This thread isn't about favorite movies of all time, just a current favorite, so I would have to say:
Knightriders (1981) -- This movie doesn't always get a lot of love and is often criticized (for being too long, tedious, poorly executed, etc.), but I just re-watched it and it is as awesome as ever. There are many different ways to approach this film and enjoy it, and that's why I like it. On one level, I just love seeing the King Arthur legend played out on motorcycles. But then contemporary issues (independent artist vs. sell-out, commercialism, etc.) are woven-in in a competent manner that doesn't seem forced at all. I'd argue that Arthurian legend + contemporary issues = a far more interesting film than a straight adaptation. Then, for fans of Romero / Savini, it's fun seeing Savini do a "decent" job acting. Ed Harris, of course, delivers a very solid performance. Finally, it's interesting to think about what Romero was going through while making the film (the themes in the movie parallel his own career decisions -- he would later work for Hollywood).
I must warn you: Knightriders is a drama first and foremost, with some motorbikes thrown in for good measure. In my book, it's a winning formula. I suspect that many folks here will not be too impressed by it... but I still urge you to give it a chance