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Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Chit-Chat => Topic started by: crazydean on July 31, 2016, 12:48:56 PM

Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on July 31, 2016, 12:48:56 PM
Alright, this is getting started a bit later than I had hoped, but here it is. Tomorrow being Monday and the first of the month, it just seems right to begin tomorrow.


- Begins Monday, August 1st and end Tuesday, November 1st
- $10 buy-in through paypal gift sent to deanshinault@gmail.com with your weight (in pounds or kilos, none of that stone business here) and username attached
- Cash prizes will be given of 50/35/15% total buy-in
- You can enter the contest any time before it ends, but you will be at a greater disadvantage the longer you wait
- Weigh-ins are on the honor system. If I find out someone is trolling or cheating, they will be disqualified.
- Weigh-ins will be every other Monday starting Aug 1st with a final weigh-in Tuesday, Nov 1st
- Please PM me with your weight at each weight-in starting with the first. I will not post actual weight, only amount lost/gained.

Please be consistent with your weigh-ins. Preferably, no clothes, immediately after waking, same scale in the same place. You are welcome to do things differently, just try to be as consistent as possible.

Also, right now it's going to be total weight lost, but we can do percentage of total weight lost instead if I get enough requests.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on July 31, 2016, 12:49:26 PM
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on July 31, 2016, 06:15:16 PM
Yeah, I'm in.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on July 31, 2016, 06:15:58 PM
I think percentage lost is fine, we can always calculate that later. :)
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 01, 2016, 02:11:11 AM
I just took a dumpee-la-rue. I should weigh in.

I have avoided a scale for at least 2 weeks? 3-4 weeks.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on August 01, 2016, 03:13:09 AM
I'm in! Sent my $ and an initial weigh in to Dean. :D

It's too bad we didn't start last month! Here's my fatness this year-to-date:

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 01, 2016, 06:15:27 AM
Paypal SENT I'm in! :)

247.2 lbs and counting, I am trying to hit at least 260 maybe 270.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 01, 2016, 07:44:48 AM
I suppose I should join this...  I'll shoot a PM later.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on August 01, 2016, 10:30:58 AM
I suppose I should join this...  I'll shoot a PM later.

Doing the same.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 01, 2016, 12:03:45 PM

Does this mean that I am in a guaranteed lock? or a guaranteed failure?! Viva Le San Diego!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 01, 2016, 12:33:09 PM
Does this mean that I am in a guaranteed lock? or a guaranteed failure?! Viva Le San Diego!

So the San Diego mindset is eat whatever you want? I suppose if you are already in San Diego then you should be in the San Diego mindset regardless of how much you eat. Ergo, you might as well diet if you live in San Diego since you will remain happy.
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 01, 2016, 01:34:56 PM
229.2 lbs today
Money will be sent later tonight.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 01, 2016, 05:09:46 PM
Paypal sent.  Weigh in tonight was 196.2 lbs.  Though an AM reading would probably be fairer.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: xelement5x on August 02, 2016, 05:36:56 AM
Good luck to all you dudes!  I need more strength training than weight loss right now so I am gonna pass. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on August 02, 2016, 09:59:44 AM
Paypal sent just now.  I, uh, paypald you twice:  once with $10 and once with $.01 because I'm too dumb to remember to include my forum handle.   #-o

Anyway, I weighed in at (ugh) 223 this morning. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 02, 2016, 10:07:09 AM
Count me in.  I could stand to lose a few pounds. 

Payment just sent.  Initial weight today is 163.6 lbs.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 03, 2016, 12:20:03 PM
I hope everyone is doing well so far. I bought a pint of chocolate milk from the convenience store yesterday. After drinking about half of it, I decided to check out the calories...440 for a pint! That was unexpected.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 03, 2016, 02:07:04 PM
I was doing good until lunch today, when coworkers went to my favorite indian food place and I did not say no. So today I had a fat guy lunch of bread and curry (i.e. gravy)

I am down a couple so far. Cutting the excessive amount of alcohol and soda has probably made the biggest difference. Trying to limit my sugar to 40g a day at the most, and 1500 calories or less.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 03, 2016, 02:31:54 PM
Afraid to weigh myself. I am sure I am up from Monday.

Still need to pay $10.

Ate an entire "Movie Theatre Box" of Peanut Chews. Holy shit they were delicious. Holy shit the satisfaction was gone after a few minutes.

I imagine that this is what heroin is like.

Goldenberg's Peanut Chews.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: johnnykonami on August 03, 2016, 02:46:44 PM
Afraid to weigh myself. I am sure I am up from Monday.

Still need to pay $10.

Ate an entire "Movie Theatre Box" of Peanut Chews. Holy shit they were delicious. Holy shit the satisfaction was gone after a few minutes.

I imagine that this is what heroin is like.

Goldenberg's Peanut Chews.

