I didn't release my tools, but I did release the HuVideo file format spec - so anyone could make their own Huvideos and converter.
Any chance you could provide a link to that? I checked romhacking.net, but couldn't seem to find anything; either that or I'm looking in the wrong place.
I'd really like to see this too. I did some googling last night and couldn't find it. I have a sneaking suspicion I've asked you before and you already hooked me up, but I can't find any copy on my computer so maybe that never happened.
I didn't release my tools, but I did release the HuVideo file format spec - so anyone could make their own Huvideos and converter.
Any chance you could provide a link to that? I checked romhacking.net, but couldn't seem to find anything; either that or I'm looking in the wrong place.
http://www.pcedev.net/huvideo/huvideo_format.txt A quick explanation of the ... explanation ;>_> The tiles are uncompressed normal 4bit 8x8 BG tiles (15 colors + BG color 0). They are stored/setup in linear horizontal raster order (left to right). The palette data is the whole BG block (256 colors) - uncompressed. The 'tilemap' only has the palette association data. It doesn't have the tile number because that's redundant, since the tiles are stored in sequential fashion. There are only 16 BG subpalettes, so you only need 4bits to represent 0-15. Thus the subpalette map entries are bit packed as 4bit chunks. So the first 4bits is for tile 0, next 4bits for tile 1, next 4bits tile 2, and so on. The sound data is straight PCE compatible ADPCM (you can use the SOX utility to convert wave or other sound files to this specific ADPCM format. Beware, there are other ADPCM formats out there that are not compatible with the PCE CD ADPCM chip). The rest of of the frame packet is garbage. They game never reads from it.
So each frame is 0x3000 bytes. The huvideo player has a custom CD read routine (it bypasses the system card) and reads in a 122k a second for 10 frames per second video. The system card bios CD_Read function is too slow (~96k) among other problems with it, so they bypass it (a number of other later gen CD titles do this too). Ah.. what else... oh, the header is easy to identify inside the 'cooked' ISO file. But you *can't* change the frame size for Gulliverboy and Luna by changing the header. The players are hardcoded to the frame size *and* packet frame format, so you'd have to hack the player itself to make any such changes to those attributes.