Author Topic: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card  (Read 834 times)


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 05:08:23 PM »
Ys I & II is is a regular CD title no? I'm actually in the middle of Book II right now! I've had this game since I got the TG/CD in the early 90s.
I hear ya. Didn't know you had System Card 2.01 already.
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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2009, 05:23:09 PM »
A US system card for $100 is vi aoverinflated Ebay prices...even on Ebay it's not a great deal, but average.   There have been 4 copies of Gates in the last 2 weeks that ended at $22-30 all with manuals...

Ok, so I got screwed a little... either way the Atari Jaguar and CD player I'm selling on the over-inflated eBay is up to $245 with 3 days left to go... Plus I just found a boxed copy of Chrono Trigger (SNES) I had stashed away... should be able to get some scratch for that.

Live by the sword die by the sword I guess...

I'm just glad I don't have to look anymore.


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2009, 05:31:23 PM »
That boxed Chrono will def snag ya some decent $ congrats on that :)
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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2009, 05:48:54 PM »
A US system card for $100 is vi aoverinflated Ebay prices...even on Ebay it's not a great deal, but average.   There have been 4 copies of Gates in the last 2 weeks that ended at $22-30 all with manuals...

Ok, so I got screwed a little... either way the Atari Jaguar and CD player I'm selling on the over-inflated eBay is up to $245 with 3 days left to go... Plus I just found a boxed copy of Chrono Trigger (SNES) I had stashed away... should be able to get some scratch for that.

Live by the sword die by the sword I guess...

I'm just glad I don't have to look anymore.

aw man... You are on a forum here where if you are patient good to great deals are to be had and people are here to help ya out so you dont get screwed. Justify it all you want, your impatients has got you spending more than you should, hey if your happy than thats all that matters, I am just not a big fan off ebay and i hate seeing people running there thinking there is no other choice.  Slow it down!!! :P

Anyway...If you like beat'm ups i would grab Riot Zone as well, not to expensive $10-$15 i am guessing... i dig the tune-age 8)


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2009, 06:18:24 PM »
$45 for Gate of Thunder!   :shock:

$100 for Super System Card 3.0?!  :-&

Just the mere sight of those words makes me quiver in my boots.

Seriously, if you "downplayed" the Gate of Thunder, why didn't you do it for the Super System Card?


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2009, 07:34:09 PM »
Ok... just got Gate of Thunder from the same seller. Was asking $90... countered with 1/2 at $45 and he went for it since I got the system card.

Hoping these are all good deals.

I need to stop spending  8)

If you're buying on ebay, be sure to do a completed items search for games you're shopping for to at least get a better idea.

$45 for Gate of Thunder is a high price. The seller didn't give you any deal. He 'gave you a break' but still charged top dollar due to his rediculous starting price.

Except that I got the US Super System Card for $100...

$45 was the lowest price I could find for a complete GoT (most were $80 and up). So $150 for the pair seems pretty average to me.

Not to sound like your grandmother or anything, but when you feel like buying something its a good idea to wait a week or longer just to see how the prices are going. These games are already older than dirt, they aren't going to just disappear from eBay overnight. Just because you couldn't find an the 4-in-1 for a great price last night doesn't mean that there won't be one around tomorrow.

Also, seriously, consider buying JP stuff. If you were buying JP territory stuff you could have had both an Arcade Card and LoT for $70 or less on a good day, and no, I'm not exaggerating. In Japan people use Super System Cards to prop up uneven table legs, and Arcade Cards Pros are usually less than $50. I think I paid $15 for my Arcade Card Duo.

I'm not trying to chastise you, I'm just trying to show you that you can have a lot more fun (or at least a lot more software) for your money if you are more methodical about it. Your $145 would have bought the last 20 or so games I've purchased from Hit Japan, etc. Also, always try buying stuff here. I've had some fantastic deals from people on this forum.

Anyway, enjoy Gate of Thunder. Its one of my favorite games.


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2009, 04:08:00 AM »
I guess some of it is the collector in me needing to have the original thing... I looked around for a SSC so I could play these games on my TGCD proper. My other options were to by an Arcade card and mod my system or get a converter... that would be OVER $100. I did buy an Arcade Card hoping to eventually mod my TG16 but after research I just realized I don't have the time. I have a PCE on the way ($65) but I don't know when I'll be getting a CD-ROM for that so this seemed like a good and cost effective solution.

Half of you seemed to say $100 was good for a US SSC. Now I'm gullible?

I did see a few 4-in-1s that had closed at $25 but they weren't complete (from what I could tell).

I guess in the future I'll make a WTB post before jumping.  :oops:

Oh well.


