Author Topic: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!  (Read 542 times)


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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2012, 08:39:57 PM »
Ill admit. I thought this thread title was a joke at first.

Awesome job fragmare!!!

I will have to try this...

Initially I also thougt it is about a hack or something to unleash a secret super weapon..hehe.

Nice job, frag :)
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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 05:20:14 AM »
emu002 and HercTNT, it's not really that hard of a game until you get up into some of the higher stages.
You just have to choose which weapon combinations work best together and power them up to just the right level to handle whatever comes at you.
I could tell you a weapon combo that might make the whole game seem like a breeze but, I wouldn't want to ruin the fun and learning curve for you.
Just experiment with it and don't try to rush to finish it.
Sit back and enjoy the beautiful graphics and the enchanting sound quality.
If all else fail, try getting the 100 power-up gels that fragmare mentioned.


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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2012, 05:03:13 PM »
honestly, the weapon combo i prefer in Blazing Lazers is the (I) vulcan powered up all the way with the (H) homing missiles also powered up all the way... even without the 100 pink orb trick.  For whatever reason, when you use the homing missiles with the vulcan, you spit out 8 missiles instead of the normal 4.  Also, when you grab 4 or 5 more (H) icons, your missiles get to a point where they're racing around the screen at blinding speeds, viciously attacking enemies.  With full powered (I) + (H), your offensive power is such that you're nearly unstoppable.  Another good combination for maximum defense is the full powered (IV) weapon with the (S) shield.  Enemy bullets simply don't get through enough to kill you.  (III) + (F) at full power is also pretty badass.  It creates a super fast homing laser that forks in two directions and attacks everything, one enemy after another.  For spamming the screen with firepower and killing lots of popcorn enemies, nothing tops full power (II) + full powered (M).  You're shooting so many waves that no 1-hit enemy can survive on the screen for more than a split second.  It doesn't do much damage to bosses, though.


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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2012, 05:21:23 PM »
Best weapon for stage 3: Ring Blaster (IV) with Fullfire (F), fully powered up. Try it.


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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 10:41:28 AM »
honestly, the weapon combo i prefer in Blazing Lazers is the (I) vulcan powered up all the way with the (H) homing missiles also powered up all the way... even without the 100 pink orb trick.  For whatever reason, when you use the homing missiles with the vulcan, you spit out 8 missiles instead of the normal 4.  Also, when you grab 4 or 5 more (H) icons, your missiles get to a point where they're racing around the screen at blinding speeds, viciously attacking enemies.  With full powered (I) + (H), your offensive power is such that you're nearly unstoppable.  Another good combination for maximum defense is the full powered (IV) weapon with the (S) shield.  Enemy bullets simply don't get through enough to kill you.  (III) + (F) at full power is also pretty badass.  It creates a super fast homing laser that forks in two directions and attacks everything, one enemy after another.  For spamming the screen with firepower and killing lots of popcorn enemies, nothing tops full power (II) + full powered (M).  You're shooting so many waves that no 1-hit enemy can survive on the screen for more than a split second.  It doesn't do much damage to bosses, though.

Just couldn't resist, could you?
Now they're going to blow through it on their first try and say "That was easy!"


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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 10:54:25 PM »
I am still not certain what the special weapon is, exactly, but I am eager to try it out. It sounds like something that I've acquired in the game before--but I can tell you that I never collect only the pink gels, so unless there is another way to unlock the special weapon, I must be mistaken.

I am ashamed to admit that there are two things I never knew about Blazing Lazers before:

Have yall ever did a code on the title screen, where you go to Stage 0?  Its a short stage, with a Mecha Monster, thats very hard to beat. 

I've never heard about this. Has anyone else here done this?

I remember this trick from waaaay back in the day. I don't remember which magazine published it, but a few friends knew about it. I could never get it work though. I thought you just get to that level, then start collecting orbs (with no weapon upgrades). I didn't realize it takes up until that level to collect that many. Nice job, Fragmare :D

If you remember/stumble upon that magazine, please share!
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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2012, 06:15:04 AM »
2012 and still learning things on the PCE. Wow, nice find.
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Re: Blazing Lazers/Gunhed special weapon revealed!
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2012, 07:01:56 AM »
I almost always end up using III, either with or without full fire.  Full fire is good for III because the difference in power between few powerups and many powerups is almost nothing--the beam won't turn as much, but that's all.  Later it's either III with shield, or anything that I can get seeing as how I die in stages 7 and 8 a lot.  I last finished the game years and years ago and I started playing it again recently but have yet to get through 8.