In the next couple of weeks (hopefully) I should be receiving my 2nd PC Engine. This time a Turbo Express
I think I got it at a good price. Works out to around 110 Euros including shipping from the USA.
It looks in excellent shape and seller says it works perfectly except for low sound. But that looks like a pretty easy fix from what I understood. Just attach a new capacitor 100uf 25-35volts and optionally remove the old one.
It comes console only. In other words no AC adapter. I think I should be able to use the one I use on my white PC Engine as it has multi-voltage and you can set the polarity and its an AC/DC type. Afaik the TE is 7V 300ma, My PSU can set 7.5v i think and has max of 1000Ma so should be fine I hope. If not I can always use batteries.
Can't wait for it to arrive and I can use my Turbo Everdrive on it.