Damn Este, you should be a motivational speaker at weight loss meetings!  I know I'd like a box of peanut chews right now.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 03, 2016, 06:02:14 PM
Oops, I think I forgot to include my handle with the paypal.  Doesn't matter, I dont think I'll win this hehe
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 04, 2016, 01:45:26 AM
Oops, I think I forgot to include my handle with the paypal.  Doesn't matter, I dont think I'll win this hehe

I'm in it (once I PayPal, see my fear of commitment) just to lose a pound or two.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on August 04, 2016, 03:59:24 AM
I've been sticking with my diet pretty well, and I've been walking 5ish miles a day. Yesterday marked day 30 without beer. I think I lost most of the easy weight already, I'm only down a bit over a pound in the past few days. I've tried to throw in some biking and bodyweight workouts this week, so I'm telling myself the slower rate of weight loss is due to the massive amount of muscle I've put on from doing pushups a couple times this week. :D

EDIT: I am below 210 for the first time in I don't know how long, at least 3 years. Just barely below 210, but that feels great. Can't wait to see the scale show something below 200!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 04, 2016, 07:31:11 AM
This is the first time in my life that I've ever gone on a diet. 

I been on a juicing diet for a week now and I must say, it's going well.  Surprisingly I'm not super hungry and drinking a serving of juice for a meal replacement is more satisfying than I expected. 

Definitely have to increase the amount of exercise I do, which is practically none right now.   
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 04, 2016, 11:57:01 AM
Definitely have to increase the amount of exercise I do, which is practically none right now.   

Maintaining the same activity level that your body is used to, but reducing the amount of calories and sugar your body is absorbing, is a great weight loss method.

If you begin to exercise in excess that your body is used to you may upset your metabolism and cause your resting metabolism to conserve energy, and you might find yourself not being as satisfied by those juice.

Burning 400 calories is a lot harder than not consuming them.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 04, 2016, 01:46:07 PM
Thanks for the input, what your saying definitely makes sense. 

I wasn't planning on any rigorous exercising, but I should try and be a bit more active than I am now. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 05, 2016, 02:49:54 AM
UPDATE: Still avoiding scale. I am pretty sure I will crack glass plate and cut my foot.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: shugs81 on August 05, 2016, 02:14:39 PM
A serious massive good luck to all you peeps doing this!!! I'm tempted to join in as I recently lost 56lbs in 13 weeks.... But I have had some meds issues ( suffer with depression) I've probably put most of that back on... Dry nking a bottle of whisky ain't gonna help much!!! But I'll keep n eye out and try to be encouraging /hard ass to keep y'all in line...  :D
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 10, 2016, 06:05:59 AM
I am eating bagel and cream cheese as I type this. Avoided scale since August 2
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 10, 2016, 07:12:57 AM
Progress, but not nearly 10 lbs! We'll see on monday, I guess! :P Good job null, keep it up! I need to avoid those beers in the fridge too lol
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 15, 2016, 02:24:22 AM
It's been two weeks! Did everyone remember to weigh-in today? Looks like Nullity is going to be ahead for now. If everyone is having a hard time remembering to weigh-in every other Monday, we could make it every Monday. That would be an easier habit to get into.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on August 15, 2016, 02:59:18 AM
I've hit a plateau. I've been roughly 209 lbs for more than a week now. :( Oh well, I'm going to keep sticking with what I'm doing.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 15, 2016, 05:07:31 AM
238.4, a wee bit under 9lbs down so far
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 15, 2016, 05:27:43 AM
Weighted in at 154.0 lbs which is close to 10lbs lost. 

If you begin to exercise in excess that your body is used to you may upset your metabolism and cause your resting metabolism to conserve energy, and you might find yourself not being as satisfied by those juice.
Exactly what happened to me this last week.  I did a lot of walking and yard work and as a result I was quite hungry after.  I upped the juice amount so I didn't resort to binge eating or junk food. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 15, 2016, 06:27:48 AM
Thanks Null, your effort and progress is awesome to push me to keep up with it - a lot of hungry (or craving for food I don't need) moments, and quite a few opportunities to have excessive amounts of beer, but I keep thinking "null is so far ahead, must resist"

Keep the pace up man!
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 15, 2016, 06:48:00 AM
Current meal: Chips and salsa.

At least salsa is good for diet.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on August 15, 2016, 08:12:51 AM
Thanks Null, your effort and progress is awesome to push me to keep up with it - a lot of hungry (or craving for food I don't need) moments, and quite a few opportunities to have excessive amounts of beer, but I keep thinking "null is so far ahead, must resist"

Keep the pace up man!

Nice job so far everyone! :D

I have every intention of breaking my beer-free streak on September 2nd. That'll mark 60 days alcohol-free, the 3rd is my birthday and it's a long weekend. I've been dubbing it the Second Coming and have pretty much blocked out several days to sit around drinking beer and playing games. :D After that weekend though, it's back to the grind until maybe PRGE.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 15, 2016, 10:09:45 AM
Heh, yard work put me over the top. My lawn tractor died so I had to push mow my acre lot... Hills and ditches galore. Gave myself heat stroke and spent Saturday night puking and shaking. Lol

I'm impressed with the pace you and gredler are going! Not to exclude sadler- perseverance will pay off, my friend. Stick with it!

Damn, that sounds like it was a heavy duty work out.  Hope you quickly and fully recovered. 

Keep up the good work everyone!

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 15, 2016, 10:13:46 AM
Oops.  197.2 this morning... not sure what happened but I'll keep trying.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 19, 2016, 05:15:08 AM
OK. Apologize for long, rambling post.


With a more positive mindset, and a clear goal, I think I am *back in* even though I was a pussy and never PayPal LeCashMoney.


