Hello all,
I actually develop mostly on the SEGA Megadrive/Genesis but I have started to look at developing for the PCE as it is a machine that I have enjoyed for many years and given that I'm a Shmupper it is a very dear machine to me.
Anyway, I am just looking at programming my first development tools in C for now as I ease back into Assembly. For my first project I am going to have a USB to PCE Joypad converter project and I do not want to modify either the PCE Joypad or the USB Joypad - all will be handled by an AVR internally and I have the Schematic for the PCE's Joypad.
I wondered if there was a Joypad Test-ROM around that would simply show me the status of each Button and the D-Pad?
Having one would help us all out and if there is not one available then I will see about adding one to my GitHub to help the community.