OK, I guess I should have said "4 cents"

Dynastic Hero is a bastard child of the Wonderboy series (excluding WB 1 & 3:Monster Lair).
You could fill an entire article with Hudson and Turbo ripoffs, such as:
Neutopia I & II - obvious
Victory Run - basically rip of Outrun
Dungeon Explorer - Gauntlet
J.J. & Jeff/Ken & Kato - Super Mario Bros.
Legendary Axe - Rastan and especially Astyanax
I always wondered if Astyanax and Legendary Axe were related somehow, they're very, very close to each other.
Victory Run... yeah, it's like Out Run or Rad racer + parts management. I think the need to manage your parts adds a bit more strategy to VR (as does the different terrain that requires different gears). Unfortunately, I think Outrun and Rad Racer are much "zippier" and give a much more exciting "thrill" of racing, while VR is like a marathon that plods along at times. I really wish Rad Racer, VR and other racing games had branching paths like OutRun.... that would have been soooooooo kool

. For the record: once I got past the fact that Victory
DE = I consider this a Gauntlet + Zelda hybrid (so Hudson was ripping off 2 games!) I wish there were more games like this. The straight Gauntlet formula can get tedious (like Smash TV... you just go from room to room...) but DE really improves things by adding Zelda action RPG elements. It's a really nice blend of things. Exploring a decent-sized world (wish it was larger), leveling up, unlocking new characters, being able to CONTINUE... man, I friggin' love DE.
Astyanax & Legendary Axe: yeah, I wish we could get some details on their developement histories. I've posted about this issue a few times, but no one ever had any answers. Until recently, I didn't know that there was an arcade Astyanax, so I always thought that PCE LA served as the model for NES / famicom version of Astyanax. Ha!