228.0 pounds

(but the truth is that I gained 5 pounds since the competition had started and was working just to get back to where I started. BAGELS + CREAM CHEESE will do that).

NEW GOAL: I must reach 219-220 pounds by Wednesday morning, the DAY OF RECKONING (official weigh-in for insurance company)

If I lose 8-9 pounds in five days (totally unhealthy, don't bother preaching to me--I know), I will achieve my goal.

I AM ON A COFFEE + ROUGHAGE DIET for five days (not literally...but I will replace 3 meals with coffee + roughage...leaving 3 "normal" meals a day)

I know you think I am joking, but my life is actually this absurd. I may be a clown, but I have fun.

I HAVE PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED A BANANA + COFFEE DIET to lose weight for last year's insurance weigh-in.

Sadly, it did not work (apparently, drizzling the bananas in caramel and eating them with a family-sized bag of chips was counter-productive).

I will have DAILY WEIGH-INS.

Unless I don't.

I tend to ignore/avoid the scale.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: TheClash603 on August 20, 2016, 04:52:39 AM
Everyone knows you gotta do these types of challenges along with the new year.  I am already planning how to beat each of you in January 2017.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 20, 2016, 01:45:38 PM
Everyone knows you gotta do these types of challenges along with the new year.  I am already planning how to beat each of you in January 2017.


I just weighed myself.


So, I gained 0.2 lbs.

TEAM COFFEE & ROUGHAGE is not working out too well.

Go team!
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 21, 2016, 03:03:00 AM
Este, stick with it! I believe in you! You're in Joisey, surely you can find some smack to help with the weight loss. :D


Caffeine is all I got.


Unless I lose my nose+cheeks+ears+ limb to a neighbor on bath salts/flakka, I won't be at 220 lbs Wednesday morning.

But *here's* to wishes coming true!

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: DarkKobold on August 21, 2016, 06:39:10 AM

Still can't complain. 11 more lbs and I will have lost 100 lbs since Jan 25th. I see you guys at 198, 228, etc... Talking about losing weight, and all I can think is "f*ck yeah, I might only be as fat as them by year's end!" :D

Progress is progress, despite where anyone else is at. You are kicking ass, don't let others numbers discourage you. 

I've lost 25 lbs since Jan 4th. Scale measured under 200 (199.5!) for the first time since I left undergrad. Damn near a decade. I've got 15 more lbs to go, to hit the mythical 15% body fat.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 21, 2016, 08:14:29 AM
This is bullshit. I've put on 3 lbs since I stopped drinking 4 days ago. Cut 1000 calories of vodka from my daily diet expecting to lose weight. :/ If the trend doesn't change in another few days I will be returning to my alcoholismistic roots.

Your body just needs time to adjust. Don't give up!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 21, 2016, 08:47:07 AM

I've got 15 more lbs to go, to hit the mythical 15% body fat.

I've got 8lbs to go to hit the mythical 29.99% non-obesity BMI.


I just ate a 12inch sub from the deli. Fantastic.

And, there are leftovers in the fridge from my kids' lunch.

I CAN EAT SUBS & LOSE 8 lbs in 2.5 days.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 21, 2016, 09:30:51 AM
Este, maybe you just need to join the challenge already. It may be the encouragement you need.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 21, 2016, 09:33:46 AM
Este, maybe you just need to join the challenge already. It may be the encouragement you need.


Otherwise, yes, I should just join.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 21, 2016, 12:57:15 PM
You have inspired me to buy a pint of wodka and a double quarter pounder value meal with 20 PC nuggets to help give you a fighting chance come Wednesday.

Don't do it! Although, vodka has high alcohol/calories ratio compared to other beverages. Whiskey is also a good choice. Do you normally drink it straight? Also, for fast food, fried chicken is a better alternative to a burger or fries. Although, nuggets tend to be very fatty. It's best to stick with the tenders.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 22, 2016, 12:41:18 AM
If I starve myself for the next 48 hours, I think I might be able to lose a pound or two.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 29, 2016, 02:41:16 AM
Wow that's great. I am up from the beginning of the challenge haha.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 29, 2016, 03:19:13 AM
I have been avoiding the scale.

Congrats, nullity.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on August 29, 2016, 04:53:53 AM
Impressive results Nullity!  :clap:

Lost about 6 lbs. in the last 2 weeks.  My progress slowed a bit after a family gathering at a all-you-can-eat buffet. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 29, 2016, 06:58:41 AM
Nice job null, you're about to lap me! Glad to hear you're doing so well, but f*ck off none the less! It's cool having someone set the pace, and to try to keep up with that, but shit man give us a chance! ;)

235.5 today, and considering I went on two family trips one was a wedding I am surprised I am not up from that weigh in ;)
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 29, 2016, 10:28:56 AM
194 this morning.  Not really going anywhere it seems
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on August 29, 2016, 12:34:34 PM
Didn't weigh myself this morning but as of now, I'm 221.  That's -2 pounds in a month, so, not great!  Still hanging in there.  Here's hoping for more progress in the next couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 29, 2016, 01:59:00 PM
194 this morning.  Not really going anywhere it seems

Didn't weigh myself this morning but as of now, I'm 221.  That's -2 pounds in a month, so, not great!  Still hanging in there.  Here's hoping for more progress in the next couple of weeks.

