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NEC PC-FX => PC-FX Discussion => Topic started by: MaximumRD on July 24, 2010, 05:36:37 PM
Still in learning mode here folks. First time I had seen anything on the PCFX I thought it looked pretty kick ass, like a PC tower for gaming. I have watched some gameplay vids on Youtube, did some Ebay searches, seems pretty rare and expensive? I am guessing it is not backwards compatible with anything else? Would the majority of titles require Japanese language skills?
Not backward compatible, pretty much everything requires Japanese except for the most expensive games.
If all you want is the crap, Anime Freaks, Graduation, etc, its not very expensive, IMO. The puny percentage of games that are...actually games, can get pricey.
Basically, its a sequel to the PC Engine that isn't even half as good. You know how the N64 was a horrible successor to the Super Famicom? Well, its like that. Only three times as bad.
Ah what a shame, OK then no need to consider one then. To bad it looked so cool at least to me.
It is a really cool looking console, and not very expensive. I bet if you are patient enough you can get one for $120, which isn't bad. Just don't expect to spend any time actually playing it.
Ah what a shame, OK then no need to consider one then. To bad it looked so cool at least to me.
take what zeta said with a grain of salt IF, and ONLY IF:
You like digital comics and dating sim-like games
You can actually read Japanese.
If you can't read Japanese, don't waste your money. It will disappoint and be not-so-fulfilling, as zeta said.
If you can, but don't like digital comics, board game style things, or more like... texty games....... you will cry in boredom.... as zeta mentioned :D
I love the thing. I play Yuna and Pia Carrot all the time. and Cutie Honey.
You have to like those kind of games. If you aren't sure if you do... try some of the PC Engine ones:
Bubblegum Crash
Devil Hunter Yohko
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
Dead of the Brain
If you don't enjoy these, you won't like them on PC-FX either prolly.
I do like Digital Comics...just not the ones on the FX. I don't really read Japanese, but I know enough to beat countless strategy, RPG, digital comics, etc. The problem is that there is no Snatcher, or even Gunbuster, for the FX. Its all vapid soft core wank fodder.
If I had an FX (some day I will, I promise) I would own Yuna for sure since I love the series. I would also own Akazukin Chacha, since that's the FX game I've enjoyed more than any other. Also, the FMV fighters.
OK guys that has helped A LOT! I do not read Japanese nor am I a fan of the majority of the type of games mentioned. So far I have ruled out any interest in the PCFX or TurboExpress! Everyone here has been very helpful! I figure even though I can not afford anything right now the more I can narrow down the list when I am ready the better. 8)
What you want is a Duo R.
What you want is a Duo R.
Yes, a Duo-R is more exciting.
I should have clarified a bit more, you have to like fruity girly digital comics, lol.
There are quite a few good games that don't require Japanese language skillz, but as has already been noted, some titles get quite pricey and the cost of building a meager PC-FX library would net a much nicer PCE library. To anyone curious about the FX: download some ISOs and try 'em out on Magic Engine FX; it won't cost anything but a little time to see if they're up your alley, which is obviously better than spending a few hundred bucks for buyer's remorse.
Games for the non digital comic lover:
Kishin Doji Zenki: Vajura Fight -----------Its a sidescrolling punch stuffy game
Super God Trooper Zeroigar (Tyoushin Heiki Zeroigar)---------Only shmup on the system
Chip Chan Kick! ------------- Parasol Stars with panty shots
Zenki and Chip Chan are expensive as balls. you will probably not enjoy them enough to be like MAN I NEED TO BLOW 500$ RIGHT NOW AND GET THESE.
Ruruli Ra Rula, Yuna, and Boundary Gate are my favorite 3 games on the system. Check them out too. Boundary Gate is an awesome first person RPG
I also liked Detective Ladies.
Never heard of Chip Chan Kick til now.
After watching youtube of this game, I want a PCFX for the first time.
Is it worth $400 for the system and game? Probably not...
PC-FX>>>>>N64 :)
Never heard of Chip Chan Kick til now.
Is it worth $400 for the system and game? Probably not...
