). Glad he died at the end. More like a nightmare then dream.
I enjoyed the humor in Spider Man 3, and I think the movie is quite underrated. When I saw it in the theater and the new suit started crawling up Spidey, some black dude yell, "YEEE-AH SPIDAMAN, YOU A BROTHA NOW." So everyone seemed to be getting into it.
Not to mention, the new movies are junk.
the only 1 would watch again or recommend anyone watch in theatres is Edge of Tomorrow.
You should make sure you've seen Rise 1st to understand this one fully. Yea can't name too many James Franco movies that I've seen that I liked.
James Franco in Spider-Man 3 and Pineapple Express is what dreams are made of. Hmm yess.
I agree. But what about going back to Freaks and Geeks even? He r00led.
I also like Spider-Man 3 for what it's worth, not sure if you're serious or not though lol
Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (
Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (
Waxwork 1988
on the warner tip :)
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.
Things (1989): THINGS — Awful Movie Reviews (
What the hell did I just watch here ?
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.
I remember seeing a commercial for that movie all the time on TV like a thousand years ago, never saw it, though.
Gonna see planet of the apes later on today. Will let everyone know what I thought of it.
I just watched Silence of the Lambs again for the first time as an adult (I remember seeing it when I was like 8 or so, and having my mom run out of the kitchen to cover my eyes during the Buffalo Bill scenes, haha).
It's amazing how well it holds up 20+ years after release - cinematography, performances, soundtrack. Such a good movie.
Saw "Kiss the Girls" last night finally. Morgan Freeman (man he looked a lot younger) and Ashley Judd (again, so young!). I dug it.
I remember seeing a commercial for that movie all the time on TV like a thousand years ago, never saw it, though.
I saw this in the theatre. I can't remember much. But Ashley Judd is reason enough to see it again.
After years of hearing about Pan's Labyrinth, I finally watched it the other day and now I am going to be that guy who tells everyone "YOU HAVE TO WATCH PAN'S LABYRINTH". Really, it's a fantastic film if you can tolerate reading subtitles; it gave me a lot to think about.
I recently watched the Lego Movie and found it pretty entertaining, though I could've done without the smarmy and trite "lesson" of the live action bit.
I recently watched the Lego Movie and found it pretty entertaining, though I could've done without the smarmy and trite "lesson" of the live action bit.
Yeah, rented that too. Wasn't too crazy about it; some parts amusing, others a little douchey, so I found it OK - one viewing and that's it is enough for me.
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.
The Thing is an all-time classic. Love all of the FX, the soundtrack, and one of my favorite closing scenes ever.
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.Funny you mention the thing.Awhile ago i was watching big trouble in little china on netflik.Sure i have it on the dvd,but it's one my favorite movies still staring kurt russel.BTW the sob must pay !!
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.
I have missed some summer stuff I wanted to see due to low funds, but I did re-watch the original "The Thing" (Kurt Russel) with my kiddo not long ago, we had a great time with that.
Rented Grudge Match from Redbox, and that was surprisingly good as well, Stallone/DeNiro worked well off each other.
The Thing is an all-time classic. Love all of the FX, the soundtrack, and one of my favorite closing scenes ever.
Watched Escape Plan tonight, another good Stallone flick, him and Arnie work well together.
Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend. I thought it was pretty good. Ran a little long, but it had good action, and likable characters.
I watched Dead Man on Campus last night on T.V. Certainly an interesting take on the "Slacker parties too hard at College" movie.
I have Transcendence on order, been wanting to see it, but yeah, I heard that it bombed pretty bad. Another Johnny Depp failure in a string of them lately.
Yeah, too bad John Carpenter didn't have repeat success with the "Big Trouble in Little China" formula along with his "They Live" movie, the source of our PCE OBEY shtick. Never understood why that demigod henchman (called Thunder) just blows himself up at the end of the movie till reading the plot just now on Wiki - seems the reason given is a form of seppuku/suicide for failing to protect his master, but still, he had a chance do damage to those responsible on their way out... It was awkward the way it was done, bunch of fighting, then he just starts inflating himself, and KABOOM!
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness.
Thank you, Fulci.
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness.
Thank you, Fulci.
Big Foot is real. He has his own monster truck and is in beef jerky commercials.
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness.
Thank you, Fulci.
I have never, and probably never will, watch Garp, Bigfoot, Cry Wilderness.
Thank you, Fulci.
Esteban, "The World According to Garp" is a very good movie. You'll probably like it, being a family man now, and all! Don't discount that film, just because I like, "Crap" such as, "Death Spa", and fast forward through horrible crap such as, "Cry Wilderness" and "Transcendence".
I watched 8-Man After.
I saw a TV edited versions maybe 19-20 years ago. I had basically forgotten the entire movie, so it was nice seeing it again after all these years and still being entertained.
Eightman 8-man, the anime thingie? The one the NEOGEO game us based on?
Eightman 8-man, the anime thingie? The one the NEOGEO game us based on?
I have been curious about it (the old b/w series)...I didn't realize there was more.
Over the weekend, I watched the Evil Dead remake. I enjoyed it (once I got over the lack of Bruce), particularly the foul mouthed Jane and the tid bits from the original sprinkled throughout. :mrgreen:
Judge Dredd...
I have been holding off on watching this one for so long because of how much I hated the last one. I really wish I didn't wait... it was great.
I saw the new Sin City this weekend. It was decent, not nearly as good as the first one. I would say maybe wait until its released on BD
Dredd is 100 times better than the Sly version.
Dredd, good stuff, I had fun in the theatre.
How appropriate I am about to use the 3 sea shells.
The 50th romantic comedy featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. It has been a long time since a new Sandler movie made me laugh. Not the greatest movie in the world, but it exceeded all expectations.
The 50th romantic comedy featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. It has been a long time since a new Sandler movie made me laugh. Not the greatest movie in the world, but it exceeded all expectations.
Eventually, I may give that a go.
However, since.. 2002 or so? Adam Sandler movies have equaled a level of hell to sit through. I miss the days, when he starred in movies, where a tour guide complained about, "That damn sasquatch" eating all those school lunches, and him telling people it's cool to pee their pants.
Greatest injustice of the decade:
The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried. IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison. In many ways, it was even better. (:
Sandra, Wesley, Sylvester, Denis Leary, Taco bell. .... Can't go too wrong, with that.
Greatest injustice of the decade:
The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried. IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison. In many ways, it was even better. (:
Evil Dead remake.. I preferred Cabin in the Woods. Evil Dead remake had some moments, but, I couldn't get too into it. If I had a choice to view Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead remake, I know what I'd choose.
Evil Dead remake.. I preferred Cabin in the Woods. Evil Dead remake had some moments, but, I couldn't get too into it. If I had a choice to view Cabin the Woods or Evil Dead remake, I know what I'd choose.
Sandra, Wesley, Sylvester, Denis Leary, Taco bell. .... Can't go too wrong, with that.
Sandra Buttocks = bestGreatest injustice of the decade:
The Water Boy is unavailable on Netflix, Amazon, and any other streaming service I've tried. IMO, that was his best work next to Billy Madison. In many ways, it was even better. (:
No love for Happy Gilmore?
agree with you about Sandra!
Happy Gilmore was great, but not quite as good as Billy Madison and The Water boy. Plus, you can readily stream Happy Gilmore from many video services, so there is no injustice to speak of.
VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
Been watching a bunch of Mystery Science Theater this weekend. I highly recommended The Night of the Blood Beast episode. Many lulz to be had.
Ghostbusters 2 is a great flick and I never understood the hate. Maybe because I am a little older and the original predates me a little bit and part 2 was actually part of my youth?
I watched I Spit On Your Grave 2 this weekend and it was really good. For a straight to DVD movie, it was well made and followed the classic formula well. If you have the stomach for these types of movies, give it a watch. It was on Hulu Plus so that made it an easier, aka free, decision.
VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
The Princess Bride! That is, if you've yet to watch it with your 5th grader.
VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
I Spit on Your Grave 2 is not such a movie. :)
VERDICT: I am desperate to find movies suitable for a 5th grader and lowered my standards.
I Spit on Your Grave 2 is not such a movie. :)
Hahahahahahahahaha! Neither is Blood and Black Lace, or The House By the Cemetery, or .... (
............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).
Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not really into new movies but I really enjoyed this!Ditto but now i have the song hooked on a feeling stuck in my head again #-o
............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure still holds up pretty well. Then again, may have to explain to a younger person what a phone booth is for, and why they were once everyplace. It also has George Carlin here and there throughout.
I saw it for the first time in 10+ years, in 2012 or so. It was airing on some TV station, and I left it on in the background while cooking or something, and I got sucked back into it. I caught it about 1/3 of the way in. The bit with Napoleon bowling got me laughing, and the subtitles. I had forgotten about that.
Again, I must reiterate, you all must watch "Dear Zachary". It is a documentary and it is on Youtube for free if you must see it obviously easy to download. An EXTREMELY powerful message and a must watch, messed me up for days.
Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie. Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.
Anyone else watch Woody Allen films? He's probably my favorite director. All of my top movies are his... or horrible horror trash.
............... I also want to watch Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure, but I honestly can't remember if it was any good, or if it will are well (I saw it in theatre).
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure still holds up pretty well. Then again, may have to explain to a younger person what a phone booth is for, and why they were once everyplace. It also has George Carlin here and there throughout.
I saw it for the first time in 10+ years, in 2012 or so. It was airing on some TV station, and I left it on in the background while cooking or something, and I got sucked back into it. I caught it about 1/3 of the way in. The bit with Napoleon bowling got me laughing, and the subtitles. I had forgotten about that.
She loves Dr. Who already, so I figured why not try Bill & Ted? She might like it. I can't remember anything, anyway.
I had my wife watch Bill and Ted earlier this year. She actually liked it OK. She's my age though, not in the fifth grade, so I don't know if that helps.
Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie. Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.
Anyone else watch Woody Allen films? He's probably my favorite director. All of my top movies are his... or horrible horror trash.
Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).
Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie. Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.
Anyone else watch Woody Allen films? He's probably my favorite director. All of my top movies are his... or horrible horror trash.
Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).
Living in NYC there are Woody Allen screenings at some theater almost weekly, so it is easy to go watch the classics (Manhattan, Sleeper, Annie Hall, etc.) on the big screen.
I picked this up for less than $100 on sale and have made it through most of the movies.
I think even "lesser" Woody Allen is better than 90% of what is out there. Crimes and Misdemeanors, Broadway Danny Rose, and Hannah and Her Sisters are a little later than his classic movies and all are awesome. For his newer stuff, I genuinely enjoyed Match Point, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine. His latest movie is probably his worst in a decade, but it had a few moments.
Made my annual pilgrimage to the theater to watch a Woody Allen movie. Magic in the Moonlight had its moments, but it wasn't as good as Blue Jasmine last year.
Anyone else watch Woody Allen films? He's probably my favorite director. All of my top movies are his... or horrible horror trash.
Mostly a fan of his older films 70's/80's...he made a crap load and I think I've seen most of them. After Mighty Aphrodite I have only seen a handful...but I liked most of them (not amazing, per se, but enjoyable enough).
Living in NYC there are Woody Allen screenings at some theater almost weekly, so it is easy to go watch the classics (Manhattan, Sleeper, Annie Hall, etc.) on the big screen.
I picked this up for less than $100 on sale and have made it through most of the movies.
I think even "lesser" Woody Allen is better than 90% of what is out there. Crimes and Misdemeanors, Broadway Danny Rose, and Hannah and Her Sisters are a little later than his classic movies and all are awesome. For his newer stuff, I genuinely enjoyed Match Point, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine. His latest movie is probably his worst in a decade, but it had a few moments.
I had a The Tick marathon yesterday. SPOON!!!!!!!!
( | The son of a gun gets the job done, gotta hand it to 'im! Oh sure, many of your cities will be left crumbled down to dust when the fighting is all over, but he's much better than the nuclear option (that's for sure!) when it comes to eliminating mothra type monsters already running loose, wreaking havoc and destruction along their paths! Godzilla, the good guy, believe it or not! Just get out of the way and let 'im do his damn job, ya stupid humans! :P LET! THEM! FIGHT! |
Wow, I'm surprised to hear so many positive things about Godzilla. I'll keep that in mind.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)
I definitely saw its flaws, but I still liked it. Why did you dislike it so much?
I watched Evil Dead 2 (blood red laserdisc!) over the weekend.
I too just watched Godzilla. It was awesome! Granted, I took the day off (not related to the movie rental) and had the house to myself for the morning so watched it in it's full-surround-sound glory. I turned the "night mode" and "dynamic sound" crap off and cranked that shit up till it was shaking the house (and I only have 1 BIC F-12 - someone here has 4! :) ). The movie was fun, but the sound made it epic. My couch shook and shimmied like there was no tomorrow. It was much woot. Anyone that has a home theater with some bass *needs* to view this movie. I've never experienced anything like it.
Dammit man... now i have to flip a coin between game 6 of the world series and Godzilla when i have kid-free time tomorrow night. :lol:
I too just watched Godzilla. It was awesome! Granted, I took the day off (not related to the movie rental) and had the house to myself for the morning so watched it in it's full-surround-sound glory. I turned the "night mode" and "dynamic sound" crap off and cranked that shit up till it was shaking the house (and I only have 1 BIC F-12 - someone here has 4! :) ). The movie was fun, but the sound made it epic. My couch shook and shimmied like there was no tomorrow. It was much woot. Anyone that has a home theater with some bass *needs* to view this movie. I've never experienced anything like it.
Dammit man... now i have to flip a coin between game 6 of the world series and Godzilla when i have kid-free time tomorrow night. :lol:
I didn't watch it yet but I'm looking forward to Deadliest Prey... seems like it's as funny as the first one for what I've seen so far... DUN DUN DUN
Recently watched:
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)
Recently watched:
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (worse than I could have possibly imagined, like f*cking Batman Forever bad)
Yeah, it was terrible. I dunno how a great actor like Paul Giamatti could create one of those worst villain characters I have ever seen in a movie... Watch "Shoot 'em up" with Clive Owen to see the contrast of a great villain that he played.
Oh, it's a pretty nonstop actionfest, one of the best action movies that I've ever seen...
Just watched Galaxy Express 999 for the first time since I was 8, and I just realized Captain Harlock is voiced by the same fellow that narrated Exile.
[EDIT:] well according to IMDB, I'm dead wrong about this. They sound extremely similar though.
