Lighten up Zeta.... Pointless posts? I don't care? Now you are sounding like a spoilt youngin'
. Good point Esteban
but I want to be like Zeta when I grow up and smoke a pipe, JK lol.
I'm using this power supply:
Anyway, if I can somehow prove it with a thermometer device or something I will. My PCE and SS (Model: HST-0005L; original power, bought brand new) run a little hot without it. Your SS really does not even run warm as you say? That's hard to believe. Have you touched it on the left :oops:.... I mean the frigging thing has a fan and all but it must run some what warm. One question to whomever knows, could it be possible that my sockets are giving out more than they should; does electricity run the same in every home?