Greetings PCEngineFX forum go-ers. Matt here, known to some as Landis from the days of the Turbo Mailing List (which is still around, btw! Thanks BT!). I have been a turbo fan since my first TG16 system back around ~1990 or so. I joined the Turbo Mailing list and traded with many of the key listers back in the day, grabbing cool stuff from Japan and working on what would be the start of my Turbo collection.
I had quite the setup...shrinkwrapped-in-the-box Duo systems, a PCFX and Supergrafx, shrinkwrapped copies of almost every US CD/SuperCD was awesome. I loved it.
Then on Dec 27, 2014 we lost our home in a fire. No one was hurt (even our turtle survived the roof collapsing on her tank) but most of my games were lost. I say "most" because I've managed to pull some from the rubble prior to demolition and while the cases/boxes/manuals were a lost cause, some of the CDs/carts were not destroyed inside the boxes. Score one for keeping things complete, huh?
I am a huge Ys fan and really enjoy games in complete/excellent condition. What I'm finding troubling is that while I can't afford to replace everything I had, I'm having a hard time finding anything that isn't beat to heck and/or crazy expensive.
So I figured I'd reach out here and for anyone still reading this post, I'd love any tips on where to find reasonably priced TG16/Duo gear and games that are in good+ condition and are complete. I miss my TG16 boxes for all the games, spine cards on the imports, etc!
If BT (owner of the Turbo Mailing list) wasn't kind enough to let me help him beta-test his last game, he also started my re-collection off with a couple games and I am very grateful to him. Plus it's nice to know some people out there keep stuff in good condition like I do!
I'll be quiet now. For anyone still reading, thank you. Even a "nice to meet you" would be great, but any tips/etc would be most appreciated. With young kids and all the hubbub of the house fire, I am WAY behind in posting here but...better late than never?
Matt (aka Landis)