I'd love to be 221.

I'd love to be 194!

F@ck, I can't even remember when I was under 200lbs...

What I hate about weight loss is that it is much easier for me when my jaw is wired shut.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 29, 2016, 04:24:14 PM
I think for me to not be considered "overweight" I need to be like 173 or something...
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 30, 2016, 02:10:19 AM
I think for me to not be considered "overweight" I need to be like 173 or something...

Shut up.

In middle school, and I was SUPER SKINNY back then, I weighed ~175...7th grade.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Trenton_net on August 30, 2016, 02:41:25 AM
Ok, so now that everyone is battling it out, does anyone care to share any tips on how they are dealing with weight loss? Was it mostly just cutting back on the kinds of food you ate, or was it more to do with being active?
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 30, 2016, 03:27:08 AM
Ok, so now that everyone is battling it out, does anyone care to share any tips on how they are dealing with weight loss? Was it mostly just cutting back on the kinds of food you ate, or was it more to do with being active?

Activity is good but not required. I think it was Gredler who once summed it up quite nicely: it is easier to not eat 400 calories than it is to burn 400 calories.

For me, it has been a very low carb & high fat diet. Eating this way helps you feel full while eating much less. It is almost impossible for me to go over 1400 calories in a day, and many days I don't even hit 1000. A good multivitamin helps also.

I've also adopted intermittent fasting. Pretty much no food after dinner and skip breakfast most days. It was a challenge at first but now comes naturally.

Yeah, I gotta skip eating after dinner. It kills me. I eat 2,000 calories after dinner. No joke.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: sirhcman on August 30, 2016, 03:42:05 AM

Yeah, I gotta skip eating after dinner. It kills me. I eat 2,000 calories after dinner. No joke.


Congrats to everyone who is actually losing weight and taking the challenge seriously. Keep at it guys!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on August 30, 2016, 03:45:07 AM

Yeah, I gotta skip eating after dinner. It kills me. I eat 2,000 calories after dinner. No joke.


Congrats to everyone who is actually losing weight and taking the challenge seriously. Keep at it guys!

I seriously have problems. :)
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 30, 2016, 06:01:34 AM
My routine since starting this is
[ul][li]Water in the morning (or a sodium free mineral water for a flavor treat omw to work)[/li][li]Protein shake at lunch (organic non-whey non-soy protein,https://www.amazon.com/Orgain-Organic-Protein-Powder-Chocolate/dp/B00J074W94/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1472576176&sr=8-1&keywords=orgain%2Borganic%2Bprotein%2Bshake[/li][li]Sometimes I use coffee in my protein shake for that starbucks milkshake  taste and caffine boost[/li][li]Light dinner of lean meat and vegitables (Salad or steamed vegitables + salmon or chicken.)[/li][li]In between those two main meals I try to get 2 snacks a day of either 100cals of raw almonds/walnuts and turkey jerky.[/li][/ul]To be honest, I love jerky, and turkey jerky is so low in calories and so delicious that I look forward to each snack. The entire bag of jerky lasts me about a week, and in total is like 300 calories.

Like null said, just trying to keep my calories low and my activity level normal or slightly above normal (light gym cardio and weight lifting a couple times a week.)

I can't stay under 1500, if I do I feel tired and really hungry. I was consuming over 3,500 calories for most of my adult life, but I also used to be much more athletic until about 3 years ago that stopped due to work hours and injury.

A side note, I am going to the doctor for a follow up on knee MRI's today, and hopefully get that figured out, so combined with my weight loss maybe I can go back to sitting on the ground to play video games soon - athleticism!!!
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on August 30, 2016, 06:42:26 AM
Is that broganic certified?

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 30, 2016, 06:49:09 AM
Is that broganic certified?

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 30, 2016, 09:17:18 AM
I'm cutting back / eliminating soda.  That worked for me last time I lost weight.  Trying it again but it's a challenge.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 30, 2016, 11:18:31 AM
I have been a soda addict for most of my life, either diet or regular back and fourth to tame calorie intake, but this is the first thing I've found that is slightly tasty and no shitty additives,

http://www.lacroixwater.com (http://www.lacroixwater.com/)

My favorite flavors are berry, watermelon strawberry, coconut, and a few others are tied.

At one point I was two liter on the desk guy, refill 64oz fountain cokes, every meal with a soda, and wake up with a sugary energy drink.

Stopping drinking soda has been the hardest part of this challenge for me for sure, followed shortly by beer.

I've gotten to really enjoy these sparkling waters though, and even use them as a mixer with rum or tequilla when desperate for a large iced cocktail, though typically I just drink the liqour straight.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on August 30, 2016, 11:55:56 AM
Agreed on the Lacroix water.  Stuff's pretty good.  Never was much for beer so I dont have that to kick but man the soda addiction is real!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on August 30, 2016, 12:13:38 PM
I've been slowly getting things together for this.  I'm trying to eat healthier and I've been going back to the gym finally.  I dislocated my shoulder and stopped hitting the gym back in March; I've been healed up for a while but after I fell out of the habit of going I found it hard to get back in there.  I was mega sore after the first time back so I then waited a week to go again.  Then I went twice last week.  This week will be the first that I'll be going 3 days (my current goal).

