PCEngineFans.com - The PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16 Community Forum
Non-NEC Console Related Discussion => Console Sales & Trades => Topic started by: Sparky on August 03, 2008, 01:46:42 PM
Welcome!!!... you will find a mix bag of everything here so have a looky and if any picts are wanted no problem :D
Buys are in US funds & do not include shipping (but i try to give a break) I prefer Paypal and keep in mind i am from Canada
I cover paypal fees and shipping material, exact or as close to shipping as possible... F-ebay members get more shipping discounts!!!
I always prefer to trade so have a look here for the stuff im after…
FOR SALE BELOW…… minimum $5 orders please...
Odds & Ends... make sure you look :)
Starriors Rammors Backfire( in box, sealed pieces and comic, ok shape over all) $10
Iron Man 3" Electronic ARC FX Mission Mask $10
BTC-5100 Series Keyboard $offer
Avengers IPHONE 4 Case (NEW) $FREE
PSP UMD Movies: Hellrasier (loose) $2 each
Namco Ms Pacman Plug & Play $5
Apple Newton Power Adapter $2
Fozie Bear plush 1976 $10
Professor Hinkle Plush $5
Planet of the Apes (plastic mug 1967) $8
COLECO Talking Teacher (complete) $5
The Simpsons:Guessing game $5
Vintage Board Games & Card Games…
Close Encounters $5
TMNT board game ( not complete) $5
Hardy Boys (complete) $5
Shadow World (complete, not shown) $5
D&D Adventure Game: (2000) The Adventure Begins Here board game $5
Commodore Montior…
1702 model with front control cover missing, works but volume and colour fade in & out at times, over all in very good shape. $20
Players Guides & Old Nintendo Power Magizines…
Nintendo PowerMags complete with posters. vol-63-1994, vol-40-1992, vol 83-1996, vol-19-1990 vol-200-2006 (RE: DeadlySilence) $2 each
vol-211-2007 (Zelda Twilight Princes) $5
GAMEPRO issue 231 $1
Castlevania Lament of Innocence Official Guide (with poster) $10
Final Fantasy XIII (sealed) $10
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Official Strategy Guide $5
Perfect Dark Official Strategy Guide $5
Resident Evil official Strategy guide Gamecube $10
PC/MAC Game....
1996 Mario Teaches Typing 2 (minty) $2
Final Fantasy XI: Online Ultimate Collection $5
Dragon's Lair (CD-ROM Optional Arcade Cab Window) $5
Escape From Monkey Island (windows) $3
Cheap DVD's…
The Best of He-Man (2 dvds 215mins, new sealed) $5
Family Guy (Volume Two Season 3 ) $5
Family Guy (Volume Three ) $5
Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series (9 episodes) sealed $2
Ninja Scroll $5
Willow $3
LaserDisc & Other Media…
Disney's Toy Story $5
Mario Teaches Typing (multimedia CD) $5
Coleco (loose)…
Mr. Do $5
Donkey Kong $2
Original Gemini Power supply $10
Gameboy & GB Color (loose)…
GB-->Wario Land 3 $5
GB-->Legend of the River King $5
GB-->Harry Potter $2
GB-->Tarzan $2
Gameboy Hard Plastic Carrying case with strap $5
Nintendo (NES)…
Super Mario Bros. 3 $5
Dragon Warrior $5
SNES loose...
Cool Spot $8
Animaniacs $5
T2: The Arcade Game $5
SNES sensor (no gun) $5
Mad Catz 32x memory card $5
N64 loose...
