Author Topic: I need a way to get into  (Read 244 times)


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I need a way to get into
« on: August 31, 2006, 04:50:22 AM »
I want some of the PC Engine ISO'S. their hard to find. even on torrent. They have a crap load of iso's for dl. but my problem is you need to donate to the site before you can download anything. does anybody have a link to by pass the donate screen so I can dl some PCE ISO's.

ps: I hope this is ok to ask here?



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I need a way to get into
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 05:43:39 AM »
I am surprised this site is still going. I used to leech from them when i was a noob 4 years ago. I honestly don't blame them for taking donations, as the site requires maintenance, and time, and they are providing a service, but i run a hub of said images dedicated SOLELY to NEC systems, and never have dreamed of charging, because i love the machines so much, and want to share with others who also have found a new respect/love for the little white box.

Not disrespecting your decision We all pick and choose where we draw lines in life. Thank you for the free roms back in the day of my young noob NEC rom hunting. You rock! :D
PC Cocoron Hunter


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I need a way to get into
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 05:56:26 AM »
Are you a member of  There is a massive pc engine torrent up right now with about 90 cd games in it.  If you need an invite, let me know.


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I need a way to get into
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 02:28:41 AM »
Yeah I go to underground gamer, but they don't have every PCE game. It's still a good site to go to though.  I can't really find any other place to find pce images.


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I need a way to get into
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2006, 03:07:58 PM »
no man. I never even heard of it, but thanks for the heads up. Will have to check it out. I run a cool hub with over 500 images for the pc engine cd, and other NEC systems i have images for as well. Very devoted to the scene and it's images( at least the sharing part.....i have no time for all the details anymore because i am no longer single.), so pm me if yer interested.
PC Cocoron Hunter