Well considering that's close to double what you could nab it for....no. PCFX has plenty of cool games (the MUST speak japanese/digital comicetc is overblown). Is it for everyone..nope. Is it a system with some cool rpg/srpg games..yep.
Well considering that's close to double what you could nab it for....no. PCFX has plenty of cool games (the MUST speak japanese/digital comicetc is overblown). Is it for everyone..nope. Is it a system with some cool rpg/srpg games..yep.
It's not totally overblown! I mean, most of the games, if you can't read what they're saying, it's pretty dumb to play the game. I don't know what the point if walkthru'ing an RPG is if you have no idea whats going on. :(
The majority of the games on the system are text heavy and interactive. You can hamfist your way through them and trial/error it til things happen... but you're not getting the fully intended experience.
The strategy games are awesome though. Der Langrisser man. Shits off the hook.
I think the OP should buy a PCFX just because. Everyone needs one
Do what Necromancer said and try out a few ISOs before making the decision. I agree with nectarsis-- the "need to know Japanese" factor is over exaggerated. The PCE has an incredible RPG library, virtually all of which are Japanese heavy. The PC-FX is the same way... If you like JRPGs, you might dig the FX.
I can't say enough about Der Langrisser (the sequel to Warsong/Langrisser on the Genesis/Turbo), it's probably my favorite PC-FX game, and one of my favorite games of all time.
Last Imperial Prince is also a great unmentioned game, it's an epic action RPG spanning two discs that doesn't really require Japanese to be enjoyable. All the videos and screenshots you'll find online are from the first two minutes of the game-- you'll travel from forest to sea to desert islands to ice caves and beyond, and the music is great. You'll either love or hate the battle system, though.
You can't seriously mean to insinuate that the FX's RPG library is even in the same universe as the Engine's.
...or maybe I missed the FX games that actually rated with Tengai Makyo, Y's, Seiya Monogatari, or even the Telenet and Rayforce stuff.
As for the FX>N64 thing...nah, I can't really buy that either. The N64 really sucks and all, I know, but...how many actual action games does the FX have? Like, games with sprites you control and do stuff like shoot or run and jump, or punch people. Are there even...six?
The N64 has...I don't know, Bangai O. Sin and Punishment. There you go, two games that I personally don't own, nor am I a fan of, that combined (if not individually) beat the entire FX library. f*ck, Mario Party 4 pretty much beats the FX library, or at least all but three games. The FX doesn't even have a f*cking Bomberman game.
I'm not sure the FX is even better than the Jag/3DO/CD-i. I'd rather have one, obviously, but would it be more fun? On the 3DO you have Policenauts...that beats every FX game I've ever played.
You can't seriously mean to insinuate that the FX's RPG library is even in the same universe as the Engine's.
...or maybe I missed the FX games that actually rated with Tengai Makyo, Y's, Seiya Monogatari, or even the Telenet and Rayforce stuff.
What is Y's. I have never heard of that game.
The RPG library on the PC-FX is nothing to underestimate. Blue Breaker and Boundary Gate are top notch, as is Last Imperial Prince....
As for the FX>N64 thing...nah, I can't really buy that either. The N64 really sucks and all, I know, but...how many actual action games does the FX have? Like, games with sprites you control and do stuff like shoot or run and jump, or punch people. Are there even...six?
It's not all about the action. How many nice simulation / digital comic games does the N64 have? What about board game style games that aren't Mario Party? Where are the high quality anime cut scenes? PC-FX has a better library than N64 if you ask me. I can get my crapass platformer fix somewhere else. Don't need N64 for that.
The N64 has...I don't know, Bangai O. Sin and Punishment. There you go, two games that I personally don't own, nor am I a fan of, that combined (if not individually) beat the entire FX library. f*ck, Mario Party 4 pretty much beats the FX library, or at least all but three games. The FX doesn't even have a f*cking Bomberman game.
I'm not sure the FX is even better than the Jag/3DO/CD-i. I'd rather have one, obviously, but would it be more fun? On the 3DO you have Policenauts...that beats every FX game I've ever played.
Mario Party doesn't beat the entire FX library. Now you are just talking crazy.
and how can two games you don't like beat the FX library? That makes no sense. Two things you dont like beat a bunch of other things you dont like? Uhhh?
