Whenever I play Cadash it remind me of when I was a kid- I would go to Putt-Putt on Saturday and get 50 tokens to split with my brother. One time we spent every token we had to beat Cadash. It was a bitch because the arcade version had a time limit in addition to the usual ways you could die. Certain games always make me reconnect with certain events or times in my life, the same a certain song do...
The 2 biggest games for me like that are Black Tiger and SFIICE.
So after growing up and moving to the big city, the day my bank forced a line of credit on me, I called up the nearest arcade dealer and bought both.
I still remember the day, back in my home town, while staring at the new SFIICE arcade, when I promised myself and to my brother, that one day I
would own that game, no matter how long it takes or what the cost.
As for Black Tiger, aside from it having a huge impact on me when it first appeared at one of our arcades, after they later moved to the local department store, when I was 9 or 10 years old, I would go there everyday after school and play through the entire game.
It didn't take me long to get back to finishing it with 3 quarters, but soon I was beating the game with a single credit and burning off all my extra lives before the last boss, racking up the highest hi-score possible.
Now its my living room coffee table.