Who gives a f*ck?
Seriously, the non-stop hoarding of what whatever bullshit is popular on FatAcneTrailerPark69's YouTube channel right now is bad enough but the *incessant* craving for acknowledgement, attention, etc we get from noobs trying to explain themselves and their sleezy habits make it 100 times worse.
If you pissed some (other) people off here, and you actually care, then just make sure you hang out a lot, and contribute, run a raffle, crack some jokes, etc. This "Gotcha! I'm not an a$$hole after all!" stuff is just childish." If you are the sort of person PCEFXers would actually like, that will become obvious over time. Likewise, if you're a dick people will figure that out too. Any more topics totally about YOU, and YOUR collection and all the haters you encountered trying "build" said collection will not help, with or without sarcastic thread name.
The only person here with their original forum name (i.e.: never banned/rage quit then came back like a total pussy who can't even stand by their suposed convictions) who has pissed off more people than me is probably Necromancer and that's because he's the only one here who's a bigger a$$hole than I am. Despite this, our reputation here is as pretty good. You can piss people off occasionally, because everyone f*cks up, just don't...start controversial threads about yourself, that kind of pollution.
So people now sell old dirty labels?
This is a very strange hobby indeed.
Honestly, that makes a lot more sense to me than repros. No matter how clean they are, if they aren't from 25 years ago they might as well say "Nixon's the one!". In most other hobbies associated with collecting this is understood, has been for centuries, but gamers are a new breed, I guess. They want a shiny box and they don't mind polluting historical artifacts with 21st century bullshit.