Just watched Galaxy Express 999 for the first time since I was 8, and I just realized Captain Harlock is voiced by the same fellow that narrated Exile.
[EDIT:] well according to IMDB, I'm dead wrong about this. They sound extremely similar though.
I love Galaxy Express 999 :)
Just saw Whiplash (loved it)
2) Time travel, time travel paradoxes and warped notions of the theory of relativity also really annoyed me... Time travel/paradoxes occur in many movies, like the Terminator Movies, so I'm used to that and it's just a matter of suspension of disbelief to just enjoy the fantasy of the story being told... Is it however sometimes hard to do, and more so with this movie... Unfortunately, you DO get people REALLY believing that time travel is possible because of its frequent use in science *fiction* movies, but oh well...
Quote from: NightWolve2) Time travel, time travel paradoxes and warped notions of the theory of relativity also really annoyed me... Time travel/paradoxes occur in many movies, like the Terminator Movies, so I'm used to that and it's just a matter of suspension of disbelief to just enjoy the fantasy of the story being told... Is it however sometimes hard to do, and more so with this movie... Unfortunately, you DO get people REALLY believing that time travel is possible because of its frequent use in science *fiction* movies, but oh well...relativistic time travel does indeed exist and even has been experienced by Astronauts albeit on a extremely miniscule scale.
Good read here.
Idk dude, if you were to have a powerful gravity drive that would transport you to areas in space faster than light you might arrive before you left.
Time goes forwards, slows down, stops, and even goes backwards.
Hawking discusses particles that go back in time
You simply need a gravity drive that can warp space so you get to another area FTL. You'll arrive faster and before you think.
I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension. A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole. Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well. But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.
The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.
Also, the idea that all history is generated at the moment of creation is so f*cking DETERMINISTIC that it completely removes free will. We are all predestined to follow a certain path...even our time-traveling would be accounted for, somehow, in this deterministic concept of history/future/present. I say: bullshite.
I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension. A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole. Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well. But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.
The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.
But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.
Time travel exists, but you can only go forward.
I hate agreeing with evo (even if only partially), but yeah.
travelling back in time is pure conjecture/theory at this point, whereas forward travel has been verified experimentally.
Also, the idea that all history is generated at the moment of creation is so f*cking DETERMINISTIC that it completely removes free will. We are all predestined to follow a certain path...even our time-traveling would be accounted for, somehow, in this deterministic concept of history/future/present. I say: bullshite.
And by far one of the dumbest things he has said here.I lost you at "Hawking is a hack", but to save TIME I view time as a dimension. A strong enough gravity field does indeed slow down time to a crawl and this happens near a black hole. Your view of time is that of it being nonexistent and only made up in our heads but it is indeed a diamension and I believe we can send particles back, maybe in a millennia or two people by warping space/time as well. But no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.
The fact that light is constant no matter the observers speed lets us know time itself is malleable and I am willing to bet time exists as a long string of events that can be traveled within.
I can see that you are far beyond reasoning with, have been watching way too much SciFi movies and Star Trek as was the guy I was referring to originally, and are as much a hack as Hawking is, so there ya go! ;)QuoteBut no time travel is not rearranging every atom back to a previous state.
This in particular also again shows you are illogical, no other way to say it... You have zero proof that ANYTHING in the universe is recording every second (AKA "a universe tape recorder"), every moment of existence on earth, let alone waiting around to be discovered to allow one access to it to travel back to previous moments in time, etc. This started in the science fiction/fantasy department and at times with some abused concepts like relativity...
The universe, as we see it, is an infinite space with particles/atoms that build suns, planets, lifeforms, etc. If I travel at the speed of light in any direction, I simply keep moving away from the starting point... THAT'S IT! I don't eventually find older or newer copies of the earth going back days, months, years... So no, there's no "sending particles back in time by firing them off in some direction..."
esteban's Matrix point is once again a feasible concept... A powerful computer running a VIRTUAL world for subjects that are connected to it! Something like that would need infinite memory, knowledge, and could record some of the past and even be able to reset events back to it as well, along with the subjects!
I used the supernatural idea that MAYBE God could possibly be the universe's recorder, but that's a supernatural/religious view, as mortals we'd never know the true power of the first intelligent lifeform that the universe created, and the paradox of how something could've initiated the creation of the universe from nothing does not make sense, that is, how was the first atom built, did that come first, or an intelligent atom builder, etc. ? Technically, to me, nothing should exist cause how could the process of the first atom start to be built, then the second, etc. ?? Something had to build something else, there had to be a starting point, but how did that first something get built ? The age old philosophical question.
Back to reality though, I try to combat the time travel tin foil hat delusionists/propagandists which you are clearly one. Sorry, but black holes crush things according to known science... Slowing the movement of particles down, is just that, not time travel, and crushing them is not "time travel" either, it's oblivion... You really don't want to try to understand what's clearly being explained to you, and yeah, you just repeated various concepts you've thrown together and likely learned from Star Trek ("gravity field," "black hole," "space time warping", etc.) as far as I can see... Sad, but it was like I said originally, science fiction movies create believers in this who can't separate fact from fiction along with some "scientists" that have also fallen for it. The theory of relativity is getting abused here badly...
Time travel exists, but you can only go forward.
I hate agreeing with evo (even if only partially), but yeah.
travelling back in time is pure conjecture/theory at this point, whereas forward travel has been verified experimentally.
Your Demolition Man “Theory” is not a theory as much as, well, a frozen TV dinner found 100 years after being frozen and is embarrassing that you keep mentioning this as time travel.
note that jo crystals are integral to time travel.
Genuine offer:
first person to PM me with a request for jo crystal will get a jo crystal. I purchased them in bulk and have sent them to 2 forumites so far. 3, once i send toymachine his package.
guaranteed to arrive by the year 2136... but it will get there.
I have a dozen JO Crystals and they are fully charged at all times. Still, I am lacking something.
If only I could travel back in time and have a young Einstein join me for a recharging session.
I have seen photos of Einstein where the unmistakable outline of a JO Crystal can be seen—as if it were on a necklace underneath his clothes.
I watched the 1960's Doctor Who movies, does that mean I'm crazy? lol
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique. watched the 1960's Doctor Who movies, does that mean I'm crazy? lol
Yes. It was a TV show, you wacko.
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique.
It's a shame we didn't see more of Peter Cushing as the Doctor.
Still is. :) Those movies, lets say are very unique.
It's a shame we didn't see more of Peter Cushing as the Doctor.
Well dip me in shit. I've not heard of those before (or have forgotten about 'em in my old age senility), but I still say you're crazy. :mrgreen:
Freezing isn't a concept, meaning an abstract idea. You can indeed freeze s person and let them sit for centuries. We still need the technology to reanimate a frozen body. None of this has ANYTHING to do with time travel.
Another glaring omission on your part is whether the Universe is infinite or not? If it is, there is (sadly) a 100% chance that there is another version of you on an identical planet like ours arguing with a guy just like me over the same details, but you have on a slightly different shirt and gravity is 10% weaker.
No idea why you brought it up again.
Your issue is that you are incapable of thinking 4th diamensionally. That's OK a lot of mouth breathers aren't.
Again, unarguable, Einstein's equations show that time travel, TO THE PAST, is possible. You keep glossing over the fact that the greatest genius of anytime already did the leg work on this one. You've already conceded that time slows down and even stops.
