The calculator I came across recently. It actually doesn't work very well, even though it's a neat idea. Bascially, all the buttons, are on the inside of the part that flips up on a matchbook, which is obviously paper thin, well, more like extremely thin cardboard! I don't personally know anyone else that has one, & I don't know where they gave them out at, or whatever. It's just one of the many things Eun sent me.
As for the Bomerman hats, they're MINE
Actually, I think I only have 1 left. I remember getting one with the points that you get when you buy a game, that had a black bomberman, & then when I became friends with Eun, she sent me, I think 3 more hats, which had black, green, & red(all the hats are white, with the respective Bomberman's on front, & DUO on the back, in the same color as Bomberman). I have NO idea where the black ones went, I know my original one was in sad shape. I think I may have given the black one to a friend, who shortly thereafter, was no longer my friend, not even close
, aaaaaand the same exact thing goes for the red, I gave it to another person, a so called "friend" & we became enemies as well
So, those are gone. And my green, heh, it's in terrible shape. Frankly, I wore it ALOT, & it's white, so, it got dirty really easy, really quick, so I would bleach it from time to time. The Duo part got a little bleached though, & when I washed the hat, the top part with the metal piece in the middle, that rusted, which I've never seen happen on a hat before, & the rust went thru the fibers & shows
I wish I had some that I kept MISB, well, not that they were kept in a box, but, I should've sealed them away in a box :oops:
Someday, I gotta take pictures of that calculator somehow. Maybe if I get my scanner up in running(though, getting other things in place, including my studio equipment for obvious reasons, is more important to me).