PCEngineFans.com - The PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16 Community Forum
Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Chit-Chat => Topic started by: Tatsujin on March 06, 2008, 12:01:51 AM
Title: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on March 06, 2008, 12:01:51 AM
sorry..i stoll that thread from the assembler-forum, but since not all users here are regsitered over there, it might be interessting how your area looks like :)
here some recent pix from my livingplace and nearby:
we had a very clear morning today and could see mt. fuji (fuji-san) very clearly out from the baybridge in yokohama beside minato mirai (landmark tower): (http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9741/minatofujivb1.jpg)
some pictures shoot from our new appartement in which we recently moved in: (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4995/landmark2wt7.jpg) (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/6020/landmark1pl3.jpg) (http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/6237/mansion1dr5.jpg) (http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3470/mansion2gk6.jpg)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Sinistron on March 06, 2008, 03:39:36 AM
Just snapped this a second ago for ya tat (with my cellphone)- it's the view from my office window on the 14th floor taken from 58th street between Lex and 3rd in Manhattan
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on March 07, 2008, 10:52:49 PM
wow..scares me a little bit^^" coz i hate being in big buildings. looks like directly taken out of a game. a PS2 game :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: MurderDate on March 07, 2008, 11:55:27 PM
yeah that IS scary! VERTIGO!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: nat on March 08, 2008, 05:02:56 AM
This is a neat thread. I'd like to see more of everyone's area. Here's a pic I took, well, one minute ago looking out my french doors into my backyard and over the fence that encloses it to the building across the street and beyond. During the summer that tree is is full of green leaves that block that building and the Rhododendron is in full bloom but this is what I get during the winter.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on March 08, 2008, 05:31:05 AM
Nice shots guys. And Tats, Mt. Fuji looks sweet. I love seeing where everyone is. :dance:
I love the style of those buildings nat. You bastards on the west coast. You're just as bad as Vancouver with your flowers blooming in February and whatnot. :P [-(
Here's some pics of Dartmouth (the dark side)/Halifax: (Haligonians call Dartmouth the Dark Side because they don't know any better. [-X)
Here's a photo I took of the ferry heading over to the Halifax side from Dartmouth: (I actually made this into a postcard - hence the cheesy Dartmouth slogan at the bottom. :mrgreen: The other side is around here somewhere...)
Yeah, I can't wait to get out of this shithole city! ](*,)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on March 08, 2008, 04:37:39 PM
Yeah, I can't wait to get out of this shithole city! Brick wall
You don't like Calgary I take it. I've only briefly passed through myself, but I've pretty much avoided making the move to Calgary so many Atlantic Canadians take. I need water around me, so if I was to move back out west it would be to BC, which does cross my mind from time to time. I miss it out there.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: termis on March 09, 2008, 06:39:16 AM
You don't like Calgary I take it. I've only briefly passed through myself, but I've pretty much avoided making the move to Calgary so many Atlantic Canadians take. I need water around me, so if I was to move back out west it would be to BC, which does cross my mind from time to time. I miss it out there.
Yeah, a lot of folks from the maritimes and the prairie provinces for work here. As long as you can make a decent living out there, I'd say there's ZERO reason to move here (Hence, I here a LOT of Saskatchewan folks are getting the hell out and moving back since now that their province is booming).
After living here for a year and a half, I like to describe this place as "The place where it has all the hassles of a big city, yet without any of the benefits of a big city." It's the only place where I lived that were able to combine the worst aspects of big & small places together!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on March 09, 2008, 10:16:26 AM
Yeah, a lot of folks from the maritimes and the prairie provinces for work here. As long as you can make a decent living out there, I'd say there's ZERO reason to move here (Hence, I here a LOT of Saskatchewan folks are getting the hell out and moving back since now that their province is booming).
That's fantastic that Saskatchewan is finally seeing some boom time. Newfoundland is also going to be a "have" province in a couple years. Hopefully Nova Scotia can get some of that action soon, :pray: but we've been screwed by Ottawa countless times since Confederation and Stephen Harper is going above and beyond to continue this tradition (i.e. the Atlantic Accord) :evil: It's amazing how quickly some forget that when Alberta was a "have-not" province Nova Scotia basically fed them - a healthy diet of fish no less. hehe In the meantime I will enjoy watching the Prime Minister of Atlantic Canada, the honourable Danny Williams (Premier of Newfoundland) :P, continue his anti-Harper campaign - god knows we're not getting any leadership from any of the other Premiers in the Maritimes. [-(
After living here for a year and a half, I like to describe this place as "The place where it has all the hassles of a big city, yet without any of the benefits of a big city." It's the only place where I lived that were able to combine the worst aspects of big & small places together!