As it stands the FX library has alot of extremely solid games. It didn't take off as planned, but the games we did get for it are pretty goddamn awesome. Return To Zork is kick ass.
and again, Boundary Gate. Bitches cant touch that.
You can't seriously mean to insinuate that the FX's RPG library is even in the same universe as the Engine's.
Yeah, I didn't mean it how you interpreted it when I said "The PC-FX is the same way...." I just meant, the PC-FX has an RPG library that is virtually all Japanese heavy, like the PC Engine's. I didn't mean to imply it was similar in size. As far as quality goes... I can only suggest you try out some more PC-FX RPGs. There are a bunch, and they are mostly all great. I had way more fun with Last Imperial Prince, for example, than I did with Ys II or Ziria. At the end of the day though, it all comes down to personal taste.
and the PCE CD has nothing that properly compares to Boundary Gate. I don't care what anyone says.
Might and Magic III comes close, but falls short!
I prefer Dragon Knight to Boundary Gate. But I did enjoy plaything through both.
Wow, I have been on the fence about getting a PC-FX for a long time. Now I am even more confused dang-it! ](*,)
Wow, I have been on the fence about getting a PC-FX for a long time. Now I am even more confused dang-it! ](*,)
I'd take Necromancer's advice and try out a few ISOs to see if you like the games. Youtube has plenty videos showing gameplay. It's not a system for everybody.
I should be getting a PC-FX delivered tomorrow or Monday.
I love failed systems like the Virtual Boy, NUON or Jaguar. Only having a few games to play isn't a major issue.
Now to get a CD32...
Or just buy it, mess around with it for a while, and sell it on to the next guy when you get bored with it. I'm pretty sure that's what most people do, and there is nothing wrong with that.
You might lose money on shipping, but the price of the systems and the game probably isn't going to go much lower, so you can probably sell it for the same as what you paid for it, if you decide to. Try that with an XBox. :)
If anyone has a cheap copy of Chip Chan Kick! for sale, I'd like to buy.
I remember lukemorse1 posting a vid of a PCFX game that seemed to be some sort of a side-scrolling action RPG. The graphics were lush and beautiful. Can't remember what it was called. I am home on my lunch break, so I don't have time to search through his massive database of vids.
Or just buy it, mess around with it for a while, and sell it on to the next guy when you get bored with it. I'm pretty sure that's what most people do, and there is nothing wrong with that.
You might lose money on shipping, but the price of the systems and the game probably isn't going to go much lower, so you can probably sell it for the same as what you paid for it, if you decide to. Try that with an XBox. :)
That might be the best idea to start with. I was thinking about doing that with my Neo-Geo, but I am so in love with it that I can't bring myself to sell it.
seemed to be some sort of a side-scrolling action RPG
Sounds like Last Imperial Prince to me.
Now to get a CD32...
No. Please don't. They am not safe.
Though, interesting shameless plug/thing.
I have an Amiga 4000 I am trying to get rid of because i keep stubbing my toe on it and I barely play it.... :D
I'd get a PC-FX just for the icebreaker value...
Friend - "Zomg! What is that thing?!"
Me - "You don't know what that is?!"
Friend - "Zomg! No!"
Me - "Just know that you are basking in greatness, that is all you need to know"
Me - (For one because, that is all I know... and...)
Me - (Because for us non-japanese speakers... basking in its presence might be all the PC-FX is good for)
Friend - "Zomg! Its so coooooool! It looks amazing! I'm honored to be looking at it!!!"
Ok maybe not that extreme, but I have to admit, the PC-FX does look pretty darn cool. I'd buy it just to look at it.
the PC-FX does look pretty darn cool. I'd buy it just to look at it.
I gotta admit, that was a partial reason I bought a Neo-Geo. That thing is one sexy beast! .....so is the PC-FX. :wink:
Its got my favorite power button of all time, and the best like pre-game menu ever.
Its got my favorite power button of all time, and the best like pre-game menu ever.
