Well, I certainly want to play it.
However, based on what I saw back whenever—and this video—well, it breaks my heart that this was officially sanctioned.
To preserve the legacy of the series, I'm going to think of this Brink of Extinction as a glimpse into an alternate universe—a universe that is not nearly as good as the one we inhabit
I still want to play this, though.
GRIPES: I think all the aesthetics are actually nice—except for ALL OF THE CHARACTER MODELS + ANIMATION.
• The foregrounds/backgrounds/platforms (parallax! Ha!) look nice. I'm fine with their presentation.
• The title screen/story cinema/transition screens (between stages)—all of the art is cute and really captures the essence of Bonk. I respect this stuff the most (i.e. "Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Beasts").
• I hate the models and how they animate. Bonk shouldn't "trudge" with hunched shoulders and leaning forward, it just doesn't capture his essence. He is overly bouncy, too. The same goes for the enemies, the cute charm from the 2-D has been lost here.
• I wll say that if this game incorporates a variety of puzzle-esque moments (I.e. using ice breath to create cube platform in order to progress), but is careful not to overuse them...and crafty enough to require clever solutions (brain-dead obstacles get tedious very quickly)....well, that is promising. Unfortunately, clever level design is one of the toughest tricks to pull off—skilled players want challenge, casual players are easily intimidated/frustrated). Striking the balance is important, IMHO.