Just because you do not understand something doesn't make it false. You are desperate and panicing sir. Calm down.
When the universe was "created" so was all time. Time is woven into space, it's already been proven with time dilation experiments and has to be taken into account for gps Satellites as time for the satellites is different than here on earth.
You could oy go back to when the machine was invented. So sadly this won't be possible, at least not yet.
I ignore equations from the greatest minds in history because f*ck you that's why!!!
I ignore Einstein's equation for closed time loops created with immense gravity because Einstein is a hack.
I think hawking is a hack because math sucks!
I ignore the fact that time slows down even though it has been proven. I also ignore the fact that time stops at relativistic speeds or at a singularity.
I don't understand that time can be manipulated.
I don't understand that time is a dimension
I know for a fact that the universe is infinite yet somehow it's expanding faster than the speed of light so I ignore my own contradictions.
I ignore the fact that there may be multiple universes.
I think a freezer is a time machine.
I think ice cubes are time travelers.
I site sources from Stallone movies.
Moving backwards is impossible, Hawking says, because it "violates a fundamental rule that cause comes before effect."
The idea of "traveling back in time" however is pure imagination, fiction, fantasy, Santa Claus level story telling, that's it... Great device for stories/movies, but yes, pure 100% fiction... There is no evidence of any powerful "universe recorder" of the past, much less a way to access it to change the world back to a previous time period, etc.and it is vindicated.
Einstein's paper of 1905 seemed to rule out time travel into the past.
Once spaceships were built that could fly faster than the speed of light, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth. That's because -- according to Einstein -- as objects accelerate through space, time slows down around them. Which also means that Hawking's theory only applies to moving "forwards" through time.
Anyway, what you mention, that an astronaut's body might be slowed down a bit, slightly less heartbeats, slightly less breaths, slightly slowed chemical processes inside cells, etc. versus a human on this earth for the same amount of time, and that when he/she returns to earth they're slightly less aged is the same thing as the freezing concept.
I ignore equations from the greatest minds in history because f*ck you that's why!!!
I ignore Einstein's equation for closed time loops created with immense gravity because Einstein is a hack.
This would create a "closed timelike curve," or CTC, a loop that could be traversed to travel back in time. Hawking and many other physicists find CTCs abhorrent, because any macroscopic object traveling through one would inevitably create paradoxes where cause and effect break down.
I think hawking is a hack because math sucks!
I ignore the fact that time slows down even though it has been proven. I also ignore the fact that time stops at relativistic speeds or at a singularity.
The universe, as we see it, is an infinite space with particles/atoms that build suns, planets, lifeforms, etc.
Another glaring omission on your part is whether the Universe is infinite or not?
I don't understand that time is a dimension
I know for a fact that the universe is infinite yet somehow it's expanding faster than the speed of light so I ignore my own contradictions.
I ignore the fact that there may be multiple universes.
I think a freezer is a time machine.
I site sources from Stallone movies.
I made a thread for time travel. I wish everyone could go back in time and use it... :lol:
I exposed my kids to a movie from my childhood that I'd almost forgotten about and they LOVED it.
Anyone remember Solarbabies?
Anyone remember Solarbabies?
Glad to see I'm not the only solarbaby in the community. And NW, I was pulling your chain. I'm a fan of Evo bashing at any time, in any thread. :D
Last night I watched Jupiter Ascending. The only thing I remember about it is that Mila Kunis needs a good dicking.
Also watched Paul Blart 2. Paul Blart does not need a dicking, but the Puerto Rican Sarah Silverman doppelganger does.
Enemy of the state, my girlfriend saw the turbo express and said:"hey, that was like your gameboy thingy!" because i was looking elsewhere (lol) and then i realised it was a turbo express!!! Instantly i came here to post about it but -of course- you guys had already started related threads with every detail, hehe. Needless to say that any interest in the movie's plot was lost after that as i was trying to notice the whereabouts of the turbo again. :shock:
Enemy of the state, my girlfriend saw the turbo express and said:"hey, that was like your gameboy thingy!" because i was looking elsewhere (lol) and then i realised it was a turbo express!!! Instantly i came here to post about it but -of course- you guys had already started related threads with every detail, hehe. Needless to say that any interest in the movie's plot was lost after that as i was trying to notice the whereabouts of the turbo again. :shock:
I wish we had an interview with the propmaster to find out how the TE was chosen...they needed something that physical media could slip into (in place of a HuCARD).
I watched Cannibal Holocaust yesterday. Yep.
Just saw Joe Dirt 2, could be the worst movie I have ever seen. Obviously I wasn't expecting "On the Waterfront" or "Schindler's List", but this sequel makes the first Joe dirt like seem Oscar worthy. Terrible Jokes, no such thing as a plot with gaping plot holes, FORCED comedy so obviously that even the actors can't deliver properly without rolling their eyes. Terrible, terrible movie. Worse than the 4.4 rating.
hah, even worse... straight to Crackle, the free but ad-laden video streaming service. :lol:
Eh, it wasn't that bad... Granted, I had high hopes from the trailer this time, but I was just sad that once again, nobody can bring back the magic from when it was in James Cameron's hands... I think it's somewhat better than the other shit sequels, but yeah, it's still another shit sequel...
"James Cameron Regains Terminator Rights in 2019"
I just look forward to when that happens now and hope HE takes an interest in doing another one next time...
Just watched Mad Max Fury Road. Everyone's been raving about it, saying it's amazing. So I went in with high expectations.
I thought it was a pretty good film, not amazing, just pretty good.
It got a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is hard to believe, those critics are usually hard on action movies so that really surprised me. It's on my to-watch list when I get a chance.
Just watched Cool World for shits and giggles, since I don't think I've seen it since it came out...
Basigner was hotter as a toon.
! No longer available (
I watched the first 2 "Ip man" movies.
I hear there's a 3rd on the way.
Just watched for me would be Ex Machina which I watched last night. Pretty good, better than i thought it would be. Wasn't crazy about the end but it was sort of inevitable.Yeah thought Ex Machina just missed the mark. Through the film it was intriguing and building well to a big finish and then dropped the ball right at the end. Wasn't a terrible film or anything, just had the potential to be so much more with a better ending.
The Ip man movies were pretty good! Also like the Ong Bak movies and The Raid movies!
Just watched for me would be Ex Machina which I watched last night. Pretty good, better than i thought it would be. Wasn't crazy about the end but it was sort of inevitable.
( | You know if Rotten Tomatoes gives a friggin' action movie a 98%, chances are it's worth watching!!! I am quite skeptical of movie critics - I take their opinion with careful review. I've gotten a sense they develop grudges at certain directors, producers and/or actors, and so they'll shit on something if said person was involved in the movie because of it... So there's a politics at work there. I also find that they're usually the hardest on the action movie genre where the theme is primarily shit blowing up and what not, so when I saw a 98% review score on there, I couldn't friggin' believe it... Did hell freeze over I thought ? So I knew this one was on my to-watch list for sure and it does indeed deliver! What was really interesting to me also is that George Miller/Miliotis, the original director of all the Mad Max movies, actually got to direct this one too!!! I would not have expected the original guy from 1979 had something to do with this, and heck, he hit it out of the ballpark, it did well, and recovered its production budget by the US sales alone, $373,374,961 worldwide! And since it succeeded, he got the greenlight for another one, so good for him on that too! |
Gotta give an enthusiastic thumbs up to "Mad Max: Road Fury!" It stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy as Mad Max. You might not realize it, but Tom Hardy also played the villain "Bane" in "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)," the final Batman movie in Christoper Nolan's rebooted and respectable trilogy.