Purple system: purple controller and all hook ups
Mario Kart japanese $15
Super Mario 64 $10
Gex 64
Star Wars Shadow of the Empire $5
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario Party
Earth Worm Jim 3-D
Banjo- Kazooie
Mario Kart
Star Soldier
TopGear Rally $5
Hip Gear Controller $5
N64 Transfer Pak $5
TremorPak $5
Super Memory card 1000 $5
Offical Controller pak $5
Nintendo Gameboy Advance…
Yoshi Topsy-Turvy $10
Super Monkey Ball Jr. (Loose) $2
Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Mans Chest (sealed) $FREE
Flush Away (loose) $FREE
3 in 1- Millipede/SuperBreakout/Lunar Lander (sealed) $2
A Series Of Unfortunate Events (loose with manual) $FREE
MX2002 (loose) $FREE
Backyard Football (loose with manual) $FREE
Draganball Z (loose) $FREE
Cross Town Heroes ( loose) $FREE
Yu-Gi-Uh! The Sacred Cards (loose) $FREE
GBA Video: Spongebob Squarepants vol2 (loose) $1
GBA Video: Kids Next Store (complete) $2
GBA Video: All Grown Up (complete) $2
Gameboy Advance SP case (very nice) $2
Nintendo DS (complete)…
Children Of Mania $10
Super Scibblenauts $5
Brain Age 2 $5
Exit $5
Jake Hunter $5
Theresia $10
Lego Battles $5
Pac-Pix $5
Turn It Around $5
Professsor Brainiums $5
Mario Hoops (with manual) $2
Backyard Football (with manual) $FREE
Backyard Hockey (with manual) $FREE
Hamsterz Life $5
Official DS cover/case Little Pet Shops $free
3DS carrying case $5
Little Pet Shops DS Game Case $FREE
Nintendo3DS case (very nice) $5
Gamecube...(complete unless noted)
Gamecube Silver System (all hook ups and 1 controller) $20
Luigi's Mansion
Pac-Man VS & Pac-Man World 2 $10
Enter Matrix $5
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance $5
Frogger Ancient Shadow $5
Buffy The Vampire Killer (no manual) $10
Odama with Mic and beat up box $5
Crash Nitro Kart $5
Crash: The Wrath of Cortex $5
GC Mic $5
Game Gear…
Sonic 2 $2
Genny model 2 (all hookups) $10
Menacer Gun & Cartridge with sensor $25
Activator (loose with instructions) $25
Genny model 1 & 2 AC $5 each
Complete Sega CD…
SC: Racing Aces $5
Space Ace $10
Games below are for players, there are light scratches on them, if you are looking for mint games don't buy, but all work flawlessly and complete unless noted.
Sonic Adventure $5
World Series Baseball 2K2 $FREE
Virtua Tennis $2
Web Browser $FREE
Sega GT Manual $FREE
Turbo Grafx 16…(complete with manual & sleeve no box)
Sports TV Football $4
Keith Courage (just manual) $FREE
JB Harold Murder Club (just manual) $1
Shadow of the Beast (just manual) $1
World Court Tennis (just manual) $1
Sherlock Holmes 2 (just manual) $1
Baseball (just manual) $1
Sports football (just manual) $1
PS1…(complete unless noted)
PSone System all hook ups 1 controller $10
Crash 2 Cortex Strikes Back $2
Independence Day $2
Resident Evil Nemesis $10
Tomorrow Never Dies: 007 $5
The Grinch $2
Crash :Warpd $2
DDR Dance Revolution Mat $5
PS1 fishing controller (fission) $5
Star Wars Demolition $5
Tomb Raider $2 (custom cover)
Tomb Raider II $5
Beyblade $5
Superstar Dance Club $5
Rainbow six Lone Wolf $2
Big Game Hunter $2
My Disney Kitchen (sealed) $5
Men in Black - The Series: Crashdown $2
Army Men- Air Attack $2
Uprising X $2
Medal of Honor $2
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue $2
SIM Theme Park $2
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing $2
Pong: The Next Level $2
GTA 2 (GH) $2
Asteroids $2
Break Out $2
Rugrats Studio Tour $1
Sesame Street Sports $1
C-12 Final Resistance (sealed) $3
Monopoly (GH) $2
Syphon Filter $2
PS1 memory cards $2
Monkey Hero (Russia) $2
Rosco Mcqueen Firefighter Extreme $1
Killer Loop $3
Bugs life $2
