CAW for Lykos! :mrgreen:Same here >w>
I've no acting skills or recording equipment worth a poop, but I'm excited y'all are getting so close to a completion (happy ending?). Good luck to everyone with their auditions!
Wow, the amount of time and effort you put into the audition listing alone is impressive! I kind of want to try out myself but I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of random characters!
Wow, the amount of time and effort you put into the audition listing alone is impressive! I kind of want to try out myself but I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of random characters!
Be careful folks ... if you haven't played the games yet, and you're not seriously thinking about auditioning, then you might want to skip reading the the Character List page, because there are some much-needed plot-spoilers in there to explain who the characters are. :shock:
The other pages are worth reading even if you're not going to audition ... Esteban and SamIAm did a wonderful job on the website! :clap:
Audition sent! :dance:
Audition sent! :dance:
Thanks, you're officially the first one to send anything in! :D
Would anyone with a NeoGAF account be willing to make a post there on our behalf? Elmer and I have both tried registering there, multiple times in my case, but they're just so darned strict.
PM me if you're up for it.
It's all about exposure. If posting on a forum gets us one more actor, it's worth it. Those 50+ parts aren't going to fill themselves, after all.
I've asked my daughter if she want to try out a voice.
Her boyfriend has recording facilities.
I will ask on Racketboy. We have a couple lady-members there.
I made a post about this with a link to the audition page on my deviantArt, I don't know how much it will help, but spreading the word is the least that I can do!
It's here ( in case anyone wants to read it...
I will ask on Racketboy. We have a couple lady-members there.
I made a post about this with a link to the audition page on my deviantArt, I don't know how much it will help, but spreading the word is the least that I can do!
It's here ( in case anyone wants to read it...
Do you know what happened to VAA? I could swear I was there just the other week myself.
I have a female friend who's very interested - I can have her send in auditions from her laptop with the promise that she can use my good mic over here if she gets a part. I'm also going to send the link to various people (youtubers, etc) who I think have great voices and would be interested.
I wont be able to audition because of recording equipment restrictions, but I wonder if someone auditions for one role and you feel they are more appropriate for another, will you offer them that other role?
I'm really very, very impressed with some of the auditions that are coming in! :D
It's still early days, and we're going to need a *lot* more, though. :pray:
Oh wow, I was gonna ask why Voice Acting Alliance wasn't used since that's what helped for the Ys IV dub. Seems the site got flagged as unsafe, and then they went down totally.
I have a NeoGAF account, I tried the Create Thread option, but it seems I don't have enough posts. I only had about 9 since registering. Yeah, they're pretty strict, forced me to find my ISP's assigned email address and register with that.
BTW, is this esteban's web work to set up dub recruitment ?
Amazing, great that you managed to get him involved in a project somehow!
Especially this:
WOW, a lot of tedious work went in to put a good guide like that together!
Ah. Stand corrected.
Excellent! What kind of bad-good voice Turbografx acting are they looking for? Final Zone II levels of quality dubbing? “Oh OHHHHH!!” “You are... an able soldier.... someone might hate you.... just for being so good....” “I don’t like the sound of these... bio monsters...”
And if we get a tidal wave of crappy auditions because of your post, I'm going to be very upset. :evil: :wink: :D
I think people get it's sarcasm on the Last Alert style. ;)
I edited in a clarifying "as-close-to-professional dub" disclaimer and an "/end sarcasm," etc. for you, ya sour puss. ;)
Apart from that, thanks for posting there, we really appreciate you helping out and keeping the thread there alive! :wink:
EDIT: I'd get in touch with BurntLasagna, his brother is in this thread, LentFilms, and ask for his contacts, like the female actresses he found for Ys IV (with VAA at the time) since you're indicating there's a shortage there (understandable).
Not exactly sure how the auditions have been doing lately but last I heard Sam was getting swamped with auditions so hopefully trying to get old actors/actresses to return from Ys IV will be unnecessary.
I'm absolutely amazed that we're getting mentioned in some very-unusual places ...
That's wonderful in terms of getting people's attention, but the worry-wart in me is starting to get concerned that we might eventually attract the wrong attention! 8-[
JS: English speaking fans are so passionate they've made unofficial translations of Ys - what does Falcom think of this?
TK: We're really honored that people are interested in the Ys world so much. However, at the same time we always felt guilty for not being able to bring an official product to their hands. We're very pleased that after a long time we were finally able to bring over an official English version for this audience.
You might be the only hardcore gamer who started with a fan website and then became president of the company you were championing! Can you tell us how that came to be, how you met Falcom founder Masayuki Kato, and how you managed to take over his position?
