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Chit-Chat / Re: Secret Santa 2024
« Last post by Necromancer on December 01, 2024, 01:46:26 AM »
Lists are finally sent out.  Happy shopping, Santas.
PC Engine/SuperGrafx Discussion / Re: Happy 35th Birthday SuperGrafx!
« Last post by Necromancer on November 30, 2024, 10:58:55 PM »
Happy B-Day!

I kinda wish I'd picked one up back before prices went so nuts.  Nowadays it's just to pricey for me.
Console Chat / Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Last post by lukester 3.0 on November 30, 2024, 08:48:41 PM »
played through a few more games on my list recently, while i'm on vacation

riot zone pce - never got around to playing the pc engine's "premier" beatemup. i didn't mind it was easy but more variety in moves would've been fun, and maybe some weapons. graphics ain't bad for a mid gen pce game but the animations were pretty goofy. but if i want a pce belt scroller in the future, i'll stick to river city ransom.

final fight 2 snes - i've beaten the 3rd one a long time ago, which was alright. this is also "alright", but the music is worse and no dashing/special moves, but it plays pretty mechanically tight overall. this is certainly a step up from riot zone but at the same time felt even more repetitive, due to its length, and i think riot zone had more interesting bosses. the blue swordsman dude is my favorite character. kinda silly how few weapons there were, or boxes/barrels that were empty. mighty final fight on the nes is still my favorite in the series. if riot zone is a 5/10, this was like a 7/10

goof troop snes - had a lot of fun with the first 3 levels, but then the last 2 levels really dragged the pacing hard with all the box pushing puzzles and backtracking. feel like i'm playing soukoban...maybe someday i'll replay this in co-op with my brother as intended. if the whole game was like the first half, it would be a solid 8/10 for me, but it ended up being more of a 6/10

rambo iii (genesis) - absolutely kickass. the best top down shooter i've played in a while, and surprisingly good soundtrack. the 3rd person tank/helicopter bosses are easy but super awesome, i think its still impressive today. i struggled hard with level 5 though, too mazey and you generally only can take 3 hits before you lose. i 1CCed the game on normal by grinding out extra lives on the 3rd stage (theres a regenerating bush man near the boss gate. i left the boss gate on minimal HP while I kept stabbing the bush over and over. stabbing in this game is high risk iffy reward, but your range is increased when stabbing the bush dudes. overall, 9/10

dynamite duke (genesis) - i like really short games, like rambo iii above, but there needs to be some challenge to make up for it. normal mode is an utter cakewalk and easy to 1CC up until the final boss. cabal style games are always interesting and i do like the melee component they added, but the melee is clunky and only comes in play for bosses. overall pretty playable but disappointing, 4/10

i also played through the forgotten worlds pce port not long ago, was kinda lazy i did easy mode with auto fire (and the buttons are easy to configure on an emulator)
holy moly, solid 9/10, such a creative experience. kicks the pants off the genesis version. someday i'll re-visit it on normal mode
PC Engine/SuperGrafx Discussion / Happy 35th Birthday SuperGrafx!
« Last post by elmer on November 30, 2024, 09:09:55 AM »
I still have my original grey import SuperGrafx that I pre-ordered from small game shop back when the SuperGrafx was first announced.

The best is yet to come (I hope)!
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Last post by Naniyue on November 29, 2024, 01:15:36 AM »
Your manual dexterity and memorization ability will ALWAYS be superior to mine.

I CAN beat Riot Zone, but it's not too hard.

I used to beat Lords of Thunder with no continues, but that was ages ago.

On topic, I recently cheated my way through Jinmu Densho.
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Last post by lukester 3.0 on November 28, 2024, 03:46:29 AM »
just beat Deep Blue  :lol:  :cook:
if i was a kid in the 80s i would've probably been pissed with this game. but with the power of google in 2024, the game is pretty doable once you try to shoot as little as possible in order to allow your ship to heal
once i knew that, it only took like 2 tries. the falling urchins on the last stage can mess you up quick if not careful but thats about it. stage 3 is the easiest because most of the enemies go in a straight line pattern
i love the graphics and the attention to detail of all the sea critters. too bad the music is pretty lame.
but i definitely like this one, i prefer challenging games to be on the short side

the green weapon is pretty much the only useful weapon
Console Chat / Re: Smelling my own farts? aka Turbo games playlists
« Last post by _joshuaTurbo on November 26, 2024, 09:32:40 AM »
Played through Last Alert and Final Zone II
Last Alert is flawed but a fun romp, i'd definitely revisit it in a few years
Final Zone II has much snappier gameplay but it feels too short. Some of the stages don't even have a real boss  :lol:

I've actually never played Final Zone II. At least not more than a few minutes. With most of the same "amazing" voice actors from Last Alert, you'd think I would be all over this. hahah.
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: Game of the Month: November 2024 - Shockman
« Last post by Naniyue on November 26, 2024, 01:47:26 AM »
I like the third one, kinda like the first, am at my worst with the second.  Can't beat any of them without at least a save state, though!
Chit-Chat / Re: Games you must cheat to beat.
« Last post by Naniyue on November 26, 2024, 01:45:41 AM »
I think you forget, or do not know, how much I HATE most platformers!  The stress is not worth it for me!  So yeah, Battletoads can go suck a ...  :twisted: :boom:

Shooters are different from platformers, especially for me.  The fact that I don't have to JUMP in a shooter gives me great advantage.  I've legitimately beaten more shooters than I ever will platformers.  And I suck at shooters, too!
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: Game of the Month: November 2024 - Shockman
« Last post by lukester 3.0 on November 26, 2024, 01:05:08 AM »
always liked this game. i needed the turbo switches to get through a couple levels though
would've been cool if the pce got its own megaman, but i guess SonSon II is the closest thing we have
I'm surprised the genesis never got a blatant megaman clone!
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