PCEngineFans.com - The PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16 Community Forum

NEC PC-Engine/SuperGrafx => PC Engine/SuperGrafx Sales & Trades => Topic started by: DC906270-BIL on October 03, 2007, 10:34:06 AM

Title: PC Engine games for sale - also PSX, Saturn, PSP, MCD many rare!
Post by: DC906270-BIL on October 03, 2007, 10:34:06 AM
PSP games - all complete/mint

Bubble Bobble Evolution (Asian) - $21
Space Invaders Galaxy Beat - $14


Mr Driller (new,sealed) - $32
Makaimura (cart only) - $18

PCE SCD games (japanese) :

Tenchi wo Kurau (SCD) aka Dynasty Wars (a rare Capcom arcade conversion, a scrolling beat em up on horseback! set in feudal Japan) - no spine, but everything mint $65
Gradius 2 Gofer incl spine, reg and sticker sheet - $55
Choaniki incl spine, mint - $44
Pop n Magic inc spine, reg, mint - $75
CD Denjin incl spine, mint - $40
Rainbow Islands incl spine,n.mint - $80
Image Fight II no spine - $50
Spriggan Mark 2 no spine - $50
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (aka River City Ransom) no spine - $140

Mega CD games (japanese) :

Sonic CD w/spine - $45
Final Fight w/spine - $40
Ninja Warriors (no spine) - $45
Dennin Aleste w/spine - $45
Bari Arm w/spine - $50
Starblade (new/sealed) - $22


PSX ---> Mega Drive controller converter (use your psx pad/stick on your MD!) $15
6 button Avenue pad for PCE - $20
3 button Avenue pad for PCE - $18

PC Engine Hucards - all good shape

Galaga 88 complete - $14
Legend of Hero Tomna complete - $25
City Hunter complete - $28
St Dragon (shooter) complete - $25
Bikkuriman World complete - $18
Vigilante complete - $10
Shubibinman (damaged case but complete) - $10

Freebies (with any othe purchase - postage extra)
Super Shinobi - MD JAP Complete
Batman - MD Jap complete
Xenon II - MD PAL Complete
Forgotten Worlds - MD Jap Complete
Whip Rush - MD Jap Complete
Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure - SFC complete
Space Invaders - SFC complete
Mickeys Magical Adventure - SFC cart only
Mortal Kombat - SNES PAL cart only
F Zero - SFC cart only
Actraiser - SFC cart only
Captain America - SNES US cart only
Super Mario Kart - SNES US cart only
Cybernator aka Assault Suit Valken - SNES US cart only

Postage per game $7. I am based in the UK. Prices are in US dollars.
Title: Re: PC Engine games for sale - also PSX, Saturn, PSP, MCD many rare!
Post by: DC906270-BIL on October 05, 2007, 01:52:50 PM
Title: Re: PC Engine games for sale - also PSX, Saturn, PSP, MCD many rare!
Post by: DC906270-BIL on October 19, 2007, 11:43:03 PM
list updated, sold items removed
Title: Re: PC Engine games for sale - also PSX, Saturn, PSP, MCD many rare!
Post by: DC906270-BIL on October 28, 2007, 08:35:55 AM
prices lowered