PS2…(complete unless noted)
PS2 Logitech Keyboard $10
Escape From monkey island $10
Monster 4x4 Masters of Metal $5
The Mark of Kri $5
Beyond Good & Evil $5
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition $5
Resident Evil Code: Veronica $5
Heavenly Guardian $5
Limited Edition Ultimate Spider-man (cardboard sleeve has flaws) $10
God Of War (fine light scratches) $5
God Of War (Two Disc Set) excellent! $10
Arc The Lad $5
Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal $5
Disney Kingdom Of Hearts $10
Just Cause $5
Thrillville (no manual) $free
PacMan World 3 $5
Call of Duty 2 Big Red One $5
The Simpsons Game $5
Jak3 $5
Grand Theft Auto III (with poster) $5
Crash Bandicoop: the Wraith of Cortek (GH) $2
SSX Tricky $1
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am $5
Spider-Man Friend or Foe $5
Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection $5
Monopoly $2
Killswitch $2
Zapper $FREE
Crazy frog $FREE
War Of Monsters $FREE
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's with wireless guitar $10
Delta Force: Black hawk Down (online) $FREE
The Suffering $5
Jurassic the Hunted $5
Burnout 3: Takedown $2
XG3 Extreme Racing $free
Taiko Drum Master (complete game no drums) $2
Guitar Hero Enore: Rocks the 80s $2
SSX Tricky $FREE
Michael Jaskson: The Experience (sealed) $5
Taito Legends Power-up $5
Kingdom Of Hearts (loose in generic psp case)) $8
Tomb Raider Legend (case no manual) $5
Tomb Raider Anniversary (case no manual) $5
Death Jr. (case no manual) $5
Ratchet & Clank: Size matters (loose) $2
PSP Headset (Compatible with Skype) $10
Sony PS3 Controller Keyboard $10
Move Navigational Controller (sealed) $10
The Last of Us $30
God of War Origins Collection (sealed) $10
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two $15
Little Big Planet (European packaging) $10
Tron evolution collectors edition $ 40
Killzone 3 gun (just gun) $5
Bionic Commando $5
Grand Theft Auto IV $5
Socom Confrontation $5
Fallout 3 $8
Planet 51 (no manual) $2
Call Of Juarez: Bound Of Blood $5
Dragon Age: Origins (no manual) $2 << hold>>
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare $8
ShellShock2: Blood Trails $2
Jericho $5
Reistance (GH) $2
Endear $2
Movie Presskits... ****BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ****
I have a bunch of movie presskits and was wondering if there is any interest.
Most come with slides &/or photos & production info on the movie and other details
Little Shop Of Horrors (3 8x10 press photos and sleeve) $5
The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai $10
Kennedy $10
Bird $2
Land Before Time $2
Stand By Me $5
Platoon $5
Something about Mary $5
Bulworth $2
The Untouchables $4
The Abyss $2
Unforgiven $5
Carlitos Way $5
Topsecret $5
Freejack $2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer $4
Tombstone $5
Legend $8 **SOLD
The Doors $8
Robert Kennedy $10
Leviathan $3
The Little Drummer Girl $5
Joe Versus The Volcano $5
Ed Wood $5
Space Camp $3
SkinDeep $5
The Burbs $4
Life Stinks $2
Frankenweenie (1 photo) $1
Sleepwalkers (2 slides) $1
Lord Of Illusions (2 photos and state sheet) $2
Movie Poster $2 each..
Resident Evil Extinction
Dragon Wars
Hot Tub Time Machine
Betty Page
20 day od Nights
Resident Evil Afterlife
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Puppet Master 4
Fantastic 4
28 Weeks later
Cool World
Prince of Persia Sand of Time
White Fang 2
updated list of sold items & added for Gameboy/color: Donkey Kong Land, Buzz LightYear, Tiny Toon: Babs' Big Break :)
updated list…
removed sold items, added SNES Doom, some more Gameboy games & more PS1 games.
