Hi, burn_654 here!
If you recall I was trying to fix up a pc engine duo not too long ago, I can say that there was some success thanks to you fine folks! (and a lot of patience)
I need a part number for Q604 shown here, pretty sure it 's a transistor:
The underside of the board.
As you can see it's pretty blown.
I did a partial recap and as part of that, I did some cleaning with swabs and rubbing alcohol beforehand.
As I wiped around this component (as it showed some nastiness) a bit of plastic broke off of it! And now you see my concern.
I marched forward, tested after one section of caps and got my games and cds to read. Great luck. ADPCM works (Ooga bonk!) and all tracks from both a pressed music cd and music cdr work.
The problem is that the cd-audio is GREATLY distorted. Still recognizable to me (familiar cds) and not skipping though. As far as I can remember, before the cd-audio sounded ok for the one or two tracks it could play before I did the cleaning/recap. Maybe some very slight noise but not this ridiculous.
Pretty sure it's this component given the circumstances. Almost as if it's not giving proper voltage for the cd-audio anymore. Anyone got a match? Is this indeed part of an audio circuit?
Testing on headphones, everything else sounds great.
edit: derp. image is up now.