Just a followup before my Duo-R arrives. The seller reminded me that there's a slight difference in Japan and US's voltage. I've done a tiny bit of research and most people seem to disregard this and play their Duo's as is. This seems to lead to a little extra heat, but I haven't read anything concerning major issues.
What do you guys think? Is getting a small converter worthwhile? Will incorrect voltage eventually damage my incoming Duo-R? I know it's possible, but how probable is it?
Does anyone know of a North American power adapter that works with the Duo-R and supplies it with it's exact required voltage?
The power in your average household varies almost as the difference between US, and JP voltages. Japan is 100VAC, and the US is supossed to be 110-115 VAC. If you ever bother to take a meter and measure voltages around the US though you'll find that number is all over the place.
If anything would suffer it would probably be the power supply, and not the Duo itself.
The only system I've seen actually have issues with this was a friend's Japanese PS1. He had to open the door, tape the door button down, and set a fan blowing on it or all sorts of wierd crap would happen with the graphics. The PS1 is probably the most legendarily crappy system build quality-wise though, and this was a day one machine so maybe even that could have been a fluke.
$700 to play Toshinden and Ridge Racer...my word....
Some systems like the Saturn actually have the same power supply in both US, and JP systems. They are either extra durable, or maybe auto switching.
Basically I wouldn't worry about it as long as the PS you are getting is in fact the original, and not some random crap someone threw in. But if you do want the perfect Duo R PS for North America, its Radio Shack's 273-1771. Its 9V 1500mA and non-adujustabe so you can't set it incorrectly. Its kind of pricey, like $27 or something I think, but is absoluetly perfect for Duo Rs. It has the folding prongs, and its even white!