Will be adding more picts later on today :D thanks for looking
Yeah Sparky, Gaming funland works as a title here. I sent you a PM about one of the things.
sent ya back a pm man :D
Sparky my man! Send that paperboy my way, I WILL make it work, heh heh heh..... :mrgreen:
ya Sure Z.... but come on buy another game as well…ya big spender :P.
Have a few things pending as well
a bump of love :P i always give breaks on shipping...
Helpful bump. Lot's of groovy stuff here all still.
PM sent for Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV, Sim City 2000, Mega Man X collection
Payment and trade item (Dragon Egg!) sent!
updated list... added Wing Commander for snes, GT2 bleemcast for DC, some N-GAGE games, a few more ps1 games
& a Napoleon Dynamite poster book… flippin' sweet :P
Also if any one is interested in an original ps1 let me know (not modded) i will bundle some games together with it :D
Items arrived! Nice packing job Sparky, thanks!
Are you selling Decap Attack as posted in the picture? I'm also very interested in the PS1 Underground demos!
sorry man but decap is gone, but i still have the 2 disc Ps1 underground demo...actually i found another looking for that one… i will fire ya a pm
pS1 console and bundle arrived!! Thanks again Sparky!
updated list with all new picts & some new items!!!
I will be going to a video game meet in the next week to sell whatever is left over but first dibs comes here,
i always try to give a break on shipping when i can. :)
updated list with all new picts & some new items!!!
I will be going to a video game meet in the next week to sell whatever is left over but first dibs comes here,
i always try to give a break on shipping when i can. :)
Sparky do you have another PS1 console with hookups and another copy of Tiny Tank?
my mistake on tiny tank and blast chamber :oops: but i do have another original playstation system with all hookups.
Not as nice as the one i sold you rag-time :D
any more interest? let me know as i will be bringing alot of this stuff to a video game meet on sunday to see if i can move… let me know… i am easy :D
a bump...
sold alot of stuff off at the gaming meet but still some left and i lowered prices more and added new things
have a looky :)
added a couple sweet ass genny shooters... Wings of War & Lightening Force... they are loose like me :P
a bump...
added a coupe more GBC items, and Fear Effect for the ps1
also added a pict of the NES Mario TV Stand that is up for grabs...
NEW ITEMS... more gameboy games, intelevision system, Mega Drive & games, Pal SNES & Copier, PS1 & PS2 games, Vintage 1979 Merlin, Lifeforce for NES & etc……
and a few pictures to show off the goods, i need to work out pricing on a few things ( will have that done tomorrow) but i am easy so hit me up if your interested and will work it throw.
Saturn Controller (aftermarket sealed) $8
Is this the model 1 controller?
hmmm... i have a pict of it... pm coming your way
Any idea how much shipping on the Intellivision would run? I'm also interested in snagging Killer 7. BTW, what is that game you have listed under Sega CD as "Dragon Slayer"? Do you mean Dragon's Lair? As far as I can tell, there's no game called "Dragon Slayer" for the Sega CD, unless it's the Japanese title of something that was released in NA under a different name.
mobiusclimber---> hey send me your zip/state and i will comfirm tonight for ya on shippy :) and thanks, my typo on the Dragons Lair.