Are you referring to the start-up bios or whatever it's called? I have always been a fan of those. When I was younger, and got my Sega CD for christmas, I would just sit and watch the "SEGA" logo scale and rotate. I knew the Genesis wasn't capable of that, and I knew the SEGA CD was capable of it before I got one, and it ended up being the main reason why I wanted one. Too bad few actually good games took advantage of that tech back then. Anyway, I am getting off track. I have heard the Victor Saturn has a pretty cool start-up bios. I am watching one on eBay right now that is in Canada. Thinking about buying it. :-k
no, thats pretty cool too, but I mean the screen with all the options and the cursor.
no, thats pretty cool too, but I mean the screen with all the options and the cursor.
Ah, okay.
All in all, the PC-FX was a beast for FMV and did some pretty sweet late 16-bit/early 32-bit effects. I would love to see someone take a stab at making a PC-FX homebrew title.
*nudges Arkhan* ........... lol
Maybe. If you can come up with 2 working PC-FX systems for us to test with :-)
Maybe. If you can come up with 2 working PC-FX systems for us to test with :-)
I already have one. Duh? :)
I was going to buy the devkit from this one store but they didn't pull through.
Gonna need to find us a crazed animator for a PCFX game....
Unless you guys want a spriteydoof game that might as well be on the Turbo....
I had the PC-FX back in 2005. I kept it around for about 6 months, when I needed to drop some system weight, it was first to go. I would need one back in my collection about as much as I'd need a Jaguar or a CDi. I couldn't imagine someone having one and playing enough to make keeping it around worthwhile.
Not that I didn't have some fun playing it. I had Sparkling Feather, Power League FX, and a few others that really were pretty entertaining. I heard alot of hype behind battle heat and Team Innocent, so when I got on those and found that the games are less than "great" I decided to dump.
The other fun games are far too crazy priced and hard to find. I'm not saying that I'll never own one again, but its not too likely.
watch me eat my words.
Team Innocent is killer... but you have to "get into it."
I play my PCFX at least 8hrs a week probably. more on weekends. You just have to like the game styles presented.
if you fap to shooters, you dont want a pcfx.
There is also Miraculum The Last Revelation, which is in my opinion one of the best game programmed for the PC-FX. Probably the best RPG on the system, made by Rayforce (creators of the Startling Odyssey series)
On another topic, if you need an animator for a PC-FX game, I guess I could fill the job, but it would take a lot of free time. (I work as a storyboarder and animator.) Concerning homebrew project, I've been the cutscene director and character illustrator of the game Pier Solar.
I'm currently trying to do a port of the first Lunar (with improved color/graphics) on the PC Engine but I'm not a programmer at all. So, for now I'm creating artwork/screenshots of the game for future reference, using as a base the Mega CD version, and improving the colors as well as creating new BG tiles and elements/portraits.
Here's a screenshot to give you an idea :
those look great. Lunar on PCE would've been awesome.
However.... and I mean this with no disrespect to anyone involved....
I think it's safe to say that doing homebrew RPGs is the worst kind of homebrew to get involved with. They are the most work, and since we're all doing this for free.... real life, etc. get in the way and delay them. PC-FX would be the ultimate "holy shit. this is alot of work" RPG project.... it would turn out awesome no doubt, but I'd guess it would take 5+ years to get finished. -_-
I would love to get involved in one, especially since I have one completely done except for actually coding it (resurrecting an old RPG Toolkit game).... but I just know something will come up and delay the shit out of it. :(
I'd rather stick to the action-y projects. They are less of a burden.
I see, that's too bad.
Actually, I know I could handle everything related to art (tiles/artwork/etc) and sound (I already remixed the opening with additional sfx with soundforge and premiere) When it comes to graphics, I know I can work rather fast.
When I have enough screenshots to show (I already created many of them), I shall create a new topic in the development thread about this. Thanks.
I see, that's too bad.
Actually, I know I could handle everything related to art (tiles/artwork/etc) and sound (I already remixed the opening with additional sfx with soundforge and premiere) When it comes to graphics, I know I can work rather fast.
When I have enough screenshots to show (I already created many of them), I shall create a new topic in the development thread about this. Thanks.
If you really can bust out arts quickly, then that makes it quite possible.
us peoples at Aetherbyte generally have enough free time to code, but suck at art.
