As title stated, was wondering if anyone had done any purchases with this guy video game wise? If so, did you have any issues with him? A purchase I made from him for a Valis II and the US TurboDuo Gate Of Thunder disc ended up with items not as described. I purchased them off of a re-list he did. The original auction stated also included two Keith Courage cards, which I did not need. Originally the initial auction stated "Both disks look nearly brand new with little to no scratches. ", and on the specific re-list he did for me, which was just for the two cd games, he put condition in as "like new". Items arrived with heavy scratches, and in the case of Gate Of Thunder, there was also a crack in the disc. Also, the games were poorly packed. Just a bubble mailer, no extra padding. Due to this, the cases the games were in were damaged in transit, though not the kind of damage to cause all the scratches, and the crack in GOT, that was located in a spot other then where the case was damaged.
Pics of items:
NOTE: There are even more scratches on both disc then what appears in the pics. Its hard to capture many of them in a pic due to the angle of the disc versus light hitting it. I'd have to do multiple angle shots to get the light to hit the disc from different angles to get all the scratches to appear in a pic, which is too much hassle. At any rate, you can easily tell they are obviously not "like new".
So anyway, like I said, any of you deal with this guy before, and if so, was there any issues? If there was, did he resolve them fast for you?