TK: I had a school assignment to create an introductory website for something, which became the fansite for "Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch" (Known as "White Witch" in Japan - EG). There was an offline gathering and I was able to meet many passionate Falcom fans. Within the group, there were some people who worked in the game industry and by talking to them, after graduation, I thought about applying at Falcom. However, I was an economics student, so I applied for a position in the finance department. Once I entered the company, because I had some experience with the internet, I was placed in a position that dealt with the web. In order to create things like game introductions and manuals, I started test playing the games. This lead me to be closer to the development team and I was able to offer my input. Afterwards, I actually was able to take a position within the development team and after some time doing project and product management I found myself as the president - the position I occupy today. Apparently, the founder of Falcom, Mr. Kato, took a look at my fansite after I joined the company and wanted to teach me many things about the company philosophy and game development.
I've been hit hard with allergy season, did some recording but I wasn't happy with em, soon as this clears I'll have my goods submitted.
So the president of the company got his start as "one of us" and he didn't condemn fan translations when he had the clearest possible opening to do so.
I'm trying to find it right now and can't, but one of Square's lawyers said some really nasty things about fan translators, including the people who did Seiken Denestsu 3.
We are probably OK.
So, will elmer and/or SamIAm be heard in this dub by chance ? ;)
I'm planning on doing auditions as well, might try my hand at most of the males, maybe eve some of the females just for kicks! :D
but it's 100x preferred that you just send us wav files of your stuff at every phase
Looks like the dub project is beginning to get YouTube notice now ...
Still, good luck with the auditions! I'll be cheering you on in the background ^^
I want to try to get in on this before the deadline, I also have a friend who who is very good at voices who might be interested who I'll pass this along to.
If you need more actors/actresses of a certain voice type or want to hear more auditions for a specific character then I would highly recommend bumping all your threads on the voice acting fourms you have your project on and giving everyone an update. It is a good way to keep the project more lively on those fourms and potentially attract more volunteers.
This is not a very realistic idea but what if you asked Mike Reynolds to read the lines of Areios's Grandfather?
His Linkedin page is located here:
I've checked that linked-in, and it's not 100% certain that it's the same guy, and he's looking really-really-old from his photo there, and he hasn't updated the page since about 2010, so I'm not even sure if he's still alive!
Please choose me for lead female role!
Maaaaaaaaan, I haven't gotten around to recording my attempts, I hope I can somehow do it in the next few days.
I have absolutely no idea how we got this much interest ... but we got our 1,000th audition today. :shock:That's insane! Better eat your Wheaties.
That's counting by actor/actress & character, and not just actor/actress ... most people (as expected) send in auditions for multiple roles.
The next few days are probably going to be really crazy! 8-[
I have absolutely no idea how we got this much interest ... but we got our 1,000th audition today. :shock:
That's counting by actor/actress & character, and not just actor/actress ... most people (as expected) send in auditions for multiple roles.
The next few days are probably going to be really crazy! 8-[
I have absolutely no idea how we got this much interest ... but we got our 1,000th audition today. :shock:That is insane! I just sent in some more auditions, so I guess I've added a few more to that pile. Good luck you guys, can't wait to hear the final product :)
That's counting by actor/actress & character, and not just actor/actress ... most people (as expected) send in auditions for multiple roles.
The next few days are probably going to be really crazy! 8-[
I just sent in some more auditions, so I guess I've added a few more to that pile.
I feel like I'm John Candy trying to eat the Old 96'er.
A buddy of mine are going to record tonight all the roles on my equpiment. My wife & his wife might try out for female & kids roles, but it won't be in time for the deadline. I told them females are more scanty, so you might be willing to take more of em' after the deadline.
Maybe anearth will be made great again. Xanadu's chance for greatness will likely pass by. :(
Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den also has all of the extensive voice acting duplicated in the dialogue window.
If the game doesn't use a challenging type of compression, hopefully that will make a translation more attractive to teams in the future. It's one of the most appropriate games to keep the Japanese acting in and one of the best games most epic RPGs in the library.
With that said, you could still take it a step further and dub everything that is spoken once the main characters arrive in London and Zeami casts a spell so that they understand and speak English. :)
Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den also has all of the extensive voice acting duplicated in the dialogue window.
UPDATE: The deadline for initial submissions has passed!
However, we will continue to communicate with auditionees over the coming weeks to ensure that everyone has had a chance to respond to feedback and show us everything that they can do.
We have received over 1,000 individual character auditions from nearly 200 individual people. If you auditioned and are waiting for your first round of detailed feedback, we are deeply sorry for the delay.
While we can't promise responses by any particular time, we are sending out many responses on a daily basis, and we intend to give feedback to everyone before deciding on the cast.
