Author Topic: The Times They Are A-Changin'  (Read 631 times)


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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« on: November 14, 2005, 09:19:50 AM »
originally found here. But why get swamped with ads when you can just read it below?

Anyway, I loved this:

The Times They Are A-Changin'
Why I stand apart from my generation. As far apart as possible.

By Albert Brooks

Nov 14, 2005 issue - So NEWSWEEK tells me they're working on a cover story about a generation getting ready to turn 60. They ask me if I want to write something. I say, "Are you insane?" You want to do a magazine cover about turning 60? Do you want to go out of business?

Do you want newsstands to protest and young people to get sick? And by the way, I'm 58, not 60. I personally don't associate with 60-year-olds. But I'll write something.

Recently I have been embarrassed to be part of this generation. The reason? Madison Avenue. Madison Avenue is never wrong. They're the neighbor across the street that sees you in the way you don't see yourself. They're young, they're cocky, and what they say about the older generation becomes the truth. People still think there was a real Mr. Whipple, so I know whatever Madison Avenue says about us is what everyone's going to believe anyway.

According to them, we started out changing the world, and now we're most concerned about our retirement plan. And just to rub it in, they're using the greatest songs from our generation and combining them with images of people with gray hair having fun, enjoying life, buying products and running in slow motion. They are taking the very things we were born to change and are now shoving them down our throats, with our own music as the lubricant.

Last night I was in my office and the TV was on in the other room. I heard Bob Dylan singing "The Times They Are A-Changin'." I got excited. I ran into the next room, in slow motion of course, thinking maybe it was the Dylan documentary that Marty Scorsese did. It wasn't. It was a commercial for Kaiser Permanente. It's an effective commercial, because after I saw it I wanted to go to the hospital. Goddamn you guys, you are screwing with our best songs. I used to feel good when I heard that song. It reminded me of what could be and the life ahead of us and all that great stuff. Now I hear it and I think of health-care and prescription-drug coverage. Thanks, Bob.

I decided not to go to my 40th high-school reunion. I knew what I would see there and I knew it would depress me. I am now going to reveal a dark secret. Something I was told a long time ago and had promised never to divulge... Are you ready? Thirty years ago aliens came down here from a planet named Zeon. They gathered all the plastic surgeons in the world and took them into a cave. They showed them pictures of what the Zeonites looked like, and they said, "You must make all earthlings over 50 look like this." And the plastic surgeons did. WAKE UP. WE LOOK LIKE CRAP. My entire generation looks like they're standing in the hurricane-demonstration room. I call them my Category 2 friends. Their lips are the size of their feet. They take fat from their ass and put in their face. They inject botulism to ward off expression. All to look like Zeonites. Exactly who thinks this looks better than a wrinkle? I'll tell you who: other Category 2s. They're all pulled so tight they can't see clearly, literally. Pull your eyes back right now as you're reading this. The words are blurry, aren't they? That's the way Category 2s see. And that's why they think they look good.

It's not that we didn't try. We did. We actually had the system by the throat for a whole minute. But the system won. The system doesn't get tired, or get arrested, or have screaming children who need things. The system is patient. It held up houses and cars and boats and we said, "We don't need that!" And the system said, "I'll wait. And while I'm waiting I might even get bigger, just for the fun of it." And damn it, when the drugs wore off and the love wasn't free anymore, those houses and cars started to look good.

I was feeling OK about us, I really was, that is until Madison Avenue stepped in and told me the truth. Aging is like going through a funnel. You start out with so much room, spinning so fast, wondering just how far you can go, but in the end you wind up going through that hole. That little hole. And since you can't take it with you, Kaiser Permanente wants it. I just wish Bob Dylan had held out a bit longer. I don't think Kaiser deserved that song. I think he should have saved "The Times They Are A-Changin' " for Depends.

Albert Brooks is an actor, writer and director. His new movie, "Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World," follows the travels of a comedian named Albert Brooks who's sent by the United States government to India and Pakistan to investigate the Muslim funny bone. It will be in theaters in January.

Also, I thought you folks might want this info (even I didn't know this reference, and my brain is full of useless trivia):

Mr. Whipple is a fictional supermarket manager featured in television advertisements that ran in the United States from 1965 to 1989 for Charmin-brand toilet paper. In unvarying repetition, he scolds women who "squeeze the Charmin," while hypocritically fondling the temptingly squeezable rolls himself.
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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 02:06:26 PM »
Haha that was a great read, very funny and so true.  

I really liked how he made fun of how ad agencies are ruining every good old song, f*ck I heard a Queen song yesterday on a commercial and it almost made me throwup!  I love Queen, how f*cking DARE some shit company try to sell me something with their music, the asshats.


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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 05:03:05 PM »
Queen rules!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 09:46:15 AM »
I can't believe there aren't any other folks who are annoyed when classic songs are used to hock stupid crap!

This has gotten progressively worse over the years. And it involves more than just music (i.e. when Picaso's family sold him out and allowed his image to "endorse" Apple computers and other stupid crap).

Dr. Martin Luther King's surviving family did the same thing (that's really messed up).