If I win the contest?  Great.  If I don't (which seems likely to me at this point)?  No biggee; it's helped motivate me to get back on track health wise so that is definitely a good enough reward.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: xelement5x on August 31, 2016, 05:01:58 AM
I've been slowly getting things together for this.  I'm trying to eat healthier and I've been going back to the gym finally.  I dislocated my shoulder and stopped hitting the gym back in March; I've been healed up for a while but after I fell out of the habit of going I found it hard to get back in there.  I was mega sore after the first time back so I then waited a week to go again.  Then I went twice last week.  This week will be the first that I'll be going 3 days (my current goal).

If I win the contest?  Great.  If I don't (which seems likely to me at this point)?  No biggee; it's helped motivate me to get back on track health wise so that is definitely a good enough reward.

You did the right thing.  A lot of people try to press on through pain when they first start working out and wind up injuring themselves more and then need to totally stop working out again while it heals.  Slow and steady man!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 31, 2016, 07:36:13 AM
You did the right thing.  A lot of people try to press on through pain when they first start working out and wind up injuring themselves more and then need to totally stop working out again while it heals.  Slow and steady man!


Yeah... Injuries that go healed improperly often come back up as worse/weirder injuries later. The MRI from the doctor found scar tissue and cysts on my tendons from multiple injuries and getting back on the rink after "it felt better".
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on August 31, 2016, 07:50:38 AM
Those weren't cysts and that isn't a tendon.

Are you saying the doctor confused my leg for some other appendage?
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gypsy on September 02, 2016, 09:22:02 AM
This thread has inspired me to actually use my treadmill. It's still early (few weeks in), but I'm already feeling a bit better.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on September 12, 2016, 03:02:37 PM
How's everyone's progress? 

Lost about 8 lbs. the last 2 weeks.  I'm getting really close to my target weight.  At this point there's not a lot of weight for me to lose.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 12, 2016, 11:59:39 PM
I have avoided scale since... weeks
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on September 13, 2016, 07:13:54 AM
How's everyone's progress? 

Lost about 8 lbs. the last 2 weeks.  I'm getting really close to my target weight.  At this point there's not a lot of weight for me to lose.

Damn dude, nice!

I have only lost one more pound since last weigh in. Cheated over the three day weekend and have not yet redeemed myself. Luckily I have a literal buttload of weight yet to lose.

If consensus is to go by % lost, I will be in trouble! I'm ok with losing to a worthy competitor, though. Your dedication is impressive, man.

Thanks!  Honestly, I've really been inspired and motivated by your progress.  Similar to you I did some heavy duty yard work at my Mom's 1 acre lot over the 3 day weekend.  My whole body ached and it took a few days to recover from that. 

Going by total weight loss and not % lost is perfectly fine with me.   I'm just happy losing weight and being motivated by you guys here. 8)

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on September 13, 2016, 07:34:46 AM
Same here I'm fine with total or % either way.

My weight curve took a turn upwards after a few weeks of allowing beer to creep back into my diet, along with too many mexican food meals :( Calories in have outweighed calories out, and I am a couple lbs back up (238 as of last weigh in this morning:( )
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on September 13, 2016, 08:40:53 AM
Same here I'm fine with total or % either way.

My weight curve took a turn upwards after a few weeks of allowing beer to creep back into my diet, along with too many mexican food meals :( Calories in have outweighed calories out, and I am a couple lbs back up (238 as of last weigh in this morning:( )

I made the same mistake. :( I need to get back on track. I ordered myself a rowing machine which I must not let turn into an incredibly expensive piece of furniture.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 15, 2016, 10:39:28 AM
whats up fatties! I guess im too late to join. Would it be ok to spiritually join so i can rant and rave about my own weight loss while also helping others? Im on a reddit weight loss challenge as well but they dont shit talk so much over there.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 15, 2016, 10:44:31 AM
whats up fatties! I guess im too late to join. Would it be ok to spiritually join so i can rant and rave about my own weight loss while also helping others? Im on a reddit weight loss challenge as well but they dont shit talk so much over there.

It's never too late to join.


Also, I am certain there is some leftover pizza in the fridge.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 15, 2016, 10:53:58 AM
whats up fatties! I guess im too late to join. Would it be ok to spiritually join so i can rant and rave about my own weight loss while also helping others? Im on a reddit weight loss challenge as well but they dont shit talk so much over there.

It's never too late to join.


Also, I am certain there is some leftover pizza in the fridge.


Thank you! Lets make American thin again! So, do I send money? Im down to just join and help out wiithout actually being in the challenge.

STEP AWAY FROM THE PIZZA!!!! why do you even have that in your fridge!!!!!! lol
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 18, 2016, 10:25:51 AM
Welcome! Pay only if you want a shot at the monetary prize. The smaller clothes and better health prizes are free! :D

Im going to pay but its going to be more of a donation since im starting so late. More incentive for the rest of you guys.

Im currently 265. My starting weight!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 18, 2016, 12:06:55 PM
I'm at 224. Pretty sure that was my starting weight. Or near it.
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 18, 2016, 12:13:16 PM
I'm at 224. Pretty sure that was my starting weight. Or near it.