The response exceeded our expectations, and we are delighted to say that this is shaping up to be a very good dub indeed. Thank you very much to all who have auditioned, and to the many others who have helped spread the word about this project.
Again, thank you.(
Wow, 200 individuals sent in auditions for the dub!? Congratulations you guys!
Glad to know that the auditions went well ^^
I'm SO looking forward to hear this dub!
Glad to know that the auditions went well ^^
I'm SO looking forward to hear this dub!
Well...things could have gone a bit smoother.
The problem is that one individual (nullity) sent in 300+ auditions, which artificially inflates the audition numbers by 30%.
So, although there were *technically* 1,300+ auditions, it is more honest to say there are 1,000 auditions, since nullity used a very distracting Ukranian accent in nearly all of his submissions.
I understand, but hey, 195 people is still quite a bit huh? ;3
That might be enough to assemble a decent dub ^^
I understand, but hey, 195 people is still quite a bit huh? ;3
That might be enough to assemble a decent dub ^^
Haha ... I think that you may have taken esteban's joke seriously! :lol:
Nope, we didn't get spammed by nullity, and there really are 1,300 first-takes, with a couple of hundred re-takes to go through. :shock:
Trying not to be that guy that always asks for updates but is there any news on how the auditions are going?
Instead of casting 50 actors for 50 roles, it has been decided to cast three latter-day Mel Blancs to perform the voices of 50+ characters.
Also, the in-game will be bi-lingual, with options for English and Welsh (a big THANK YOU! goes out to Gwalchgwyn for the Welsh translation!)
The number of submissions for audition really surprised me, its good to see that many people passionate about the PCE.
Trying not to be that guy that always asks for updates but is there any news on how the auditions are going?
Gag reel, eh? Makes me wish I kept more of my goofing around!
BTW, I was thinking, by the time I auditioned for the dragon, my voice was trashed, & I know I can do deeper & scarier on it. Should I bother to do a re-audition?
Focus is starting to turn to recording, and SamIAm is going to be doing a live internet recording session with one of the professional VO actors today.
Very cool, I would love to watch that. Where is this going to be available and which character is being recorded? Unless I'm misunderstanding and you mean he is doing a private Skype call and not a live stream for people to watch. :oops:
I think I'm going to be sad when it's over.I know I'll be very happy when it's over because I'll get to play it ;3
CAW for Lykos! :mrgreen:
In anticipation I have made myself a custom 2 disc case for Xanadu II. This way my real copies of both 1 and 2 will have a 2nd CD spot for a translated CD-R once this amazing project is finished :)
In anticipation I have made myself a custom 2 disc case for Xanadu II. This way my real copies of both 1 and 2 will have a 2nd CD spot for a translated CD-R once this amazing project is finished :)
Rockin. Did you use an old PCE case or a new blank? I have had trouble sourcing thick, high-quality blank cases lately.
In anticipation I have made myself a custom 2 disc case for Xanadu II. This way my real copies of both 1 and 2 will have a 2nd CD spot for a translated CD-R once this amazing project is finished :)
Rockin. Did you use an old PCE case or a new blank? I have had trouble sourcing thick, high-quality blank cases lately.
I know I'll be very happy when it's over because I'll get to play it ;3
I'm SOOO Looking forward to that!
I am too! These are some of those games that I tend to just boot up and admire the intro. In the near future that will all change and I'll finally be able to play Falcom's "sister" series to the Ys franchise.
In anticipation I have made myself a custom 2 disc case for Xanadu II. This way my real copies of both 1 and 2 will have a 2nd CD spot for a translated CD-R once this amazing project is finished :)
I found a bunch of completely empty double CD cases at my local goodwill a few years back. All in fantastic shape.
I don't have a custom case but I still have my copy of The Legend of Xanadu II that I purchased when I was recording voices for the old dub back in 2011. Maybe I should complete my set and get a copy of Xanadu I before the translation comes out.
Everyone always loves the beauty of LoX2, and has difficulty battling through LoX1 with just a walkthrough and no idea of what's going on.
I'm curious if LoX1 will get more love when people can actually experience the full story, and the incredible detail that Yoshio Kiya and his team put in there.
I know that we'd like to provide a ton of supplemental materials, like level maps and, of course, a copy of that LoX1 map of the 32-levels in the tower.
I wouldn't have had the patience to finish LoX1 if it hadn't been for that map that Falcom provided.
I scanned it, and printed it massively-enlarged, so that I could trace where I'd been, and mark down where all of the connecting doors and passages were.
A funny thing to me about the first game is that it is so cheap! It's criminally undervalued; if you have any interest in picking up a physical copy I'd say buy it immediately. You can buy it off of ebay for less than $15 shipped.