( You know if Rotten Tomatoes gives a friggin' action movie a 98%, chances are it's worth watching!!!
I am quite skeptical of movie critics - I take their opinion with careful review. I've gotten a sense they develop grudges at certain directors, producers and/or actors, and so they'll shit on something if said person was involved in the movie because of it... So there's a politics at work there. I also find that they're usually the hardest on the action movie genre where the theme is primarily shit blowing up and what not, so when I saw a 98% review score on there, I couldn't friggin' believe it... Did hell freeze over I thought ? So I knew this one was on my to-watch list for sure and it does indeed deliver!
What was really interesting to me also is that George Miller/Miliotis, the original director of all the Mad Max movies, actually got to direct this one too!!! I would not have expected the original guy from 1979 had something to do with this, and heck, he hit it out of the ballpark, it did well, and recovered its production budget by the US sales alone, $373,374,961 worldwide! And since it succeeded, he got the greenlight for another one, so good for him on that too!
Mortals, time travel exists on all planes. How I cannot say. TOP SECRET. However, I can tell you Ebert approved of mad max.
Gotta give an enthusiastic thumbs up to "Mad Max: Road Fury!" It stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy as Mad Max. You might not realize it, but Tom Hardy also played the villain "Bane" in "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)," the final Batman movie in Christoper Nolan's rebooted and respectable trilogy.I was thinking about this yesterday - Fury Road is hands down my #1 movie of the year...nothing else has even come close. Does anybody else think it has a legit shot at best picture at the oscars this year?
I bet Mad Max is ranking close to 100% with those idiotic 'professional' critics because of all that bullshit "the feminist movie that men HATE" buzz that was going on at the movie's debut. Let's rate this high, that will show them. Not that there's anything wrong with the movie's empowerment of women, in fact it is a great improvement that helps to avoid blandness and gives personality to the picture. Not to mention that empowers women (duh).
Wait, was there a 'Mad Max' in that movie??? Cool atmosphere but -overall- far from my expectations. Tom Hardy not suitable for the role imo.
It's now my second favorite Ridley Scott film, just trailing Blade Runner and right above Alien. It's certainly his best movie since Gladiator. I really want to go see it again... which, again, is another thing I haven't done in ages.
It's now my second favorite Ridley Scott film, just trailing Blade Runner and right above Alien. It's certainly his best movie since Gladiator. I really want to go see it again... which, again, is another thing I haven't done in ages.
That's good to hear as I had lost respect for his movie-making ability. "Exodus: Gods and Kings" absolutely sucked ballz and I never should've bothered watching it. His "Robin Hood" was far from Gladiator, and I'd rather watch the previous one with Kevin Costner.
Prometheus on the other hand was interesting certainly, and respectable, I think mostly because of Michael Fassbender's performance, but it was lacking compared to say Alien. I actually think Guy Pearce's viral speech video was better than the whole movie. :)
Anyway, yeah, it's good to hear if Martian is on the par with Gladiator (back when his Russell Crowe partnership was paying off). I'll check it out on video.
I assume you’ve hear by now that Dwayne Johnson wants to remake Big Trouble in Little China and I was wondering if you had any tips for him?
RUSSELL: Yeah, I didn’t know who it was, as a matter of fact, I was just talking to someone for this and he was bringing that up, it’s funny those often get brought up. You know, I heard they were gonna remake Big Trouble in Little China, I heard they were gonna make Overboard, they were gonna remake some Disney stuff. I mean, I don’t know, I guess it’s that time now. Hey, you know, nothing sacred, why not? Go get it, good luck. I always think it’s interesting what’s gonna be done. Dwayne Johnson I don’t know what his take on it is gonna be, I don’t know what they’re gonna do.
I always look at those movies when I see a remake and it’s like, “Ok… there’s gotta be a reason” I did ne with John [Carpenter], we did the remake of The Thing. But John didn’t want to remake the original movie, he wanted to remake Who Goes There? He wanted not to remake The Thing, he wanted to do a movie of Who Goes There? Which had never been made, which was the short story. So ours is in fact quite different that the original Thing and it was a horrific monster [Laughs] and it took a long time for that movie to kind of gain it’s appreciation but through the years it’s been nice to watch that happen with that movie, it’s now considered one of the great horror movies ever made and I’m very proud to have been a part of that.
So with Big Trouble in Little China John and I, I know we did something that at that time was –The sensibility of that movie was very different, no movie had been made like that, and virtually you flip-flopped the leading man and the psychic, you flip-flopped those roles, that had never been done. And a lot of the humor and the style of that movie was brand new for that time and was very much copied after that, so in its way Big Trouble is definitely a cult film. So I don’t know what their reasons are for remaking the movie but I hope that they have the right reasons and I hope that they do it well and good luck, what can I say? I don’t know, I don’t have thoughts other than that. Hang in there, good luck, go get em’.
Ah, so that's where he came from before SNL.
Watched the vacation remake and terminator genesis this weekend... Vacation was pretty good I genuinely laughed throughout the whole movie... Genesis was a turf.. Easily The worst terminator movie yet... Too much time travel and them trying to change the events that happened in the first movie
Just saw this f*cked up French film called 'Irreversible'.
I saw Peanuts just the other day, and while there was nothing really original about any of the material, it definitely pushed the right buttons and I came out smiling in the end. What I really found refreshing about it was the lack of modern technology. They still use rotary phones in this movie! No ham-fisted references to pop culture or attempts to appeal to some market analysts; just timeless characters in a timeless setting. I was pleased overall.
I saw Peanuts just the other day, and while there was nothing really original about any of the material, it definitely pushed the right buttons and I came out smiling in the end. What I really found refreshing about it was the lack of modern technology. They still use rotary phones in this movie! No ham-fisted references to pop culture or attempts to appeal to some market analysts; just timeless characters in a timeless setting. I was pleased overall.
Good I enjoyed the peanuts movie too as the original cartoons were a childhood thing for me. I'm actually pretty glad they stuck to a similar formula to the originals including jazz music.
I watched this recently:
Was worth it for this segment:
Spooky-Spooky, hehe.
I watched this recently:
Was worth it for this segment:
Spooky-Spooky, hehe.
Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy. We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really. Try these classics...
I watched this recently:
Was worth it for this segment:
Spooky-Spooky, hehe.
Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy. We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really. Try these classics...
Cool, thanks, saved them to my list, will watch them when I get a minute. <3
While back on netflik and was about cannon films,
Some thing,how cannon films lasted so long before going bankrupt.Most of the time it seemed like they throw out any thing and see what stick.I watched this recently:
Was worth it for this segment:
Spooky-Spooky, hehe.
Watched this one in my History of Animation class a couple years back, it's a doozy. We watched a lot of weird s. in all my classes, really. Try these classics...