Sorry, esteban. This thread is for participants only. Mods plz boot

You can take my cash money and sprinkle balsamic vinaigrette on it.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 18, 2016, 01:54:57 PM
Money sent. Enjoy it! just in case though I sent a PM to the OP with my starting weight lol. That 10 bux could have got me a keith courage!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 18, 2016, 02:06:46 PM
i need to figure out a good image hosting solution
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on September 18, 2016, 07:52:32 PM
Alrighty, I finally updated the second post with weight lost. I haven't gotten an update from seieienbu and BlueBMW recently. Also, I haven't heard from esteban or joshuaTurbo.

This is the half-way mark people!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 22, 2016, 05:21:55 AM
Woohoo... Cheated on the diet last night, and woke up this morning to a new low.

I can finally say that I have lost 100 lbs this year. :D

Sounds like a woosh! Read more about it lol


I can sum it up for you though. You lose a bunch of weight but your fat retains water so the scale show either no weight loss or even slight gain. You eat a crazy meal and your body decides its time to get rid of that water. Woosh, you lose 5 to 10 lbs (depending on how much fat you has).

[edit] im 262lbs right now.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on September 22, 2016, 05:36:42 AM
Interesting. Never heard of a whoosh.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on September 22, 2016, 06:15:53 AM
235.2 today, treading water full of ocasional pizza and burritos paired with no other real food lol
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: johnnykonami on September 22, 2016, 06:49:29 AM
Woohoo... Cheated on the diet last night, and woke up this morning to a new low.

I can finally say that I have lost 100 lbs this year. :D

Grats Null!  All of that strenuous obey paid off!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 22, 2016, 08:18:30 AM
235.2 today, treading water full of ocasional pizza and burritos paired with no other real food lol

Comrade, that *is* real food.

Don't forget that.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on September 22, 2016, 04:40:22 PM
Congrats nullity, that's quite an achievement!

I gained about 5 lbs. this past week, so I've gotta get back on my diet.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on September 22, 2016, 05:03:32 PM
Official weigh in: 223 lbs.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 26, 2016, 04:46:58 AM
alright guys! Its monday! Lets make this week count!!! I drank a bunch of whiskey over the weekend :( and I had 4 light beers!!!!!  ](*,)  but i ate pretty well though It rained all weekend so I stayed inside and did work. how was everyone elses weekend
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on September 26, 2016, 06:21:19 AM
alright guys! Its monday! Lets make this week count!!! I drank a bunch of whiskey over the weekend :( and I had 4 light beers!!!!!  ](*,)  but i ate pretty well though It rained all weekend so I stayed inside and did work. how was everyone elses weekend

Pretty sure there are no calories in light beer...
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on September 26, 2016, 07:00:30 AM
alright guys! Its monday! Lets make this week count!!! I drank a bunch of whiskey over the weekend :( and I had 4 light beers!!!!!  ](*,)  but i ate pretty well though It rained all weekend so I stayed inside and did work. how was everyone elses weekend

Pretty sure there are no calories in light beer...

I thought i was drinking water. Four waters in and I was feeling alright
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on September 26, 2016, 07:46:38 AM
I was not able to weigh in this morning, I'll have to follow up tomorrow, but it's not looking/feeling good from the amount of beers and food I had over the weekend. The weekdays are easy for me to not eat at work and be careful when I get home, but the weekends are rough to say the least - gluttonous fun -but rough on the diet.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on September 26, 2016, 10:59:47 AM
Overall I gained a few pounds from the last weigh in.   

The next few weeks are gonna be more difficult for me with a number of birthday dinners and celebrations coming up. 
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on October 01, 2016, 11:18:38 AM
I am at a family party and weighed myself on a scale that may or may not be accurate. Apparently, after depositing nearly a gallon of urine in the toilet, I GAINED 0.4 lbs (according to this scale) over the span of 45-55 seconds.

To teach the scale a lesson, I immediately ate four pieces of cheesecake.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on October 03, 2016, 05:51:30 AM
I, too, lost ground over the weekend. Chinese buffet and way too much booze... CSGX most likely has the lead at this point. Lol

This! only add pizza :( was my sunday... oh. and a whole lot of soda! Youd think one day wouldnt ruin a week but somehow it does!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on October 03, 2016, 11:15:54 AM
Seems like I am stagnated at 195 lbs.  Frustrating because I need to be about 178 to have a BMI that is considered "normal"
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on October 03, 2016, 11:35:15 AM
Seems like I am stagnated at 195 lbs.  Frustrating because I need to be about 178 to have a BMI that is considered "normal"

That BMI shit is not to be trusted. It says i have to be like 172 to be healthy. At 200 im usually sporting a four pack lol
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on October 10, 2016, 06:45:48 AM
I think next time I see the Doc im going to see if my vitamin D is low again. Maybe see if my testosterone is low. I cant get motivated to do ANYTHING. I know Im not depressed, im on a steady dose of Bonks and Ninja Spirit! :) Last I went to the Doc i was prescribed vitamin D, which is weird cause I get plenty of sun. That hurricane did put a damper on things for a little bit here for sure though
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on October 10, 2016, 07:09:44 AM
It was a tough few weeks, but I managed to overall lose weight after gaining weight during the last weigh in period.  I went to a couple birthday celebrations and enjoyed pizza, Chinese buffet, cake & ice cream, etc. but didn't over indulge.  I definitely got to revert back to the strict diet for the rest of the month. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: munchiaz on October 13, 2016, 12:27:38 PM
Sucks i didn't know about this sooner (my fault) I started working out earlier this year,and went from 250 lbs. to 213 lbs. currently. Getting ready for my wedding really helped me focus on the bigger picture
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on October 14, 2016, 02:15:10 AM
If you dont get enough of that D!

