that is fascinating. a 128 core linux cluster ain't bad, but if they could get hold of some supercomputing time, or some distributed processing like folding@home, or SETI@home, just think what they could do with other nasties!!!
Just as an aside, folding@home has to end at some point, and hopefully, the way the computational power keeps growing, it will be sooner rather than later. Hell, if the PS4 includes the same software, it will be able to rocket along. I'm not asking how many proteins there are, because the answer is "lots", but do they have a target, and how close are they to wrapping up?
I'd love for them to finish that, and then put the entire network to another use, as with the article above. God if we get that, and sustainable nuclear fusion within my lifetime... I will actually be quite proud of humans for a change.
In fact, I did read that they've finally activated nuclear fusion which gives out more power than it took in (and apparantly 1000 times what the US uses in any moment :O ), and some kid in India figured out a way to turn waste plastic into fuel ($78 billion dollars worth apparantly).
if we figure all this stuff out, we could possibly look at irradicating pollution, disease, fossil fuels, and then use the spare CPU power to tackle climate change, which will already be given a boost by the above. All, hopefully in the next few years.
And then, when we've found the higgs boson, solved all the mysteries of space, we can use the spare CPU power to look at space travel possibilities, solving all of mankinds problems.