It is really sad, though, when the artist is still living and does it. Bob Dylan -- WTF? were you thinking... if you're gonna let your song be used in a commerical, at least have it be something noble. A good cause or something.

Keranu, how do you feel about CSI (CBS series)? I think the songs fit the show's opening credits, and I like CSI as a show, but I still have reservations. It's a lot better than hearing The Who in an ad for Kleenex, though.

I know that Iggy Pop is hard-up for cash, but the stupid Carnival Cruiseship commericals have taken his awesome songs and turned them into goddam poo. "Lust for Life" used to hock cruises? Goddam.

Car commericals are really bad. But its even worse when the artist (schmuck) actually appears in the ad PERSONALLY (I'm talking to you, Sting).
My stance: If a song is used to complement a film or televsision show, I don't have a problem with it. I might not like it, but there are worse things. Hopefully, the song is being used to add content to the drama or humor of a film / show. NOTE: I'm talking about real films, dramas and documentaries here. Poop like talk shows, entertainment tonight, etc. don't have permission to rape classic songs.

But commericals are commericals. The lowest of the low. I like public service messages,  they aren't a problem. But commericals... ugh.

WORST OFFENDER: David Bowie is in ads for XM radio. Goddam. Yet one more idol to pull down from my altar.

I have so much respect for the artists who don't allow their songs to be used in advertisments for Applebees, the Gap, Volkswagon, etc.

U2 with a stupid Ipod? Aerosmith with a stupid "exclusive" version of their album at Walmart or Target (I remember Jewel had an exclusive like this back in the day).


I know the commercial music business is just that -- commerical. But you've got to draw the line somewhere. Don't stoop that low, folks.
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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 12:40:14 PM »
Man I TOTALLY agree with you on every point there.

Also, I don't know if it's just because I'm getting older or because ad agencies are completely devoid of any creativity, but commercials have gotten to the point where they are so insulting to my intelligence that I actually get pissed off watching them.  I honestly have to turn the channel now not because they simply annoy me, but because I'll be screaming "DO I LOOK LIKE A f*ckING RETARD??!!" at the TV.  Whatever happened to awesome commercials like Mr Clean, Little Caesares PIZZA! PIZZA!, and those old Sega ones?


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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2005, 02:17:47 PM »
I am offended that Who songs have been used for a show I hate. One of my teachers used to always show CSI to our class, which pissed me off, but whenever it played it was kind of nice to see all of these kids singing "Who Are You", but it also made me angry since "Who Are You" wasn't even written by a Who member I think and it was very different for a Who song that it didn't give the feel of The Who. It's both good to see my favorite band have songs in popular series so it can spread more awareness to the "pop culture" and all, but it all really pisses me off at the same time, haha. There have also been some Who songs in some car commercials, one especially was "Bargain" playing for something which gave some people the impression that it was just a sell out song.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2005, 06:39:23 PM »
Quote from: "GUTS"
Man I TOTALLY agree with you on every point there.

Also, I don't know if it's just because I'm getting older or because ad agencies are completely devoid of any creativity, but commercials have gotten to the point where they are so insulting to my intelligence that I actually get pissed off watching them.  I honestly have to turn the channel now not because they simply annoy me, but because I'll be screaming "DO I LOOK LIKE A f*ckING RETARD??!!" at the TV.  Whatever happened to awesome commercials like Mr Clean, Little Caesares PIZZA! PIZZA!, and those old Sega ones?
Mr. Clean!  Mr. Whipple! Where are you? Are we nostalgic old fogies, or has the magic of video game advertisements disappeared? Those old Sega TV ads were great (I'm thinking of the GameGear one in which a kid is smacked on the head with a frozen squirrel...   to enable him to see color on a gameboy! :) )
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The Times They Are A-Changin'
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2005, 06:47:31 PM »
Quote from: "Keranu"
I am offended that Who songs have been used for a show I hate. One of my teachers used to always show CSI to our class, which pissed me off, but whenever it played it was kind of nice to see all of these kids singing "Who Are You", but it also made me angry since "Who Are You" wasn't even written by a Who member I think and it was very different for a Who song that it didn't give the feel of The Who. It's both good to see my favorite band have songs in popular series so it can spread more awareness to the "pop culture" and all, but it all really pisses me off at the same time, haha. There have also been some Who songs in some car commercials, one especially was "Bargain" playing for something which gave some people the impression that it was just a sell out song.
Dude, I can't believe a teacher showed CSI in class. Insane.

Music featured in CSI (Las Vegas) --
Title: Who Are You
Artist: The Who
Album: Who Are You
Scene: Opening Titles

Music featured in CSI:Miami --
Title: Won't Get Fooled Again
Artist: The Who
Album: Who's Next
Scene: Opening Titles

Music featured in CSI: New York --
Title: Baba O'Reilly (for the longest time I thought this song was called "Teenage Wasteland" :) )
Artist: The Who
Album: Who's Next
Scene: Opening Titles

If they spin off yet another series (crazy, but I bet it will happen when they retire one of the current shows), you can bet they'll use another Who song.
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