Unlike most games I can think of for the system, the first Xanadu has gone down in price over time. I assume what's off putting to people is, of course, the language barrier. I actually expect it to go up in price after your translation finishes.
Lol, I take it that's what's in the manual pages that are folded backward so you have to open them yourself. It's been like 20 years and I never did open that. Every time I look at the book I've been a little bit curious but I've never wanted to actually cut the pages apart.
Lol, I take it that's what's in the manual pages that are folded backward so you have to open them yourself. It's been like 20 years and I never did open that. Every time I look at the book I've been a little bit curious but I've never wanted to actually cut the pages apart.
Yep, just unfold it carefully ... then get out a very large magnifying glass!
The detail in there is great, and it's a real help.
I just can't imagine people seeing all of the tower, or getting all of the items in it, without using a map. You'd have to have an incredible memory!
Did you actually manage to finish the game without it?
This probably doesn't count, but I did finish it with a save file I downloaded just to watch the ending a few years ago.
At first, I was disappointed that I couldn't participate (my Mic decided to break at the WORST possible time), but it may be for the best.
Just read through the email thanking me for participating. Kind of already guessed that I won't get a part but I'm not not bothered by it, especially since it looks like you guys got some real awesome talent for the project.
I was also happy to see that one or two of the actors/actresses I contacted about the project at the beginning of the auditions actually got cast as a few characters.
Just curious to know if there are any updates worth sharing.
Gonna be that guy again but how has the dub been coming along?
Was a voice for Areios's Grandfather ever decided on?
What Elmer and Sam are pulling of here can be compared to only to Working Designs Arc the Lad collection or Growlanser Generations.
I think that we'll be going with the gentleman who has already recorded an excellent performance of the lines for us.
His voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.
The dub is a huge amount of work, and honestly, I'd really recommend that translations avoid doing one, if possible, it's just too big a commitment unless the leads involved can dedicate almost-fulltime work to it.
I'm absolutely amazed at what Burnt Lasagna and his Ys IV dub team achieved! :shock: :clap:
His voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.
There's never any mention made in the game that the character really is Areios's Grandfather, and it's not important to the story (it's the only time that you see him), so I have no problem with him being Areios's Dad or even a Village Elder.
Didn't you say something along the lines of not wanting to alter the original game's vision or something like that? Or at least, wanting to alter as little as possible...
A little arrow on the menu or a slightly better-looking map screen is one thing, but changing one of the characters is going a little too far I'd say...
Sorry, I don't wanna impose my opinion or anything, but it's just something I felt was worth saying...
Keep it up!
How goes the dub guys?
And not is posible , out one version, only subs, and in future dub version?.
And not is posible , out one version, only subs, and in future dub version?.
Long time out, only dub version is a big risk, the important is a version subs in english out...
It is not the first time that by staying more and more and more, in the end unexpected things happen and it is never completed.
... and if PCe star sherrif ever gets released.
I'm doing it again (sorry) but how are things coming along with the dub?
The dubs are already taken care of. Tryouts were maybe some 10 months ago, & there ended up being some professional voice actor's who are going to lend a hand for free! I wanted to be in the game as well, but it's also really cool that there's professionals involved, bitter sweet if you ask me! :icon_cat_derpy:Yes that is very exciting! I'd definitely rather it be more Ys Book 1&2 than Dragon Slayer: LOH haha
It's been a couple years since I've heard anything new, but I still have hopes that'll it'll be released some day. I don't know if the dubs were recorded or not, but at the least they needed to be implemented and some cinema timing stuff adjusted accordingly.
As you guys are waiting for Xanadu series Tom and his team have finished english translation of Last Bible III a Super Famicom RPG by Atlus. Give it a chance!
I apologize for Necro bumping this but has anyone heard any news on this project? I really hope this hasn't fizzled out.
SamIAm was originally interested but his time became incredibly limited. If anyone else wants to take over on translating, I believe Elmer is open to that.
From Elmer when talking about the Anearth Fantasy Stories translation:
He was interested, a long time ago, but he has so little game-time these days. And whenever he has some, I'd rather him concentrate on getting the LoX dubs finished before I'm too old to integrate them into the translation.
I guess then my question is why aren't the 80%+ finished versions released so someone else can finish? Or at least released in it's present state?
I guess then my question is why aren't the 80%+ finished versions released so someone else can finish? Or at least released in it's present state?
The LoX game translations are done, they're waiting for the dub to be finished.
If you don't want to wait, then you're welcome to start off your own translation effort, but otherwise you'll just have to deal with the frustration of letting the folks who have done the work finish it off in the way that will make them happy about all of the time and effort that the project has taken.