The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are sometimes vague and can include tiredness and general aches and pains. Some people may not have any symptoms at all.

If you have a severe vitamin D deficiency you may have pain in your bones and weakness, which may mean you have difficulty getting around. You may also have frequent infections. However, not everyone gets these symptoms.

The Dr had to prescribe me the D last I went I was so low on D. Which like i said was odd because i live in South Florida and I am outside all the time.

So you guys should get the D, I know it might be scary at first and you dont think you can get it all down but it gets easier  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: munchiaz on October 14, 2016, 04:40:27 AM
Sucks i didn't know about this sooner (my fault) I started working out earlier this year,and went from 250 lbs. to 213 lbs. currently. Getting ready for my wedding really helped me focus on the bigger picture

Awesome, munch! Congrats on the weight loss, and condolences on the wedding. (;

LMAO, thanks Nul
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on October 24, 2016, 12:54:59 AM
It is check-in day. However, the challenge actually ends on the First of November. I will stop accepting final weigh-ins at midnight and post results Wednesday, the second.
Well gents, C U Next Tuesday!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on October 24, 2016, 07:59:34 AM
Damn it!  Just this morning my juicer machine broke in spectacular fashion while making my daily kale juice.  The metal filter fell apart, pieces shot out and shattered the side of it, all while making a really loud bang.  Luckily no fragments shot out towards me.

Unfortunately broke at a bad time with the last stretch of the challenge being this week.  The juicer has been a vital tool for my diet and weight loss.  Time to get another one. 

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on October 24, 2016, 08:40:02 AM
enjoy my $10 jerks!!! lol. I havent gained or loss and i been in various stages of cheating lol. I can live with it for now.

Id look into a vitamix instead of a juicer. They cost a lot but are rock solid and quite scary! I love mines and should use it on more then just mixed drinks lol
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on October 24, 2016, 08:59:21 AM
Yeah my 10 is likely lost as well, as my diet has changed from good to bad to decent to terrible. back up to 241 today on my weigh in
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on October 24, 2016, 09:47:48 AM
Only because I am working long days, I have *not* been able to eat as much as I normally do.

My official weigh-in is 220 lbs.

I have lost 8(?) lbs.

I hope to CRUSH IT for the final week and beat nullity!

I can achieve this.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: wildfruit on October 25, 2016, 11:40:39 PM
Since all you started losing weight I've put it on. The shame. I now have moobs. I hate myself.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on October 25, 2016, 11:57:32 PM
Since all you started losing weight I've put it on. The shame. I now have moobs. I hate myself.

I have to-yo'd the entire time.

I bought a pound of spinach on Sunday and haven't touched it yet.

I guess that will be my dinner tonight!

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: wildfruit on October 26, 2016, 12:52:29 AM
Seriously. They're disgusting. I remember being 16 and having abs. [emoji29]
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: xelement5x on October 26, 2016, 07:11:32 AM
Seriously. They're disgusting. I remember being 16 and having abs. [emoji29]

I remember being 16 and having Cinnabon. 

I think you won this round.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on October 30, 2016, 01:36:05 PM
Ok everyone, the time is almost here. I need final weigh-ins from everyone involved in the challenge. The cut-off time is 11:59 PM Tuesday, November 1st (EST). No late entries will be accepted. If I do not get a final weigh-in from you between now and the cut-off, I will assume a net loss of 0 lbs. A winner will be announced sometime on Wednesday after I get a chance to figure it all out.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on October 30, 2016, 03:50:10 PM
I never pledged $$$ l, but I am still "competing" in spirit :)

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on October 30, 2016, 09:27:29 PM
I haven't been particularly active in this thread but I've been sticking to my gym routine after I finally got my body to accept the hard truth that yes, I am going to make it lift heavy things again.  I got off to a slow start but I'm happy to say that

Feel free to consider me out of the contest as I did not follow the rules, but nevertheless, I started at 223 and am now down to 211.  12 pounds in three months isn't exactly stellar but I'm pleased that I'm on the right path again.  It took me too long to get back to the gym from an injury but now that I'm there I feel better than I have for most of this year so win or lose the competition I'm happy with my progress.

If we do another one of these any time soon I'll gladly enter it as well.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Sadler on October 31, 2016, 04:18:49 AM
Started at 211. Finished at 209.6. Damn, I really lost focus. :( I did hit a low of 203.4 in late August. Oh well.

Congrats to everyone who managed to stick with it! :D
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on October 31, 2016, 06:32:37 AM
Cant remember what I started at...

Weigh in today was 194.4 lbs though.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on October 31, 2016, 07:19:53 AM
Started at 163.6
Finished at 128.5

35.1 lbs.  lost. 

Honestly, I'm really surprised how much I've lost overall and quite thrilled with my results.  My target weight was to be around 140 lbs and never would have thought I'd ever reach or even surpass my goal.  I even had to buy smaller sized clothes a few weeks ago.