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2009, 04:17:25 AM »
so you had an arcade card in your possession already????  :shock: :shock: :shock:

Do you realize your system could have been modded for alot less than $100? Oh well, but yeah take it slow next time. The last SSC isn't being sold on ebay...
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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2009, 04:40:54 AM »
so you had an arcade card in your possession already????  :shock: :shock: :shock:

Do you realize your system could have been modded for alot less than $100? Oh well, but yeah take it slow next time. The last SSC isn't being sold on ebay...

Yes, I could have modded it myself... But I make $35-40 per hour on guitar and amp repair. My TIME is worth more than $100 to do the mod and I don't have any extra time. But that is not what I was saying. A converter plus a Arcade card is more than $100... No?

When was the last time anybody found a US SSC for less than $100? Did I really get that bad of a deal? Now I can keep my TG16 100% original and unmolested and play all of the software available for it and when I eventually get a CD-ROM for my PCE setup I will be able to use all of that software available to me...

I feel like I saved myself time which is worth far more than money to me these days... and although I didn't get it for a steal I dodn't feel as though I got robbed.


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2009, 05:41:25 AM »
I more meant u could have been working making $35-40 an hour, while you paid someone to do the work. In the end you got what you wanted, you didn't have to have your system molested, so it is all good. It was just the fact that you already had an Arcade card in your possession.

BTW - did you get a white PCE? You could make a nice little cable to pull the AV out of the expansion port. I have links to the information to do that in my signature.
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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2009, 06:50:40 AM »

Half of you seemed to say $100 was good for a US SSC. Now I'm gullible?

For a US card that isn't that bad of a price. The big picture though is that an Arcade Card + mod costs....about $100 total after shipping, which says something; people overpay for US stuff. Now, if you are talking about something like Cosmic Fantasy 2 (a text heavy RPG) I can see overpaying for a US copy when most of us don't speak Japanese. But AFAIK the only difference between a JP and US SSC are:

The words "PC Engine" are removed from the top of the screen.

Two pins on the card itself are reversed (so that it will work in a TG-16).

The instruction manual is in English...but you'll never need to read them because you just put the thing in and it works.

I did see a few 4-in-1s that had closed at $25 but they weren't complete (from what I could tell).

The 4-in-1 never had a back insert. Any back inserts you find are home made bootleg inkjet crap. The rest of the game is probably real though.

In the grand scheme of US hardware/software what you paid isn't that high. Some people actually do think that $100 for a US SSC is a good price. Personally, I think an entire Duo R for $140 is a good price.

I understand the thing about what your time is worth. That's why I stopped modding anything but my own systems. I used to do it for my friends for free, but as my daily schedule gets tighter I've lost interest. It especially sucks when you devote several hours to a project that ends up on eBay a month later because the guy got bored with it. However, if you work in the music hardware world than its just about impossible for you to not under understand the value of hacking the hardware! :)


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2009, 08:42:43 AM »
The 4-in-1 never had a back insert. Any back inserts you find are home made bootleg inkjet crap. The rest of the game is probably real though.

This item didn't have a tray card. I've brushed up on all of this stuff the other night (I even printed out some of those cool GoT tray cards  :wink: ) It did have all three booklets and the disc and case were in good shape.

I'm just happy to have my TG16 system complete as far as updates are concerned. I like that that card will show up next week and I can start playing GoT and buying US SCD RPGs.

I only recently got into the Japanese stuff... so I don't know how into it I will be. I hope I will start loving S'mups and whacky Japanese platformers.

I've looked at all of the cool mods and related site... it's really neat and I'm sure if I had the time I would jump right it. But I just figured the extra $50 spent would get me closer to what I wanted and quicker.

I'm self employed and am a stay-at-home-dad so time is precious to me and my family... I only have limited time to be playing and collecting these games to begin with... I shouldn't even be spending so much time on this board  :)


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2009, 12:21:40 PM »
So I got it today!

Played a few round of Gate of Thunder... pretty awesome. I don't have Bonk's Revenge so that was nice to play for a few minutes.

Funny thing though... when I first put the card in I only got a white screen. Of course my heart sank and I thought I would have to go through the process of a refund. But I just took a swap of Caig Deoxit D5 to the contacts and it worked like a champ. this is great stuff BTW. the little bit of residual cleaner on the contacts will also help to condition the system's inner contacts as well.

They even make it in little pen dispensers. The also make these other useful products that might be good for getting into the HuCard slot and cleaning controller ports etc...

Needless to say I was relieved... no I can't wait to get more SCD games.


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Re: Pulled the trigger and gots meself a Bonafide USA Super System Card
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2009, 01:09:48 PM »
I just took a swap of Caig Deoxit D5 to the contacts and it worked like a champ. this is great stuff BTW. the little bit of residual cleaner on the contacts will also help to condition the system's inner contacts as well.

I'll testify to the awesomeness of this product! It is the only cleaner I use on my optical faders! I used to use Super Tuner Control Spray from Radio Shack!, but Deoxit is a better product.