Cool, thanks, saved them to my list, will watch them when I get a minute. <3
No problem. Refer back to my post for the titles, one of them has already been taken down. Who knew the copyrights on 1980's stop motion animation from the Czech republic would be taken so seriously??While back on netflik and was about cannon films,
As a confirmed fan of Breakin' and Breakin 2', I watched this recently also. Great documentary! I have seen more Cannon films than I at first realized. Delta Force, He-Man, a bunch of the others. A buddy and I are both on the lookout for "The Apple" now.
I hope someone can do a doc on Full Moon one day! That should be interesting.
Oblivion is on tv again.....and i just can't seem to turn the channel. must be the sixth time watching it.
this is probably one of the best sci-fi films in the last 5-10 years. i really enjoyed everything about it......especially this
Watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, & Army of Darkness with my wife & some friends. 2 of my friends hadn't seen Tucker & Dale, & one of them hadn't seen Army of Darkness before.
Creed-Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan) never knew his famous father, boxing champion Apollo Creed, who died before Adonis was born. However, boxing is in his blood, so he seeks out Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) and asks the retired champ to be his trainer. Rocky sees much of Apollo in Adonis, and agrees to mentor him, even as he battles an opponent deadlier than any in the ring. With Rocky's help, Adonis soon gets a title shot, but whether he has the true heart of a fighter remains to be seen.
Both movies were way better than I thought they were going to be.
Zoolander2. A lukewarm abortion would serve as better entertainment. Couldn't even finish it I had to shut it off. Terrible.
Zoolander2. A lukewarm abortion would serve as better entertainment. Couldn't even finish it I had to shut it off. Terrible.
That was true of the first one and I love Ben Stiller most of the time, but I was very shocked it was decided that something like Zoolander should ever get a sequel... I'm curious to see it, but I remember how bad the first one was even though I could sit through it all for whatever value I could find.
Zoolander the first one was amazing. Very layered, full of clever jokes, and the portraiture of the fashion industry is an excellent allegory for a good many industries out there, entertainment included.
I haven't seen the second one, but I'd be very let down if it dropped all what made the original great.
Pan, another Peter Pan remake.
So I wondered about this given the bad reviews and I understand partly why... Early in the movie after pirate Captain Blackbeard captures Peter Pan from his WWII era orphanage, all of Blackbeard's pirates, slave miners, he himself, (thousands of people), break out into a...Nirvana song of all things...
Yes, Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" serves as the pirates' anthem believe it or not... And they sing the lyrics very clearly making it the first time I ever made sense of the song... This out of place song sort of reminded me of Christian Slater saying "F--k me..." in Kevin Costner's Robinhood when he's sprung over the castle wall. It was funny but technically out of place for the time period.
Ultimately I did like the movie despite the weirdness of finding a Nirvana song in it. It's a very interesting back story exploring Peter Pan and Captain Hook starting out as friends/allies against Blackbeard, so it did do other things right and I don't think it deserved to be the major flop disaster that it was...
Hook was played by Garrett Hedlund who also played Sam Flynn in Tron Legacy. I like him but I think he had a so so performance in this, his acting was passable though a bit stiff...
Anyway, I would recommend the movie despite the negative reviews and issues. It does have some level of movie magic and is respectable.
I FINALY saw Star Wars Force Awakens.
Kind of.
Son woke up towards the end of the movie. Although I still had it playing I was playing with the kid o.
So that means I only got the gist of what happened a for the later half of the movie.
They should of just had two guys dressed as Batman & Superman asking for money as that would have been less dishonest than this obvious money grab. Just not a good movie.
Just watched "The Martian" the other day and it was a hell of a good movie. Been a long time since I was able to sit down for 2 and a half hours and watch something without my wife or kid bothering me so it was fun.
That's funny, I didn't about that. So the lengths they sometimes have to go through to ensure a movie gets some kind of an award...
This movie is seriously all kinds of awesome, see it, now!!!! :)
and more enjoyable (plus it doesn't take itself too seriously) than the latest Captain America: Civil War which although I thought was good it moved too slowly.
I have heard of this "arrow" company and their DVD and at times bluray releases.
I am somewhat ignorant of them as a whole.
Is it that they release movies never before released on DVD/bluray that makes their stuff so desirable? Or they just have pretty packaging and art?
They showing Beverly Hills Cop on TV. I can't get over how awesome the soundtrack is..
Dat Axel F
I watched all 3 over the last couple of weeks. Eddie Murphy is astounding. Number 3 is a bit meh but o well.
They showing Beverly Hills Cop on TV. I can't get over how awesome the soundtrack is..
Dat Axel F
I also watched inception. Self indulgent tripe.
Also watched Zootopia recently. Not the best Disney production I've seen, but it was alright.
I love documentaries. This pic reminds me of Kumare.I'll have to look for it
Its about a normal joe schmoe that pretends to be a yogi guru, and gets a huge following. Great movie. Used to be on Netflix, think it's on Amazon prime now.
somewhat enjoyed:
The jungle book - I much prefer the original Disney, I find this new version lacks the charm and it took a while for me to warm to the new Mowgli and CGI characters.
Speaking of Bill Murray, I just watched "St. Vincent"
Brilliant. One of the best movies i've seen this year.
I just watched 31 a film by Rob Zombie.
It was his usual weird movie.
Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.
I just watched 31 a film by Rob Zombie.
It was his usual weird movie.
Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.
Was the a recommendation or a dis? I am interested in this movie.
Been on a sci-fi/ kaiju kick. Getting pretty hyped up over Shin Godzilla next week. Watched Pacific Rim and District 9 last night. They both have really held up well and look better than almost all other recent movies in the genre since then.
Compare that to the first new transformers movie...
The director of District 9 also directed Chappie, which is also good.Elysium too, I think all of Neill Blomkamp's full length movies have been really good so far. For some time now imdb has listed an untitled Neil Blomkamp Alien Project in his credits and I really wonder if/when it will happen. Hopefully he'll put Sharlto Copley in it like with his other movies.
I rented Phantasm V and even though it didn't have the original director and was very low budget, I enjoyed it quite a bit. RIP Angus Scrim.
Also picked up the new Phantasm vinyl soundtrack release, since I have been on a Phantasm and vinyl soundtrack kick.
Rogue One.
Maybe it was just the headache I received from the 3D glasses, but this movie felt kinda bad. If this is any indication of what the future holds for Star Wars spin-off movies... well, then I think we're in for some legitimate garbage. Yay.
Went to see Rogue One for a second time. It's enjoyable. Not sure what people were expecting if they disliked it. I feel that as long as they aren't as bad as the dreadful prequels, they are doing alright.
Also watched "The Knights of Badassdom" on New Years. lol It's pretty dumb, but sort of amusing.
Just watched the live action Ghost in the Shell movie.
I actually enjoyed it. Quite a bit has changed from the anime. Will pick this up when it hits blu ray
Hmmm.. I almost clicked on Black Mirror.
I am gonna have to go back and watch it.
I forgot to mention i did see,guardians of the galaxy vol2 a couple weeks ago.It's more of the same far as a the jokes go etc and i didn't think it was good as the first one but,good enough.
That's what i got out of it the message seemed how family matters.I forgot to mention i did see,guardians of the galaxy vol2 a couple weeks ago.It's more of the same far as a the jokes go etc and i didn't think it was good as the first one but,good enough.
I saw it a couple weeks back, and my thoughts are the same. It wasn't bad, exactly, but I definitely could've done without the smarmy he's-my-daddy (and she's-my-sister) bullshit.
