Sega-16 has some crazy scores, but it's a Sega Fan so it's fine (Sega-16's a cool site/forum). I was disappointed they gave Dahna a lower score than Greendog, though. My perspective/rating comes from if I had actually spent $50 on the game new or that I just don't like the genre (sports games are like country music - one of few things I hate most in this world).
I'd should revise the rating on Jaguar XJ220 from crap to decent at best. It's not Outrun, but it's kinda cool (still wouldn't have bought it new back then though unless I was jones'n for a SegaCD game). While few of those games might actually be in the "average at best" range, I rated them as "crap" because I don't like the genre/style/design of the game (would you give dating simulation games a high rating if you didn't like or couldn't stand them?). There are quite a few SegaCD games I really like, but I dislike a lot of them. One thing about some of the FMV games (non-anime ones) is that they sucked back then, but are cool in a cheesy sort of way now a days (and are a good laugh too). The anime one's were pretty cool back then, and not nearly fun anymore ( except Road Avenger.. total Riding Bean! ).
I think the reason why the SegaCD got such a bad rap is that Sega was known for pumping out great/awesome titles, but the SegaCD failed in comparision to it's cartridge counter part. Of course loyal Sega fans supported it, main stream gamers did not. Why shell out $299 for the SegaCD when you have better games on the Genesis - was the common opinion. There are some really great games that did come out for it, but it wasn't all at once - instead over a 4 year period. I think some people lossed that perspective over time (or don't even have it since they weren't part of the teenage/adult gaming consumers during it's time - the gamers who experienced the transition from 8 to 16 bit era).