Okay so for the following two nights in a row, sometime around ten o' clock I hear a high pitched sound, that is like
and while it is occuring, I can feel a sorta pain in one of my ears. I try and search for the sound source. Usually it is a television, cell phone, flat-screen television, anttena,
cd-rom ( dvd-rom, blu-ray, etc ), or hard drive. ).
It is driving me nuts, I go to sleep and wake up with my ears burning. It is almost like somebody punched me in my ears ( which has occured before ) but the pain is focused
on the ear drum.
Asides for all of these things, any idea where this sound is comming from, and why it happens sometime around late nights?
I think somebody has some sorta new home appliance, or it could be the power lines outside, or cell phone towers? Something new is around here. I believe animals like
birds, cats, and dogs can hear the sound I am talking about.
Another theory might be this, is what I am hearing.