I have been using these amps for a bit now, it seems I can never get enough of them.
From my experience so far, I cannot see any jailbars with my setup or with any of the consoles I have tested. So I assume it's more my setup.
BenQ RL2460HT computer monitor, Framemeister XRGB-mini, RGB amp from Turbokon and I usually have been buying my cables from retrogamingcables as they are way better than the ones I can make.
My US Duo is the only console I put the 22uF ceramic caps on the Hu6280 pins to ground that was mentioned in another thread. But honestly.... The Duo-R's, Duo's, and Supergrax that I have tested with these amps with or without the 22uF caps I see no jailbars whatsoever.
Not sure... but I think I still need two more of these and two more Obey chips. Prolly get another order today or next week.