It's WA 98105. A friend of mine who I trade with was telling me on the phone some stuff he had that he wanted to get rid of and one of the things was "Dragon Slayer," tho he was actually saying "Dragon's Lair" and I couldn't understand him. Smacked my forehead when I finally went over to his house.
just a bumpy... intelly is still available
last bump before xmas :) prices added... well almost
also added a 2 Gameboy bundles
If that Mega Drive is still available after X-Mas - it's mine!
happy, happy… joy, joy!!!
updated list on sold and pending items... also added more Gamecube games, PS2 and a GBA game as well... :)
EDIT: Added snes Super Mario All-Stars & Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Just got back from vaca and my system was here waiting for me - super fast shipment from Canada! :mrgreen: System is in fantastic shape and I have been playing the hell out of some Eswat and Thunder Force III - hella good seller here (and free bump)
sorry i am lighting this up again………
added a few more SNES games along with EarthWorm Jim for the Genny, Tetris Plus for the ps1
ALSO some G1 Transformers (1984)- i will be posting picts and prices in the next day or so
& added some Free stuff in the mix to get your attention :P
Sparks, I am interested in the following games:
SNES (loose)…
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest $8 <--I just need to make sure I already don't own....
Genesis System with all hook ups and a 6 button controller $10 <--- details / pics???
Castle Of Illusion (Jap. Mega Drive) $3 PENDING <-- let me know if this falls out
Sonic The HedgeHog (Jap. Mega Drive) $1
and I am mildly interested in the Terminator 2 Arcade game
Sega CD… <-- I will take the free stuff off your hands :dance:
Dragons Lair (loose) $FREE
Ground Zero (loose disc 2) $FREE
Heart of The Alien (flaky and does not work for me, loose) $FREE
Joe Montana's football (loose with manual) $FREE
All pending stuff listed consider sold… holding it all for 1 guy until earlier in January oh and also the gameboy pending bundle for Mithos :D
For the rest i will get things together and drop you a PM with some details & a pict of the genny... while you check on Donkey Kong Country 2.
ok I have Donkey Kong 2 (I guess I need 3) so you can scratch that one off.
All pending stuff listed consider sold… holding it all for 1 guy until earlier in January oh and also the gameboy pending bundle for Mithos :D
For the rest i will get things together and drop you a PM with some details & a pict of the genny... while you check on Donkey Kong Country 2.
update.... removed sold stuff, added a couple more HDVD's, some Free SMS games, GBA game, and a genny bundle for $12
have a looky :)
Also i will be posting picts and pricing on some of my G1 transformers soon…
added more HDVDS's and Platoon for the nes.. removed more sold items………
come and get some :)
Castle Greyskull rules Sparky ! Good luck with the sales buddy. :D
s'up we go…
added a SNES mini, NES: Ghosts 'n Goblins, PS2: Contra and a 1984 Transformer, Soundwave with cassettes
more stuff added: Ps2, Ps1, a NES system and games, Mega-CD: Keio Flying Squadron & 1 lonely Saturn game, also dropped some prices :)
all sold items removed and added a few tings and lowered prices!!!
also add Presskits for sale, hope the prices seem fair & also added Transformer from 1984, Soundwave with 2 cassettes
updated list...
Added some SNES games like Mario cart and some other goods & some more ps1 games.
Pal SNES & NES sold!!!
bumping....as i have sold a bunch of stuff... now i have prices for some in bundles...
have a look and get r' done!!!!
Also addd a blu-ray movie and a Dreamcast mouse
i want to sell this stuff so let me know!!!
bump with added Sega cd games, Atari 7800 F-18 Hornet, ps1, and a few other tings... dont forget about that 1 lonely ps3 game :)
have a looky :)
sparks man I'd LOVE that blue velvet press kit :o
you got it.. incoming pm :)
she is going up...
with a couple more N64 games, GC, and some boxed NES games & updated list... have a looky me friends
Thanks for your time.
added more SNES games like MarioCart and a couple more NES games.
updated sold and pending items.
see anything let me know, i am easy :)
added: SNES Lord of the Rings and NES Tiger Heli..
would prefer to sell to people here and i want to move the rest of the stuff so let me know, we will work out a good deal :)
just added....
some sealed PSP he-man movies, Saturn goods and a lonely nes and genny game, along with some other bits and pieces. have a looky... first dibs go here!!!
I recieved my items today! Packaged very well, nice size box with plenty of room for items to move around and not get crushed, Great communication, very patient! Thanks a ton!
