Author Topic: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation  (Read 312 times)


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I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« on: July 07, 2012, 08:27:36 AM »
Remember "Blue Stinger" the graphics displayed in that game and any game of that time is how 3d characters was rendered and considered realistic. The same with 3d Voltron ( the one where phyco badarse Purple Prince turned king in the end ), or Reboot for instance. I just love the way their faces and bodies were shaped, and rendered. Including many of the creatures, that was when I could point to animation ( especially Japanese Animation ) and say "hey that is realistic".

You play Blue Stinger, D2 ( which is sooo auwsome ), or even Ilbleed, and the animation is so realistic, but at the same time reasonable for the actions. Even on the oriignal PSX ( not the PS2 ) and some N64 and Saturn games, the animation and graphics was done soooo sweet. Something like Alundra 2, or Rockman Dash was even done to a point of representation looks good.

More or less specifically the Dreamcast accomplished this goal, with a perfect balance. Meanwhile........back at PSX, Saturn, N64 land everybody was stuck in
TV Tenchi, brainwash land.

I do not think I have seen animation like that, in a very very long time. It feels good.
Maybe because I am American, and the shapes of the characters was done in terms of realistic people in terms of America, which is very difficult to do. We might never see that kind of animation again. Even animated Japanese people was done much more reasonable then it is now.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 08:33:50 AM »
You're a f*cking pervert. That shit was disgusting. Reboot? Good? No, its f*cking terrible.

There was a time when artists lacked the computer skills necessary to make CG, and the only people who could use the tools took anatomy lessons from Rob Liefield and Picasso. Those are the days you are harking back to. Those days are gone (well nearly gone, at least) and I couldn't be happier. The transition from 2D to 3D animation was a very long and horrible one. IMO, it wasn't worth it.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 10:33:21 AM »
I miss those days of traditional 2d sprite animation.  Now those days are long gone.  I don't understand why people think if it's 3d it's better.  I've done traditional 2d and 3d animation and 2d is a f*ck ton harder.  Especially if you're throwing in secondary animation and extra inbetween animation.  It's a lot easier for people with 2d skills and a fair knowledge of using a computer to jump into 3d animation, but not the other way around.  When I started 3d in 96 having just a decent walk cycle would land you a job as an animator.  Now the bar is raised so f*cking high it's almost  impossible to impress anymore.  Doesn't make finding a job in my field any easier either.

I thought the lip synching animation in blue stinger is by far the worst I've ever seen in 3D.  I thought the graphics were nice compared to the psx and saturn at the time.  The character animation decent, but that lip synching...ugh...nasty.  

The reason DC animation seems better in your eyes is the tool sets get better and evolve over time.  The DC was starting at a point where better tools were coming out that could "make" for better animation.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 10:49:38 AM »
I just remember the weird wavy legs from Blue Stinger.

D, not D2, is a fun relic though.  Hospital scene at the start was awesome.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 11:39:01 AM by TheClash603 »


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 11:15:05 AM »
You're a f*cking pervert. That shit was disgusting. Reboot? Good? No, its f*cking terrible.

Come on, Reboot was beautiful, and the characters was beautiful. That is how CGI should have stayed. Everything after that, was just people trying to make realistic people out of thin air. I can't even look at anything on the 360 without feeling disgusted or the PS2 with the new type. Everybody who did not get their fare share of animation, comic books, or videogames, thinks these are cartoons. It is like nobody has no imaginations, and by imaginations, I am talking about children.

It is like that feeling of knowing something, and then being called dumb, just for knowing it. I am talking about children, not adults. Nowaday people are thinking in terms of DAD, Midevil, and all the stuff we avoided, when we were young. Instead of thinking streetfighter, and bomberman.

There was a time when artists lacked the computer skills necessary to make CG, and the only people who could use the tools took anatomy lessons from Rob Liefield and Picasso. Those are the days you are harking back to.

The artist back then knew what they were doing. They had various ideas of what the characters should have looked like. Also they were free thinkers, unlike the dickless morons of today. Everything nowadays looks like the Dark ages, when Rome was a horror show.

What computer skills? You mean the ones they trained for. Seriously we had a great artists, and editing in the computer is no god forsaken art.
Hell look at Megabyte, they used the movements from WWE for his fight animations. I think if you actually watched the entire series, you will see the popculture reference that skipped between TRON GOOD and TRON BAD. That is what videogame people are like, and what we were like, and what crossed our minds.

When was the last time you saw a good CGI animation, television program, or videogame? That was and is CGI, and people got so addicted to something that could never be done, demanding results that are completely useless. Lets say if the forum worked on a 3d videogame together, realistically without corperate swinging their wigs around the place, every single CGI videogame would have looked like Reboot, Blue Stinger, or Illbleed.

