PCEngineFans.com - The PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16 Community Forum
Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Chit-Chat => Topic started by: Necromancer on October 23, 2024, 09:28:51 PM
For fucks sake, I'm even later this year!!! I'm late as shit AGAIN, but Secret Santa is back for another year! Here's the same ol' rules:
1. Don't sign up if you can't / won't follow through.
2. Sign ups are open until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will be sent out to their respective Santa.
3. Due to past issues, no super new members allowed. Santas must have a minimum of 25 posts or have a long timer vouch for them.
4. To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info. Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted. Please don't ask Santa for relatively rare games that sell once every 90 days on ebay for reasonable prices; he's on a schedule and can't wait months for a deal to come along.
5. Value of your gift(s) should be in the $30-40 range - real value and not bloated, unsold BIN pricing. (But honestly, isn't EVERYTHING overpriced nowadays?)
6. Gifts should be mailed by December 11th to give the PO two full weeks. If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with an empty yule log.
7. Also related to a past issue, make sure your gift is sent with tracking. If at all possible, it's strongly suggested that you have Santa send your gift to a secure location (work, PO box, a neighbor that's home, or held at the PO); if tracking says it was delivered but your package was stolen off your porch, it's not Santa's problem.
8. This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you fuck this up and I'll shit in your toaster.
9. The most important rule is to have fun!
For extra holiday cheer, one random Santa will be selected to receive something extra in their stocking. I'm not sure what it'll be, but I think everyone that wants 'coal already has it. Any suggestions?
Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.
Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -
Forum Alias:
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the bonus drawing? (yes/no):
ceti alpha
I'm in!
Making it official, here! ;)
I'm always in.
I shall participate as well! My list just always takes forever.
I shall participate as well! My list just always takes forever.
Yeah, I gotta get on putting my list together.
C'mon, Santas, get me your lists! It's already mid November!
C'mon, Santas, get me your lists! It's already mid November!
Got my list to you via Discord!
Lists are finally sent out. Happy shopping, Santas.
Merry Christmas! Thank you to my Santa for some ball rolling love.
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/54225584264_624d8e7e35_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2qBJi1C)
Pcefans Secret Santa 2024! (https://flic.kr/p/2qBJi1C) by xelement5x (https://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/), on Flickr
Neato. I've not played that one or looked into it much.
Santa Honk hooked me up with some sweet goodies!
Bakuden Unbalance Zone, Spin Pair, Fantasy Star Soldier (booty), and a baller HuCard storage binder.
Thanks, geise!
Awesome surprises from Santa this year!! My first PC-FX games, can't wait to get the boy reading disks and give them a try! Also got some super sweet NOS blank tapes!
Thanks so much Necro!
As an aside: I absolutely LOVE these fat game cases, I think they look/feel great!
I kinda dig the cases too, though they take up a lot more room than the jewel cases. I've not found any suitable replacements, so you're kinda screwed if one gets damaged.
Thanks Santa! Alien Crush finally gets to put a sunshade on its giant window while I got started playing Langrisser using my phone to translate. Seriously, it's incredible how easily I can play foreign games these days. Sure, a google translation feels rather stilted, but you can't beat how easily smartphones make getting a reasonable understanding of events. I'm hoping to get all the way through the game over the next couple of weekends while I don't have too much work to get done, and unlike a bunch of the JRPGs that I've played lately, I'd intend to actually know what's going on.
As for the VHS tape? Honestly, the commercial collection was badass. I left it running while I was getting some work done and it was super weird how much nostalgia the VHS tracking line occasionally at the bottom of the screen gave me.
Remember! The mid-game save function in Langlisser is only for while you are playing. True saving takes place once you've finished a stage. Also, the main character can become a flying type in this version, so check the manual for progressions! The ending feels satisfying, too! None of the "Congraturation" crap!
Langrisser was on other peep's minds as well!! O0
Thank you so much Necro for putting all of this together every year! And thanks SANTA!!! <3
Super excited to dive into this!!
Ooo, a guide book. Neato!
(https://i.ibb.co/JrBhPsp/1000050397-transformed.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JrBhPsp)
My secret Santa arrived, and on my birthday!! The emoji patch is pretty much my face when I opened all this up.
Gotzendiener! I've been wanting to play this since maybe 2008, when I first laid eyes on it. Tomorrow will be Gotzendiener day. Then there is the US Edition of Fantasy Star Soldier. Wicked. And I can't wait to light up my Potato Tempura Ambient light. The cookies are so good! And I got two TG stickers to troll the local Genny fanboys with.
Thanks, Turbo Star! I love it! ☺️
Noice, and happy b-day! I really like ze Gotzendiener. Good fun even if a bit derpy.
(https://i.ibb.co/JrBhPsp/1000050397-transformed.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JrBhPsp)
My secret Santa arrived, and on my birthday!! The emoji patch is pretty much my face when I opened all this up.
Gotzendiener! I've been wanting to play this since maybe 2008, when I first laid eyes on it. Tomorrow will be Gotzendiener day. Then there is the US Edition of Fantasy Star Soldier. Wicked. And I can't wait to light up my Potato Tempura Ambient light. The cookies are so good! And I got two TG stickers to troll the local Genny fanboys with.
Thanks, Turbo Star! I love it! ☺️
Yay, I'm so glad it made it to you!! Happy B-day mate!!