Games were in outstanding condition, Im glad to have done business with, thanks again!
Free BUMP!
Hey Sparks. Will the Genny model 1 adapter work on the model II?
Hey Sparks. Will the Genny model 1 adapter work on the model II?
hey ceti-man, i believe it wont fit but i have model II power supplies as well if you need :)
Shit. Sorry Sparks. I'm actually good. I still have to get that World Sports Championship off of you though. lol :lol:
added more snes games, ps1, gameboy/color games & a nice Dreamcast system.
hollerrrrrr if anything looks gooooood to ya!!!! :)
saturday night drinking wine bump!!! (picts coming)
Added a few more snes games like a boxed Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2 and Supermario Allstars, NES boxed Tetris,
bugs bunny xmas record :P and PS2 Silent Hill 3!!!! and some price reductions and shiat.
come get some me brothers!!!
bump for PSP games and some lower prices on some items :) looky and likey:)
my stuff arrived yesterday!
i didnt sleep. Brain Lord ftw
Bump for lower prices &....
Added more ps1 games, NES including Castlevania III & a Gamecube bundle.
Have a looky and let me know :)
Sent you a PM Sparky. :D
Hey Sparky one PM to you buddy. :D
Sparky your package of games is on its way buddy. :D
added picts for ps1, ps2, psp and lowered some prices and added and took away some stuff.... have a look please :) oh ya........ i have some FREE For all stuff as well.. whoooop :)
last bump before xmas in case anyone wants any of this.... please let me know will work out a goood deal :)
Added new picts for the Dreamcast, Gamecube and added a NES system with games, also Gameboy advance games, a PSP 2000 accessory kit, and 2 original 1983 Star Wars Return of the Jedi carded Princess Liea's.
also lowered more prices
I always give a break on shipping where i can so have a looky :)
Sparky needs some paypal monies!!!....
ADDED... SNES system and games, more ps1 and NES and lots of pictures and links.
Also NES, Gamcube, DC, Gameboy and Gameboyadvance system up for sale with pictures.... check it out
up we go...
added some new psp games, nes, snes, posters and lowered some prices here and there :)
have a looky
BIG Update...
Added more ps1 & ps3 games, a few oldschool gaming books, ipod nano, USB drives and a couple more NES & SNES games like Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts.
Also a bunch of movie posters, transformers & lower some prices....
bump... prices and picts for a sega cd system, Dreamcast gun, lower Transformers prices.
also N64 Resident evil 2 complete, box in fair shape. lots to see. :)
is your Sega CD Model 1 System with Genesis all original hookups including AV hookups and controller with games still for sale?
sorry man :( she is gone... updated list with new ps1 and 2 games.
EDIT: Added some sweet trade bait as well
BUY 1 GET 1 FREE SALE!!!!----as sparky needs some paypal---
... going to a video game meet this weekend to trade and sell some of this stuff so if you see anything let me know
added a couple more PS1, NES & N64 games.
up we go...
added a lot more ps1 games, a couple sms, genny, nes, snes and a ipod nano & (Bluray) The Dark Night.
lots of trade bait as well :)
ADDED...more trade bait (Golden Axe Warrior & more as i am putting all my good non TG16/Duo games up for trade to help get these last 3 Duo games i need)
and for sale more ps1, psp ps3 & SMS games.
and dont forget my tg16 spine label stickers
have a looky... lots there even lowered some prices
bump with lots of bits and shits... loooky :)
bumping up...
Added a lot more new stuff for NES (games and system) sms, genny (D&D) & psp & MORE!!!... lowered prices as well and some FREE stuff.
free bump to knock christoph's thread down from the top of the list since he's chosen not to heed his first warning
thanks nat....
update... lowered prices and sold some stuff....
added more trades, bluray, sms and ps1... lots there and prices are coming down even more.