The artist knew what they were doing man, and the hardware they used was auwsome. Okay great somethings changed, but now every idiot is using G-mod

Those days are gone (well nearly gone, at least) and I couldn't be happier. The transition from 2D to 3D animation was a very long and horrible one. IMO, it wasn't worth it.

Those days can comeback. If Aponman and Shin-Chan can survive why can't Reboot? Oh I forget it was made in a Western studio, and westerners want everything to look like Davinci, or Rembrant. Everything nowadays looks like shite, and when I say shite, people are just getting lazier, and lazier, and nobody will ever notice it, because of all the crap problems.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 12:18:49 PM »
I'm not a professional animator by any means, but my background is in drawing. Because of this I find traditional animation to be extremely natural and fun. CG on the other hand...just building the models, let alone animating them, is like trying to pass a kidney stone. It's f*cking torture. It's natural to a certain type of person though, and that's the sort of person who made shit like Reboot, Beast Wars, all that horrible horrible crap. It's VERY hard to make something like The Jungle Book or Wizards or Macross: DYRL with a mouse. I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened yet. It's mostly just a bunch of "Ooh, look at how realistic the hair is!" Who gives a shit? I'm watching a f*cking cartoon, I don't want realism.

Part of what makes CG animation so uniquely horrible is that it's nearly impossible to do it without 100+ other autistic computer nerds. It's SO labor intensive by its very nature that it's very hard for any auteur-like creation to take place. Nobody stands out at all, everyone is just a cog in the machine.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 01:51:26 PM »
Jurrasic Park still looks better than any CG special effects today.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2012, 04:16:58 PM »
EDIT: This was in regards to Regals last post.

It wasn't that long ago.  The same people doing animation back then are more than likely doing animation now.  If not then they're either technical directors, lead designers, production managers, lead animators.  I do understand how you might feel towards CG trying to look photo real.  To me it's getting there.  I just think you are more into the stylized no-photo realistic animation.  People know how real people look and act.  It makes it more difficult to make it look convincing.  When it's a stylized animation such as Rango you can get away with a lot more.  That movie is hands down some of the best 3d animation I've seen since doing it myself.  The little cameo they added of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was a nice touch.


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 09:54:38 PM »
Okay, I am not into stylized no-photo realistic animation. I am saying they wented over board, and during those days, they got it right. However in western culture, especially western culture, people are so obssesesd with photogenic art, that they cast aside anything else that is not.

You remember how we would all draw, when we were young? Guess what? Some people, if not most people who haven't left that area since then. Maybe those people are jealous of we the gifted, few who can manipulate and understand art. 

People do not know one thing about anything, asides consume, reproduce, provide. That is why many products introduce into X cultures have negative impacts,
rather then positive motivations. As mentioned, people are like walking cattle and because they are not motivated, they will passe things. In Japan because many artists
works are brought, and read by all kinds of readers within their own nations, they are
able to even have what is called "Messy styled" comics, and sell them alongside the highculture manga ( illustrative works before modernization ) as well. The reason why we can't have it here is because people are damned lazy. I am even in that barrel of lazies. After dealing with people in real life, I feel like it is not even worth it to create any real world art, because chances are the commercial works anybody makes will not be loved and cherish due to the high amount of anti-society. Places in Europe/common wealth has no problem with this because they live in the aura of photogentic. Look at rareware fame, if it is not realistic, then it is fake as banjo. To us gamers, Banjo is respectable and realistic, alongside Perfect Dark.

I am not dissing Rango, but Rango if it was ever animated being a film ( which has a production time that overshadows years ). would have probably looked like something out of Disney. Instead we get cartoonish antics that in no way would apease audience and would most likely have a VHS release like Alladin II. The same that could be said for Wall-E. Speaking of which, if Wall-E was real it would be some Live action things like Short Circuit ( which Wall-E draws from ). Animated it would have probably look like GooF Troop, with farts flying everywhere. Resident Evil is another one, fricken idiots call the damn thing a cartoon. RE the CGI film was no where near a cartoon, and was insanely realistic. Once again FFVII did a pretty auwsome job. When was the last time a film from the west did something liek FFVII or RE??? We had FF:The Crystals, which I will admit had some of nicest 3d animation, but at the same time, the film had nothing to do with FF at all, and was like a page in FF that stuck out even further then FFUSA. They even render the characters after the actors. Aeon Fluxx is another
example gone wrong, they rendered the 3d animation after some hoe, that Mtv wanted to sell, and then instead of an animation we got a live action film, which was retarded the living daylights out of. Oh wow NYC, Aeon, and Treaver Goodchild is nowhere even close to Goodchild. So many things off.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 06:50:12 AM by RegalSin »


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Re: I miss those early Dreamcast days of CGI and 3d animation
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2012, 12:40:30 AM »