I can do music, depending on style, and sound effects. but art.... yeah.... thats a mess. I think its the hardest part of games since people stare at that. They dont stare at code.
we will have to see then. Maybe the time when you have alot of promising art, and the time when we're not doing a project will coincide, and we can try to do this. ;)
Actually, my main idea was to create screenshots as a reference, and then to use the tiles found in the Mega CD iso (which is only around 15 megs) as a base to recreate them with more colors,etc... The problem is to be able to rip them, which I can't as I'm not a programmer.
Another task would be to create a game engine which could reuse the tiles. A battle engine would still be another task.
As for the music, more than 90% of the game soundtrack is comprised of cdda tracks, which could be remixed or reused as is. More tracks could be added as there's still room on the cd. The rest is soundchip music for very short melodies.
For the sfx, I already the saturn version sfx in wav as a reference.
Actually, my main idea was to create screenshots as a reference, and then to use the tiles found in the Mega CD iso (which is only around 15 megs) as a base to recreate them with more colors,etc... The problem is to be able to rip them, which I can't as I'm not a programmer.
right right. Ripping graphics isn't too hard. but doing mockups will give a general idea of how nice it will look.
This is PCE. It will look better than the MegaCD one for sure, :-D
Another task would be to create a game engine which could reuse the tiles. A battle engine would still be another task.
Yes. Thankfully Lunar's battle system is pretty simplistic. I've written similar stuff in a few C-like environments.
The regular game engine is pretty easy too. It involves careful planning and organization, but since you aren't dealing with alot of collisions and action, it isn't too bad.
As for the music, more than 90% of the game soundtrack is comprised of cdda tracks, which could be remixed or reused as is. More tracks could be added as there's still room on the cd. The rest is soundchip music for very short melodies.
For the sfx, I already the saturn version sfx in wav as a reference.
They'd def. need to be remixed. Hell maybe even rip some of the saturn, psx or even the new PSP tracks.
It would be a great project if there was enough commitment.
I think all the tracks can remain the same except the intro where I have added sfx and some reverb. For the last battle and the battle against Xenobia, I think the psp version of the battle theme can be reused as they're nonexistent in the MCD version.
I think the rest should be the Mega Cd version to remain faithful to the original as all the music of this version are different from the saturn/psx version of the game.
For the graphics, you can already see the difference here
Um... You'd really need to fix the graphics. While it's not a 256 color image (like some we've had to reject), your palette colors are way too close together. The pce can't reproduce RGB values at the levels you have.....You need to go in steps of 32, I think....
Thanks for the advice. I've done this for the sprite of the character so it's compatible with the pc engine colors. But for the BG I didn't bother for now, but it could easily be fixed.
Simply put, each color (R,G,B) can only have one of the values found below to be pc engine compatible, right ?
I know that the pc engine can have 16 palettes of 15colors + one transparent (which makes 240 colors)for the BGs, and the same for the sprites.
There's 109 colors for everything in the picture below (bg,sprite,dial box)
Simply put, each color (R,G,B) can only have one of the values found below to be pc engine compatible, right ?
That looks right. I don't remember the exact values, you'd have to ask arkhan about that. I do know he gets frustrated sometimes when the color he wants doesn't exist on the pce....
I know that the pc engine can have 16 palettes of 15colors + one transparent (which makes 240 colors)for the BGs, and the same for the sprites.
Yeah, that's the way its always explained, but it isn't like you can just pick any color. Each background block is limited to 1 palette slot (but blocks can share a palette slot). So while you could use colors 16-31 for a block, you can't use color #43 - it will show up as color 11 (43%16) in palette #1, Assuming you use palette #1 (colors 16-31).
I understand -how- it works, I'm just not good at explaining it. It's really better to think of it as 16 separate palettes, and you can use any 1 palette in a given 8x8 pixel block.
And, to complicate it even further, sprites have a separate set of 16 palettes. Still same limit on drawing, though.
With a 32x32 sprite you could -potentially- use 16 palettes for 256 colors; in reality, though, most of the colors would be the same, with just one or two different for a special highlight or something.