Hey Sparkster i sent you a friendly PM. :D
hey guys.. i am going to sell some stuff at a video game meet tomorrow.. (i want to buy a new house :P :P jk)
so if you guys want anything let me know this evening and i will hold the goods for ya.
Yo Sparkster sent you another PM buddy. :D
Jboy...you still owe me that $1,000,000 remember...? Either way nice stuff for sale here....pm sent!
lol real funny Chris remember i know where you keep all your video games. :P
lol real funny Chris remember i know where you keep all your video games. :P
Funny you are sir..I do not know what these (video games) are you speak of...remember I Got you that Hyve castle....lol
True that sir. :D
yo Spark- got the iPod in excellent condition and awesome packaging all the way from Canuckadia!!
Thanks again man!! Great transaction +1
and all that jazz,
Sparkster PM sent your way buddy. :D
Hey Sparky giving you a free "bump" and sent a PM your way buddy once more. :D
I got the package of goodies today Sparky and want to say thanks for everything including all of those awesome extras you threw in buddy.
You sir are one of the best. :D
lots of new stuff and prices slashed... have a looky, saturn, nes, ps1, genny, etc...
more stuff to come... he-man figures, visionaries, etc
Hmm... there's quite a few items in there I might like :P Unfortunately, most of them are in the "trade for TG16" only group :lol: I'll shoot ya a pm here in a bit.
Hmm... there's quite a few items in there I might like :P Unfortunately, most of them are in the "trade for TG16" only group :lol: I'll shoot ya a pm here in a bit.
dude i love ya like a brother but that stuff is from my personal collection... you need the trades to get your hands on it :(
Hmm... there's quite a few items in there I might like :P Unfortunately, most of them are in the "trade for TG16" only group :lol: I'll shoot ya a pm here in a bit.
dude i love ya like a brother but that stuff is from my personal collection... you need the trades to get your hands on it :(
There is stuff in the other stuff that I'm interested in too :P
well let me know :)
lots of stuff there... and some new goodies added :)
*Sparky lists a bunch of awesome shit*
You won't accept money for the stuff I want!?
Sparky cant be bought! :lol:
PM'd for TMNT: Turtles in Time SNES
hahahaha..Arjak... I am sorry man, dont mean to be a coak tease but i need to bring out the heavy artillery for those last 3 games...
AND that 70's body snatchers flick is some scary shit... thanks for bring back the nightmares :lol:
To be perfectly honest, I've never seen ANY version of Body Snatchers, but when I saw that you had a copy of MUSHA, and weren't willing to part with it for a somewhat reasonable monetary value (Damn you, Ebay!), that was the first image that I thought of that mirrored my feelings of frustration. I was THAT frustrated! ](*,)
PM sent for Ultima IV
new stuff added my friends... have a looky...
Is the Saturn still available? Thinking about it and the gameshark cart.
Well if you decide i still have the goods but shipping from Canada may be pricey... if you want pm me your address and i will see what i can do on cost and shipping. thanks for the interest man
OK guys... i am going to gaming sale and swap meet this weekend & bringing most of what is on my for sale list.
If there is anything on my list you want let me know as i would much rather sell it to you guys.
PM incoming! (Why did I never look closer at this stuff!?)
what i have left from the gaming meet i was at.. prices dropped!!!
wine rage bump... lots of bits added
BIGGG update as it has been awhile!!!
I will be going to a video game meet Oct 16th and will be selling and trading this stuff so let me know if there is anything you guys want :)
Interested in Out Run for the SMS. :)
You've got a ton of good stuff listed there. Good luck at the meet, I'm sure you'll sell all the stuff I have my eye on. :P
pm coming to ya Mathius and if you have your eye on stuff let me know roflmao, will see what we can do :)
pm coming to ya Mathius
:-" :P
if you have your eye on stuff let me know roflmao, will see what we can do :)
Thanks, Sparky, but finances could be better right now, so I've put growing my gaming library on hold for the time being. Thanks though. :D
updated list... lots still there until this sunday when i go to a video game meet...
let me know, want you guys to have first dibs.
