Esty is correct, with what little time I have, I'm working on Mega Man redbook tunes for Bonknuts Turbob Mega Man. I'm currently working on a "new" tune for it(making it so there is a unique song for each of the 4 Wily levels). By the looks of it, once I'm done with Mega Man(sometime this year I hope, but, depends on my time & energy), I'll be moving back to Jungle Bros., as Bonknuts has been working on getting that game running.
When I'll I make an attempt on SFZ? I'm not sure. While I would like to finish the tunes, I fear I'll have to remake a few from scratch, & I'd want all the songs to have the same general sound(as in, the sounds of my synth/keyboard) so that there's not a bunch of songs that sound like they don't fit. I may have to just do what I can though with SFZ, regardless if the sounds sound right.