Author Topic: Games that have unused music?  (Read 1088 times)


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Re: Games that have unused music?
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2017, 07:05:55 AM »
Speaking of unused/alternate tracks, the RPG Auleria has most of its tracks in Redbook audio... However, it has identical renditions of the entire soundtrack also available as chiptune that goes unused for the entire game.

It makes me wonder what came first. Did Winkysoft/Taito want to use the chiptunes to save space to have more voice acting (thank goodness they didn't; that would have been a waste)? Originally conceived as a HuCard rpg before getting bumped up to a CD project (unlikely)? It's interesting that all the work is there.

Considering that the redbook audio (by Zuntata member Tamayo Kawamoto) is the best, or rather, single good thing about Auleria, I am glad they didn't leave us with just some warbling square waves.

Maybe they intended to have it switchable like in Dragon Slayer.
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Black Tiger

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Re: Games that have unused music?
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2017, 07:49:23 AM »
I thought that the alternate title track for Varis II played after the credits or something.

The ending sequence has a short instrumental (very nice but very short) and then a soft-jazz (j/k) ending credit song.

I always dreamed that a DIFFICULTY HARD mode could be unlocked and that the alternate title music would play  this alternate track to indicate the DIFFICULTY HARD XPERIENCE.


Sadly, this has yet to happen (hidden mode for Valis II).

You already put the credits bgm in my head for the rest of the day earlier. I haven't sat through the credits in decades, but I thought that maybe the title theme changes after finishing the game or it alternates after running through a demo or something.

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Re: Games that have unused music?
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2017, 06:02:33 PM »
That song in Exile 2 (er, 3?) plays in the all of 10 seconds it takes to escape the "collapsing" cave where you fight El Cid/Lawrence. You might not have remembered it because you hear the opening guitar wail and a few bars before you make it out of the cave!  :lol:

Oh my goodness, I think you're right!  That rings a bell.  I totally forgot about the escape sequence!

As for Valis 2(I too LOVE the soundtrack), I believe Black Tiger is right, I recall there being something about beating the game & then getting the alternate title screen tune.  Though, I've never done it myself but I recall seeing something about that ages ago.

Another game that has tons of seemingly unused tunes is Legion.  There's a PSG title screen tune to go along with the redbook.  And there's also several versions of each levels chip tunes, including slowed down & sped up versions, along with some different instrumentation.  It's a truly strange game.  I think all the chip tunes play on one speaker only IIRC.  And you get to listen to Guy Kazama talking in english about his mission during the begining of each level!

I would like to play Auleria one of these days.  It has nice tunes, & seems like it should be fairly simple for a gaijin to play.


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Games that have unused music?
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2017, 07:27:30 PM »
TIGRE_NEGRO and DRAGOONOIA: I will have to beat Valis II this weekend to prove you wrong...but, I *wish* you were correct.



Also... I think Lady Phantom has some audio tracks for DIFFERENT TELENET TITLES on it... so, at least one track is unused in Lady Phantom because it doesn’t belong there (runinruder deleted a thread with tons of info in it...I had documented a lot of stuff about TELENET games in that thread...I wish we had an archive of it).
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Re: Games that have unused music?
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2017, 04:22:59 AM »
Neutopia has an earlier version of the theme that plays in Yuris Shrine in Neutopia II. I have never heard it actually play in the first game, but it's in there, in all its older-sounding glory.

EDIT: IIRC, that unused track in Exile is supposed to be used outside of the Baiyon(sp?) Tower... the one that collapses when you leave after beating the easiest boss in the whole game. Also, that part in Exile WP where you fight Lawrence... stick around right at the exit for awhile instead of leaving immediately, as the falling rocks will jack up your XP bigtime. When the timer runs out, you'll start to lose health. Leave just before your health completely runs out. You'll have picked up a few thousand free XP in doing this.

EDIT 2: I think there may be an unused track in Vasteel, but my memory is a bit hazy on this one. There's one track on the disc that I could never quite figure out where it went. Whether it's unused or I just have a shit memory is anyone's guess.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 04:30:45 AM by The Old Rover »