Train to Busan (Korea 2016)
never been a fan of modern fast/weird alien screech zombies, but DAMN this was a great film...most fun I've had with a first time watch in a LONG watching the second time with the wife who HATES horror (especially zombies) and shes enjoying it.
I just saw "The Bodyguard (2016)" with Sammo Hung.
Ex-Army guy with dementia takes on the entire underworld. I nearly died laughing when the beat-up gangsters referred to him as "Kung-Fu Panda".
I just saw "The Bodyguard (2016)" with Sammo Hung.
Ex-Army guy with dementia takes on the entire underworld. I nearly died laughing when the beat-up gangsters referred to him as "Kung-Fu Panda".
Sounds amazing.
I still love Sammo but he's starting to get a little long in the tooth
Yeah, going to give it a watch. I'll just buy a dvd of it if needed but first I will submit a request to the library I sometimes go to. They've actually been super good about getting in random movies I submit a request for. The foreign movie section is actually fairly robust, including newer Asian flicks so I was kind of surprised they didn't have this. Also just in general they have lots of movies, I just put a hold on John Wick 2 and noticed they have 48 copies of the dvd right now. :lol:
Why not netflix? Well my home internet isn't very good, heh.
I finally saw the Andromeda Strain after all these years, damn that's a good movie...
A movie like that wouldn't be made today without shakey cam and all sorts of other dumb shit, this movie played it straight and was awesome for it.
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years. Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.
I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years. Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.
I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue
I love this movie, but I watched it when my daughter was too young (when she was 5-7?) and she was not fond of the violence...
Oh, wait, I might be confusing this with Three O'Clock High.... (a MUCH BETTER movie, IMHO).
Just watched Better Off Dead for the first time in about 25 years. Watched it with my 12 year old daughter just to see if she would like it.. she loved it.
I must have watched this movie a lot back in the 80's because I still knew almost every line of dialogue
I love this movie, but I watched it when my daughter was too young (when she was 5-7?) and she was not fond of the violence...
Oh, wait, I might be confusing this with Three O'Clock High.... (a MUCH BETTER movie, IMHO).
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time. Am I crazy for enjoying it?! The Master would say no!
I just watched Catwoman. Halle Berry is smokin'.
That said, this is now in my top 5 worst movies of all time.
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time. Am I crazy for enjoying it?! The Master would say no!
After years of ignoring this movie because I thought it would be terrible I saw Manos for the first time when I got my backer copy of the BD and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a bad movie but not bad in the sense that it isn't enjoyable to watch.
I just saw Manos: The Hands of Fate for the first time. Am I crazy for enjoying it?! The Master would say no!
the MST3K Is on the netflix :)
After years of ignoring this movie because I thought it would be terrible I saw Manos for the first time when I got my backer copy of the BD and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a bad movie but not bad in the sense that it isn't enjoyable to watch.
I only saw the MST3000 version of this....back a billion years ago.
So I finally got the opurtunity to watch “A Boy and His Dog” last night off Amazon Prime.
It’s everything I heard it to be and lives up to the cult status hype.
I watched this as a “late late night movie” back in the 90’s...holy cow, I didn’t know what I was in for.
There is a short story that totally ripped off (homage?) this plot, it was in Analog (or something like that...whatever was sold on magazine rack) from late 80’s...I remember having a feeling of deja vu when I was watching the movie and then remembering the short story...
Police Story 1/2.
Americans are easily amused.
Police Story 1/2.
I clicked this link looking for suggestions of something to watch tomorrow and I find this. I haven't seen those movies in 20 years but god damn, I'll never forget the stunt at the end of the first one where Jackie falls 3 floors in the mall while breaking all of the lights. Those movies were fantastic.
I'm hoping there's a way to legally stream them atm; how'd you watch them?
Shout Factory's blu release. Not a great release tbh but slightly better than DVDs I've seen of it. Guessing the source material wasn't the best, but it also seems like they didn't put a ton of effort into it.
So I have no idea if they are on Netflix or elsewhere.
Shout Factory's blu release. Not a great release tbh but slightly better than DVDs I've seen of it. Guessing the source material wasn't the best, but it also seems like they didn't put a ton of effort into it.
So I have no idea if they are on Netflix or elsewhere.
It looks like they're not anywhere atm. I manage to scratch my Jackie Chan itch by watching the second Drunken Master movie on Netflix.
Saw, and hated, Alien Covenant.Ridley Scott track record has been blah as of late.Id rather have,neill blomkamp have a shot at the alien series since he wanted to make a movie taking place after aliens.
That was a waste of two hours.
And I say this with Alien as one of my all-time favorite Sci-Fi Franchises.
Ridley Scott track record has been blah as of late.Id rather have,neill blomkamp have a shot at the alien series since he wanted to make a movie taking place after aliens.
Not a movie but I've started rewatching the 2004 Battlestar Galactica.
Unrelated note:
I know the guy who worked on building the movie sets back in the 1970's for Battlestar Galactica... And he still has the original painting that became the movie poster...
Breakfast Club lol
it was just as goofy as last time
Too bad ally sheedy stopped being hot.
Watched Pacific Rim with the kids. 3D glasses and all.
I don't know why but I quite enjoyed this.
Not really into the robot/mech thing, but del Toro pulled everything off with some style.
The Rules of the Game (FR, 1939, black and white)
Really good movie.
It's a biting commentary/critique on French society thinly veiled as a comedy. It's quite straight forward.
Of note: the Criterion blu is quite good considering the source material (mono audio and the film itself had to be reconstructed as the French destroyed the negatives in WWII).
Was browsing a thrift store the other day and came upon a few old movies on LaserDisc.
One of them (Runaway Train) looked interesting enough so I fired up the old LD player and popped the disc in.
I find out that it's based on a screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, which of course is a good start.
It's centered around a runaway train but at the same time, the actual train is more of a backdrop for the movie. The true story is about the two criminals and their destiny.
Tight, intelligent thriller. Top performance by Jon Voight.
Danny Trejo's first start in movies.
Every year I watch more or less the same Christmas movies (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Black Christmas, Silent Night Deadly Night, and the TPB Christmas Special) but this year I added a new one to the lineup, To All a Goodnight. I didn’t remember caring for this one when I saw it on VHS but after watching the BD last night I kind of wonder why that is. While it’s not the best Christmas slasher I found that it does move at a fairly decent pace and has a decent body count with a couple of pretty cool kills; the story is a little generic but overall not bad either. It’s no Silent Night Deadly Night but, imo, it’s definitely worth a look if you’re into 80s Christmas slashers!
Trivia: This was the first role for Jennifer Runyon, who would later star in Charles in Charge (Gwendolyn), and it is also the only full-length feature directed by David Hess (of Last House on the Left fame).
Also checked out another 80s Christmas slasher (sort of…) that I’d never seen or heard of before: 3615 Code Père Noël (aka “Deadly Games” and “Game Over”) and was pretty entertained by it in spite of it’s somewhat slow start, low body count, and mostly off-screen violence. It’s the story about a kid at home in his family’s mansion/castle on Christmas Eve with his somewhat feeble and half-blind Grandpa. He talks to some crazy guy on some Santa chat room and the guy figures out where he lives and tries to kill him. The boy, using improvised traps, attempts to defend himself and his grandfather from the killer Santa. The story is pretty decent and the atmosphere is really cool, it’s one of those movies where I almost feel like I’m there in the setting and like being there.