That's exactly how I imagine Calgary - no heart and soul. They experienced such a huge and immediate boom that the city just grew without any plan or design. Maybe the 30+ years of Conservative majority wasn't such a great thing for Alberta? Who knows...
Where would you like to move?
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: termis on March 09, 2008, 11:35:34 AM
Yeah, a lot of folks from the maritimes and the prairie provinces for work here. As long as you can make a decent living out there, I'd say there's ZERO reason to move here (Hence, I here a LOT of Saskatchewan folks are getting the hell out and moving back since now that their province is booming).
That's fantastic that Saskatchewan is finally seeing some boom time. Newfoundland is also going to be a "have" province in a couple years. Hopefully Nova Scotia can get some of that action soon, :pray: but we've been screwed by Ottawa countless times since Confederation and Stephen Harper is going above and beyond to continue this tradition (i.e. the Atlantic Accord) :evil: It's amazing how quickly some forget that when Alberta was a "have-not" province Nova Scotia basically fed them - a healthy diet of fish no less. hehe In the meantime I will enjoy watching the Prime Minister of Atlantic Canada, the honourable Danny Williams (Premier of Newfoundland) :P, continue his anti-Harper campaign - god knows we're not getting any leadership from any of the other Premiers in the Maritimes. [-(
Yeah, I've yet been to the Maritimes, but I hear nothing but good things about it. Plus, all the folks that I've met that are from there have all nothing but super-cool people :D It'd definitely be good to get some real economic boom over there, but then I suppose many people probably wouldn't want to exactly Alberta-ize the maritimes. The real problem here is that all the eggs are in one basket - the oil industry. If that tanks (and nothing is forever), then this province will quickly go down the drain, and people even know that here, but it's hard to change your ways when the money keeps on rolling in, so people are hesitant to change the status quo.
But you know what, even all that considered, as a whole, I find Canadians (Albertans or not) to be the one of the most socially-aware people that I've come across, which is a good thing.
Where would you like to move?
Well, I'm moving to Melbourne in a few months, so CANNOT wait for that -- It's my favorite city in the world, and I've been threatening to move down there for some years, and it's finally becoming reality now. Average temperature of 20, variance of about 5 degrees, superb culture & dining, good motorcycling environment, and I even really like what the new Rudd administration has been doing down there since taking over from Howard. :D
Kinda like you, my wife wants to do BC (Vancouver or Victoria, maybe), and that might still happen in the future, but for now, the other Victoria it'll be!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on March 09, 2008, 12:33:52 PM
But you know what, even all that considered, as a whole, I find Canadians (Albertans or not) to be the one of the most socially-aware people that I've come across, which is a good thing.
Who me? Socially aaa wha? 8-[ Yeah, we're a mini United Nations. lol.
Well, I'm moving to Melbourne in a few months, so CANNOT wait for that -- It's my favorite city in the world, and I've been threatening to move down there for some years, and it's finally becoming reality now. Average temperature of 20, variance of about 5 degrees, superb culture & dining, good motorcycling environment, and I even really like what the new Rudd administration has been doing down there since taking over from Howard. Very Happy
Kinda like you, my wife wants to do BC (Vancouver or Victoria, maybe), and that might still happen in the future, but for now, the other Victoria it'll be!
