Author Topic: RGB scart mod + Sony tv `cropping` fix  (Read 227 times)


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RGB scart mod + Sony tv `cropping` fix
« on: September 02, 2006, 11:44:50 PM »
I`m not sure how many other people have this problem - but when I plug my SCART RGB console into the telly, the picture is offset to the left slightly.
This is a pain for games like R-type as your ship can nearly dissapear off the left side of the screen.

Well after a bit of digging I found there is a way to fix it.

You have to enter the TVs service mode then adjust the horizontal positioning/centring.
I found out how to get into service mode via this site:

BEWARE - dont go mucking with the settings if you dont know what they are, there are no defaults to reset to! Note any numbers before changing them.

The service mode code (there are a few listed on that site) that worked for me was:
power off (remote)
then quickly press one at a time in order:
"i+" (info button above menu)
"5" (the channel)
"audio +" (press once)
"tv mode" (the button to the left of teletext, below mute)

then wait a second or two - and "TT" mode will appear (see weblink above for more info).

Now I then pressed "MENU" on my remote. Use the up/down/left/right cursor pad keys below the MENU button on the remote to naivagate.
Press down (blue) once to get to GEOMETRY.
Press right (yellow) to enter.
now move down to "H-Centre"

my preset was 18, i changed it to 0 (use left/right to adjust number).
press MENU once you are done and you should return to normal tv mode (press Menu again and you should get the normal tv menu options, not the fancy geometry adjustments etc).

Now the picture is almost perfectly positioned, much better :) (the ship in R-type is only half offscreen now).

(ps - this was done on a PAL sony kv-21x5u )


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RGB scart mod + Sony tv `cropping` fix
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 03:26:11 AM »
I have the same problem but unfortunately it is impossible to find the information I need on the Internet.  :(

Joe Redifer

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RGB scart mod + Sony tv `cropping` fix
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 08:25:24 AM »
Most if not all TVs have a "service mode" like that, with varyng ways of accessing them.  Not all allow you to move the picture horizontally, though.

I am using my RGB mod on a US TV and fortunately it is centered just fine.


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RGB scart mod + Sony tv `cropping` fix
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 01:17:44 PM »
that is because (i think) although your pal tv supports ntsc, they are (the pal tvs, like mine) not 100% ntsc native and then we loose a bit of the picture. I only loose a few lines, but as i see, you loose more. I think it is pretty common.