So when you do something like the block in your upper-left corner, you have to be careful. You would need 1 palette slot for the brown/green 8x8 area, and a separate one for the green/grey area. In your case, it might be okay; I counted 8 unique colors In the brown/green block, and 7 in the green/grey block, so they could 'share' a palette slot. But you might find yourself duplicating colors just to have them available elsewhere in the picture.
And as arkhan keeps saying, it sure would be nice to have a graphics editor that understood these things :-)
Thanks for the explanation :)
Using graphicsgale and photoshop, I've converted all the colors which should be compatible with the pce palette. There remains only 42 colors now. I didn't try to refine or put additional details but just to remain faithful to the first version of the picture and reducing the number of colors.
dont forget, its 16 palettes... but they all share 1 common color.
I see. But what would be the problem, here ? With only 42 colors, I guess I could reuse the same colors in several color palettes ?
You're down to 42 unique colors now, right ? So you should understand why people complain about doing graphics on the pce :-) And why they look 'off' sometimes, compared to other systems.
In any case, the next step is to chop the image up into unique 8x8 tiles, create a 256x whatever image, import it into mappy, and see if you can re-create the image there, using just your tiles. Trust me, it's harder than you think.
Start with a 32x32 map (using 8x8 tiles), and post a screen shot of your results when you have it like you want, so we can see how it worked out.
If you are really serious about this, keep notes on what you did so you don't have to figure it all out again. When you post the mappy screen-shot, I'll dig through my old code, and find the map-display test from pp, so you can at least see how your maps look in an emulator. And maybe, if arkhan says yes, we will get your sprite walking around on them. It's a start.
And we should probably move this to a new topic, since we are wayyy off-topic here :-)
Ok, I'll give it a shot. But, is it possible to use tile studio instead of mappy ? Am I supposed to divide into 8x8 tiles manually in photoshop ? Or is there a more proper way in tiles studio or Mappy to do that ?
Probably. Most any tile program will do.
BUT, we have tools to convert mappy files to directly importable pce BAT tables :-)
IF we can find out how tile studio saves files, it might be possible to fix the tools to do the same thing. For now, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just make sure your tiles look right when you put them together into a screen.
Where the crap are we getting 42 colors from? lol
You can have 512 different shades of stuff (2^9).
16 palettes of 15 colors = 240 + Common Color = 241 colors for the backgrounds.
oh wait I shouldn't read after just waking up.
The PICTURE you gave has 41 colors.
Yes, you can reuse colors in each palette.
Cause lets say for example you have a nice water palette of 15 blue/tealish colors, and then you are like oooo I need to make a building!
...thats say.... gray stone, with blue windows.
You probably wont manage to get the windows onto their own tile sections in order to use the same blue palette as the water unless you're REALLY clever...
so you can make a new palette for the building that has grays and blues, and you wont have to worry about it. Even if the blues are duplicated. :)
I think of it more like "Hey I can have 16 of these, so I can use them to tailor to specific sections/things on screen without worrying"
Plus, if you're reallllllly batshit insane, you can do alot with 16 colors
pardon the small ass image. I cant find a good one. That's Fray for MSX. It's 16 colors INCLUDING sprites. lol. the background and sprites share one 16 color palette because its a bitmapped screen mode game.
Insane. i wish I could art like that.
Fray is a nice game, as a lot of other games from Micro Cabin
I'll need to reread your message later, until then don't worry about art ;)
PS : this is the syscard error image I've drawn (maybe not final)
Fray is a nice game, as lots of games from Micro Cabin
I'll need to reread your message later, until then don't worry about art ;)
PS : this is the syscard error image I've drawn (maybe not final)
that may be the best system card error image I have ever seen in my life.
Thanks for the compliment. Following TheOldman's advice, I recreated the screenshot in mapwin.
Doing this was tedious. The number of tiles was important and some tiles seemed identical, but they're not. Fortunately there was the original picture for reference. Anyway, I sent it via PM to you and to theoldman.
This is a great conversation, but can we start a new thread in the Dev area of the forums? The topic has wandered clear out of sight of the initial topic.
Sorry, I'll create a separate topic in the dev forum.
No problem. :)