Author Topic: Blurry/filtered graphics  (Read 1277 times)


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Re: Blurry/filtered graphics
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2008, 10:16:45 AM »
From the pics it looks like the wii is doing simple bilinear filtering.  This often makes the image look too soft.  More advanced filtering schemes like the Hires filter in Magic Engine or 2xsai typically give better results.

 2xsai and the like are nasty. I can't see why people like those filters. They totally distort the image. What they need is a sharper bicubic filter and the options of 25/50/75% scanlines for 480p mode.


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Re: Blurry/filtered graphics
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2008, 03:10:47 PM »
It's a matter of preference.  Sending an image over ntsc composite video distorts it just as much as 2xsai would, but in a different way (of note, there are filters that try to simulate this: )

Bicubic is somewhat better than bilinear filtering, but hardware support is largely absent... it still provides a rather soft image.


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Re: Blurry/filtered graphics
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2008, 01:28:15 AM »
It's a matter of preference.  Sending an image over ntsc composite video distorts it just as much as 2xsai would, but in a different way (of note, there are filters that try to simulate this: )

Bicubic is somewhat better than bilinear filtering, but hardware support is largely absent... it still provides a rather soft image.

 The alternative, being unfiltered graphics, would look terrible on the Wii's fixed resolution output in my opnion. You get non proportional pixels, some wider/taller then others and they tend to "dance" as the screen scrolls. Supposedly the SNES emulation looks fine on VC. I wonder what they're using.