You overpaid. Now you want us to overpay so you can recoup your losses?
If everyone only sold items for no less than what they paid for them, then all prices would continue to inflate infinitely and System 3.1 Cards would be in at least the $10,000 range by now. I sold several copies of Sylphia for $30 - $40, paid $70 for Turbo games like Motoroader and Fantasy Zone and something like $180 for SFII'. The common denominator is that I paid what the games were worth to me to play and never planned on parting with them or thought of them as investments. When I decided in recent years to buy a CIB copy of the Turbo Super CD card, it was already thought of as being in the same price range as collectors think of it as being in now. But I waited a little while and casually checked in on eBay from time to time until I found a CIB copy there for less than half of what collectors insist is "fair market value".
But this is a genuinely uncommon TurboChip and set-collectors will snatch up this copy as soon as one comes across it, if it's a hole to fill.