Author Topic: FS PCE/TG-16 RGB amps (through-hole, low cost alternative)  (Read 228 times)


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FS PCE/TG-16 RGB amps (through-hole, low cost alternative)
« on: March 09, 2017, 01:57:29 AM »
Hi all,

I've made a circuit board for the RGB amp based on the one from the 1988 Japanese publication "PC Engine の すべて".  You can find a printed schematic at 

I purposely compressed all the component spacings to keep the footprint as small as possible. The result is that the clearances are a bit tight, but you should still be able to assemble it by hand. All the components are through-hole, which makes it easy to solder by hand. 

Best of all?  It's CHEAP! $5 for the PCB. $3 for the components (not so much for the cost of the parts, but because the shipping goes from regular post to parcel). Shipping included to the US.  Here are some cool pictures.

Here's the bare board. The little extension at the bottom left is so you can solder in a 3x3 pin header that fits the back expansion port of the PCE/TG-16 (in case you wanted to keep it all external):

Here's the board populated with components:

Here it is fit into the top of the IFU shell, with the connector.  As you can see, plenty of space to spare:

The amp in the top IFU shell, hooked up via jumper wires to the RGB sources from the IFU board.  For those actually installing the in the IFU, I would suggest rotating the board 90 degrees from what is pictured and moving it closer to the ejection latch in the center:

PM me if interested.  Thanks!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 03:11:18 PM by totoroslayer »