What is the function and path of these two capacitors?
When recapping the pad came off on the positive end. My first attempt using solder paste didn't hold the cap down. So I have tried again by scraping the top layer of the top of the lead, then I drew the pad and line out to the trace. I did this last night so i should be able to test how well this worked later this evening. 103 was worse as the positive end pulled up a good share of the trace, also I notice the other pad had came off. From what I can tell these both have pretty short though path that go to though holes. My thought is that if the circuit pen method doesn't work I might be about to use a radial cap as a replacement and solder it there. 503 lead to a wide path so my thought is a could use radial there to bridge a path if required.
Do you think this a reasonable approach?
Are my assumptions correct?