Yeah, it was great to finally see Howard go. :dance: Man, good luck in Melbourne. That's super exciting. I've never been there, but I have a feeling it beats Calgary. lol. Between Melbourne and Vancouver you guys are definitely picking the right places to live. lol .....seriously though: http://www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=8908454&CFID=16415879&CFTOKEN=94552766
Perth has always intrigued me. I HAVE to go there someday. I think it's how isolated it is that intrigues me so much. But I guess it's a great place to live.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on March 09, 2008, 09:40:23 PM
less of talk, more of pix PLZ :D
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: SuperDeadite on March 10, 2008, 02:59:29 AM
The apartment:
(http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Apartment and Work/Myapartmentisthe2ndfloorwithlaundry.jpg)
The neighborhood:
(http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Apartment and Work/Japan062.jpg)
Some pics from last year's local fire festival:
(http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Sagicho - Fire Festival/SagichoMatsuri015.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Sagicho - Fire Festival/SagichoMatsuri024.jpg)
Here's some pics of Kyoto, the closest city to me:
(http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Kyoto/Japan139.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Kyomizudera/Japan200.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Inari/Inari034.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Inari/Inari016.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Kyoto in Bloom/Sakura021.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Kyoto in Bloom/Sakura047.jpg) (http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r260/SuperDeadite/Kyoto in Bloom/Sakura105.jpg)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: nat on March 10, 2008, 04:35:38 AM
Damn Deadite, you've got the best pics yet so far.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on March 10, 2008, 05:09:47 AM
Damn Deadite, you've got the best pics yet so far.
Yeah! I love the pics. You're apartment and neighbourhood look so cozy. I love it. Japan looks like a great place to live.
less of talk, more of pix PLZ Very Happy
haha. Sorry tats, I get carried away when it comes to politics. lol #-o
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: TR0N on March 10, 2008, 08:25:38 PM
Nice pics deadite i see the cherry blossom are in bloom.
DC has,them as well beside the cheery blossom festival that happens every spring.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Hobo Xiphas on March 10, 2008, 08:29:25 PM
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on April 18, 2008, 03:32:26 PM
Jeepers!! There's snow on the buds/flowers!! :shock: Looks like Atlantic weather. :P Actually, we're actually having a normal spring for once this year. It's been a few years at least.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Sparky on April 18, 2008, 03:37:20 PM
yikes… nat that makes me want to cry :( i am another canadain who is sick of the snow it it has finally gone where i am :clap:
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: nat on April 18, 2008, 04:03:13 PM
What the f*ck is going on? The snow is still coming down, BTW....
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Joe Redifer on April 18, 2008, 05:26:43 PM
Quote from: nat
It was 80 degrees four days ago.
What the f*ck is going on?
4 days ago? 4 DAYS AGO? That's nothing. We had a few 80 degree days last week with fire dangers and warnings all over the place (along with 3 huge fires), then the next day it was snowing. The next day. That may make the brain inside your head pop, but not anyone's from Colorado. Yesterday morning there was snow all over the ground, by afternoon it was all gone because it was just about 80! Colorado weather kicks ass. It's not all "same-y" all the time.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: nat on April 18, 2008, 07:40:37 PM
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Turbo D on April 18, 2008, 09:47:10 PM
Looks like Seattle (when it's not snowing). What mountain is that?
Thats the San Gabriel Canyon. Its pretty cool, I go fishing there sometimes.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Ninja Spirit on April 19, 2008, 06:06:38 AM
Right now these are just around my house. (http://b.pcb2.fubar.com/55/16/736155/4191853542.jpg) (http://b.pca2.fubar.com/55/16/736155/2819146748.jpg) (http://b.pcb3.fubar.com/55/16/736155/2565577834.jpg)
Petersburg, VA from the highway. (http://b.pcb1.fubar.com/55/16/736155/2772308257.jpg)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: SignOfZeta on April 19, 2008, 06:46:33 AM
China town - soho (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a348/kwoksta/IMG_1830.jpg)
All the above pics were taken a few months ago... I don't think you can take pics of the guards anymore since we got new laws relating to Terrorist security threats..
Anyway... today was a very rainy day Y_Y But its Camdem Town and Camden Lock about a mile away from the heart of london
There's a goth scene here especially at night when the freaks come out!! (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a348/kwoksta/IMG_3007.jpg)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on April 27, 2009, 11:38:52 AM
Great pics Digi! 8) Makes me want to cross the pond for a visit.
I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Hopefully now that it's summer people will be walking around with their cameras in their holsters, ready to shoot.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: termis on April 27, 2009, 01:32:28 PM
Unless you're down under. Just coming into "winter" here.
