The Fly-wing has a 15-pin port on the back. There are separate cables for each console; one end has the 15-pin plug and the other end has the typical plug found on controllers for that console. In the photo below is the cable for the Genesis/Mega Drive on the left and the cable for the PCE/Duo (8-pin Mini-DIN) on the right. The NES cable is unfortunately missing.
My opinion so far is that it works well with shooters. I played some Gate of Thunder and the control was fine as the stick felt good and moved freely. I don't think the Fly-wing would work as well for fighting games like Street Fighter because the stick does not have much travel and the buttons are not even in the same zip code as Sanwa and Seimitsu. It doesn't feel flimsy, but it does feel cheaper than the Sega Fighter Stick SN for the Genesis, the Sega Virtua Stick for the Saturn, and the Ascii sticks for PS1/PS2. Overall I can't complain as it was a freebie and I can see myself having some fun with it playing shoot'em-ups.