I've managed to deal with the problem! All I needed to do was to log onto another username (this computer is shared by others). As I am not the Administrator, Internet connectivity issues such as this can occasionally arise.
Another one of your great works, SuperPCEngineGrafx. The Arcade Card version was almost much faster, mostly due to the ending having an extra scene in it. I've also noticed that some of the scenes were switched around between the two versions. It's interesting, too, that the Arcade Card version was using more advanced sound than the Super CD version, which could indicate that the Super CD-ROM was using the ADPCM format of sound. I felt that the "One Minute Later" intermission were a bit unfitting, though. They may be better without any, or different, music. A very interesting intro, nonetheless.
I still look forward to seeing this on YouTube. That is, if he wants to put it up there :-".