Author Topic: Fightstick Options? RJ-45 cables? Modded fightstick compatibility?  (Read 184 times)


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What controllers do most of you use for more of the "fightstick friendly" games on the platform? Obviously a large majority of the library seems to work just fine with the standard control pad but are the fightsticks for the console, specifically the hori PC Engine stick, worth it? I also have a modded Street Fighter TE stick with a TE Kitty board in it which supports most of my older consoles (saturn, NES, Dreamcast, etc.) with the use of a custom RJ-45 cable. Does anyone here use a modded Madcatz stick with their PC Engine?

Was just playing some Soldier Blade and it had me wanting a more suitable responsive pad (I may also just need a better standard pad to play with).

Just wanted to see what most of you use for the shmups and even fighting/beat em up games. Also if anyone here has any experience building a PC Engine to RJ-45 cable, let me know!