Author Topic: WTB/WTTF - Supergrafx Console  (Read 187 times)


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WTB/WTTF - Supergrafx Console
« on: March 17, 2014, 04:13:43 PM »
Hi guys, I'm new here, but I'm interested in picking up a supergrafx console. Preferably just power adapter and console, but I can always use another controller I suppose. I'm located in the states and would like it under $200 shipped preferably.

I have a few things I would be interested in trading at least partially. CPS2 Super SF2 B board, RGB N64, RGB SNES Mini, and other things like that.

I also have plenty of feedback on eBay and neogaf which I can provide. Hopefully this isn't against the rules, but it's much easier to email me which is

Thanks for looking.


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Re: WTB/WTTF - Supergrafx Console
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2014, 08:25:00 PM »
I was lucky enough to get one off of ebay with 3 sgx games for 330 but I would recommend holding on to your money and going to Classic Gaming Expo where you should be able to get one for a good price