PM sent!
LAST DAY before the video game meet i am off to tomorrow, so make your claim on the stuff you want!!!
A good chunk of stuff left & i give breaks where i can.
Thanks guys
Items arrived- Again!! Thank you so much Sparkster! Great shipping time, great packaging! Perfect!
bump up for.....
leftovers, some new games, turtle figures and FREE stuff!!!!!
Have a look :)
That giant lego thingy is a Viewmaster Interactive Vision.
thanks brotha from another motha :)
lots of goodies including retro board games for Xmas and some Free stuff... more to come
have a quick look over i have add more bits here and there :)
pm sent
some sold lots left :) merry xmas
sorry to bump this again but i added some FREE stuff to help move stuff... see bottom of first thread :)
minimum $5 orders at the least please...
Had a couple people want me to do a $2 order or just the free stuff.. hey i am a nice enough guy to deal with but don't push it :twisted:
Oh shit! Please tell me the Army of Darkness press kit isn't spoken for!
Got my goodies Sat, Thx for the added bonus and my F@ck ebay goodies. YOU THE MAN
SMF you are a pleasure to deal with and good to hear all arrived well... i taped the shit out of that box... hope you had a knife handy :P
BUMP......and i owe 2 members a PM!!!... have not forgot about ya, i am working on some sticker orders.
SMF you are a pleasure to deal with and good to hear all arrived well... i taped the shit out of that box... hope you had a knife handy :P
BUMP......and i owe 2 members a PM!!!... have not forgot about ya, i am working on some sticker orders.
My daughter loves PacMan lol, She don't even play the gameshe just goes around eating pellets lol.
lets dance!!!... new stuff added!!
ALOT OF STUFF ADDED!!!... & a lot under $10 and i always help out on shipping where i can :)
PLUS... lots of FREE stuff!!!!
I want: Disney's The Black Hole Mug (ceramic mug 1979) $5
Can you provide pic and describe condition? Thank you (http://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcgs.png)
i will flip you a picture when i get home tonight :)
Just sent ya a PM. Got some interest in a few things. :)
Updated my list.. Heading to a video game swap meet this Sunday so if you want anything let me know :)
Got a pic of that GoW USB stick?
Incoming pm
Goodness, need some time to digest all this.
no pce stuff though :(
Hey guys, before i go to a video game meet where the f@cking resellers grab my stuff i want to ask here if there is any interest... I am shipping from Canada so your looking at about $5 to $9 for bubble mailer with games and with a bunch of stuff in a box your looking around $15 to $20... i will eat some cost where i can but have a looky and let me know :)
Ship internationally?
sure man
I'm considering picking up the Genesis, the NES, or both... can you calculate the shipping to Brazil?
I'm considering picking up the Genesis, the NES, or both... can you calculate the shipping to Brazil?
sure i will do this tonight when i get home from work
Dude! Every time I look at your for sale thread I get a blast from the past of my childhood. Anyways good luck with the sales/trades. Man I really wish some of your stuff wasn't trade only.
Hey. I am interested in some of your stuff.
Here is my trade list... https://www.pcenginefx.com/forums/index.php?topic=15698.0
If you see anything you'd like LMK and i'll let you know what you have i'd like.
If not, I understand.
i have to update my list as i went to a video game swap and sold and traded a bunch of stuff a week back. sorry i will try to do that tonight and i will have a look at what you have.
Where in Canada are you shipping from?
What do the GB, GBA and DS cases look like?
I think I still have those, I am in Ontario but guys again a lot of this stuff is now gone, where were you when I freshly posted this stuff before I went to the meet. :(
Sale is on hold till I up date this list. Sorry guys I got cleaned out.
Super Scibblenauts $8 -> is that still available? :)
:hoping the FF7 guide is still there:
updated list...for the people that inquired earlier expect a good discount on shipping if your still interested in gooods... sorry for the wait and the update!!!!!