It was 10°C yesterday (that's about, what, 50-55°F?) and I saw people in huge down jackets here. :shock: Granted, that's not warm, but seriously... (That was considered "nice weather" in Calgary.)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Arkhan on April 27, 2009, 11:29:06 PM
DOWNTOWN: THE HOOD', YO (15 mins away) (http://www.youshouldown.com/uploaded_images/UrbanClevelandDowntown-710692.jpg) (http://cache.virtualtourist.com/1351215-Downtown_Cleveland_Scene-Cleveland.jpg) (http://www.clevelandskyscrapers.com/cleveland/cleskynightcolumbus.jpg) (http://www.aboveallohio.com/images/stock/big/downtown_cleveland_aerial_closeup.jpg)
THIS IS MY COLLEGE INSIDE THE HOOD: (http://i.pbase.com/v3/98/535198/2/45504221.DSCN0306.jpg) (http://k43.pbase.com/v3/98/535198/2/45491185.DSCN0304.jpg)
PARMA HEIGHTS, MY HOOD!: I work behind that gazebo in the library (http://pics4.city-data.com/cpicc/cfiles40225.jpg) (http://www.parmaheightsohio.com/images/local/photos/new/OH/245812759/7066.jpeg) (http://hikingohioparks.com/images/rocky-river-reservation-picture-6.jpg)
yay. Go Ohio!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Ninja Spirit on May 11, 2009, 06:16:03 AM
The Old Towne district of Petersburg, VA. Don't go down there at night without a friend that got your back. Alot of panhandlers and con artists that like to play the "tow truck" lie. (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/petersburg.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/oldtowne.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/theoak.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/FarmersMarket.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/sycamorerouge.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/ghosttrain2.jpg) (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a13/Oldschoolage/PetersburgVA/wherelivebandsplay.jpg)
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Ninja Spirit on May 11, 2009, 06:21:15 AM
Lemme guess, the B-Boys do their thing down there?
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Joe Redifer on May 11, 2009, 07:20:23 AM
What is the "tow truck" game? Is it fun?
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Ninja Spirit on May 11, 2009, 10:27:34 AM
Oh shit Joe you got me, I meant to say lie instead of game.
you walking down the road, minding your biz and then someone stops you and says "hey I need 20 dollars cause my car got towed" then if the victim falls for it, it becomes a slippery slope after that
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: termis on May 21, 2009, 06:58:46 PM
I had to duck into the train station, so took a couple quick cellphone shots around Melbourne CBD (basically, downtown).
Flinders Station -- this is the essentially the center of Melbourne, as everything grew out from here. (http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o90/thumpin_termis/flinders2.jpg)
St. Paul's Cathedral -- Kitty-corner from Flinders station. I basically just turned around from the first shot and took this one. (http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o90/thumpin_termis/stpauls.jpg)
Typical scene from the CBD. Old buildings (or at least old-style facades) mixed in with the new. (http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o90/thumpin_termis/cbd.jpg)
I had some other shots after this, but somehow messed up the resolution setting on the cellphone and they came out too small. :?
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Joe Redifer on May 21, 2009, 07:45:28 PM
Instead of pictures from around my area, how about video? Here is a bunch of video footage I shot and edited around my area of dwelling; Denver, CO, USA:
"HD" Version:
Normal Version:
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: ceti alpha on May 22, 2009, 02:10:44 AM
Cool pics termis. 8)
Just curious: Have you had many, if any, run-ins with poisonous insects/arachnids so far? That's the one thing that would freak me out, are the poisonous creatures down there. heh
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Ninja Spirit on May 22, 2009, 06:58:36 AM
Instead of pictures from around my area, how about video? Here is a bunch of video footage I shot and edited around my area of dwelling; Denver, CO, USA:
Instead of pictures from around my area, how about video? Here is a bunch of video footage I shot and edited around my area of dwelling; Denver, CO, USA:
Just curious: Have you had many, if any, run-ins with poisonous insects/arachnids so far? That's the one thing that would freak me out, are the poisonous creatures down there. heh
Haha, yeah, I heard of some spider being down here as well, but I think most of the huge creepy stuff is further up north where it's a bit more humid and hotter. I've yet to see even a roach down here just yet, and the place where we live isn't the newest of places. So generally speaking, it's not too bad (again, I hear there are some massive roaches up north), though I'm sure I'll see one of these things sooner or later.
Biggest annoyance so far are the damn flies in the summer. They're vicious here -- they'll continually fly right in to your face for whatever reason. I quickly learned the "Australian Salute" when I got here (swatting away flies that continually land on your nose, eyes, lips, etc).
