I broke down a purchased one when the low-stock notice went up at TZD and it just came in the mail today.
Best portable of all time - 1 dead pixel + no sound problems = very happy customer
Until today I had never actually held one in my hands before. I've got to say, it is without a doubt the first portable that didn't suck. I guess I can't speak for the Lynx, but compared to the TE, both Gameboy (black/white) and Game Gear look like junk. Game Boy had some very well designed games and was better than nothing on a car trip in 1990. I love my Game Gear w/Master Gear converter but the thing is practically a novelty. On GG I can barely ever read any text, I can't see the bullets on R-Type half the time and Sonic is so blurry it's hardly worth playing.
My only gripe about the TE is that now there's a reason I should have picked up Raiden, R-Type, Bonk 1-2, Bomberman, Pacland and Air Zonk on US Hucard rather than PCE or CD formats.
The thing kicks ass, the screen is clear and it still has that beautiful "new electronic smell." I'll be sure to bring it to TurboFest 07.