sapphire is indeed awesome and perhaps technically the best acd and because there are so few acd only games (we are talking about acd only games here, right?), it can have the gold medal for overall best. i enjoyed all of the fighting games so much though with world heroes being my nostalgic fave. i was never crazy about the wrestling games even though battlefield features a lot of american wrestlers. the games were technical with tons of options but i never appreciated the depth they offered. graphically, they are not that great and that was disappointing to me. unlike most, i had a gas with mad stalker even though the backgrounds in it just suck. the gameplay of that title is just so cool. as for strider...i was never more determined in my life to beat a game than that one. i was so excited when i did that i video taped it. it pissed me off to no end for the difficulty of the last stage and its sloppy flickering but there was a lot in it to like also. i have a feeling there is little on that disc to warrant the ACD as much of it could already be done on SCD. if you are intersted, i wrote a feature on all of the acd only titles which is still over at