If the plot of that one sounds a lot like Home Alone you would not be alone in thinking that because apparently the director threatened to sue the makers of Home Alone, which came out a year later, over the similarities between the two movies. Now I want to watch Home Alone…
Ah, so Death Wish was a Dino de Laurentiis production. They made some of my favorite movies as a kid (both Conan the Barbarians, Red Sonja, etc).
4/10 this movie sucks! Which is too bad because I remembered it being a lot more better. The plot is pointless and doesn't really go anywhere (it's basically "bronson gets mad and starts shooting muggers in random situations"), and the abysmal ending aggravates it. The soundtrack sucks. Bronson can't act. The movie is exploitative and it carries its pro-vigilante message in a very forced, heavy handed way. What a waste of time.
Ok, you have piqued my interest in 3615 Code Père Noë!!
I enjoy watching the first two DIE HARD films for XMAS (my wife and daughter consider them important XMAS films and I agree).
I want to rewatch the first two Silent Night Deadly Night films since I haven’t seen them in decades, but they were quite enjoyable at the time (middle school).
I am not sure if I have ever watched To All A Good Night...
A long time ago I saw a glimpse of an asian movie on TV where convicted prisoners were assigned to a special forces unit... I then switched channels to watch something else, and came back to it at the very end where the (presumably) main characters were inside a bus and killed dramatically. I was intrigued by it but I couldn't find the name of the movie anywhere, not even on google.
You gotta appreciate how better google's search engine is nowadays. I got reminded of the movie today and simply by searching "prisoners in china special unit killed in the end in a bus" I finally found the damn movie. Silmido (aka Combat Unit 684 - the title I saw on TV): (forgive me Koreans for confusing you with the Chinese ](*,) )
Don't know if the movie is actually good but I sure as hell am going to watch it after wanting to do so all these years.
Oh, by the way I just watched this piece of """"avant-garde"""" garbage.
WOW how subversive! 1 hour of an unentertaining re-dub of a cheesy kung-fu film where all characters are slogan spewing machines and the "hilarious" jokes come from obscure Situationist stuff and from a female narrator who does hilarious remarks during dialog-less scenes such as "Imbecile bearing a sack of petitions, justly trampled underfoot by the servants of the State." (we get it already, STATE CAPITALISM BAD), "There is no suspense, only a jerk would not know how this ends." (yes I'm wasting my time watching this thanks for the reminder) and "For this part please refer to 'bla bla bla something something'. pages xxx-xxx." (uhh no, f*ck off lady. And yes, she does ask you to refer to one of their publications in the middle of the goddamn movie, I'm serious :lol:)
No I didn't watch the movie fully and I'll never will, I'd rather buy their back catalog of propaganda and eat page by page. That would have been more enjoyable than watching this trash that ironically undermines itself by being so propaganda filled to the point of feeling like a parody of what it's trying to parrot to the viewer.
This is obscure for a reason. A propaganda movie made by Situationists for Situationists, there is literally zero value for anyone not under their ideology. Maybe some hardcore leftist can find something here, I don't know and I certainly don't care. ZERO/10
Oh, by the way I just watched this piece of """"avant-garde"""" garbage.
WOW how subversive! 1 hour of an unentertaining re-dub of a cheesy kung-fu film where all characters are slogan spewing machines and the "hilarious" jokes come from obscure Situationist stuff and from a female narrator who does hilarious remarks during dialog-less scenes such as "Imbecile bearing a sack of petitions, justly trampled underfoot by the servants of the State." (we get it already, STATE CAPITALISM BAD), "There is no suspense, only a jerk would not know how this ends." (yes I'm wasting my time watching this thanks for the reminder) and "For this part please refer to 'bla bla bla something something'. pages xxx-xxx." (uhh no, f*ck off lady. And yes, she does ask you to refer to one of their publications in the middle of the goddamn movie, I'm serious :lol:)
No I didn't watch the movie fully and I'll never will, I'd rather buy their back catalog of propaganda and eat page by page. That would have been more enjoyable than watching this trash that ironically undermines itself by being so propaganda filled to the point of feeling like a parody of what it's trying to parrot to the viewer.
This is obscure for a reason. A propaganda movie made by Situationists for Situationists, there is literally zero value for anyone not under their ideology. Maybe some hardcore leftist can find something here, I don't know and I certainly don't care. ZERO/10
edit: what the hell, the forums ate my reply. Nevermind.
edit: what the hell, the forums ate my reply. Nevermind.
Since nobody asked... My friends and I decided to do all the Oscar nominated movies in a 2 week period. My rankings below:
1 Shape of Water
2 Phantom Thread
3 Three Billboards
4 Call Me by Your Name
5 Get Out
6 Lady Bird
7 Darkest Hour
8 The Post
9 Dunkirk
Now I can go back to watching trash and smut.
I've also heard lots of great things. However, I started watching it and instantly found it incredibly predictable and boring. I continued watching, waiting for it to finally "get good", but stopped after 45 minutes. If a movie can't grab my attention within half an hour, it's not worth finishing.
Interested to see Get out so far down. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. made me wonder if I missed something
I've also heard lots of great things. However, I started watching it and instantly found it incredibly predictable and boring. I continued watching, waiting for it to finally "get good", but stopped after 45 minutes. If a movie can't grab my attention within half an hour, it's not worth finishing.
Interested to see Get out so far down. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. made me wonder if I missed something
If someone on here thought this movie was great, I'd love to heard why.
I still haven't watched that korean movie and that kung fu dub still haunts my mind at night.
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.I will when it hits video, though I don't expect anything as good as The Winter Soldier (I guess that's been my favorite of all these non stop Marvel Universe flurry of super hero movies). That was all kinds of major ass-kicking from Captain America and Bucky, fun throughout the whole flick! Like Epic Voice Guy said, they "didn't skip leg day" and their team genuinely liked it.
Hell or High Water (2016)
Old West meets the modern West. A soulful crime drama about desperate brothers pitted against the system.
Great writing, top performances. And superb cinematography to boot.
^ Go watch Infinity War. It. Really. Makes. You. Think.
Um... den of thieves is at 49 on metacritic and 41 on tomato meter. That's borderline "might pass on Netflix" territory let alone best of the genreHell or High Water (2016)
Old West meets the modern West. A soulful crime drama about desperate brothers pitted against the system.
Great writing, top performances. And superb cinematography to boot.
Saw that last year as I was looking for Jeff Bridges movies. Decent bank robbery movie which leads me to Den of Thieves (2018), the latest variation of bank robbery plot starring Gerald Butler. I think it ranks pretty high as one of the best in the genre. Almost felt like watching a bit of Sicario (2015) with Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Emily Blunt...
Does anybody care about the new SW tale, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" ?? Will you "help Solo out" at the box office ?
Word on the street is that relative to Star Wars standards Solo is bombing, BUT, if you alter the standards by judging it as "some heist movie" instead (as some spinmeisters suggest), well, then it's the greatest opening weekend for such a genre... ;)
Personally I just can't get too excited after seeing the last one at theaters (I like Rogue One the most though)... So yeah, I'm not gonna help Solo out myself... I'll happily wait till it hits video. Sorry Solo/Disney, just not feeling it anymore (Star Wars magic), gonna sit this one out, but good luck all the same! :/