So after my juicer broke, I used a blender and strainer which worked well but took me a lot more time to make my daily juice.  I was still able to keep at it during this week's final stretch. 

I'm pretty much a skeleton now, just in time for Halloween. :)  I definitely need to do strength training and gain some muscle mass.   

Much thanks to Dean again for putting together and managing this challenge.  I definitely wouldn't have lost as much without you all and this challenge. 

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on October 31, 2016, 01:15:28 PM
Cant remember what I started at...

Weigh in today was 194.4 lbs though.

You started at 196.2.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: seieienbu on October 31, 2016, 03:04:16 PM
Started at 285.4
Finished at 255.8

29.6 lost... Dammit. I gorged on homemade beef jerky last night, which in retrospect was very stupid. Sodium bombed myself at the finish line. We'll just say it was a self inflicted handicap because I felt bad for csgx losing his juice maker.

Thanks again for organizing this, Dean! 

30 pounds is quite impressive, congratulations!

35.1 lbs.  lost. 


But yeah, 35 pounds?  Super congrats!!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on November 01, 2016, 10:00:43 AM
216.2 is my weigh in from yesterday. I didn't have time this morning.

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: roflmao on November 01, 2016, 04:49:49 PM
Dang! Nice Job everyone! If this happens again, I'd like to partake. :)
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on November 02, 2016, 01:34:48 AM
Results are in. First page has been updated to show final results.

1st: csgx1
2nd: nullty
3rd: seieienbu

Congrats to everyone who made progress! I'll have paypal out this evening when I get home.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on November 02, 2016, 06:49:52 AM
Congrats to you winners, and progress makers. I will join another if you guys want a round 2!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 02, 2016, 06:51:29 AM
Yes. make a round 2 so I can get in on the ground level!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: xelement5x on November 02, 2016, 07:49:31 AM
Congrats to all participants!

Even if you didn't win the contest, every step towards a healthier lifestyle is a real world level up. 
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: crazydean on November 03, 2016, 04:25:10 AM
Hey guys, nullity asked me about a round 2, I know that some of you are interested in doing this again. My life right now is not stable enough for me to be a part of this, so if someone wants to run another one, I encourage you to do so.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 03, 2016, 04:29:33 AM
I was giving this a little thought. These are the holiday months and we are only two months away from the new years so maybe start another challenge on the new year? regardless I will probably stay on here and report my failures until someone steps up and fills the void. Right now im filling my void with food.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: BlueBMW on November 03, 2016, 07:03:03 AM
And the next day I dropped to 193.0 Oh well hehe.  Maybe a new years second day round go would be good?
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: Gredler on November 03, 2016, 07:05:10 AM
The way I look at round 2 is "don't let the holidays set you back into bad habits and gaining weight, and try to even lose a couple during this fattening delicious foods and drinks around us constantly time of year"

Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 03, 2016, 08:11:15 AM
The way I look at round 2 is "don't let the holidays set you back into bad habits and gaining weight, and try to even lose a couple during this fattening delicious foods and drinks around us constantly time of year"


I will likely lose weight over the next few months. I just dont want the challenge to sour any holiday bingging I might take part in.
Title: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: esteban on November 03, 2016, 08:31:16 AM
I am going to continue (hopefully!) losing weight, so even if a smaller subset want to continue with a challenge (weekly check-in), that would be awesome.

We could set up a google spreadsheet and let folks enter in their weight... formula calculates %lost and lbs. lost ...


Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 03, 2016, 10:01:19 AM
I am going to continue (hopefully!) losing weight, so even if a smaller subset want to continue with a challenge (weekly check-in), that would be awesome.

We could set up a google spreadsheet and let folks enter in their weight... formula calculates %lost and lbs. lost ...


Yes please.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 04, 2016, 03:53:19 AM
I come to realize that my laziness makes no sense. Went to drive to work today...car was showing tire had low pressure. I didnt feel like dealing with getting change and stopping at the gas station to fill the tires with air. So instead I rode my bike to work 8.5 miles. Admittedly most of it is along the coast of fortlauderdale beach so the scenery is super sweet. 17th street causeway bridge can suck it though!
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: csgx1 on November 04, 2016, 04:53:30 AM
 I'm not planning on losing anymore weight at this point but I should try to maintain a healthy diet and portion control.  I might have to get in round 2 if I gain a lot of weight back during the holidays.  I always hear that, losing weight is easier than keeping it off. 

I plan on buying a replacement juicing machine soon, so the prize money will be well spent. 

Good luck to everyone during the holidays.  Definitely gonna be difficult for me to hold back the good eating.
Title: Re: Weight Loss Challenge
Post by: khyron65 on November 04, 2016, 07:12:25 AM
I'm not planning on losing anymore weight at this point but I should try to maintain a healthy diet and portion control.  I might have to get in round 2 if I gain a lot of weight back during the holidays.  I always hear that, losing weight is easier than keeping it off. 

I plan on buying a replacement juicing machine soon, so the prize money will be well spent. 

Good luck to everyone during the holidays.  Definitely gonna be difficult for me to hold back the good eating.

Take my 10 bucks and get you a nice minty copy of Keith Courage. You earned it!