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Digi.k on May 23, 2009, 07:10:15 AM
Instead of pictures from around my area, how about video? Here is a bunch of video footage I shot and edited around my area of dwelling; Denver, CO, USA:
Normal Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMmpbf3oLbE
I'd love to make recordings like that but since I live in london my camera would probably get snatched from my hands or.. i'd probably bump into the local police who'd accuse me of suspicious terrorist activities here.. Something like that happened on the news a few months ago where some community police made some german tourists erase the photos on their camera citing terrorrist activities because the tourists were taking snaps of the public transport buses>.>
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: guyjin on May 23, 2009, 05:01:38 PM
Why isn't it really HD? looked good enough on my TiVo.
Because Youtube's version of HD is only 853x480 which is just 16:9 standard definition. But for Youtube, it is HD compared to the other options.
Tats, nice pics! I am guessing you live in Japan, or at least a block or two away from it. :) Actually that is not possible because people in Japan are way too cool to talk to us commoners. Why are not ALL pictures copyright by you? Did you steal them to impress us? I bet you did!!!!!!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on May 25, 2009, 11:35:49 PM
it's teh mt. fuji (fuji-san) and you may not believe it, that it is by far the highest mountain of japan (4000m a.s.l.). means higher than anything in switzerland :lol:
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Digi.k on June 21, 2009, 11:22:50 AM
heard of Greenwich mean time? This is greenwich
That dome thing leads to a foot tunnel, takes you to an underground pass under the river Thames (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a348/kwoksta/IMG_3223.jpg)
Royal college of music (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a348/kwoksta/IMG_3231.jpg)
Apparently, each year, fewer and fewer people volunteer to clean the beaches. As a result, most people avoid the polluted beaches of Japan, save for a few brazen surfers.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on January 03, 2010, 01:50:14 AM
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Joe Redifer on January 03, 2010, 03:42:19 AM
Medical waste? But that would mean there are drug users in Japan. That's impossible! I can imagine maybe piles (or boatloads) of cigarette butts washing ashore since everybody and their child smokes in Japan for whatever strange reason, but stuff like syringes and the like?
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Digi.k on January 03, 2010, 07:53:30 AM
the sunsets and sun rises.. *swoon*
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: TheClash603 on January 03, 2010, 08:36:09 AM
I would take a pic, but it would just be a sheet of white. Living in Buffalo sucks in January, got 7 inches today already.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Digi.k on April 09, 2010, 06:00:35 AM
some moar london.. and might I add taken early in the morning
very nice :) and your pictures do proove, that also in london the sun shines from time to time.
I agree, the pictures deceptively show a beautiful London.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: _joshuaTurbo on December 03, 2013, 02:02:28 AM
Sorry for the necropost.... I honestly thought I saw peeps posting in this thread recently... 3 weeks, 3 years... at this point what's the difference...?
Anyhow, thought I would post some pics of the local weather this morning and during my commute to work... weee- *To the tune of walking in a winter wunderland*
backyard with Wisconsin river backdrop-(http://imageshack.us/a/img843/7610/4o1a.jpg)
more backyard-(http://imageshack.us/a/img534/2973/upfb.jpg)
our little snow angels helping with the snow!- (http://imageshack.us/a/img401/5613/mz7i.jpg)
teh roads-(http://imageshack.us/a/img853/2194/1xrv.jpg)
view from parking garage across the street from work- (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9094/ldku.jpg)
slip sliding morning! woo!
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: xelement5x on December 03, 2013, 03:26:43 AM
Cool thread! I just took a picture from my office of Pikes Peak.
(http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2873/11191394555_eeb074b058_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11191394555/) Pikes Peak from Downtown Colorado Springs (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11191394555/#) by xelement5x (http://www.flickr.com/people/93679370@N00/), on Flickr
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Xak on December 03, 2013, 07:14:07 AM
I live in a tropical urban setting , miami basically.. if u type in my city name in google 'hollywood florida' all they show you is hollywood beach. Heres what the average home in hollywood looks like
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: jeffhlewis on December 04, 2013, 05:38:59 AM
I looked through my photos and realized I don't have too many shots of downtown Milwaukee...probably need to get out there with my Nikon at some point on a nice day (it looks like Silent Hill out there today with the fog).
Here's some shots from points of interest and whatnot:
Stock shot of the Milwaukee Skyline - the "biggest little city in the U.S." We ain't Chicago but there's still tons of cool shit here. Red arrow points to approx where my apt building is.
