I don't know why, but I have a really low tolerance level for amateurish podcasts. I used to love "A Life Well Wasted" and "Twitch Asylum", but they're both gone. I also used to listen to Chatterbox but I just got bored with it. I tried listening to Retro League or whatever it's called, but it was just awful. I created one episode of a podcast with my buddy, and I spend so much time in "post production" editing out all of his lip smacks, tongue clicks, etc. that I knew I didn't have the patience for podcasting at the level of quality that I demand out of others' work. Same goes for YouTube videos. It would be fin to start making them, but unless I put the time and effort into making them look as polished as people like Metal Jesus or that Sp1da or whoever guy that does the excellent "Turboviews" show, I wouldn't be happy with them, and I just don't have the time or motivation for that.