The Milwaukee Art Museum's Quadaracci Pavillion, designed by Santiago Calatrava. The "wings" open and close with sunrise/sunset. It's pretty sweet to watch.
Some old buildings.
More old buildings.
The Pabst Mansion - the PBR king's baller ass mansion, which is ironically now located in a pretty ghetto area of Milwaukee. Still really cool to check out though if you're in the area.
The bio-domes. These are actually really awesome - there's a desert one, a rainforest one, and a "seasonal" one that they swap out. The rain forest one literally feels like you're in the middle of Costa Rica, even in the wintertime.
The Harley Davidson Museum - a must-see if you're in the city. Not to be confused with the corporate offices, which are about 30 minutes from downtown.
Lakefront Brewery - best brewery tour in the city (and there's lots of brewery tours here). $15 for a pint glass and damn near all you can drink.
Milwaukee Bucks vs. Miami Heat at the Bradley Center. f*ck Miami.
Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers; and everyone's favorite steroid juicing NL MVP!
Inside the park during a day game
Confetti after the Brewers beat the Arizona Diamondbacks, in extra innings, during the NLDS game 5. I've been to a lot of sporting events but this was hands down the most insane win celebration I've ever been a part of. My friends and I had to jump the fence and sneak into the stadium because every ticket to that game was sold, even stubhub and scalpers. nuts.
Luchador wrestling at the Turner Hall Ballroom - think it was called "Mondo Lucha" (they do it every year or so). I'm not a wrestling fan but this was an awesome time.
Brady Street about 3 blocks from my house during the Harley 110th anniversary this past summer. For an entire week, people from all over the country and all over the world biked into the city and pretty much took it over. It was crazy, though I could do without the stoplight burnouts at 4am right outside my bedroom window.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Nando on December 04, 2013, 06:49:55 AM
Six Flags in Texas, about 10min from where I live. If that.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Nando on December 04, 2013, 07:08:01 AM
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Nando on December 05, 2013, 01:59:48 AM
Everyone in my area is FREAKING OUT! Arms flailing about the coming "ice storm".....the weather folk are basically having weather orgasms on TV.
Oh Texas....
I really like that second pic Sadler.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: xelement5x on December 05, 2013, 02:16:43 AM
I hear ya Sadler, it's balls cold out there
Here's another picture from my office. Same location (Pikes Peak) now with SNOW!
(http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3780/11222378733_2e8667fb63_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11222378733/) Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs 2013-12-05 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11222378733/#) by xelement5x (http://www.flickr.com/people/93679370@N00/), on Flickr
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Nando on December 05, 2013, 02:18:32 AM
Here's another picture from my office. Same location (Pikes Peak) now with SNOW!
(http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3780/11222378733_2e8667fb63_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11222378733/) Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs 2013-12-05 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93679370@N00/11222378733/#) by xelement5x (http://www.flickr.com/people/93679370@N00/), on Flickr
Ever made it to Pikes for the race? That's on my bucket list.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: xelement5x on December 05, 2013, 05:02:31 AM
Ever made it to Pikes for the race? That's on my bucket list.
The car race or the foot race? Car race is scary since the dudes are going so fast around the turns. I've summitted a couple 14000 foot mountains out here, but not Pikes Peak because I've heard it is a bit of a letdown. Basically you work really hard to climb to the top, but when you get there all exhausted you see people get out of their cars or off the cog railways and then just go get donuts in the gift shop at the top. Not very motivating :(
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Nando on December 05, 2013, 06:08:50 AM
Ever made it to Pikes for the race? That's on my bucket list.
The car race or the foot race? Car race is scary since the dudes are going so fast around the turns. I've summitted a couple 14000 foot mountains out here, but not Pikes Peak because I've heard it is a bit of a letdown. Basically you work really hard to climb to the top, but when you get there all exhausted you see people get out of their cars or off the cog railways and then just go get donuts in the gift shop at the top. Not very motivating :(
Not motivating sounding at all, and I meant the race. :)
Nicely done on the mountain racing, damn. Very impressed.
Title: Re: Pix from and around your area?
Post by: Tatsujin on February 08, 2014, 06:34:40 PM
That looks cool. I wanna go hiking there (and steal a cactus).
It's amazing there and the hiking is unbelievable. Along the mountains there are tons of petroglyphs, some of them easy to see, some are high in the mountains. It's fun for the kids to feed the squirrels also.